(*average date)
Since 2008 there have been well over 200* positive pesticide detections in the Upper Yarra Catchment. Sugarloaf Reservoir was never designed to filter out pesticides. The Yarra catchment is not a gazetted domestic water supply even though it supplies drinking water to 27% of Victoria's population. See here for more information.
*The true amount is probably over 900 detections in water and sediment, however this information has never been released publicly and the only report containing this information included data referring to locations outside of the Upper Yarra catchment, with exact locations remaining unpublished.
Friends of the Earth Australia is a federation of independent local groups working for a socially equitable and environmentally sustainable future. FoE Australia is the national member of FoE International, which is currently active in more than 71 countries. FoEI is the world's largest federation of grassroots environmental groups, with around 5,000 local groups - including the 12 currently working in Australia. There are more than 1,500,000 individual members in the FoEI network.
There is little monitoring of agrochemicals in surface waters in Victoria. Water authorities have the best set of information in Victoria about pesticides in drinking water, but in many cases even this is most likely woefully inadequate. Between 2006 and 2007, Friends of the Earth, through Freedom of Information requests, gained access to some of the records of the State's Water Authorities mainly covering the years 1998-2007, and was surprised at the lack of information supplied by authorities. [This information has been sporadically updated by Friends of the Earth since 2008. The most significant change has been a new testing regime by Melbourne Water (reduced back to <30 pesticides in 2013) in the Yarra River near the offtake to Sugarloaf Reservoir, testing of the upper Yarra catchment by a scientific team including members of Melbourne Water, DPI and RMIT, continued monitoring by Barwon Water and a new water monitoring group called CAPIM, based in Melbourne University. Over 900 pesticide detections were found in the Port Phillip region in 2008/9 alone!. The 2011 version of the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines significantly expanded the amount of guidelines for pesticides in relation to the 2004 version which was used in the 2008 FoE report].
A view of Kerang looking south. The highest pesticide reading in a domestic water supply in Victoria between 1998-2011 was recorded in Channel 14/2 which supplies Kerang with drinking water in October 2005 - Esfenvalerate at 65ug/L or 2 times over the level set in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Esfenvalerate, an insecticide, is registered in Australia for use on various crops including cereals, pulses, legumes and pastures. Worryingly, the insecticides Bifenthrin 100ug/L and Taufluvalinate 75ug/L were also detected at the same time. No guideline levels exist for Bifenthrin and Taufluvalinate.
Pesticides detected in Victorian domestic water supplies included; Esfenvalerate, 2,4-D, Fipronil, Pirimicarb, Methiocarb, Glyphosate, Hexazinone, Simazine, MCPA Chlorpyrifos, Atrazine, Iprodione, Dimethoate, Chlorpyrifos, Fenarimol, Carbaryl, Metolachlor, Trichlorfon, Triclopyr, Triadimfeon, Pendimethalin, Bifenthrin, Taufluvalinate, Hexachlorobenzene, DEET, numerous fungicides in the Yarra catchment and the organochlorines Hexachlorobenzene, Pentachlorophenol, Diedrin/Aldrin, Heptachlor, Methoxychlor, Lindane and Endosulphan. Some of the most serious incidents appear to be mostly related to use of 2,4-D, which is classified by the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) as a Class 2B carcinogen - possibly carcinogenic to humans. 2,4-D is also known as an endocrine disruptor. Many of the organochlorines had been banned for some time yet residues remain in sediment, which can be mobilised during rainfall. (Most of the pesticides detected are known endocrine disruptors). The high reading for pyrethroid insecticide and suspected endocrine disruptor Esfenvalerate in 2005 is also of concern.
Three* pesticide pollution incidents were reported above the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Health values (*The incident concerning simazine on the Sunday Creek occurred 50km upstream from the nearest town offtake and was 'apparently mostly' contained by a farm dam). The most at risk water supplies, according to the limited FoI information, appear to be the Sugarloaf Reservoir catchment (Upper Yarra) managed by Melbourne Water and the two open aquaduct systems which flow into the Wurdee Boluc Reservoir and into the Stony Creek Reservoirs managed by Barwon Water. The Yarra is at risk from horticultural fungicides, insecticides and herbicides. The Geelong aquaducts are at risk from cropping and grazing pesticides as the aquaducts flow through open farmland, in some places lower than surrounding farmland. The Broken Creek system managed by Goulburn Murray Water, which supplies the communities of Nathatalia and Numurkah also appears to be at some risk as do some communities relying on channel water in northern Victoria. The longest duration pollution incident reported in the past decade occurred in the Moorabool System (Barwon Water) with the herbicide Hexazinone, associated with weed control in pine plantations, leaching at low volumes for almost 3 years. The pesticide was detected 50km downstream.
Many more questions remain about the quality of drinking water in terms of pesticide pollution. In mid 2007 four water authorities (28.6%) were not testing for pesticides at all (that number is now two). Seven water authorities (50%) were testing on average only two currently used pesticides, leaving only three (21.4%) water authorities testing for between 40-72 pesticides. This means that in late 2007, eleven (78.6%)of the fourteen water authorities were testing for less than 2 currently used pesticides. This is most unsatisfactory.
To put this into context, Friends of the Earth estimates that between 200-300 pesticides are used in Melbourne's water supply above Sugarloaf Reservoir which is dominated by vineyards, orchards, berry farms etc. Melbourne Water only significantly increased their testing in the Yarra catchment in 2010, with next to no pesticide testing occurring for 30 years. An unpublished report taken from samples taken in the Port Phillip region between 2008/9 revealed the detection of over 500 pesticide samples in water, over 260 in sediment and over 140 in passive samplers. The Maffra/Stratford water supply in Gippsland is dominated by irrigated pasture. Much of Ballarat's water supply is dominated by potato farms and plantations. The water authority in the Ballarat region Central Highands Water uses Hexazinone in their plantations many of which surround reservoirs, yet does not test for it or many other pesticides widely used by the potato industry. These examples are not uncommon which means that many water supplies may be at risk but no data is available to determine if pesticides are leaching into these water supplies.
The three most commonly used pesticides used in Australia, Glyphosate, Atrazine and Simazine remain under-sampled across Victorian water supplies. In 2008, 4/14 authorities test for Glyphosate, 5/14 test for Atrazine and 1?/14 test for Simazine, even though Simazine is registered for use across a plethora and land uses. Friends of the Earth estimates that over 200 'commonly used' pesticides in Victoria remain untested by any water authority, whilst approximately only 70 are tested by at least one water authority. This means that the 140 positive pesticide results recorded in this survey are likely to represent a tiny fraction of the total range of pesticides that could be in the water, particularly in times of heavy rainfall after spraying events. It should also be stated that most of the pesticide testing reviewed in this project has been conducted during a ten year 'dry spell' which may well have influenced overall results to a certain extent.
1) Water authorities must undertake detailed catchment surveys to determine which pesticides are being used in what volumes in different parts of their catchments to aid in the design of more effective monitoring programs. Catchment protection should be a priority including multiple barriers to prevent pest and toxic chemicals getting into waterways. Rapid implementation of water protection policies also needs to occur.
2) Water authorities must be transparent and accountable in relation to pesticide monitoring in water supplies. The number of pesticides tested and the frequency of testing needs to be reviewed to ensure the programs are relevant and measuring currently used pesticides. Monitoring data must be available to the public.
3) A list of Restricted Use "Water Supply" pesticides must be determined by the Department of Primary Industries, after public consultation, and circulated to all pesticide users operating within domestic water supply catchments. This could be regarded as an extension of the current 'restricted use' provisions already in operation. If restricted pesticides continue to be detected they should be banned from use in water supply catchments.
4) The pesticide control of use legislation must be amended to require commercial users of pesticides operating in domestic water supplies, to maintain records of pesticide use for an indefinite period. Copies of pesticide records should be made available to water authorities and the DPI.
5) Postive pesticide detections must be followed up with an investigation by water authorities and/or the DPI to determine the source of pesticide contamination. Remedial action must be taken to stop the source of pesticide contamination entering waterways. Postive pesticide results, at any level, mustbe made public by water authorities.
6) Water authorities managing high risk catchments should invest in water treatment facilities which incorporate the use of treatments to remove pesticide residues, such as carbon filters and/or reverse osmosis filtration.
7) There are no government agencies responsible for monitoring pesticide usage data in Australia. This situation requires urgent attention.
February 2008: Woori Yallock Creek. Strawberry pesticide spraying in Melbourne's water supply. Pesticides used on strawberries and many other agricultural practices are not tested for by Melbourne Water.
During the 1970's and 1980's Friends of the Earth in Melbourne was very active on pesticide issues. Emphasis on pesticide issues within the Friends of the Earth network in the 1990's 'centred' on Tasmania, particularly in regards to the misuse of Atrazine in forest plantations. For a number of years however members of Friends of the Earth Melbourne’s Forest Collective, (The Forest Network 1993-2004) became increasingly concerned about the use of agrochemicals in the plantation forestry industry. Friends of the Earth was concerned that many plantations (particularly pine) were grown in high rainfall areas of Victoria and in areas that may be used for domestic water supplies.
A list of pollution incidents concerning plantations was compiled by FoE highlighting the fact that pollution events had occurred, but these had largely been confined to Tasmania and South Australia. Very little information was available regarding incidents in Victoria and the privatisation of the States plantation base in 1998 (sold to Hancock Victorian Plantations), meant that plantation forestry was exempt from Freedom of Information requests and therefore ‘beyond the public gaze’. It was also evident that plantation forestry was booming throughout the state. What was the impact of the plantation expansion on the state's water supplies?
In early 2002 and 2003 Friends of the Earth sent out Freedom of Information (FoI) requests to the Gippsland EPA and Gippsland Water, requesting information about positive pesticide detections in Gippsland catchments and catchments that supplied residents in the region with drinking water. FoE had long been involved in monitoring logging operations in the privatised Strzelecki Ranges. FoE had also heard rumours of pesticide pollution in the Strzeleckis, but was unsure where these events had been documented.
Limited information came from the FoI requests except for the acknowledgement that the pine herbicide Hexazinone had leached from a Hancock plantation (at Lecki) in 1998 above Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG) guideline levels and that Simazine had leaked in a pollution incident, outside of a domestic water supply. It was a shock to learn that testing for pesticides was not taking place by Gippsland Water, they were actually relying on information to be sent to them. Was this also the case with all Victorian water authorities?
North East Water had been contacted by FoE in early 2003 concerning the water supplies for Beechworth and Yackandandah. FoE was sent a list of pesticides and other pollutants stating what North East Water was sampling for. The authority was not testing for plantation herbicides even though Yackandandah has a water supply dominated by pine plantations that were being clearfelled and sprayed with herbicides.
Friends of the Earth began mapping the state’s plantation base in 2001, not only as a means of locating plantations, but also as a means of determining which plantations were located in which domestic water supplies. This information was not added to GIS programmes until early 2007 after grants from the Reichstein and Fouress Foundations. For maps see here.
By and large it was found that new bluegum plantations were being grown outside of domestic water supplies. There are notable exceptions to this trend; Midways in the Otways establishing bluegums and replanting pines with bluegums (water supply for SW Victoria), Harris Daishowa '02 in the Rocky River (Orbost water supply), Great Southern Plantations catchments in Gippsland (Meeniyan 06, Boolara 06, Foster Jan 08), Enviroinvest (Stawell Dec 07) and Woolybutt/Rimbunan Hijau Candowie Reservoir (Phillip Island Apr 08). These incursions appeared initially to be minor in comparison to existing pine plantations located in water supplies, particularly those owned by Hancock Victorian Plantations throughout Victoria and Midway Plantations Pty Ltd in the Otways.
In May 2006 Friends of the Earth and the Otways Conservation Council organized a forum at Gellibrand in the Otway Ranges. From FoE’s existing plantation mapping of the region, it became clear that the water supply with the most plantations located in it in Victoria, was probably the Gellibrand River For Otways maps see here.
The Gellibrand River is the main source of water in south west Victoria, providing drinking water to over 50,000 people. The Otway's largest plantation managers, Midway Plantations Pty Ltd, were establishing new hardwood plantations in the region and replanting pine plantations with bluegum. Bluegum expansion raised the scenario of increased spray regimes and aerial spraying of insecticides. The township of Gellibrand also had plantations within one kilometre of its offtake on Lardners Creek. A representative from South West Water also attended the meeting and provided a list of pesticides that South West Water test for. People attending the meeting were more than alarmed to learn that none of the pesticides used in plantations in the Otways were currently being tested for by the water authority.
In the second half of 2006 Friends of the Earth became aware of a pollution incident at a Hancock pine plantation at Korweinguboora, located south of Daylesford. Since 2002, the plantation had been an issue of concern for Friends of the Earth as 1400ha of the plantation surrounds Korweinguboora Reservoir, which is part of Geelong’s water supply. The Geelong water supply is managed by Barwon Water. Incidentally in a meeting held with Barwon Water, earlier in 2006, Barwon Water had stated that pesticides were regarded as a low risk.
Friends of the Earth conducted a Freedom of Information request with Barwon Water asking for details of positive pesticide readings. The response showed that unlike Gippsland Water, Barwon Water had a more rigorous pesticide monitoring system, however the FoI also revealed that not only had the Barwon system been threatened by the herbicide hexazinone which had first been detected in December 2004, but more serious incidents had occurred a few years earlier with the herbicide 2,4-D (2,4-D is registered for use in plantations but is mainly associated with grazing and cropping).
In 2006/7, the Victorian State Government reviewed the existing Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Act, the legislation responsible for pesticide use in Victoria. Two submissions were sent into this review by two water authorities. FoE managed to get a copy of the Gippsland Water submission which contained some serious statements including; “Records are kept for the application of restricted chemical products, but not for the other commonly used products that have environmental or health implications. Gippsland Water has had difficulty in obtaining information on the chemicals used within a catchment area upstream of a water treatment plant and town water supply… Currently there is no common record of chemical products that are likely to be applied in agricultural areas within potable water catchments…”
After more research into the location of domestic water supplies in Victoria, it became evident that plantation forestry was not the major user of pesticides in all Victorian water supply catchments. Agricultural practices in many catchments were the dominant users of pesticides. The best opportunity then to determine whether pesticides were being detected in these water supplies lay with the water authorites. What this meant is that Forest Network, which had evolved into FoE’s Land and Water Collective, would have to broaden its focus to include agricultural practices and its impacts on water quality.
It soon became clear that to get a clearer picture of what was going on where, FoE would have to start writing FoI requests to all of the States water authorities. At this time, 2006, there were also widespread concerns in regards to an EPA investigation into fish kills associated with the herbicide acrolein by Goulburn Murray Water (GMW). Not only was the authority using acrolein to kill aquatic weeds in irrigation channels and drains throughout northern Victoria, but GMW were also using the herbicides 2,4-D, amitrole and glyphosate. see GMW here . The region was also heavily impacted by thousands of hectares of horticultural and irrigated pasture.
Certain towns in northern Victoria are reliant on channels to provide them with drinking water and a report published by GMW in June 2006 (20) revealed that some of these channels had already been recording low levels of Atrazine, Endosulfan and Chlorpyrifos in town supplies. With the use of herbicides in channels for weed control, what was the risk to consumers of the drinking water? Information also came to hand (January 2008) that GMW also 'regularly' use Weedmaster (Glyphosate) in the Waranga Western Channel (WWC) as a means of controlling weeds. WWC is used as a domestic water supply and will soon be supplying Bendigo and Ballarat via a pipeline being built from Colbinabbin. Some the channels already recording low levels of pesticides can feed into, at certain times of the year, into the WWC. Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water have also stated that they use Glyphosate to control weeds in their channel infrastructure. In the past farmers have been documented using triazines (atrazine, simazine) and amitrole to control weeds along channels and drains (21). Grampian Wimmera Mallee Water do not test for these pesticides.
Tatura Water Supply Channel No.3/5. Low levels of Atrazine and Endosulfan have been detected in this channel.
In mid 2007 Friends of the Earth also began taking a closer look at the Yarra River catchment, upstream of the offtake to Sugarloaf Reservoir. Over 9000 hectares of intensive horticulture occurs in this catchment, within 20km of Sugarloaf Reservoir. This makes one source of Melbourne's drinking water (Sugarloaf Reservoir), supplying 1.2 million residents possibly the highest risk catchment in the state in terms of pesticide pollution of drinking water. See here for more details. Information also sourced from the EPA showed almost no information from that authority regarding pesticides used in the Upper Yarra catchment.
An additional FoI was sent to Barwon Water in July 2008, with results being sent back to FoE in September 2008. An additional 27 incidents were detected by Barwon Water during this time period.
In hindsight, all of the FoI requests should have been sent at the same time, this would have provided a more manageable means of standardising the information. However as the process was also a means of discovery, with snippets of information coming to light over the passage of time, a strategic co-ordinated approach to the requests did not occur. The requests were in fact staggered mainly between July 06 and January 08 and in some cases requests had to be followed with other requests after initial information was not properly requested or gained. Ideally the FoI requests should have gone back to 1977 (the start of the FoI act) but this was deemed as unrealistic by many of the water authorities who had in some cases amalgamated and who claimed that they did not have the resources, time or inclination to get access to that information.
The information is weakened further by many water authorities not testing for a suite of the hundreds of pesticides that are registered for use in Victoria. Furthermore, testing regimes may only occur on an annual, half yearly or quarterly basis, potentially meaning that a pesticide may be leaching into a water supply, but is not being picked up by the authorities. From research conducted by FoE as part of this project, it would appear that between 200-300 agricultural pesticides are used within Victorian domestic water supplies. Approximately 70% of these pesticides are not tested for by any Victorian water authority.
The State Rivers & Water Supply Commission started testing for Amitrole since approximately 1962 as it was used extensively in throughout irrigation areas throughout the state as a means of controlling water couchgrass in drians and channels.Excessively high levels were recorded in the Murray River at Swan Hill in 1972 and Broken Creek in 1972. Broken Creek is a domestic water supply for Nathalia, Numurkah and Wunghnu and the Murray River is the drinking water supply for Swan Hill.
According to the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission in a letter to the Pesticides Review Committee 1/12/66 ""(a) no pesticide analyses are required of our department by statute. (b) Most analyses will be required in connection with stream sampling. At present only amitrole is routinely sought, but there could be some interest in diuron and dalapon in the future... (c) Total analyses last year - 47 samples of water tested for amitrole..."
State Rivers and Water Supply Commission samples were taken at weekly intervals at Swan Hill in the Murray River, and at the outfall of the Deakin Main Drain at Echuca, the major outfall of the Tongala District, which has been the largest user of amino-triazole (amitrole). Samples have also been taken from other localities, in drains or streams depending on local usage of Weedazol... (Source 10/2/69 SRWSC to PRC)
1961: In the period 14/3/61 - 23/3/61 various formulations (Weedazol 50, Weedazole Total, Weedazol T1) were applied to water couch in 12 miles of drains at Tongala and 77 samples were taken from the drains to indicate the pattern and extent of contamination...Sampling at the outfall of this system gave a maximum of 0.70ppm but a more representative figure would be 0.30ppm.... Samples taken 100 yards of operating spray teams showed levels in the range of 0 - 19.5 ppm. The average contamination level was 0.25ppm representing 20% of applied material....
1963: Over the period 16/1/63 - 1/4/63, 17 samples were taken for analysis from the Tongala drain outfall, and 25 samples from the Murray at Swan Hill...Only the control samples gave positive results. These were within 10% of the anticipated value. These samples also indicated the stability of amitrole in water over, at least a 3 week period...
Positive detections 1964/5 Deakin Drain 0.1ppm, 1965/66 Bendigo Trust Channel 0.05ppm, 1966/7 Warren's Extension Bendigo Trust System 0.1 & 0.08ppm)
"Each year since 1963 samples of water have been analysed for amitrole. In 1963 and 1964 analyses were also carried out for Monuron". Sub Committee on Monitoring of Pesticide Residues Report No.2 (4/10/71?)
In 1968 the SRWSC also became concerned regarding reports that Paraquat (marketed by Imperial Chemical Industries as Gramoxone - also promoted by ICI) was being used in streams to control Cumbungi. Possibly 100 gallons per year was used in the Kerang region, 400 gallons used at Nathalia with 5% on cumbungi in channels and drains and the rest on pasture. In a letter from the Vermin and Noxious Weeds Control Authority May 24 1968 to the PRC "It is clear that with the use of paraquat for cumbungi control, some of the chemical will be entering water systems which could eventually be used for human consumption. The future use of paraquat is likely to increase and, consequently, any possible problem with contamination is likely to be greater over the next few years...My Board is aware that the oral L.D.50 value (rats) for paraquat is 157 mg/Kg body weight which makes it one of the most toxic of the herbicides in general use..."
"On October 8th 1968, the Pesticides Review Committee wrote to the Premier pointing out that in its opinion a minimum essential program for monitoring the pesticide content of foodstuffs, water, wildlife, soils and human beings in Victoria would be desirable... Only two Departments, Agriculture and Health are equipped at present to carry out analyses which would be required in a monitoring programme envisaged by the Committee". (Pesticide Review Committee 26th meeting 30/5/69).
"... to advise you that the Borad does not possess the equipment necessary to determine pesticides in water neither has it any staff trained in the necessary skills... However, it seems desirable that the Yarra River at Warrandyte should be sampled and tested for pesticide contamination in view of the possible future use of this water for Melbourne's water supply..." (MMBW to R.J.Hames Minister for Local Government 29/11/68)
On 27/6/71 US registration of amitrole for crop use was cancelled by the EPA... Use of amitrole by the Commission was approved by the Indepartmental Committee on Pesticides September 24 1962, provided a concentration of 0.3ppm in drinking water was not exceeded. In practice, the concentration in drains may be of this order, but the level in streams would not exceed 0.002ppm. About 2000lbs is used annually, mostly for control of couchgrass in drains...
During the 10 years that amitrole has been used by the SRWSC water samples have been taken from streams and drains and these have been analysed for amitrole residues by Unisearch Limited Sydney. Up to 1970/71 the limits of analytical determination was 0.03ppm but since then the limit was decreased to 0.008ppm. During this period 297 samples have been taken from rivers, drains & streams. Only five samples were found to give a positive reaction and in these cases the concentration ranged from 0.03ppm to 0.1ppm. However each of these were special cases in which contaminated channel water was diverted into creeks or drains. The procedure has now been modified so that water is utilised on pasture and is not allowed to contaminate drainage systems.
"In Victoria no information is available on contamination of water supplies although fish mortalities from time to time in some streams are an indication that some pesticides from farms lands are getting into water which may be drawn off for town supply..." Commission of Enquiry Into Effects Of Pesticides - February 1966.
"In 1971/2, this Department conducted a pesticide survey of the Ovens River catchment which was chosen because of reported heavy use of pesticides on the tobacco crops in that area..." (Commission of Public Health 6 February 1976). For results see here: 9.11 North East Water
"... It is recommended that, as an initial step, samples be taken at least four times per year from the Thompson River above Sale, the Goulburn River above Echuca, the Ovens River at Wangaratta, the Narrcan Creek at Moe, the Murray River at Swan Hill, the Silvan Dam, the South Morang Storage and Junction Basin". Subcommittee on Monitoring of Pesticide Residues. Report No.3 - April 1972
"Mr ... spoke on the part that the EPA was prepared to take in supporting a monitoring program within the state. He said he had spoken with EPA and at this stage EPA was only able to engage in activities in two areas namely the Metropolitan area of Melbourne and the Ovens Valley but was prepared to provide $2000 to support the purchase of special sampling equipment..." (Pesticides Review Committee Minutes 23/3/73)
"The Australian Water Resources Council initiated the Victorian Water Quality Assesment Program (WQAP) in 1975 as part of its National Water Quality Assessment Program. Subsequent to this, the Victorian Water Quality Monitoring Network (VWQMN) was established to collect water quality data for all major streams and their tributaries in Victoria. From 1975 to 1991, the VWQMN was re-defined through a number of reviews)" (12) These programs were however not set up to monitor pesticides.
In the Yarra catchment Melbourne Metropolitan Board of Works (MMBW) started testing for pesticides in 1977, as the Sugarloaf Reservoir was on the drawing board. Sugarloaf, later built in the early 1980's would pump water from the Yarra River which also was intensively farmed.. "In 1977 the Water Water Supply Planning Branch purchased five automatic samplers of which four were Manning S-4040 automatic samplers and one Manning S-4040T automatic sampler. The S4040T sampler was used at Yering to monitor the effects of farming and intensive cropping and the use of pesticides, soil additives etc" (32). No details of pesticide results were published and none were published in Summary Statistics from the Intensive Water Quality Monitoring Program (1978 to 1983)..
In 1978 a water quality monitoring programe was established between three states and the Commonwealth for the Murray River, however pesticide testing results remain obscured: "In accordance with an agreement between the Prime Minister and the Premiers of New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia, the River Murray Commission has recently instituted a water quality monitoring programme along the River Murray" (8 September 1978 Author?) "... The group considered that at present there were no signs that high levels of heavy metals or pesticides were affecting the river environment. However, it considered that a check should be instigated, using biological indicators, to confirm this opinion and monitor the effects of future levels of heavy metals and pesticides". (19 April 1978 Author?)
In 1978 a Cluster of birth abnormalities occurred at Yarram in Victoria (1975-76). A Report entitled "Consultative Council on Congenital Abnormalities in the Yarram District. Victorian Government. October 1978" was produced which investigated the link to the birth abnormalities and the use of 2,4,5-T in weed control (blackberry) and pine plantation establishment. It was criticised shortly after its completion for being 'statistically questionable' .
By 1979, the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission wrote to the Director-General of Agriculture in regards to their sampling programe which included: 100 samples per year under the Australian Water Resources Council Water Quality Assessment Programe - Victorian Network, 25 samples Water Commission (under EPA delegated pollution control activities and 25 Miscellaneous samples. The Commission was in favor of a centralised pesticide residue laboratory and had transferred a gas chromatograph to the Division of Agricultural Chemistry some years earlier.
November 1980 was the date of the commissioning of Sugarloaf Reservoir, sourcing drinking water directly from the Yarra River.
In 1982, the EPA published a report looking at pesticide levels in sediment and water in the Yarra River catchment, Werribee and Little River catchments (1). Positive detections for organochlorines were detected at all sites, including seven sites in the Yarra Catchment, including one site on the Yarra River, just downstream of the location of the future Sugarloaf Reservoir. The report proved that low levels of organochlorines were being washed down the Yarra catchment, which in future years would be added to the Melbourne water supply system. The report mainly focused on organochlorines.
In 1982 a further study into Macroinvertebrates of the Yarra River; stated in regards to Wandin Yallock Creek that "pesticides appear to be the most likely toxic influence at this site. TDE, DDE, DDT and Dieldrin have been detected in the sediments at a site 2km downstream of a major market gardening and horticultural area, and DDT and Dieldrin have been found in the sediments of a site in the middle of the market gardening area...TDE, DDE, DDT and Dieldrin have been detected in sediment samples 8km downstream of areas of intensive market gardening and potato growing..." (30)
"From time to time, the Department of Agriculture carries out pesticide residue analysis and analysis of other samples for the Commission" May 5 1982 Letter Agriculture Victoria Division of Agricultural Chemistry to SRWSC.
In June 1982, according to the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission, "Over the years there have been a number of [water] samples submitted for analysis, these have arisen from the Commission's function as a delegated agency of the EPA and concern about possible contamination of water supplies. Following a recent incident where, ... the presence of pesticide residues were demonstrated in fish killed in a water supply storage, there may be an increase in requests for analysis of fish tissues where pesticide involvement is suspected. Analyses of water samples rarely show the presence of pesticides as contaminated water is usually diluted or passed downstream before samples are taken. However the total number of samples arising from all these sources would be no more than twenty in one year. For some years it has been intended that pesticide analysis should be undertaken in association with the National Water Resources Assessment Programme, there would be about 100 in number probably over one year. However due to staff shortages and lack of funding it is unlikely that this work will commence in next 12 months..." (June 2 1982 Letter SRWSC to Division of Agricultural Chemistry.
Another study (31) published in 1983 looked at pesticide transport in three sub catchments of the Upper Yarra Catchment. The pesticides Diedrin, DDT, DDE, Linuron and 2,4,5-T were detected. Pesticides at one location were most frequently detected in flows during vegetable washing operations. Pesticide concentrations were also generally higher in storm flow samples. Pesticide loads transported from catchments were generally between 1.3 and 9.3 mg/ha and between 134 and 228mg/ha in relation to vegetable washing plants. The authors wrote; "The concentrations of Dieldrin and DDT do not appear to present problems for drinking water supply in the Yarra River itself although, on occassions the concentrations detected in flows from cultivated land during storms and operation of vegetable washing plants exceeded health criteria".(31).
It could be argued that if vineyards are included, the current amount of intensively sprayed agriculture in the Upper Yarra Catchment is in 2008, 9000ha+, a 1000% increase on the 870ha intensive cropping figure quoted in the above study, potentially meaning higher pesticide volumes at a catchment level, also potentially meaning higher levels of pesticide loads transported from catchments, depending on the pesticide and site conditions.
In 1985 the Rural Water Commission of Victoria wrote; "A commitment to pesticide and herbicide analyses by the State Water Laboratory (SWL) cannot be justified at present" (2). They added; "Experience obtained in the past suggests that pesticide and herbicide contamination of the water column is unlikely following pollution incidents. Rather, these organic compounds are readily absorbed onto sediments or particulate matter and tend to be concentrated through the food chain. Analyses of sediments and biota are generally preferable in that they represent a time-weighted average of concentrations in the water, whereas grab samples of water only represent instantaneous values."(2)
"... I also confirm my verbal advice in that very little work is passed onto other laboratories... The only situations are:
-determination of organic contaminants, particularly pesticides. The laboratory is occassionally requested to determine the amounts of pesticides or similar organic pollutants in water. This work is passed to the State Chemistry Laboratory. The amount of work is very small, usually up to twenty samples per year... - salmonella are isolated from water supplies, confirmation work is done by the Melbourne diagnostic unit..." (Rural Water Commission Environment Science Branch to Public Sevice Board 16/1/87)
Another statemement by the Rural Water Commission in 1988: "As a matter of policy, the State Water Laboratory has not been involved in the analysis of pesticides or other related chemicals in water. This work is carried out by the State Chemistry Laboratory which has developed the necessary expertise and resources... A few monitoring programs that have been carried out relate to agricultural runoff and have been conducted by agencies such as the Land Protection Division of Conservation Forests and Lands, or DARA... Also some work has been performed by the South Australian Water laboratory on behalf of the Murray Darling Basin Commission..." (RWC letter 14/7/88)
This appeared to be the state of play until the 1990's.
"The true extent of pesticide exposure through polluted water supplies is not known in Australia, and governments are extremely slow to respond. In 1993, a joint NHMRC/Australian Water Resources Commission working party was still revising pesticide water residue levels, a process begun prior to the 1989 Senate enquiry. Their tardiness to recommend more stringent guidelines may well be due to the implications such changes will have for local water supply authorities. Most are already aware that many rural water supplies are contaminated with pesticides, and the introduction of new guidelines may render many supplies unfit for human consumption. Perhaps this is why the Victorian Government went cool on the issue after an initial report boldly acknowledged that a proportion of Victoria's country towns' water supplies did not neet minimum standards for safe drinking water as set by the World Health Organisation. 'With few exceptions the water quality of urban supplies outside Melbourne with respect to pesticides, herbicides and heavy metals is essentially unknown, as no routine monitoring for these compounds is currently undertaken" (17)
"By 1991, the emphasis had changed and the same government concluded that 'no significant concentrations [of pesticides] have been found'. However, as the report itself indicated, only OC pesticides were tested for ... Moreover because it used National Health Medical Research Council Guideline Values, the report was also able to claim 'no significant concentrations', even though their own results suggested the need for greater scrutiny of raw data, particularly the peaks in contamination that would 'iron out' when averages were calculated. Dieldrin values for tap water averages, for example, were only one third under the WHO Guideline Values, and the possibility of far greater concentrations occurring in particular community water supplies cannot be excluded" (17)
During the 1980's, 1990's research was also conducted into pesticide pollution of the Ovens and King Rivers. Concerns focused on the impacts of the tobacco industry. Organochlorines were detected upstream of the water supply for Wangaratta. (3) (4)
"I kept on making enquiries and found that those drinking water from Boggy Creek and the King River in most cases suffered disease and ill-health. Wangaratta's water supply is drawn from the King and Ovens Rivers, both of which have a catchment along kilometres of farms growing tobacco, hops, grapes and fruit. In many cases the crops are grown to the actual river itself and often steeply sloping to the water. There are also dairy and cattle farms to the north-east which have been quarantined because of high chemical residues. For many years, tests carried out by bodies such as the EPA, State Forests and Lands and the Rural Water Commission have shown fluctuating levels of cyclodienes in the Ovens and King Rivers but the all clear signal has been given time and time again (Shirley Barber, The Mohyu Valley, Victoria. May 1991. (17)
By 1991 the position of the SWL had changed to; "The SWL has only recently acquired the necessary analytical equipment to test for pesticides in town water supplies. This equipment has been used to 'screen' routine samples and build up a data base of information over time. Where is it suspected that pesticides may be present (such as after aerial spraying on forests or crops) the Environment Protection Agency have carried out more extensive tests to investigate the situation. Recent examples of such investigations are at Aireys Inlet and the Ovens River near Myrtleford." (5) "Analyses for the following organochlorine pesticides are being carried out by the SWL to a detection limit of one tenth of the guideline value set by the World Health Organisation in 1984: Chlordane (total isomers), DDT (total isomers), Heptachlor and Hepatachlor Epoxide, Hexachlorobenzene, Methoxychlor, Gamma - HCH (Lindane). Samples have been collected from most raw water supplies to towns throughout the state. At this stage, no significant concentrations have been found." (5).
“The only incident in which concentrations were found exceeding WHO guidelines (detection limits are generally less than 1/10th of the guideline values) was in the Colac Supply in January 1994. Samples from Olangolah Dam and the No 4 Service Basin were found to contain DDT at concentrations twice the WHO guideline of 2ug/L. Samples taken four days later showed negligible concentrations and none after treatment.” (10).
The following statement was published in the Victorian Water Quality Monitoring Network Annual Report 1993; p111 "The 1990 review of the Victorian Water Quality Monitoring Network (Rural Water Corporation 1991) proposed additional and seperate monitoring for rivers and streams, lakes, reservoirs and wetlands, as well as an increase in the type and number of parameters to get utilised ... There are a number of recommendations from the 1990 Review that are still to be implemented in the VWQMN. Listed below are the remaining Review recommendations as well as three recently proposed future directions for the VWQMN, implentation of which depends on whether resources are available... Organochlorine compounds are widely used in pesticides, herbicides & algacides. These substances are potentially toxic to non-target species, not readily broken down in the environment, bioaccumulate and tend to accumulate in sediments. Monitoring of compounds such as Aldrin, Dieldrin, DDE, DDD, Heptachlor, Heptachlor epoxide, Hexachlorobenzene, Lindane, Methoxychlor and Endosulphan provide base information and indicate potential sources of environmental and health problems". (13)
The only pesticide monitoring published by the VWQMN is a small note in Table 6 entitled 'Parametres monitored as part of the Murray Darling Basin Committee Physico-Chem Baseline Monitoring Programme. Additional Parametres Monitored Herbicides/Pesticides. Denotes monthly monitoring in the Murray River at Morgan (SA) only'. (16) This is also backed up by Table 1: Summary of Network Water Quality Sampling in Victoria (18) which shows that out of the following programs; VWQMN, EPA, MDBC, Melbourne Water, Salinity Program and Biological, only the MDBC is listed as monitoring for herbicides/pesticides. And this was based on information collated in Morgan South Australia!
In 1994, the SWL (a business unit of the Rural Water Corporation) and the Melbourne Water Laboratories (a business unit of Melbourne Water Corporation) were merged to form a private company trading under the name of water Ecoscience.After 1996 Water Ecoscience became responsible for data collected by the Victorian Water Quality Monitoring Network. Again pesticides were not included in the monitoring.
"Following the 1996 Review, a discussion paper was produced (Testing the Waters. The 1996 Review of Victorian Water Quality Monitoring. Technical Discussion Paper" (14). Written in the Review; "The State and Commonwealth governments are mainly responsible for statewide water quality monitoring. Statewide requirements are currently funded by two Government agencies - Department of Natural Resources and Environment and the Environment Protection Authority. In addition to this, Melbourne Water and Rural Water Authorities are responsible for the management of public and private diversions...Overall responsibility for water quality influences is assigned through legislation and policies such as State Environment Protection Policies (SEPP's) administered by the EPA and NRE ... Monitoring was reviewed in 1991, with the current program based on that review, although the recommendations have only been partially implemented, mainly due to funding constraints...Recommendations of the previous review have not yet been implemented ... Monitoring of hydrocarbons and biocides in sediments and metals in water and sediments". The final copy of the 1996 Review (dated September 1997) appears to avoid any discussion about pesticide monitoring. (15)
During the early to mid 1990's the Department of Agriculture also started looking more closely at the impacts of pesticides on waterways (7). The Mitchell River was the main focus area, where traces of atrazine, endosulphan and chlorpyrifos were detected in 1993. Testing expanding into the next year into 5 regions of Mornington Peninsula and Gippsland, including possibly the water supply for Thorpdale. No detections were found at Thorpdale but traces of pesticides (Dieldrin and DDT) were found in very close proximity to the main offtake on the Mitchell River, upstream of the intensive horticultural practices associated near Lindenow. Other pesticides detected in a variety of locations included Atrazine, Metribuzin, Linuron, Diuron, Simazine, Endosulphan, Dieldrin, DDT and Methamidophos. (8)
In the mid 1990's researchers were finding pesticide pollution in groundwater, particularly in northern Victoria near Horticultural areas. (21). Research found "low level contaminations by organochlorinated pesticides (total benzene, hexachloride, heptachlor & its epoxide, total chlordane, total endosulphan, dicloran, endrin, dieldrin, lindane, DDT, DDD, DDE & dicofol), organophosphorous pesticides (chlorpyrifos, fenitrothion, dichlorvos, parathion, ethion, diazinon, mevinphos, tetrachlor, fenvinphos and fenchlorvos), s-triazines (atrazine, simazine, hexazinone and prometryne) and amitrole. Groundwater contamination was identified to be at higher levels in the horticultural areas of Ardmona. Surface water reported only minor contamination" (21)
Melbourne Water did produce a UWRAA report in 1996 looking at a range of contaminants found in sediment in the Yarra Catchment. The report mainly looked at substances such as PAH's (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons), however some pesticides were also included. Tests for BHC, Lindane, Heptachlor, Aldrin, Chlorpyrifos, Chlordane, Endosulphan, DDT, Dieldrin, Methoxychlor were carried out. Positive results for some of the pesticides were found mainly well downstream of Melbourne's water supply, however Dichloran, BHC, Lindane, Heptachlor and Heptachlor Epoxide were found in sediments quite a distance upstream from the Sugarloaf Reservoir offtake. Sediment levels for Heptachlor and Heptachlor Epoxide were very high at a sampling location downstream from Reefton, yet it appears that these levels have not been recorded by Melbourne Water testing at Sugarloaf Reservoir.(22)
Melbourne Water also initiated Streamwatch in the mid 1990's to better research toxicants in the Yarra River. However pesticide testing was generally unlikely to be included in this program. "Baseline data plays an important role in assessing the performance of these initiatives and such data sets are being developed for Melbourne by the Melbourne Water Corporation (eg Lewin 1997, Melbourne Water Corporation 1997). The data collected for this study forms part of the Melbourne Water's ongoing stream monitoring program, "Streamwatch" which is an extensive program including monitoring of water quality, biological health, toxicants and litter. Aside from the Streamwatch program, no extensive studies of stream toxicants have previously been undertaken in Melbourne. However, ther have been a number of site specific studies (eg Bagg et al., 1981, Pouliot 1993, Reed 1992) and an earlier study, on heavy metals only, conducted by the Victorian Environment Protection Agency". (33)
This LWRRDC Report (33) looked at sediments at 44 locations across the Port Phillip Bay and Western Port Bay catchments. Five of these sites were located above the offtake to Sugarloaf Reservoir, however individual results tabled in the report were not given in site specific detail, meaning that it is impossible to work out where the positive samples were taken and in what quantities, many of which were located in heavily urbanised areas well downstream of domestic water supply offtakes.. Pesticides found in sediments in the LWRRDC report included; HCB, Dicloran, Total BHC, Lindane, Heptachlor, Aldrin, Chlorpyrifos, Total Chlordane, Heptachlor Epoxide, Total Endosulphan, op-DDE, pp-DDE, op-DDT, pp-DDT, Dieldrin, Endrin, op-DDD, pp-DDD, Methoxychlor. Mean readings included; Dicofol 0.12mg/kg, op-DDT, pp-DDT 0.11mg/kg, Total Endosulfan 0.045mg/kg, Endrin 0.035mg/kg, Diedrin 0.028mg/kg, Methoxychlor 0.025mg/kg, Total Chlordane 0.020mg/kg, Heptachlor Epoxide 0.020mg/kg, Total BHC 0.014mg/kg, Heptachlor 0.013mg/kg, Chlorpyrifos 0.012mg/kg, Dicloran 0.010mg/kg, op-DDE, pp-DDE 0.010mg/kg, HCB 0.007mg/kg, Lindane 0.005mg/kg, Aldrin 0.005mg/kg. Total OC Pesticides 0.24mg/kg. (33)
On a national level interest was also increasing about the issue of monitoring pesticides in water. "Recently the first reports of monitoring pesticides in waterways in this country have been published and the results are of concern". "... It is generally believed to be the case that surface water management is the principle mechanism for river contamination by pesticides" (34)
By the late nineties the Government was also acknowedging that "low level" pollution of groundwater had occurred in Victoria, possibly in domestic supplies(p19); “The herbicide Atrazine has emerged as a significant contaminant of groundwaters in Europe and North America. Despite its limited usage in Victoria some has been found at concentrations less the guideline values, in drainage waters from irrigation areas and also in vulnerable aquifers used for drinking water supply. (9) (p20) Apparently the Government was also stepping up its monitoring of pesticides; "Additional monitoring for other organics is currently being undertaken for the MoU between water authorities and the Minister. These organics include industrial and other contaminants, organochlorine pesticides and 2,4-D..."Since 1997 Water Authorities have been signing memoranda of understanding (MoUs) with the former Minister of Agriculture and Resesources. These include amongst other things, the requirement for non-exempt supplies to meet WHO, 1984 Guidelines by the year 2000". (9)
Furthermore Water Ecoscience, who were contracted by the State Government to test waters for pesticides claimed in 2001: "Most pesticide concentrations were below the detection limit. No incidents in which concentrations exceeded WHO Guidelines occurred during the period July 1999-June 2001.(19)" This statement therefore claims that positive samples had been detected but no elaboration was made in the report about locations of the sources. The levels of detection used by the State Government were also quite high as is explained in the table below;
Monitoring Level State Government 1999-2001 (19)
Guidelines for pesticides in drinking water from NWQMS (1996). Guideline Limit |
Guidelines for pesticides in drinking water from
NWQMS (1996). Health Limit
Aldrin & Dieldrin
DDT & metabolites
Heptachlor (& epoxide)
Lindane (Gamma HCH)
A massive leeway appears granted for 2,4-D. Of all the pesticides tested for with the baseline data, only 2,4-D limits were set well above the levels set for future health limits. This means that large amounts of 2,4-D may well have been entering waterways but monitoring levels were set too high to be detected. This is important as a large proportion of many domestic water supplies in Victoria are dominated by cropping and grazing where 2,4-D use is commonplace.
In terms of water authority testing, results from this report indicate that only South Gippsland Water provided access to tests going as far back as 1991. Testing regimes instigated by water authorities largely before 1995 are unknown. The Melbourne Metropolitan Board of Works (MMBW) may have been testing for pesticides, however records accessed via FoI only go back as far as February 1997.
Other water supply authorities were also sampling but these samples were often limited and haphazard. Such sampling certainly did not test for all pesticides used within domestic water supplies and water authorities were under no obligation to inform other State Government Department's if positive samples were detected.
A Freedom of Information request from Department of Human Services (State Government Victoria) (Incorporating; Health, Community Services, Mental Health, Senior Victorians and Housing)
It said;"The Department's Environmental Health Unit has advised that since 1 July 2004, the quality of drinking water in Victoria has been regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act 2003. The state's water businesses are required under this act to notify the department of any incident where the drinking water they supply to the public presents a risk to public health. There are no recorded notifications of instances of pesticide pollution in drinking water supplies for the period 1 July 2004 to 3 January 2008.
For the period 1 January 1998 to 30 June 2004, there were no formal regulatory arrangements in place regarding reporting of incidents in drinking water supplies."
Please note that Friends of the Earth in this study compiled a list of 140 incidents of pesticides being detected in water supplies in Victoria between 1996-2007. It appears that if pesticides are detected under the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines limits for particular pesticides, the incident doesn't have to be reported to DHS. Prior to 30 June 2004 it appears that DHS didn't have to be consulted at all by water authorities if a pollution incident occurred. It also appears that with the instigation of the Safe Drinking Water Act in 1994, some water authorities deemed that their catchments were of a low risk and stopped testing for pesticides at this time (re: North East Water, East Gippsland Water, Westernport Water). According to East Gippsland Water; The Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (2004) state that “Routine monitoring for pesticides is not required unless potential exists for contamination of water supplies”.
Although pressure from Friends of the Earth has seen North East Water start testing gain in late 2007 and Westernport Water have been reported as recommencing their pesticide testing in May/June 2008.
It should also be pointed out that the European Union has a policy that pesticides should not be detected in drinking water (Drinking Water Directive 98/83/EC). The EU's position is that "The value of 0.1 µg/l is a substitute for zero, not present in water or below the detection limit". Given that position any positive reading would be regarded as a breach to the EU. Given this fact, most of the Health Values for pesticides in Australia are well over the EU limit.
The European Union (EU) has issued the drinking water directive of 1998 that sets a maximum concentration of 0.0001mg/L for individual pesticides or degradation products and 0.0005mg/L for total pesticide residues in drinking water after treatment (Acero et al, 2000, http://europa.eu.int/water/water-drink/98_83en.pdf)*.
Dec 1 2009: Health Warnings Over Riverside Grazing Ignored
(Please note: The number of pesticides given values under the ADWG probably represent approximately one third of pesticides used in Victorian water supply catchments).
Health Value (mg/L)
Azinphos Methyl
Carbendazim/Thiophonate Methyl
Chlorophenols [2-chlorophenol]
Chlorophenols [2,4-dichlorophenol]
Chlorophenols [2,4,6-dichlorophenol]
Cyfluthrin / Beta-Cyfluthrin
0.04 |
Dichlorprop / Dichlorprop P
Heptachlor / HeptachlorEpoxide
Metolachlor / S-Metolachlor
Piperonyl Butoxide
Pirimiphos Methyl
(1969-1977 reports not sourced in this table as yet)
red indicates a fall in the associated value. blue indicates a rise in the associated value.
ug/L=parts per billion.
Pesticide | 1969 | 1972 | 1975 | 1977 | 1980 | 1987 | 1994*ug/L | 1996 ug/L | 2004 ug/L | 2011 ug/L |
Change 1980-2011
Acephate | 60ug/L | 20ug/L | 10h | 10h | 10h | 8 | -86.667% | ||||
Alachlor | 10ug/L | 3ug/L | |||||||||
Aldicarb | 1h/1(lod) | 1h/1g | 1h/1g | 4 | |||||||
Aldrin | 1ug/L | 1ug/L | 0.3h/0.01(lod) | 0.3h/0.01g | 0.3h/0.01g | 0.3 | -70% | ||||
Ametryn | 50h/5(lod) | 50h/5g | 50h/5g | 70 | |||||||
Amitraz | 9 | ||||||||||
Amitrole | 10ug/L(a) | 1ug/L | 10h/1(lod) | 10h/1g | 10h/1g | 0.9 | -91% | ||||
Asulam | 300ug/L | 100ug/L | 50h | 50h | 50h | 70 | -76.667% | ||||
Atrazine | 20h/0.5(lod) | 20h/0.5g | 40h/0.1g | 20 | |||||||
Azinphos-Methyl | 10ug/L | 10ug/L | 3h/2(lod) | 3h/2g | 3h/2g | 30 | +300% | ||||
Barban | 300ug/L | 300ug/L | |||||||||
Benomyl | 200ug/L | 200ug/L | 100h | 100h | 100h | 90 | -55% | ||||
Bentazone | 400ug/L | 400ug/L | 30h | 30h | 30h | 400 | - | ||||
Bioresmethrin | 60ug/L | 60ug/L | 100h | 100h | 100h | 100 | +166.667% | ||||
Bromacil | 600ug/L | 600ug/L | 300h/10(lod) | 300h/10g | 300h/10g | 400 | -33.3% | ||||
Bromophos-ethyl | 20ug/L | 20ug/L | 10h | 10h | 10h | ||||||
Bromoxynil (Octanoate) | 30ug/L | 30ug/L | 30h | 30h | 30h | 10 | -66.667% | ||||
Butachlor | 30ug/L | ||||||||||
Captan | 400 | ||||||||||
Carbaryl | 60ug/L | 60ugl/L | 30h/5(lod) | 30h/5g | 30h/5g | 30 | -50% | ||||
Carbendazim | 400ug/L | 200ug/L | 100h | 100h | 100h | 90 | -77.5% | ||||
Carbofuran | 30ug/L | 30ug/L | 10h/5(lod) | 10h/5g | 10h/5g | 10 | -66.667% | ||||
Carbophenothion | 1ug/L | 1ug/L | 0.5h | 0.5h | 0.5h | ||||||
Carboxin | 300h/2(lod) | 300h/2g | 300h/2g | 300 | |||||||
Carfentrazone-ethyl | 100 | ||||||||||
Chlorantraniliprole | 600 | ||||||||||
Chlordane | 6ug/L | 6ug/L | 1h/0.01(lod) | 1h/0.01g | 1h/0.01g | 2 | -66.667% | ||||
Chlordimeform | 20ug/L | 20ug/L | |||||||||
Chlorfenvinphos | 30ug/L | 10ug/L | 5h | 5h | 5h | 2 | -93.333% | ||||
Chlorophenols 2-chlorophenol |
300 | ||||||||||
2,4-dichlorophenol | 200 | ||||||||||
2,4,6-dichlorophenol | 20 | ||||||||||
Chlorothalonil | 30h/0.1(lod) | 30h/0.1g | 30h/0.1g | 50 | |||||||
Chloroxuron | 30ug/L | 30ug/L | 10h | 10h | 10h | ||||||
Chlorpyrifos | 2ug/L | 2ug/L | 10h | 10h | 10h | 10 | +500% | ||||
Chlorsulfuron | 100h | 100h | 100h | 200 | |||||||
Clopyralid | 1000h/1000(lod) | 1000h/1000g | 1000h/1000g | 2000 | |||||||
Cyfluthrin Beta-Cyfluthrin |
50 | ||||||||||
Cyhexatin | 200ug/L | 200ug/L | |||||||||
Cypermethrin | 200 | ||||||||||
Cyprodinil | 90 | ||||||||||
2,4-D | 100ug/L | 100ug/L | 30h/0.1(lod) | 30h/0.1g | 30h/0.1g | 30 | -70% | ||||
2,4,5-T | 20ug/L(lod) | 2ug/L | 100h/0.05(lod) | 100h/0.05g | 100h/0.05g | ||||||
DDT | 3ug/L | 3ug/L | 20h/0.06(lod) | 20h/0.06g | 20h/0.06g | 9 | +300% | ||||
Deltamethrin | 40 | ||||||||||
Demeton | 30ug/L | 30ug/L | |||||||||
Diazinon | 10ug/L | 10ug/L | 3h/1(lod) | 3h/1g | 3h/1g | 4 | -60% | ||||
Dicamba | 300ug/L | 300ug/L | 100h | 100h | 100h | 100 | -66.667% | ||||
Dichlobenil | 20ug/L | 20ug/L | 10h | 10h | 10h | ||||||
1,3-Dichloropropene | 100 | ||||||||||
3,6-Dichloropicolinic acid | 1000ug/L | ||||||||||
Dichlorprop/ Dichlorprop P | 100 | ||||||||||
Dichlorvos | 20ug/L | 20ug/L | 1h/1(lod) | 1h/1g | 1h/1g | 5 | -75% | ||||
Dichlofop-Methyl | 3ug/L | 3ug/L | 5h | 5h | 5h | 5 | +166.667% | ||||
Dicofol | 100ug/L | 100ug/L | 3h | 3h | 3h | 4 | -96% | ||||
Dieldrin | 1ug/L | 1ug/L | 0.3h/0.01(lod) | 0.3h/0.01g | 0.3h/0.01g | 0.3 | -66.667% | ||||
Difenzoquat | 200ug/L | 200ug/L | 100h | 100h | 100h | ||||||
Diflubenzuron | 70 | ||||||||||
Dimethoate | 100ug/L | 100ug/L | 50h | 50h | 50h | 7 | -93% | ||||
Dinitramine | 600ug/L | ||||||||||
Diphenamid | 300h/2(lod) | 300h/2g | 300h/2g | ||||||||
Diquat | 50ug/L | 10ug/L | 5h/0.5(lod) | 5h/0.5g | 5h/0.5g | 7 | -86% | ||||
Disulfoton | 30ug/L | 6ug/L | 3h/1(lod) | 3h/1g | 3h/1g | 4 | -86.667% | ||||
Diuron | 40ug/L | 30h | 30h | 30h | 20 | ||||||
DPA (2,2-DPA) | 500ug/L | 500h | 500h | 500h | 500 | ||||||
EDB | 1h/1(lod) | 1h/1g | 1h/1g | ||||||||
Endosulfan | 40ug/L | 40ug/L | 30h/0.05(lod) | 30h/0.05g | 30h/0.05g | 20 | -50% | ||||
Endothal | 600ug/L | 600ug/L | 100h/10(lod) | 100h/10g | 100h/10g | 100 | -83.333% | ||||
Endrin | 1ug/L | 1ug/L | |||||||||
EPTC | 60ug/L | 60ug/L | 30h/1(lod) | 30h/1g | 30h/1g | 300 | +500% | ||||
Esfenvalerate | 30 | ||||||||||
Ethion | 6ug/L | 6ug/L | 3h | 3h | 3h | 4 | -33.333% | ||||
Ethoprophos | 0.006ug/L | 1ug/L | 1h/1(lod) | 1h/1g | 1h/1g | 1 | +16666.667% | ||||
Etridiazole | 100h/0.1(lod) | 100h/0.1g | 100h/0.1g | 100 | |||||||
Fenamiphos | 0.3h | 0.3h | 0.3h | 0.5 | |||||||
Fenarimol | 30h/1(lod) | 30h/1g | 30h/1g | 40 | |||||||
Fenchlorphos | 60ug/L | 60ug/L | 30h | 30h | 30h | ||||||
Fenitrothion | 30ug/L | 20ug/L | 10h | 10h | 10h | 7 | -76.667% | ||||
Fenoprop (Silvex) | 20ug/L | 20ug/L | 10h | 10h | 10h | ||||||
Fensulfothion | 20ug/L | 20ug/L | 10h/10(lod) | 10h/10g | 10h/10g | ||||||
Fenthion | 7 | ||||||||||
Fenvalerate | 40ug/L | 40ug/L | 50h | 50h | 50h | 60 | +150% | ||||
Fipronil | 0.7 | ||||||||||
Flamprop-Methyl | 1ug/L | 6ug/L | 3h | 3h | 3h | 4 | +400% | ||||
Fluometuron | 100ug/L | 100ug/L | 50h | 50h | 50h | 70 | -30% | ||||
Flupropanate | 9 | ||||||||||
Formothion | 100ug/L | 50h | 50h | 50h | |||||||
Fosamine | 3000ug/L | 3000ug/L | 30h | 30h | 30h | ||||||
Glyphosate | 100ug/L | 200ug/L | 1000h/10(lod) | 1000h/10g | 1000h/10g | 1000 | +1000% | ||||
Haloxyfop | 1 | ||||||||||
Heptachlor (incl epoxide after 94) | 3ug/L | 3ug/L | 0.3h/0.05(lod) | 0.3h/0.05g | 0.3h/0.05g | 0.3 | -90% | ||||
Hexaflurate | 60ug/L | 60ug/L | 30 | 30 | 30 | ||||||
Hexazinone | 600ug/L | 600ug/L | 300h/2(lod) | 300h/2g | 300h/2g | 400 | -33.333% | ||||
Imazapyr | 900 | ||||||||||
Iprodione | 100 | ||||||||||
Lindane | 100ug/L | 100ug/L | 20h/0.05(lod) | 20h/0.05g | 20h/0.05g | 10 | -90% | ||||
Maldison/Malathion | 100ug/L | 100ug/L | 50h | 50h | 50h | 70 | -30% | ||||
Mancozeb | 400ug/L | 9 | -97.75% | ||||||||
Maneb | 30ug/L | ||||||||||
MCPA | 40 | ||||||||||
Metaldehyde | 20 | ||||||||||
Metham | 1 | ||||||||||
Methidathion | 60ug/L | 60ug/L | 30h | 30h | 30h | 6 | -90% | ||||
Methiocarb | 5h/5(lod) | 5h/5g | 5h/5g | 7 | |||||||
Methomyl | 60ug/L | 60ug/L | 30h/5(lod) | 30h/5g | 30h/5g | 20 | -66.667% | ||||
Methoxychlor | 300h/0.2(lod) | 300h/0.2g | 300h/0.2g | ||||||||
Methyl-Bromide | 1 | ||||||||||
Metiram | 9 | ||||||||||
Metolachlor | 40ug/L | 800ug/L | 300h/2(lod) | 300h/2g | 300h/2g | 300 | +750% | ||||
Metribuzin | 40ug/L | 5ug/L | 50h/1(lod) | 50h/1g | 50h/1g | 70 | +175% | ||||
Metsulfuron-Methyl | 30h | 30h | 30h | 40 | |||||||
Mevinphos | 6ug/L | 6ug/L | 5h/5(lod) | 5h/5g | 5h/5g | 5 | -16.667% | ||||
Molinate | 1ug/L | 5h/0.5(lod) | 5h/0.5g | 5h/0.5g | 4 | ||||||
Monocrotophos | 2ug/L | 2ug/L | 1h | 1h | 1h | ||||||
Nabam | 30ug/L | 30ug/L | |||||||||
Napropamide | 1000h/1(lod) | 1000h/1g | 1000h/1g | 400 | |||||||
Nicarbazin | 1000 | ||||||||||
Nitralin | 1400ug/L | 1000ug/L | 500h | 500h | 500h | ||||||
Norflurazan | 50h/2(lod) | 50h/2g | 50h/2g | 50 | |||||||
Omethoate | 0.4ug/L | 0.4ug/L | 1 | ||||||||
Oryzalin | 60ug/L | 60ug/L | 300h | 300h | 300h | 400 | +666.667% | ||||
Oxamyl | 100h/5(lod) | 100h/5g | 100h/5g | 7 | |||||||
Paraquat | 10ug/L | 40ug/L | 30h/1(lod) | 30h/1g | 30h/1g | 20 | +200% | ||||
Parathion | 30ug/L | 30ug/L | 10 | 10 | 10 | 20 | -33.333% | ||||
Parathion-methyl | 6ug/L | 6ug/L | 100h/0.3(lod) | 100h/0.3g | 100h/0.3g | 0.7 | -88.333% | ||||
Pebulate | 30h/0.5(lod) | 30h/0.5g | 30h/0.5g | 30 | |||||||
Pendimethalin | 1000ug/L | 600ug/L | 300 | 300 | 300 | 400 | -60% | ||||
Pentachlorophenol | 10h/0.01(lod) | 10h/0.01g | 10h/0.01g | 10 | |||||||
Perfluidone | 20ug/L | 20ug/L | |||||||||
Permethrin | 300ug/L | 300ug/L | 100h/1(lod) | 100h/1g | 100h/1g | 200 | -33.333% | ||||
Phenisopham | 2ug/L | ||||||||||
Picloram | 1000ug/L | 30ug/L | 300h | 300h | 300h | 300 | -70% | ||||
Piperonyl-butoxide | 200ug/L | 200ug/L | 100h | 100h | 100h | 600 | +300% | ||||
Pirimicarb | 100ug/L | 100ug/L | 5h | 5h | 5h | 7 | -93% | ||||
Pirimiphos-ethyl | 1ug/L | 1ug/L | 0.5h | 0.5h | 0.5h | ||||||
Pirimiphos-methyl | 60ug/L | 60ug/L | 50h | 50h | 50h | 90 | +150% | ||||
Polihexanide | 700 | ||||||||||
Profenofos | 5ug/L | 0.6ug/L | 0.3h | 0.3h | 0.3h | 0.3 | -94% | ||||
Promecarb | 60ug/L | 60ug/L | 30h | 30h | 30h | ||||||
Propachlor | 50h/1(lod) | 50h/1g | 50h/1g | 70 | |||||||
Propanil | 1000ug/L | 500h/0.1(lod) | 500h/0.1g | 500h/0.1g | 700 | ||||||
Propargite | 1000ug/L | 1000ug/L | 50h | 50h | 50h | 7 | -99.3% | ||||
Propazine | 50h/0.5(lod) | 50h/0.5g | 50h/0.5g | 50 | |||||||
Propiconazole | 100h/0.1(lod) | 100h/0.1g | 100h/0.1g | 100 | |||||||
Propoxur | 1000ug/L | 1000ug/L | |||||||||
Propyzamide | 300h/2(lod) | 300h/2g | 300h/2g | 70 | |||||||
Pyrasulfotole | 40 | ||||||||||
Pyrazophos | 6ug/L | 6ug/L | 30h | 30h | 30h | 20 | +333.333% | ||||
Pyroxsulam | 4000 | ||||||||||
Quintozene | 40ug/L | 40ug/L | 30h | 30h | 30h | 30 | -25% | ||||
Simazine | 20h/0.5g | 20h/0.5g | 20h/0.5g | 20 | |||||||
Spirotetramat | 200 | ||||||||||
Sulprofos | 2ug/L | 20ug/L | 10h | 10h | 10h | 10 | |||||
Temephos | 300ug/L | 30ug/L | 300h/300(lod) | 300h/300g | 300h/300g | 400 | +133.333% | ||||
Terbacil | 30h/10(lod) | 30h/10g | 30h/10g | 200 | |||||||
Terbufos | 0.5h/0.5(lod) | 0.5h/0.5g | 0.5h/0.5g | 0.9 | |||||||
Terbuthylazine | 10 | ||||||||||
Terbutryn | 300h/1(lod) | 300h/1g | 300h/1g | 400 | |||||||
Tetrachlorvinphos | 100h/2(lod) | 100h/2g | 100h/2g | ||||||||
Thiobencarb | 50ug/L | 40ug/L | 30h | 30h | 30h | 40 | -20% | ||||
Thiobucarb | 500ug/L | ||||||||||
Thiometon | 4 | ||||||||||
Thiophanate | 400ug/L | ||||||||||
Thiometon | 30ug/L | 20ug/L | 3h | 3h | 3h | ||||||
Thiophanate | 100ug/L | 5h | 5h | 5h | |||||||
Thiram | 30ug/L | 30ug/L | 3h | 3h | 3h | 7 | -76.667% | ||||
Toltrazuril | 4 | ||||||||||
Triadimefon | 100h/2g | 100h/2g | 100h/2g | 90 | |||||||
Trichlorfon | 30ug/L | 10ug/L | 5h | 5h | 5h | 7 | -76.667% | ||||
Triclopyr | 20ug/L | 10h | 10h | 10h | 20 | ||||||
Trifluralin | 500ug/L | 500ug/L | 50h/0.1g | 50h/0.1g | 50h/0.1g | 90 | -82% | ||||
Vernolate | 30h/0.5(lod) | 30h/0.5g | 30h/0.5g | 40 | |||||||
Zineb | 30ug/L | ||||||||||
Changes in Values |
Increase Decrease Same New Deleted |
Increase 5 Decrease 19 Same 76 New 8 Deleted 7 |
Increase 15 Decrease 52 Same 3 New 30 Deleted 5 |
Increase 0 Decrease 0 Same 120 New 0 Deleted 0 |
Increase 1 Decrease 0 Same 119 New 0 Deleted 0 |
Increase 46 Decrease 24 Same 29 New 35 Deleted 22 |
Increase 18 Decrease 24 Same 1 |
h= Guideline Value Health. lod=Limit of Determination. g=Guideline Value
1969: Adopted from the Biennial Conference of Engineers Criteria & Objectives for Water Quality for Capital Cities (1969)
1972: Desirable Standards for Public Water Supplies in Australian Capital Cities. NHMRC
1975: Recommended Quality Criteria for Drinking Water
1977: Desirable Quality for Drinking Water
1980: Desirable Quality for Drinking Water in Australia. NHMRC & AWRC
1987: Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality in Australia. NHMRC & AWRC
June 1994: Australian Drinking Water Guidelines - Summary. Dept of Health, NHMRC & AWRC
1996: Australian Drinking Water Guidelines
2004: Australian Drinking Water Guidelines
2011: Australian Drinking Water Guidelines
In 2007 the Department of Primary Industries published the "Review of agrochemical contamination of waterways within agricultural areas of Victoria”. In regards to surface water the review said p7; “There has been very little monitoring of agrochemicals in surface waters in Victoria. Organochlorines found in a number of areas, particularly in the Ovens catchment. Atrazine, metribuzin, endosulfan, and chlorpyrifos detected in Gippsland surface waters (concentrations low and below guideline values). Monitoring in the Melbourne metropolitan area has indicated agrochemical contamination from urban sources.” (23)
What can be added to this statement is; Water authorities in Victoria have in recent years detected the following pesticides in surface water in domestic water supplies; 2,4-D, Hexachlorobenzene, Pentachlorophenol, Dieldrin, Glyphosate, Aldrin, Heptachlor, Hexazinone, Methoxychlor, Simazine, Lindane, Chlorpyrifos, Endosulphan and Atrazine. Acrolein has also been detected when used and Bifenthrin, Esfenvalerate & Taufluvalinate have been detected in relatively high levels upstream of a town water supply. (Barwon Water also detected Temephos, MCPA, 245TCP and 4, chlorophenoxyacetic acid between July 2007-July 2008).
The most serious concern appears to be the open aquaduct supply system to both Wurdee Boluc Reservoir and Stony Creek Reservoir managed by Barwon Water (Geelong and district drinking water). Three instances of pesticides (2,4-D & Glyphosate) entering the Wurdee Boluc system have been detected in the past 4 years (An additional 15 instances were detected in the Wurdee Boluc System between July 2007-July 2008). One incident possibly lasting for some time (3 months), with 2,4-D readings in May 2003 breaching the ADWG health value, however this was not widely known because it occurred before July 1 2004, when such an incident would have to have been reported under the Safe Drinking Water Act. See here for more information about Geelong's water supplies.
Wurdee Boluc Aquaduct can be impacted by farm run-off at several location where the water level is below the upslope.
High readings of 2,4-D were also recorded by Barwon Water in August 2003 at Wurdee Boluc and Stony Creek Reservoir #3. The May Wurdee Boluc 2,4-D Incident, remains the only example of pesticide levels breaching the ADWG health value anywhere in the state over the 1998-2007 period. The Stony Creek Reservoir incident also recorded relatively high levels of 2,4-D in August 2003, 66% of ADWG health value and 200 times higher than the ADWG guideline value.(2,4-D was also detected in the Moorabool system June 2008). It is clear that agricultural practices, cropping, in close proximity to the aquaducts are the culprits for this pollution. Was an audit of cropping located nearby the aquaducts conducted by Barwon Water and why did three seperate incidents occur within a 3 month time frame with the same pesticide?
Bolwarrah Aquaduct, part of Geelong and district water supply.
2,4-D runoff and use in the Broken Creek catchment in the north of the state is also of concern, with a reading 170 times higher than the guideline value occurring in June 2005 at Numurkah.
The longest recorded residues of pesticides have been recorded again by Barwon Water with hexazinone leaching into Geelong’s water supply (at low levels) for almost 3 years (4 years after getting access to Barwon Water data in September 2008). The hexazinone was found to be leaching from a plantations managed by Hancock Victorian Plantations, with some hexazinone residues detected 50km offsite. Only one water authority, Barwon Water, tests for hexazinone (North East Water began testing again in 2008). If this incident were to happen (or has happened) elsewhere in Victoria noone would be the wiser, which is quite surprising considering the high leaching and long residual effect of hexazinone.
1400 ha of pine plantations surround Korweinguboora Reservoir in Geelong's water supply. Hexazinone leached from this site between December 2004 - October 2007.
Also of concern is the detection of Atrazine, Glyphosate and Endosulfan in channels managed by Goulburn Murray Water. Low levels of Atrazine and Endosulphan were detected each year over a 3 year period in a project under the control of Goulburn Murray Water.(20) What was alarming was that although these detections were considered to be low, none were detected by Goulburn Valley Water, Coliban Water or Lower Murray Water, the authorities responsible for providing drinking water. High levels of Glyphosate were also found to be found in Broken Creek and Lake Nagambie after weed control activities carried out by Goulburn Murray Water (24). Once again though, the events were not picked up by Goulburn Valley Water monitoring indicating that pesticide 'spikes' can get through the monitoring system undetected. (It should also be noted that Goulburn Murray Water recorded 16 positive readings for Endosulfan (4) and Atrazine (12) at the Lake Nagambie/Kirwans Bridge sample point during the same study. The township of Nagambie draws water from the Nagambie Lakes. If these pesticides were detected at Kirwans Bridge there is also a possibility that they may also have been present in the Nagambie supply. Total concentrated endosulfan between October to December 2005 was the highest anywhere in Goulburn Murray Water's 6 irrigation areas. Interestingly this same water body is now the water supply for the cities of Bendigo and Ballarat since the opening of the Goldfields Pipeline in 2008. Water for Ballarat and Bendigo is extracted from the Waranga Western Channel at Colbinabbin. This water in turn is sourced from the Warange Basin after being diverted by the Stuart Murray and Cattanach Canals at Goulburn Weir).
Broken Creek about 6km upstream from Nathalia. Glyphosate is used to kill aquatic weeds in this water supply and was recorded at high levels in 2005 above Nathalia. 2,4-D, well above guideline limits for drinking water was detected in Broken Creek at Numurkah in June 2005. Pentachlorphenol detected at Numurkah also in 2005. Numerous detections for Atrazine, Simazine and 2,4-D were detected at Numurkah, Wunghnu and Nathalia over 2010-2012
The much publicised triazines Simazine and Atrazine were recorded in 4 instances by water authorities and 33 times in water supplies by a study by Goulburn Murray Water. Simazine was recorded at Rocky River (Orbost water supply) leaching from a bluegum plantation in August 2002 and atrazine was found in May 2006 at three locations on the Murray River by Lower Murray Water. The Atrazine readings at three locations in the Murray River (0.03µg/L), with lower levels detected by GMW in channels supplying towns Katatamatite, Kerang, Tatura, Rochester/Corop, West Boort?. The Simazine levels (0.2µg/L) in Rocky River catchment are also of concern and were detected by the company Harris Daishowa. These levels were a long way under the ADWG levels for Atrazine (40µg/L) & Simazine (20µg/L), however it would be erroneous to assume that because low levels of pesticides are detected that they are not having an impact. Levels of atrazine and simazine as low as 0.1 µg/L have been found to chemically castrate amphibians. See this website for further details.
"A number of organochlorine chemicals called persistent organic pollutants (POPs) were detected in Victoria’s water supplies. Although no longer used in Australia, most were applied extensively in agriculture from the 1950s to the 1990s when they were deregistered. These include the grain fungicide, hexachlorobenzene as well as insecticides like heptachlor, dieldrin and aldrin. Pentachlorophenol, a disinfectant, also used to treat wood was also detected. These POPs are very persistent in the environment partitioning to soil and sediment, as well as traveling vast distances via air and water currents. POPs are toxic and can cause cancer and other adverse health effects. They bioaccumulate in living things and are found in the blood and breastmilk of humans and wildlife. " Mariann Lloyd-Smith (National Toxics Network)
Again Barwon Water recorded a reading 3 times over the guideline limit for Dieldrin in October 1999. Melbourne Water’s Kallista supply also suffered from organochlorine problems in 2000, when traces of aldrin, heptachlor and lindane were found at St John Hill Reservoir Kallista. This reservoir sources its water from Silvan Dam, and little light has been shed on how these pesticides ended up being recorded at St John Hill. Heptachlor was also found at Katamatite by Goulburn Valley Water and high livels of Hepatchlor were detected in Yarra River sediments in the mid 1990's.
St John Hill Reservoir Kallista
Far from providing a detailed analysis of pollution of domestic water supplies, the information does allow analysis of risk areas. Because standardised pesticide monitoring is not required throughout Victoria, these results only give a broad picture of the situation. It is likely that other pesticides would be detected if testing was standardised. For instance Gippsland Water does no testing, yet some communities in the region lie downstream of irrigated farming and forestry land use.
The analysis also only touches on treatment techniques used to 'filter out' pesticides. It is Friends of the Earth’s assumption that these pesticides should not be leaching into waterways at all. To rely on the use of ‘filters’ is a high risk strategy particularly in small communities where sophisticated forms of treatment may not exist. For the sake of brevity, the discussion of filter/treatments only looks at communities which have been subject to pesticide pollution.
Authority | Amount of Pesticides Tested For | How Often Tests are Conducted |
Barwon Water | 72 pesticides*. | *Depending on location, 72 pesticides get tested for annually in all town supplies. 47-66 pesticides tested quarterly in town supplies. |
Goulburn Valley Water | 42 pesticides | Quarterly |
North East Water | 42 pesticides *+1? | Started testing again January 2008, after not testing since 2004. (*Hexazinone late 07). |
Wannon Water | 40 + 1?* pesticides | Quarterly (*Simazine supposedly been tested for since November 06?) |
South Gippsland Water | 12 pesticides | Annual |
Lower Murray Water | Organochlorines + 5 pesticides | Annual |
Central Highlands Water | 11 pesticides + scans | Annual |
Western Water | Organochlorines + 2 pesticides | Annual |
Melbourne Water* | 36 pesticides | Twice per year (Melbourne Water tests water before providing water to Yarra Valley Water, South East Water, City West Water. Once a month at Yarra River Offtake |
Grampians and Wimmera Mallee Water | 8 pesticides | Varies |
Coliban Water | 7 pesticides | Annual tests raw water, quarterly tap water |
Westernport Water | 0 | |
East Gippsland Water | 0 | |
Gippsland Water | scans |
Barwon Water
Goulburn Valley Water
2 (2,4-D, Glyphosate)
North East Water
3 ( Since Jan 08: 2,4-D, Atrazine, Glyphosate)
+1 Hexazinone
Wannon Water
1 +1? (clopyralid, simazine?) Wannon
Water remains the only water authority testing for Simazine and this occurred
only once in late 2006)
South Gippsland Water
1 (2,4-D)
Lower Murray Water
3 (Since 06: Diuron, Atrazine, Methomyl)
Central Highlands Water
2 (2,4-D, Atrazine)
Western Water
2 (2,4-D, Atrazine)
Melbourne Water
2 (2,4-D. Atrazine since 06)
Grampians and Wimmera Mallee Water
Coliban Water
2 (2,4-D, *)
Westernport Water
East Gippsland Water
Gippsland Water
Goulburn Murray Water | 96* | Test for Acrolein, Glyphosate, 2,4-D, Amitrole. Have Tested for variety of pesticides depending on study. |
Southern Rural Water | 1 | Test for Acrolein when used. |
[19.16% of all detections located in Upper Yarra catchment. Almost all of which recorded between 2008-2011]
Water Authority/Study |
1998 -2007 |
2008- 2017 |
Upper Yarra Studies (published 2011) | 201# | First studies looking at pesticides in the upper Yarra in 30 years 'Effects of pesticides monitored with three sampling methods in 24 sites on macroinvertebrates and microorganisms'. Summary of information published in Environmental Science and Technology (January 2011). #hundreds more positive samples were taken - but results have never been published. Also published: Melbourne Water and DPI agrochemicals in Port Phillip Catchment project report 2009-10 | |
Barwon Water | 77 | 143 | +1 detection Colac Water Board 1994 & 27 positive results between July 07-July 08 |
Central Highlands Water | 108 | 55 detections late 2012/14. Improvements to detection capability at lab, meaning lower testing capability since late 2012. | |
Goulburn Valley Water | 8+1 | 100 | Bulk of detections 2010-11 Girgarrre, Numurkah and Wunghnu. (incl a detection of unidentified peaks 25/8/98 at Mooroopna) |
Goulburn Murray Water | 87* | 85 | (See “Pesticide Monitoring in Goulburn-Murray Waters Irrigation Supply Channels Covering the Six Irrigation Areas [2004-2006 Irrigation Study Report] June 2006.”) (Broken Creek Herbicide Residue Testing, 2003-06 1/10/06”) *Includes averages over month period. Interestingly none of these positive results were detected by Goulburn Valley Water/Coliban Water or Lower Murray Water. 16 positve detections were recorded at Goulburn Weir/Lake Nagambie. |
North East Water | 72 | All detections 2012-2016 at a number of locations | |
Melbourne Water | 3 | 60 | 95% of these detections in the Upper Yarra near the offtake to Sugarloaf Reservoir. |
South Gippsland Water | 49 | 49 detections between 2011-2016. 88% of detections for Triclopyr. | |
Wannon Water | 45 | 20 detections in 2011. Most detections in Warrnambool Water supply. | |
Lower Murray Water | 3 | 42 | Low level detections along 300km stretch of Murray River that supplies drinking water |
Gippsland Water | 41 | 2009-16 at 5 locations. Moe, Seaspray, Thorpdale, Boolara, Maffra | |
EPA 2013 Study Gippsland. Narracan Creek, Middle Creek | 26 | 23 detections Narracan Creek (Moe Supply), 3 detections Easterbrook Creek Thorpdale). | |
Western Water | 7 | 13 | Some discrepency between FOI and 2007/8 Water Quality Report. Main detections 2,4-D and one high level of Pentachlorophenol |
East Gippsland Water | 1 | 5 | Detected by Harris Daishowa 2002, Triclopyr detected Buchan 2012 and Cann River 2017. |
South East Water | 4 | Dicamba Merryn Grove Wantirna 2016, Thiobencarb at Bunyip 2014, 2,4-D and 2,6-D at Clayton 2014. | |
Westernport Water | 1 | Monocrotophos, 20 times higher than 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guideline. No 2011 guideline. | |
Other | 3 | ||
Total | 187 | 998 |
Westernport Water | 1 | Monocrotophos 20ug/L Candowie Reservoir Raw Water Inlet to IBWPP 6/12/11 |
Goulburn Murray Water | 1 | Esfenvalerate 65ug/L Kerang Channel 14/2, October 2005 |
Barwon Water | 1 | 2,4-D at 34ug/L Wurdee Boluc, 2003 |
Mitchell Shire | 1 | Simazine 20ug/L Sunday Creek 2010 |
Atrazine | 191 | About half based on research conducted by Goulburn Murray Water (2004-6), including averages based on monthly results. Goulburn Valley Water |
2,4-D | 124 | Geelong Region, Broken Creek, Narracan Creek Gippsland, Lexton, Maryborough, south western vic, Goulburn Valley Water, South Gippsland, North East Water, South East Water |
Triclopyr | 100 | Multiple detections South Gippsland 2012-16, Upper Yarra, Gippsland Narracan Creek-Easterbrook Creek, Apollo Bay and Geelong, Warrnambool, Camperdown, Gippsland Water, NEWater, Wannon Water, East Gippsland Water |
Simazine | 99 | Mainly Upper Yarra, CH Water, Goulburn Valley Water, NEWater, Lower Murray Water |
Hexazinone | 74 | Almost all relate to Korweinguboora pine plantation managed by Hancock Victorian Plantations (2004-7). 12 incidents reported between July 2007-July 2008. North East Water |
MCPA | 73 | Most detections Barwon Water (south of Wurdee Boluc Reservoir, 2 Narracan Creek, 1 detection South Gippsland, Gippsland Water, NEWater, Yarra |
Endosulfan | 32 | 84% based on research conducted by Goulburn Murray Water (2004-6), including averages based on monthly results. |
Metalaxyl | 19 | Upper Yarra |
Pirimicarb | 16 | Upper Yarra + 1 Geelong |
DEET | 15 | Mostly Upper Yarra |
Metolachlor | 13 | Upper Yarra, Narracan Creek Gippsland, CH Water |
Myclobutanil | 11 | Upper Yarra |
Imidacloprid | 10 | Upper Yarra |
Pyrimethanil | 8 | Upper Yarra |
Azoxystrobin | 8 | Upper Yarra, Gippsland Narracan Creek-Easterbrook Creek |
Pyraclostrobin | 8 | Upper Yarra |
Mecoprop | 8 | Wannon Water, CH Water, Gippsland Water |
Benomyl | 8 | Beechworth, Corryong, Central Highlands Water |
Temephos | 7 | Barwon Water Dec 07 |
Trifloxystrobin | 7 | Upper Yarra |
Fenoxycarb | 7 | Upper Yarra |
Dicamba | 7 | Upper Yarra/Glenthompson/Forrest, Matthews Creek(Geelong), Warrnambool, Wantirna |
Tebuconazole | 6 | Upper Yarra |
Dieldrin/Aldrin | 6 | |
Glyphosate | 6 | Broken Creek, Wurdi Boluc System, Goulburn Weir Backwater, Upper Yarra |
Carbaryl | 6 | Mainly Upper Yarra, CH Water |
4-chlorophenoxy acetic acid | 5 | Barwon Water |
Diflenoconazole | 5 | Upper Yarra |
Pendimethalin | 5 | Upper Yarra |
Indoxacarb | 5 | Upper Yarra |
Dimethoate | 5 | Upper Yarra |
Prometryn | 5 | Upper Yarra |
Dicamba | 5 | Upper Yarra/Glenthompson/Forrest/Gippsland Water |
Diazinon | 5 | Narracan Creek, Corryong, Wodonga |
Hexachlorobenzene | 4 | |
2,4,6-T | 4 | Avoca, Maryborough, Toora (South Gippsland) |
Dinoseb | 4 | Gippsland Water 2009 |
Picloram | 4 | Toora South Gippsland, Thorpdale, Seaspray |
Terbufos | 4 | Beechworth, Corryong, Bellbridge, Tawonga |
Chlorpyrifos | 3 | |
Penconazole | 3 | Upper Yarra |
Prochloraz | 3 | Upper Yarra |
Methomyl | 3 | Upper Yarra |
Oxadixyl | 3 | Upper Yarra |
Triadimenol | 3 | Upper Yarra |
Pentachlorophenol | 3 | Highest Mt Macedon |
Heptachlor | 2 | |
4, chlorophenoxyacetic acid | 2 | Barwon Water Sep 07 |
Propargite | 2 | |
Cyproconazole | 2 | Upper Yarra |
Tetraconazole | 2 | Upper Yarra |
Metalaxyl | 2 | Narracan Creek, Easterbrook Creek Gippsland |
Metribuzin | 2 | Narracan Creek |
Cyprodinil | 2 | Upper Yarra, CH Water |
Bromoxynil | 2 | Lexton |
Fipronil | 1 | Upper Yarra |
Lindane | 1 | |
DDT* | 1 | Colac 1994 |
Methiocarb | 1 | Upper Yarra |
Iprodione | 1 | Upper Yarra |
4,4-DDT | 1 | |
Fenarimol | 1 | Upper Yarra |
Chlordane | 1 | |
Trichlorfon | 1 | Upper Yarra |
Propiconazole | 1 | Upper Yarra |
Triadimefon | 1 | Upper Yarra |
Bifenthrin | 1 | Based on research conducted by Goulburn Murray Water (2004-6), including averages based on monthly results. |
Esfenvalerate | 1 | Based on research conducted by Goulburn Murray Water (2004-6), including averages based on monthly results. |
Taufluvalinate | 1 |
Based on research conducted by Goulburn
Murray Water (2004-6), including averages based on monthly results.
2,4,5-TCP | 1 | Barwon Water Sep07 |
Carbamazepine | 1 | Upper Yarra |
4,4-DDD | 1 | Upper Yarra |
4,4-DDE | 1 | Upper Yarra |
Boscalid | 1 | Upper Yarra |
DIA | 1 | Upper Yarra |
Dimethomorph | 1 | Upper Yarra |
Linuron | 1 | |
Procymidone | 1 | Upper Yarra |
Spinosad | 1 | Upper Yarra |
Tebufenozide | 1 | Upper Yarra |
Molinate | 1 | Birregurra |
Methoxychlor | 1 | Upper Yarra |
Tebufenozide? | 1 | Upper Yarra |
Azinphos Methyl | 1 | Upper Yarra |
Fenamiphos | 1 | Upper Yarra |
Diesethylatrazine | 1 | Upper Yarra |
Propachlor | 1 | Geelong |
Fluroxypyr | 1 | Maryborough |
Propazine | 1 | |
4CPA | 1 | North East Water |
Malathion | 1 | Wodonga Creek |
Terbutryn | 1 | Wahgunyah |
Thiobencarb | 1 | Bunyip |
2,6-D | 1 | Clayton |
Fluometuron | 1 | CH Water |
Diuron | 1 | CH Water |
Bendiocarb | 1 | CH Water |
Trans Chlordane | 1 | Western Water |
Diphenylamine | 1 | Melbourne Water |
Metsulfuron Methyl | 1 | Melbourne Water |
Nonylphenol | 1 | Melbourne Water |
Monocrotophos | 1 | Westernport Water |
? | 1 | Unidentified Peaks 1998 Mooroopna |
Melbourne Water + independent testing | Upper Yarra Above Offtake to Sugarloaf Reservoir | 258 |
Barwon Water | Moorabool System | 58 |
Barwon Water | Wurdee Boluc System | 50 |
Goulburn Valley Water | Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel (all detections 2,4-D June - October 2010) | 31 |
Goulburn Valley Water/Goulburn Murray Water | Broken Creek Numurkah (most detections 2,4-D, Atrazine, Simazine 2010-12) | 25 |
EPA Testing Gippsland 2011/12 | Narracan Creek | 23 |
Coliban Water/Goulburn Murray Water | West Boort (Channel 5 Waranga Western Channel) (See “Pesticide Monitoring in Goulburn-Murray Waters Irrigation Supply Channels Covering the Six Irrigation Areas [2004-2006 Irrigation Study Report] June 2006.”) (Broken Creek Herbicide Residue Testing, 2003-06 1/10/06”) *Includes averages over month period. None of the positive GMW results were deteted by Coliban Water | 22 |
Coliban Water/Goulburn Murray Water | Rochester - Rochester Channel 1 Waranga Western Channel) (See “Pesticide Monitoring in Goulburn-Murray Waters Irrigation Supply Channels Covering the Six Irrigation Areas [2004-2006 Irrigation Study Report] June 2006.”) (Broken Creek Herbicide Residue Testing, 2003-06 1/10/06”) *Includes averages over month period. None of the positive GMW results were detected by Coliban Water | 18 |
Goulburn Murray Water | Goulburn Weir/Lake Nagambie (drinking water for Nagambie. Also Ballarat Bendigo via Goldfields Superpipe) | 18 |
North East Water | Nine Mile Creek/Yackandandah | 17 |
Central Highlands Water | Tullaroop Reservoir | 17 |
Lower Murray Water/Goulburn Murray Water | Kerang - Channel 14/2 (See “Pesticide Monitoring in Goulburn-Murray Waters Irrigation Supply Channels Covering the Six Irrigation Areas [2004-2006 Irrigation Study Report] June 2006.”) (Broken Creek Herbicide Residue Testing, 2003-06 1/10/06”) *Includes averages over month period. None of the positive GMW results were detected by Lower Murray Water (plus 2 samples Kernag and 3 Lower Murray Water detctions | 16 |
Goulburn Valley Water | Bonnie Doon (Lake Eildon). (all detections Atrazine October - December 2011) | 15 |
Central Highlands Water | Lal Lal Reservoir | 14 |
Gippsland Water | Moe | 14 |
Central Highlands Water | Talbot Reservoir | 14 |
Central Highlands Water | Evansford Reservoir | 14 |
Gippsland Water | Thorpdale | 13 |
Central Highlands Water | Centenary Reservoir | 13 |
Goulburn Valley Water/Goulburn Murray Water | Katamatite - Channel 7/3 (See “Pesticide Monitoring in Goulburn-Murray Waters Irrigation Supply Channels Covering the Six Irrigation Areas [2004-2006 Irrigation Study Report] June 2006.”) (Broken Creek Herbicide Residue Testing, 2003-06 1/10/06”) *Includes averages over month period. None of the positive GMW results were detected by Goulburn Valley Water. Also 2 detections 2,4-D GVWater 2011 | 12 |
North East Water | Wodonga Creek | 11 |
Goulburn Valley Water Broken Creek (supplied from Numurkah) | Wunghnu (Atrazine, Simazine, 2,4-D 2010-11) | 10 |
South Gippsland Water | Toora (all detections post 2012) | 10 |
Wannon Water | Warrnambool Headworks and Storage - Tank Hill to Warrnambool Storage/East Zone Headworks | 9 |
South Gippsland Water | Meeniyan (all detections post 2012) | 9 |
North East Water | Lake Mulwala, Yarrawonga | 9 |
Goulburn Valley Water/Goulburn Murray Water | Tatura - Channel 3/5 (See “Pesticide Monitoring in Goulburn-Murray Waters Irrigation Supply Channels Covering the Six Irrigation Areas [2004-2006 Irrigation Study Report] June 2006.”) (Broken Creek Herbicide Residue Testing, 2003-06 1/10/06”) *Includes averages over month period. None of the positive GMW results were detected by Goulburn Valley Water | 8 |
Central Highlands Water | Lexton Reservoir | 8 |
Goulburn Valley Water/Goulburn Murray Water | Broken Creek Nathalia (most detections Atrazine 2011) | 8 |
South Gippsland Water | Dumbalk (all post 2012) | 8 |
Gippsland Water | Seaspray | 7 |
North East Water | Wahgunyah | 7 |
Lower Murray Water | Mildura | 7 |
Central Highlands Water | Sugarloaf Reservoir | 7 |
South Gippsland Water | Foster (all detections post 2012) | 6 |
Wannon Water | Balmoral | 6 |
Lower Murray Water | Red Cliffs | 6 |
South Gippsland Water | Korumburra (all detections post 2012) | 5 |
North East Water | Corryong | 5 |
North East Water | Bellbridge | 5 |
Barwon Water | Birregurra WTP | 5 |
Lower Murray Water | Swan Hill | 5 |
Lower Murray Water | Murrabit | 5 |
Western Water | Glenfern Park Basin + Kerrie Res Romsey | 5 |
Lower Murray Water | Piangil | 4 |
Lower Murray Water | Robinvale | 4 |
Barwon Water | Forrest | 4 |
Central Highlands Water | Redbank Reservoir | 4 |
Gippsland Water | Maffra | 4 |
Wannon Water | Hamilton | 4 |
South Gippsland Water | Fish Creek (all detections post 2012) | 4 |
North East Water | Oxley | 4 |
North East Water | Walwa | 4 |
East Gippsland Water | Buchan | 4 |
Lower Murray Water | Koondrook | 4 |
Gippsland Water | Boolara | 3 |
Melbourne Water | St John's Hill Plant (Kallista) | 3 |
Barwon Water | Barham System (Apollo Bay) | 3 |
Wannon Water | East Zone Headworks - Location? | 3 |
Wannon Water | Cavendish | 3 |
EPA Testing Gippsland 2011/12 | Easterbrook Creek | 3 |
Central Highlands Water | Lal Lal Creek at Egerton | 3 |
South Gippsland Water | Poowong | 3 |
Wannon Water | Glenthompson | 3 |
North East Water | Beechworth | 3 |
North East Water | Tallangatta | 3 |
Central Highlands Water | White Swan Reservoir Ballarat | 3 |
Western Water | Pykes Creek | 3 |
Barwon Water | Colac WTP | 2 |
Barwon Water | Lorne | 2 |
Barwon Water | Meredith | 2 |
Barwon Water | Gellibrand WTP | 2 |
Western Water | Kerrie Reservoir | 2 |
Wannon Water | Terang | 2 |
Barwon Water | Apollo Bay WTP | 2 |
Central Highlands Water | Spring Creek Yendon | 2 |
Wannon Water | Simpson | 2 |
Central Highlands Water | Lal Lal Creek at Harris | 2 |
South Gippsland Water | Leongatha | 2 |
South East Water | Jaguar Drive Clayton | 2 |
Wannon Water | Camperdown | 2 |
Lower Murray Water | Mildura West | 2 |
Western Water | Djerriwarrah Reservoir | 2 |
Western Water | Wright Reservoir (Riddells Creek) | 2 |
Barwon Water/Colac Water Board | Olangolah Dam Colac | 1 |
Wannon Water | Casterton | 1 |
Wannon Water | Penshurst | 1 |
Goulburn Valley Water | Violet Town | 1 |
Goulburn Valley Water | Picola | 1 |
Goulburn Valley Water | Katunga | 1 |
Goulburn Valley Water | Sunday Creek Reservoir (Broadford, Heathcote Junction, Kilmore, Wandong) | 1 |
Goulburn Valley Water | Goulburn River offtake Mooroopna | 1 |
Goulburn Valley Water | Goulburn River offtake Shepparton | 1 |
Barwon Water | Highton Disinfection Geelong | 1 |
Barwon Water | Lardners Creek Gellibrand | 1 |
Barwon Water | Painkalac Creek Aireys Inlet | 1 |
South Gippsland Water | Tarwin River Dumbalk | 1 |
East Gippsland Water | Rocky River Orbost | 1 |
Central Highlands Water | Avoca | 1 |
Wannon Water | Macarthur | 1 |
Wannon Water | Cobden | 1 |
Central Highlands Water | Green Hill Bore | 1 |
Central Highlands Water | Hepburn Reservoir | 1 |
Goulburn Valley Water | Sawmill Settlement 2,4-D | 1 |
South Gippsland Water | Devon North | 1 |
South Gippsland Water | Lance Creek | 1 |
North East Water | Tawonga | 1 |
North East Water | Whitfield | 1 |
North East Water | Wangaratta | 1 |
South East Water | Mernyn Grove Wantirna | 1 |
South East Water | Webb Street Bunyip | 1 |
East Gippsland Water | Cann River | 1 |
Central Highlands Water | Landsborough Bore | 1 |
Central Highlands Water | Bullarto Reservoir | 1 |
Central Highlands Water | Creswick Creek | 1 |
Central Highlands Water | Amphitheatre Reservoir | 1 |
Western Water | Merrimu Reservoir (Bacchus Marsh) | 1 |
Western Water | Garden Hut Reservoir (Lancefield) | 1 |
Western Water | Pierce Reservoir (Gisborne) | 1 |
Western Water | Willimingongon Reservoir (Mt Macedon) | 1 |
Westernport Water | Candowie Reservoir | 1 |
Newry Creek | Maffra | 1 |
Water Authority
Dates Spanning Information On Pesticide FoI's
Barwon Water
28/10/99 to 1/7/08
Central Highlands Water
23/8/06 to 29/10/07
Coliban Water
2/8/04 to 6/11/07
East Gippsland Water
1995 to 28/12/07
Gippsland Water
10/8/98 to 22/7/06
Goulburn Murray Water
1996 to 1/10/07
Goulburn Valley Water
1/1/96 to 1/12/06
Grampians & Wimmera Mallee Water
Lower Murray Water
1995 to 21/12/07
Melbourne Water
4/2/97 to 2/2/07
North East Water
1/1/02 to 11/11/07
South Gippsland Water
12/3/03 to 23/8/07
Southern Rural Water
11/2/98 to 11/11/06
Wannon Water
4/8/04 to 1/6/07
Western Water
1/11/01 to 15/2/07
Westernport Water
25/1/91 to 3/9/07
* means no testing *means dates included under FoI
Results from FOI's show a 37% return based on pesticide monitoring by all authorities since 1991. This means 63% of information pertaining to pesticides in drinking water since that time could not be determined in this project. This figure does not include the range of pestides not tested for by authorities, indicating that existing testing may well be 'stabbing in the dark' in regards to the true extent of pesticide contamination of drinking water in Victoria..
Authority | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 |
Barwon Water | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * +to June 08 | ||||||||
Central Highlands Water | * | * | |||||||||||||||
Coliban Water | * | * | * | * | |||||||||||||
East Gippsland Water | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | ||||
Gippsland Water | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | ||||||||
Goulburn Murray Water | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | |||||
Goulburn Valley Water | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | ||||||
Grampians & Wimmera Mallee Water | * | * | * | ||||||||||||||
Lower Murray Water | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | ||||
Melbourne Water | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | |||||||
North East Water | * | * | * | * | * | * | |||||||||||
South Gippsland Water | * | * | * | * | * | ||||||||||||
Southern Rural Water | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | ||||||||
Wannon Water | * | * | * | * | |||||||||||||
Western Water | * | * | * | * | * | ||||||||||||
Westernport Water | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * |
Update: Cattle Insect Repellent DEET (N, N-diethyltoluamide) detected November 2002 0.0207µg/L Newry Creek - upstream drinking water offtake Maffra/Stratford). Results published July 2008 here. No ADWG limits for DEET.
Added Barwon Water FoI (August 2008) 23 positive samples (one above ADWG)
Added Lower Murray Water (May 09 from 07/08 Annual Report) 3 positive samples.
Added Western Water (2007/8 Raw Water Water Quality Reports) 3 positive samples.
Added Barwon Water FoI (August 2009) 1 positive sample.
Added (December 2009) Goulburn Murray Water (2004-6) 16 positive samples from Goulburn Weir/Lake Nagambie.
Added Barwon Water FoI (August 2010) 17 positive samples.
Added Mitchell Shire testing (August 26 2010) Sunday Creek catchment. Highest reading ADWG Health Limit
Added July 2010 - April 2011 Melbourne Water testing at Sugarloaf Offtake
Added samples published January 2011 in Environment, Science & Technology, in article "Effects of Pesticides Monitored with Three Sampling Methods in 24 Sites on Macroinvertebrates and Microorganisms"
Added 28/7/10 - 8/8/11 - Barwon Water Pesticide and Herbicide Testing (FoI)
Added Lower Murray Water data 2010/11 15 positive samples
Added Multiple Lines of Evidence...[Yarra]
Added Wannon Water FoI data (2009-April 2012)
Added April 2011 - March 2012 Melbourne Water testing at Sugarloaf Offtake
Added Barwon Water 8/8/11-30/12/12 10 - positive samples
Added May 2013 Impacts of Intensive Agriculture and Plantation Forestry on Water Quality in the Latrobe Catchment, Victoria - Publication No 1528 April 2013 http://www.epa.vic.gov.au/~/media/publications/1528.pdf
Added Barwon Water 30/12/12 - 8/5/14 10 positive samples
Added Melbourne Water and DPI agrochemicals in Port Phillip Catchment project report 2009-10 - 79 positive samples Melbourne water supply
Added Central Highlands Water FoI Application October 2015
Added Wannon Water FoI Application October 2015
Added Barwon Water FOI Application November 2015
Added Goulburn Valley Water FoI Application December 2016
Added South Gippsland Water FoI Application January 2017
Added Gippsland Water FoI Application March 2017
Added North East Water FoI Application March 2017 (72 detections)
Added South East Water FoI Application May 2017 (1 positive sample)
Added Wannon Water FoI Application June 2017
Added South East Water FOI Application June 2017 (3 positive samples)
Added Barwon Water FoI Application June 2017 (6 positive samples)
Added East Gippsland Water FoI Application June 2017 (5 positive samples)
Added Lower Murray Water FoI application June 2017 (21 positive samples)
Added Western Water FoI Application July 2017 (14 positive samples)
Added Westernport Water FoI Application July 2017 (1 positive sample)
Added Melbourne Water FoI Application July 2017 (26 postive samples)
*This list is based roughly on the most serious incidents being at the top of the list, based on comparisions with ADWG Guideline Values. No ADWG Guideline Values for Hexachlorobenzene, so WHO Guideline used. No ADWG or WHO guideline values for Bifenthrin, Esfenvalerate or Taufluvalinate which are listed at the bottom of list and require further clarification. Positive readings for Acrolein used for weed control in irrigation channels by Goulburn Murray Water and Southern Rural Water not included in table.
Based on guidelines levels set in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (note information in green is data collected prior to 1997 and was updated in July 2017)
1972 Nathalia - Report on Amitrole in River Waters August 23 1972 - Amitrole 430ug/L (477.8xadwgh)
1972 Swan Hill - Report on Amitrole in River Waters August 23 1972 - Amitrole 320ug/L (355.6x adwgh)
1. 6/12/11 Westernport Water Candowie Reservoir Monocrotophos 20ug/L (20x 2004 ADWG Health)
6/1/75 [report date] Broken Creek [Nathalia, Numurkah, Wunghnu Determination of Amitrole in Water Samples - State Rivers & Water Supply Commission - Amitrole 7.3ug/L (8.111 x adwgh)
6/1/75 [report date] Broken Creek [Nathalia, Numurkah, Wunghnu Determination of Amitrole in Water Samples - State Rivers & Water Supply Commission - Amitrole 6.3ug/L (7 x adwgh)
6/1/75 [report date] Broken Creek [Nathalia, Numurkah, Wunghnu Determination of Amitrole in Water Samples - State Rivers & Water Supply Commission - Amitrole 5.5ug/L (6.111 x adwgh)
13/12/73 Broken Creek [Nathalia, Numurkah, Wunghnu Determination of Amitrole in Water Samples - State Rivers & Water Supply Commission - Amitrole 3.7ug/L (4.111 x adwgh)
6/1/75 [report date] Broken Creek [Nathalia, Numurkah, Wunghnu Determination of Amitrole in Water Samples - State Rivers & Water Supply Commission - Amitrole 3.7ug/L (4.111 x adwgh)
6/1/75 [report date] Broken Creek [Nathalia, Numurkah, Wunghnu Determination of Amitrole in Water Samples - State Rivers & Water Supply Commission - Amitrole 3.7ug/L (4.111 x adwgh)
29/11/73 Broken Creek [Nathalia, Numurkah, Wunghnu Determination of Amitrole in Water Samples - State Rivers & Water Supply Commission - Amitrole 2ug/L (2.222 x adwgh)
20/12/73 Broken Creek [Nathalia, Numurkah, Wunghnu Determination of Amitrole in Water Samples - State Rivers & Water Supply Commission - Amitrole 2ug/L (2.222 x adwgh)
2. Oct 05 Goulburn Murray Water Kerang Channel 14/2 Esfenvalerate 65ug/L (2011ADWG 0.03mg/L) (2.167xADWG Health)
4/8/09 Wannon Water Hamilton Acrylamide 0.003mg/L (1.5xADWGHealth Acrylamide is an impurity in polyacrylamide (a polymer)
3. 12/5//03 Barwon Water Wurdee Boluc Raw Water 2,4-D 34ug/l (1.13xADWGHealth)
4. 26/8/10 Mitchell Shire Council. Sunday Creek Catchment Simazine 20ug/l (ADWG Health Limit). Sample taken 50km upstream from nearest town offtake at Nagambie
9/11/11 Wannon Water Sandford Ethylbenzene 0.001mg/L (ADWG Health Limit*Benzene is a by product of the petrol ADWG limit set for Benzene)
9/11/11 Wannon Water Casterton Ethylbenzene 0.001mg/L (ADWG Health Limit*Benzene is a by product of the petrol ADWG limit set for Benzene)
5. 19/8/03 Barwon Water Wurdee Boluc Inlet Chan 2,4-D 27ug/l (90% 2011 adwg)
6. Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Simazine 15ug/L (75% 2011 adwg)
21/4/89 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Heptachlor (Raw) 0.220ug/L (73.333%adwgh)
7. 5/8/03 Barwon Water Stony Creek Res #3 2,4-D 20ug/l (66.67% 2011 adwg)
8. 22/6/06 Goulburn Valley Water Broken Creek Numurkah 2,4-D 17ug/l (56.67% 2011 adwg)
1980? Waters of Broken Creek State Rivers and Water Supply Commission [Nathalia/Numurkah/Wungnu?] Dieldrin 0.16ug/L (53.33% adwgh)
9. 10/2/09 Western Water Willimingongon Reservoir (Mt Macedon) 3.8ug/L (38% 2011 adwg)
10. Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Fipronil 0.22ug/L (31.429% 2011 adwg)
13/4/05 Goulburn Valley Water Kyabram Raw Water Storage Benzo[a]pyrene 0.003mg/L (30% 2011 adwg. Common component of tar pitch - bitumen)
14/2/06 Goulburn Valley Water Pyalong Raw Water Source Benzo[a]pyrene 0.003mg/L (30% 2011 adwg. Common component of tar pitch - bitumen)
5/7/10 Goulburn Valley Water Violet Town Toulene 5.6ug/L (22.4% adwg)
11. Jan 94 Colac Water Board Olangolah DDT 2ug/l (22.222% 2011 adwg)
12. Sheep Station Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Pirimicarb 1.4ug/L [9b] (20% 2011 adwg)
13. 5/10/05 Goulburn Valley Water Sunday Creek Res Pentachlorophenol 2ug/L (20% 2011adwg)
1980? Agricultural Chemicals Committee Minutes Healesville Water Works Dieldrin 0.06ug/L (20% adwgh)
21/1/89 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Dieldrin (Raw) 0.060ug/L (20%adwgh)
21/1/89 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Dieldrin (Treated) 0.060ug/L (20%adwgh)
14. Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Methiocarb 1.2ug/L (17.14% 2011 adwg)
6/4/95 Broken Creek 600m Downstream Devenish (Sampling Analytical Program GMW Vol1 Enviro Management of Aquatic Herbicides) Glyphosate 0.170ug/L (17% adwgh)
15. 8/5/06 Gouburn Murray Water Broken Creek Glyphosate 160ug/l (16% 2011 adwg)
16. 5/12/11 Barwon Water Wurdee Boluc WTP Raw Water Pirimicarb 1.1ug/L (15.71% adwgh)
5/7/10 Goulburn Valley Water Euroa Toulene 3.4ug/L (13.6% adwg)
17. 10/6/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 4ug/L (13.33% adwg)
18. 21/04/2015 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 2.6ug/L Toora (13.00% adwg)
19. 8/7/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 3.7ug/L (12.33% adwg)
20. 2007 Goulburn Murray Water Goulburn Weir Backwater Glyphosate 0.120mg/L (12%adwgh)* [Downstream of Nagambie but upstream of future water supply for Ballarat and Bendigo].
21. 8/7/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 3.6ug/L (12% adwg)
24/6/10 Goulburn Valley Water Wunghnu Toulene 3ug/L (12% adwg)
22. 17/9/13 Barwon Water Matthews Creek MCPA 4.6ug/L (11.5% adwgh)
23. 17/6/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 3.4ug/L (11.33% adwg)
24. 8/7/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 3.4ug/L (11.33% adwg)
25. 29/7/2010 Gouburn Valley Water DW Customer Channel 2,4-D 3.3ug/L (11% adwg)
26. 17/6/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 3.3ug/L (11% adwg)
27. 17/6/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 3.2ug/L (10.67% adwg)
28. 28/10/99 Barwon Water Highton PreDisinfection Dieldrin 0.03ug/l (10% 2011 adwg)
29. 21/12/05 Goulburn Valley Water Broken Creek Numurkah Pentachlorophenol 1ug/L (10% 2011 adwg)
30. 17/6/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 3ug/L (10% adwg)
31. 19/7/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 2.9ug/L (9.67% adwg)
32. 22/7/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 2.9ug/L (9.67% adwg)
29/9/88 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Heptachlor (Raw) 0.028ug/L (9.333%adwgh)
33. 15/7/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 2.6ug/L (8.67% adwg)
34. 8/5/06 Goulburn Murray Water Broken Creek Glyphosate 85ug/l (8.5% 2011 adwg)
35. 17/7/07 Barwon Water Inlet Channel Salt Creek Lane Glyphosate 80ug/l (8% 2011 adwg)
36. 15/7/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 2.3ug/L (7.67% adwg)
37. 12/8/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 2.3ug/L (7.67% adwg)
38. 15/7/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 2.3ug/L (7.67% adwg)
24/6/10 Goulburn Valley Water Katunga Toulene 1.9ug/L (7.6% adwg)
39. 15/11/2012 Gippsland Water Seaspray Triclopyr 1.5ug/L (7.5%adwg)
40. 5/8/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 2.2ug/L (7.33% adwg)
41. 7/2/00 Melbourne Water Johns Hill Plant Aldrin 0.02ug/L (6.667% 2011 adwg)
42. 18/10/00 Goulburn Valley Water Katamatite Heptachlor 0.02ug/L (6.667% 2011 adwg)
1980? Agricultural Chemicals Committee Minutes Healesville Water Works Dieldrin 0.02ug/L (6.667% adwgh)
21/4/89 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Heptachlor (Treated) 0.020ug/L (6.667%adwgh)
43. 4/6/08 Barwon Water Moorabool WTP 2,4-D 1.9ug/L (6.33% 2011 adwg)
44. 10/6/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 1.9ug/L (6.33% adwg)
45. 19/7/11 Barwon Water Matthews Creek MCPA 2.4ug/L (6% 2011 adwg)
46. 6/8/12 Barwon Water Matthews Creek MCPA 2.4ug/L (6%adwgh)
1/2/89 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Heptachlor(Raw) 0.018ug/L (6%adwgh)
47. 9/9/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Wunghnu (Broken Creek from Numurkah) Atrazine 1.2ug/L (6% adwg)
48. 24/2/2011 Gouburn Valley Water Broken Creek Numurkah 2,4-D 1.7ug/L (5.67% adwg)
29/9/88 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Heptachlor (Treated) 0.017ug/L (5.667%adwgh)
6/7/10 Goulburn Valley Water Mansfield Toulene 1.4ug/L (5.6% adwg)
7/4/08 Goulburn Valley Water Violet Town Toulene 1.4ug/L (5.6% adwg)
21/12/88 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Heptachlor (Raw) 0.016ug/L (5.333%adwgh)
49. 19/8/2011 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 1.6ug/L (5.33% adwg)
6/7/10 Goulburn Valley Water Woods Point Toulene 1.3ug/L (5.2% adwg)
3/2/10 Goulburn Valley Water Yarroweyah Toulene 1.3ug/L (5.2% adwg)
1/2/89 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Dieldrin (Raw) 0.015ug/L (5%adwgh)
50. Lexton Reservoir (Central Highlands Water) 7/11/12 Atrazine 1ug/L (5% 2011 adwg)
51. 9/9/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Broken Creek Numurkah Simazine 1 ug/L (5% adwg)
52. 9/9/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Broken Creek Wunghnu (from Numurkah) Simazine 1 ug/L (5% adwg)
53. Talbot Reservoir (Central Highlands Water) 18/11/12 Simazine 0.98ug/l (4.9% 2011 adwg)
20/6/71 2,4-D Residues in Stream Water- Waters from Nathalia. SRWSC 2,4-D 1.46ug/L (4.867% adwgh)
54. 2/9/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 1.4ug/L (4.67% adwg)
55. 9/9/2010 Goulburn Valley Water Numurkah (Broken Creek) Simazine 0.9ug/L (4.5% adwg)
7/4/08 Goulburn Valley Water Euroa Toulene 1.1ug/L (4.4% adwg)
56. 7/2/00 Melbourne Water Kallista Heptachlor 0.013ug/l (4.33% 2011 adwg)
21/12/88 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Heptachlor (Treated) 0.013ug/L (4.333%adwgh)
57. 9/9/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 1.3ug/L (4.33% adwg)
June 1971 State Rivers Water Supply Commission Nathalia 2,4-D 1.2ug/L (4%adwgh)
58. 26/8/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 1.2ug/L (4% adwg)
59. 16/9/2010 Goulburn Valley Water Numurkah (Broken Creek) Simazine 0.8ug/L (4% adwg)
60. 16/9/2010 Goulburn Valley Water Wunghnu (Broken Creek from Numurkah) Simazine 0.8ug/L (4% adwg)
61. 16/9/2010 Goulburn Valley Water Wunghnu (Broken Creek from Numurkah) Atrazine 0.8ug/L (4% adwg)
7/4/08 Goulburn Valley Water Katandra West Toulene 1ug/L (4% adwg)
25/9/14 Goulburn Valley Water Mansfield Toulene 1ug/L (4% adwg)
November 1997 - March 1998 Goulburn Murray Water Goulburn Weir Backwater Glyphosate 0.038mg/L (3.8%adwgh)* [Downstream of Nagambie but upstream of future water supply for Ballarat and Bendigo].
16/6/71 2,4-D Residues in Stream Water- Waters from Nathalia. SRWSC 2,4-D 1.13ug/L (3.767% adwgh)
29/9/88 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Aldrin (Raw) 0.011ug/L (3.667%adwgh)
6/7/10 Goulburn Valley Water Yea Toulene 0.9ug/L (3.6% adwg)
62. 16/9/2010 Goulburn Valley Water Numurkah (Broken Creek) Atrazine 0.7ug/L (3.5% adwg)
63. 9/9/2010 Goulburn Valley Water Numurkah (Broken Creek) Atrazine 0.7ug/L (3.5% adwg)
64. 23/8/2010 Goulburn Valley Water Numurkah (Broken Creek) Atrazine 0.7ug/L (3.5% adwg)
65. 11/10/2012 Goulburn Valley Water Numurkah (Broken Creek) Atrazine 0.7ug/L (3.5% adwg)
66. Stringybark Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Simazine 0.67 ug/L [9b] (3.35% 2011 adwg)
67. 2007/8 WQR Western Water Djerriwarrh Reservoir (Raw) Aldrin 0.01ug/l (3.333% 2011 adwg)
1980? Waters of Broken Creek State Rivers and Water Supply Commission [Nathalia/Numurkah/Wungnu?] Dieldrin 0.16ug/L (3.333% adwgh)
68. 16/9/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 1ug/L (3.33% adwg)
69. 24/2/2011 Goulburn Valley Water Numurkah (Broken Creek) 2,4-D 1ug/L (3.33% adwg)
6/7/10 Goulburn Valley Water Yea Toulene 0.9ug/L (3.6% adwg)
5/7/10 Goulburn Valley Water Colbinabbin Toulene 0.8ug/L (3.2% adwg)
7/4/08 Goulburn Valley Water Euroa Toulene 0.8ug/L (3.2% adwg)
24/6/10 Goulburn Valley Water Numurkah Toulene 0.8ug/L (3.2% adwg)
70. Talbot Reservoir (Central Highlands Water)13/11/14 simazine 0.62ug/l (20adwg 3.1%)
71. Sheep Station Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Iprodione 3ug/L [9b] (3% 2011 adwg)
20/5/89 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Heptachlor(Raw) 0.009ug/L (3%adwgh)
72. 29/7/2010 Gouburn Valley Water DW Customer 2,4-D 0.9ug/L (3% adwg)
73. 30/9/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 0.9ug/L (3% adwg)
74. 11/10/2012 Goulburn Valley Water Numurkah (Broken Creek) Atrazine 0.6ug/L (3% adwg)
75. 9/9/2010 Goulburn Valley Water Numurkah (Broken Creek) Atrazine 0.6ug/L (3% adwg)
76. 18/04/2016 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.58 Leongatha (2.9% adwg)
19/6/71 2,4-D Residues in Stream Water- Waters from Nathalia. SRWSC 2,4-D 0.82ug/L (2.733% adwgh)
77. 23/9/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 0.8ug/L (2.67% adwg)
78. 24/6/2010 Goulburn Valley Water Wunghnu (Broken Creek) 2,4-D 0.8ug/L (2.67% adwg)
79. 24/2/2011 Goulburn Valley Water Wunghnu (Broken Creek) 2,4-D 0.8ug/L (2.67% adwg)
26/10/88 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Heptachlor 0.008ug/L (Treated) 0.011ug/L (2.667%adwgh)
80. 12/05/2015 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.53ug/L Toora (2.65% adwg)
17/6/71 2,4-D Residues in Stream Water- Waters from Nathalia. SRWSC 2,4-D 0.79ug/L (2.633% adwgh)
81. Evansford Reservoir (Central Highlands Water) 19/11/2012 simazine 0.52ug/l (2.6% 2011 adwg)
82. 19/04/2016 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.52ug/L Dumbalk (2.60% adwg)
83. 4/12/13 Barwon Water Wurdee Boluc Propachlor 1.8ug/L (2.57%adwhg)
84. 22/6/11 Barwon Water M6/3 Stony Creek Reservoir 3 Atrazine 0.5ug/L (2.5% 2011 adwg)
85. 19/7/11 Barwon Water M6/3 Stony Creek Reservoir 3 Atrazine 0.5ug/L (2.5%adwgh)
86. Talbot Reservoir Central Highlands Water 14/11/13 simazine 0.5ug/l ( 2.5% 2011 adwg)
87. 6/9/2012 Goulburn Valley Water Numurkah (Broken Creek) Atrazine 0.5ug/L (2.5% adwg)
88. 19/8/2010 Goulburn Valley Water Numurkah (Broken Creek) Atrazine 0.5ug/L (2.5% adwg)
23/6/10 Goulburn Valley Water Katunga Toulene 0.6ug/L (2.4% adwg)
6/7/10 Goulburn Valley Water Nagambie Toulene 0.6ug/L (2.4% adwg)
11/6/08 Goulburn Valley Water Thornton Toulene 0.6ug/L (2.4% adwg)
89. 4/3/05 Barwon Water Koweinguboora Reservoir Hexazinone 9.4ug/L (2.35% 2011 adwg)
26/10/88 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Heptachlor 0.007ug/L (Raw) 0.011ug/L (2.333%adwgh)
21/12/88 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Dieldrin (Raw) 0.007ug/L (2.333%adwgh)
21/12/88 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Aldrin (Raw) 0.007ug/L (2.333%adwgh)
20/5/89 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Dieldrin (Raw) 0.007ug/L (2.333%adwgh)
18/6/71 2,4-D Residues in Stream Water- Waters from Nathalia. SRWSC 2,4-D 0.67ug/L (2.233% adwgh)
90. 12/8/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 0.7ug/L (2.33% adwg)
91. 7/10/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 0.7ug/L (2.33% adwg)
92. 5/8/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 0.7ug/L (2.33% adwg)
93. 7/3/2011 Goulburn Valley Water Wunghnu (Broken Creek) 2,4-D 0.7ug/L (2.33% adwg)
94. 24/10/2016 Corryong WTP raw water tap Terbufos 0.02 (2.22% adwg)
95. 24/10/2016 Tawonga Basin dip near outlet Terbufos 0.02 (2.22% adwg)
96. Woori Yallock Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Propargite 0.15 ug/L [9b] (2.143% 2011 adwg)
29/9/88 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Aldrin (Treated) 0.011ug/L (2%adwgh)
6/4/95 Broken Creek (Site SB6800) 600m Downstream Devenish (Sampling Analytical Program GMW Vol1 Enviro Management of Aquatic Herbicides) Glyphosate 0.020mg/L (2% adwgh)
6/4/95 Broken Creek (Site SE6800) 600m Downstream Devenish (Sampling Analytical Program GMW Vol1 Enviro Management of Aquatic Herbicides) Glyphosate 0.020mg/L (2% adwgh)
97. 4/10/16 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Offtake Triclopyr 0.4ug/L (2% adwg)
98. 5/8/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 0.6ug/L (2% adwg)
99. 19/8/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 0.6ug/L (2% adwg)
100. 9/9/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 0.6ug/L (2% adwg)
2/9/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 0.6ug/L (2% adwg)
9/9/2010 Gouburn Valley Water Girgarre CG 7/12/9 Channel 2,4-D 0.6ug/L (2% adwg)
7/3/2011 Goulburn Valley Water Wunghnu (Broken Creek) 2,4-D 0.6ug/L (2% adwg)
11/1/11 Goulburn Valley Water Dookie Toulene 0.5ug/L (2% adwg)
8/12/09 Goulburn Valley Water Katandra West Toulene 0.5ug/L (2% adwg)
10/12/09: Simazine 0.37ug/L, Platypus wetlands (Hull Rd wetlands) Hull Rd, Lilydale (1.85% 2011 adwg)
15/6/71 2,4-D Residues in Stream Water- Waters from Nathalia. SRWSC 2,4-D 0.55ug/L (1.833% adwgh)
6/4/95 Broken Creek 600m Downstream Devenish (Sampling Analytical Program GMW Vol1 Enviro Management of Aquatic Herbicides) Glyphosate 0.018mg/L (1.8% adwgh)
Centenary Reservoir (Maryborough) Central Highlands Water 22/11/12 simazine 0.35ug/l (1.75% 2011 adwg)
6/4/95 Broken Creek 600m Downstream Devenish (Sampling Analytical Program GMW Vol1 Enviro Management of Aquatic Herbicides) Glyphosate 0.017mg/L (1.7% adwgh)
15/12/71 2,4-D Residues in Stream Water- Waters from Nathalia. SRWSC 2,4-D 0.5ug/L (1.667% adwgh)
17/12/71 2,4-D Residues in Stream Water- Waters from Nathalia. SRWSC 2,4-D 0.5ug/L (1.667% adwgh)
18/12/71 2,4-D Residues in Stream Water- Waters from Nathalia. SRWSC 2,4-D 0.5ug/L (1.667% adwgh)
29/9/88 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Dieldrin (Raw) 0.005ug/L (1.667%adwgh)
10/3/2011 Goulburn Valley Water Numurkah (Broken Creek) 2,4-D 0.5ug/L (1.67% adwg)
10/3/2011 Goulburn Valley Water Wunghnu (Broken Creek from Numurkah) 2,4-D 0.5ug/L (1.67% adwg)
8/9/2011 Goulburn Valley Water Nathalia (Broken Creek) 2,4-D 0.3ug/L (1.67% adwg)
9/9/2010 Goulburn Valley Water Numurkah (Broken Creek) 2,4-D 0.3ug/L (1.67% adwg)
23/8/2012 Goulburn Valley Water Numurkah (Broken Creek) 2,4-D 0.3ug/L (1.67% adwg)
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Atrazine 0.31ug/L (1.55% 2011 adwg)
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Endosulfan 0.31ug/L (1.55% 2011 adwg)
11/10/2011 Goulburn Valley Water Boinnie Doon Atrazine 0.3ug/L (1.5% adwg)
11/10/2011 Goulburn Valley Water Boinnie Doon RAW Atrazine 0.3ug/L (1.5% adwg)
11/10/2011 Goulburn Valley Water Boinnie Doon WTP Atrazine 0.3ug/L (1.5% adwg)
11/11/15 Central Highlands Water Talbot Reservoir Simazine 0.3ug/L (1.5% adwg)
Cockatoo Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Propargite 0.1 ug/L [9b] (1.428% 2011 adwg)
Evansford Reservoir (Central Highlands Water) 19/11/2012 atrazine 0.28ug/l (1.4% 2011 adwg)
12/05/2015 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.27ug/L Toora (1.35% adwg)
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Dimethoate 0.094ug/L (1.343% 2011 adwg)
16/12/71 2,4-D Residues in Stream Water- Waters from Nathalia. SRWSC 2,4-D 0.4ug/L (1.333% adwgh)
19/12/71 2,4-D Residues in Stream Water- Waters from Nathalia. SRWSC 2,4-D 0.4ug/L (1.333% adwgh)
29/9/88 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Dieldrin (Treated) 0.004ug/L (1.333%adwgh)
20/5/89 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Heptachlor(Treated) 0.004ug/L (1.333%adwgh)
18/11/2014 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.26ug/L Foster (1.30% adwg)
21/02/2012 Gippsland Water Thorpdale Triclopyr 0.25ug/L (1.25% adwg)
14/6/71 2,4-D Residues in Stream Water- Waters from Nathalia. SRWSC 2,4-D 0.37ug/L (1.233% adwgh)
27/10/96 Blair Tank (Horsham) Simazine 0.24ug/L (1.2% 2011 adwg). Investigation of Microbiological & Water Quality in Rainwater Tanks in Victoria. June 1977 Report No. 139/97, Water Ecoscience. R. Bannister
10/9/10 Barwon Water Matthews Creek MCPA 0.48ug/L (1.2% 2011 adwg)
27/03/2012 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.24 Fish Creek (1.20% adwg)
12/10/2016 North East Water Lake Hume at Bethanga Bridge, Bellbridge Terbufos 0.01 (1.11% adwg)
25/10/2016 North East Water Reserve Basin at Inlet to Beechworth WTP Terbufos 0.01 (1.11% adwg)
Evansford Reservoir (Central Highlands Water)14/11/13 simazine 0.22ug/l (1.1% 2011 adwg)
10/02/2016 Gippsland Water Moe Triclopyr 0.22 (1.1% adwg)
December 2011 EPA Gippsland Narracan Creek Moe etc Triclopyr 0.217ug/L (1.085% 2011 adwg)
Barwon Water 16/12/14 Matthews Creek Triclopyr 0.21ug/L (1.05% 2011 adwg)
9/02/2016 Gippsland Water Maffra Triclopyr 0.21 (1.05% adwg)
8/11/2011 Gippsland Water Thorpdale MCPA 0.42 (1.05% adwg)
8/5/15 Melbourne Water Yarra River Offtake Sugarloaf Simazine 0.14ug/L (1.05% adwg)
Watts River Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Dieldrin 0.003 ug/L [9b] (1% 2011 adwg)
24/12/10 Barwon Water Moorabool WTP Combined Atrazine 0.2ug/L (1% 2011 adwg)
4/2/11 Barwon Water Moorabool WTP Combined Atrazine 0.2ug/L (1% 2011 adwg)
4/3/11 Barwon Water Moorabool WTP Combined Atrazine 0.2ug/L (1% 2011 adwg)
4/6/02 East Gippsland Water Rocky River (Orbost) Simazine 0.20ug/L (1% 2011 adwg)
9/8/11 Wannon Water Warrnambool Headworks Tributyltin as Sn 10ng/L (1% 2011 adwg)
Centenary Reservoir (Maryborough) Central Highlands Water 22/11/2012 Atrazine 0.2ug/l (1% 2011 adwg)
10/11/88 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Diedrin (Treated) 0.003ug/L (1%adwgh)
25/10/2011 Goulburn Valley Water Bonnie Doon Atrazine 0.2ug/L (1% adwg)
6/12/2010 Goulburn Valley Water Bonnie Doon Atrazine 0.2ug/L (1% adwg)
4/10/2011 Goulburn Valley Water Bonnie Doon Atrazine 0.2ug/L (1% adwg)
6/12/2011 Goulburn Valley Water Bonnie Doon Atrazine 0.2ug/L (1% adwg)
4/10/2011 Goulburn Valley Water Bonnie Doon Atrazine 0.2ug/L (1% adwg)
25/10/2011 Goulburn Valley Water Bonnie Doon Atrazine 0.2ug/L (1% adwg)
10/2/12 East Gippsland Water Buchan River Triclopyr 0.2ug/L (1% adwg)
25/10/2011 Goulburn Valley Water Bonnie Doon WTP Atrazine 0.2ug/L (1% adwg)
4/10/2011 Goulburn Valley Water Bonnie Doon WTP Atrazine 0.2ug/L (1% adwg)
6/12/2011 Goulburn Valley Water Bonnie Doon WTP Atrazine 0.2ug/L (1% adwg)
23/2/2011 Goulburn Valley Water Katamatite RAW 2,4-D 0.3ug/L (1% adwg)
23/11/2011 Goulburn Valley Water Katamatite RAW 2,4-D 0.3ug/L (1% adwg)
18/10/2012 Goulburn Valley Water Numurkah Broken Creek Atrazine 0.2ug/L (1% adwg)
18/10/2012 Goulburn Valley Water Numurkah Broken Creek RAW Atrazine 0.2ug/L (1% adwg)
10/02/2016 Gippsland Water Moe MCPA 0.39 (0.975% adwg)
9/11/11Wannon Water Warrnambool Headworks and Storages Atrazine 0.19ug/L (0.95% 2011 adwg)
11/8/11 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Offtake Atrazine 0.188ug/L (0.94% 2011 adwg)
Jan 06 Goulburn Valley Water Katamatite Chlorpyrifos 0.089ug/L (0.89% 2011 adwg)
10/12/09: Dimethoate 0.061ug/L, Yarra River Spadonis (0.87142% 2011 adwg)
14/7/11 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Offtake Atrazine 0.173ug/L (0.865% 2011 adwg)
Tullaroop Reservoir (Central Highlands Water) 19/11/12 Atrazine 0.17ug/l (0.85% 2011 adwg)
10/12/09: Dimethoate 0.059ug/L, Platypus wetlands (Hull Rd wetlands) Hull Rd, Lilydale (0.84285% 2011 adwg)
22/10/09: Simazine 0.16ug/L, Little Yarra River Corduroy Rd (0.8% 2011 adwg)
Evansford Reservoir (Central Highlands Water) 13/11/14 Simazine 0.16ug/l (20adwg 0.8%)
7/6/12 Barwon Water Birregurra Molinate 0.03ug/L (0.75% 2011 adwg)
Lexton Reservoir (Central Highlands Water) 4/11/13 Atrazine 0.15ug/l (0.75% 2011 adwg)
27/03/2012 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.15ug/L Toora (0.75% adwg)
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Dieldrin 0.022ug/L (0.733% 2011 adwg)
13/6/71 2,4-D Residues in Stream Water- Waters from Nathalia. SRWSC 2,4-D 0.21ug/L (0.7% adwgh)
7/9/09: Simazine 0.14ug/L Yarra River Spadonis (0.7% 2011 adwg)
11/2/15 Melbourne Water Yarra River Offtake Sugarloaf Simazine 0.14ug/L (0.7% adwg)
14/7/11 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Offtake Simazine 0.134ug/L (0.67% 2011 adwg)
14/3/07 Barwon Water Gellibrand Lardners Creek 2,4-D 0.2ug/L (0.667% 2011 adwg)
28/3/07 Barwon Water Aireys Inlet Painkalac Creek 2,4-D 0.2ug/L (0.667% 2011 adwg)
Cockatoo Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Dieldrin 0.002 ug/L [9b] (0.667% 2011 adwg)
12/12/71 2,4-D Residues in Stream Water- Waters from Nathalia. SRWSC 2,4-D 0.2ug/L (0.667% adwgh)
13/12/71 2,4-D Residues in Stream Water- Waters from Nathalia. SRWSC 2,4-D 0.2ug/L (0.667% adwgh)
14/12/71 2,4-D Residues in Stream Water- Waters from Nathalia. SRWSC 2,4-D 0.2ug/L (0.667% adwgh)
26/10/88 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Aldrin (Raw) 0.002ug/L (0.667%adwgh)
26/10/88 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Aldrin (Treated) 0.002ug/L (0.667%adwgh)
10/11/88 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Dieldin (Raw) 0.002ug/L (0.667%adwgh)
20/5/89 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Dieldrin (Raw) 0.002ug/L (0.667%adwgh)
17/8/10 Barwon Water Matthews Creek MCPA 0.26ug/L (0.65% 2011 adwg)
10/12/09: Atrazine 0.003ug/L, Prometryn 0.13ug/L, Donnellys Creek Weir (0.65% 2011 adwg)
26/2/2013 Glenthompson WannonWater Atrazine 0.13ug/L (20adwg 0.65%)
2013/14: Central Highlands Water Maryborough Atrazine 0.12ug/L (0.6% adwg)
Evansford Reservoir (Central Highlands Water) 14/11/13 Atrazine 0.12ug/L ( 0.6% 2011 adwg)
19/04/2016 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.12ug/L Toora (0.60% adwg)
12/05/2016 Gippsland Water Moe Triclopyr 0.12ug/L (0.6% adwg)
Woady Yallock Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Simazine 0.11 ug/L [9b] (0.55% 2011 adwg)
7/11/12 Lexton Reservoir (Central Highlands Water) simazine 0.11ug/l ( 0.55% 2011 adwg)
14/11/13 Tullaroop Reservoir (Central Highlands Water)Atrazine 0.11ug/l ( 0.55% 2011 adwg)
13/11/14 Tullaroop Reservoir (Central Highlands Water) Atrazine 0.11ug/l ( 0.55% 2011 adwg)
20/11/14 Centenary Reservoir Maryborough (Central Highlands Water) Atrazine 0.11ug/l ( 0.55% 2011 adwg)
11/11/15 Central Highlands Water Evansford Reserfvoir Simazine 0.11ug/L (0.55% adwg)
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) 4,4-DDT 0.046ug/L (0.5111% 2011 adwg)
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Fenarimol 0.2ug/L (0.5% 2011 adwg)
17/4/11 Barwon Water M6/3 Stony Creek Reservoir 3 Atrazine 0.1ug/L (0.5% 2011 adwg)
22/6/11 Barwon Water M6/3 Stony Creek Reservoir 3 Atrazine 0.1ug/L (0.5% 2011 adwg)
8/9/10 Barwon Water Moorabool WTP Combined Atrazine 0.1ug/L (0.5% 2011 adwg)
7/12/10 Barwon Water Moorabool WTP Combined Atrazine 0.1ug/L (0.5% 2011 adwg)
7/6/11 Barwon Water Moorabool WTP Combined Atrazine 0.1ug/L (0.5% 2011 adwg)
22/6/11 Barwon Water Moorabool WTP Combined Atrazine 0.1ug/L (0.5% 2011 adwg)
2007/8 WQR Western Water Kerrie Reservoir (Raw) Chlordane 0.01ug/L (0.5% 2011 adwg)
3/11/09 Wannon Water Dartmoor M&P Xylene 0.003mg/L (0.5% 2011 adwg)
22/11/2011 Goulburn Valley Water Bonnie Doon WTP Atrazine 0.1ug/L (0.5% adwg)
20/12/2011 Goulburn Valley Water Bonnie Doon WTP Atrazine 0.1ug/L (0.5% adwg)
20/9/2011 Goulburn Valley Water Bonnie Doon WTP Atrazine 0.1ug/L (0.5% adwg)
22/9/2011 Goulburn Valley Water Nathalia Atrazine 0.1ug/L (0.5% adwg)
22/9/2011 Goulburn Valley Water Nathalia RAW Atrazine 0.1ug/L (0.5% adwg)
4/10/2016 Goulburn Valley Water Nathalia RAW Atrazine 0.1ug/L (0.5% adwg)
22/9/2011 Goulburn Valley Water Nathalia WTPAtrazine 0.1ug/L (0.5% adwg)
11/10/2012 Goulburn Valley Water Numurkah Atrazine 0.1ug/L (0.5% adwg)
14/9/2012 Goulburn Valley Water Numurkah Atrazine 0.1ug/L (0.5% adwg)
17/9/2012 Goulburn Valley Water Numurkah Atrazine 0.1ug/L (0.5% adwg)
18/10/2012 Goulburn Valley Water Numurkah Atrazine 0.1ug/L (0.5% adwg)
7/2/12 Western Water Wright Reservoir Riddells Creek Trans Chlordane 0.01ug/L (0.5% adwg)
6/8/16 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Reservoir Offtake MCPA 0.2ug/l (0.5% 2011 adwg)
3/11/10 Lower Murray Water Murray River Robinvale Simazine 0.09ug/L (0.45% 2011 adwg)
Centenary Reservoir Maryborough Central Highlands Water 20/11/14 Simazine 0.09ug/l (0.45% 2011 adwg)
19/04/2016 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.09ug/L Meeniyan (0.45% 2011 adwg)
28/02/2012 Gippsland Water Seaspray Triclopyr 0.09ug/L (0.45% adwg)
6/3/17 East Gippsland Water Cann River at Pump Station Triclopyr 0.09ug/L (0.45% adwg)
13/2/12 East Gippsland Water Buchan River Entry Triclopyr 0.09ug/L (0.45% adwg)
Woady Yallock Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Atrazine 0.088 ug/L [9b] (0.44% 2011 adwg)
9/6/71 2,4-D Residues in Stream Water- Waters from Nathalia. SRWSC 2,4-D 0.13ug/L (0.433% adwgh)
Wandin Yallock Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Simazine 0.083 ug/L [9b] (0.415% 2011 adwg)
23/7/10 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Reservoir Offtake Simazine 0.08ug/l (0.4% 2011 adwg)
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Chlorpyrifos 0.04ug/L (0.4% 2011 adwg)
Sheep Station Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008?Chlorpyrifos 0.04ug/L [9b] (0.4% 2011 adwg)
10/12/09: Fenamiphos 0.002ug/L, Starvation Creek Reservoir (0.4% 2011 adwg)
Centenary Reservoir (Central Highlands Water) 21/11/13 atrazine 0.08ug/l ( 0.4% 2011 adwg)
Tullaroop Reservoir (Central Highlands Water)13/11/14 simazine 0.08ug/l (0.4% 2011 adwg)
Talbot Reservoir (Central Highlands Water)19/11/12 atrazine 0.08ug/l ( 0.4% 2011 adwg)
10/6/71 2,4-D Residues in Stream Water- Waters from Nathalia. SRWSC 2,4-D 0.12ug/L (0.4% adwgh)
9/02/2011 Gippsland Water Boolarra Triclopyr 0.08ug/L (0.4% adwg)
8/05/2012 Gippsland Water Seaspray Triclopyr 0.08 0.4ug/L (0.4% adwg)
11/11/15 Central Highlands Water Tullaroop Reservoir Atrazine 0.08ug/L (0.4% adwg)
23/11/16 Central Highlands Water Tullaroop Reservoir Diuron 0.08ug/L (0.4% adwg)
4/11/10 Lower Murray Water Murray River Kerang Simazine 0.07ug/L (0.35% 2011 adwg)
4/11/10 Lower Murray Water Murray River Koondrook Simazine 0.07ug/L (0.35% 2011 adwg)
10/11/11 Wannon Water Hamilton Atrazine 0.07ug/L (0.35% 2011 adwg)
17/9/13 Barwon Water Matthews Creek Dicamba 0.35ug/L (0.35% adwg)
10/12/09: Simazine 0.07ug/L, Yarra River Spadonis (0.35% adwg)
Evansford Reservoir (Central Highlands Water) 13/11/14 Atrazine 0.07ug/l (0.35% 2011 adwg)
7/03/2014 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.07ug/L Devon North (0.35% adwg)
18/03/2014 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.07ug/L Foster (0.35% adwg)
21/04/2015 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.07ug/L Meeniyan (0.35% adwg)
19/11/15 Central Highlands Water Centenary Reservoir Atrazine 0.07ug/L (0.35% adwg)
19/11/15 Central Highlands Water Centenary Reservoir Simazine 0.07ug/L (0.35% adwg)
23/11/16 Central Highlands Water Evansford Resevoir Atrazine 0.07ug/L (0.35% adwg)
4/11/16 Central Highlands Water Centenary Reservoir Atrazine 0.07ug/L (0.35% adwg)
3/11/09 Wannon Water Dartmoor O-Xylene 0.003mg/L (0.3333% 2011 adwg)
9/12/71 2,4-D Residues in Stream Water- Waters from Nathalia. SRWSC 2,4-D 0.1ug/L (0.333% adwgh)
10/12/71 2,4-D Residues in Stream Water- Waters from Nathalia. SRWSC 2,4-D 0.1ug/L (0.333% adwgh)
7/3/89 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Dieldrin (Raw) 0.001ug/L (0.333%adwgh)
7/3/89 Wangaratta Water Supply Tests EPA Dieldrin (Treated) 0.001ug/L (0.333%adwgh)
4/10/2016 Goulburn Valley Water Nathalia 2,4-D 0.1ug/L (0.33% adwg)
11/2/2014 Goulburn Valley Water Sawmill Settlement2,4-D 0.1ug/L (0.33% adwg)
31/1/05 Barwon Water Korweinguboora Outlet Hexazinone 1.3ug/L (0.325% 2011 adwg)
15/12/09 Barwon Water Wurdee Boluc Inlet Channel 2,4-D 0.09ug/L (0.3% 2011 adwg)
3/11/10 Lower Murray Water Murray River Swan Hill Simazine 0.06ug/L (0.3% 2011 adwg)
3/11/10 Lower Murray Water Piangil Simazine 0.06ug/L (0.3% 2011 adwg)
8/6/71 2,4-D Residues in Stream Water- Waters from Nathalia. SRWSC 2,4-D 0.09ug/L (0.3% adwgh)
20/9/11 Barwon Water Pennyroyal Creek MCPA 0.12ug/L (0.3% adwg)
10/12/09: Simazine 0.06ug/L, Little Yarra River Corduroy Rd (0.3% adwg)
11/11/14 Lal Lal reservoir (Central Highlands Water) Simazine 0.06ug/L (0.3% 2011 adwg)
27/5/2014 Balmoral Wannon Water Atrazine 0.06ug/L Balmoral (0.3% 2011 adwg)
21/04/2015 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.06ug/L Dumbalk (0.30% adwg)
27/03/2012 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.06ug/L Meeniyan (0.30% adwg)
29/04/2013 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.06ug/L Meeniyan (0.30% adwg)
18/03/2014 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.06ug/L Meeniyan (0.30% adwg)
1/03/2012 Gippsland Water Maffra Triclopyr 0.06ug/L (0.3% adwg)
11/11/2015 Central Highlands Water Simazine 0.06ug/L (0.3% adwg)
23/11/16 Central Highlands Water Simazine 0.06ug/L (0.3% adwg)
3/11/16 Central Highlands Water Centenary Reservoir Simazine 0.06ug/L (0.3% adwg)
2/3/16 Melbourne Water Yarra River Offtake Sugarloaf Simazine 0.06ug/L (0.3% adwg)
Dec 05 Goulburn Murray Water Katamatite Channel 7/3 Atrazine 0.056ug/L (0.28% 2011 adwg)
18/5/11Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Offtake Atrazine 0.056ug/L (0.28% 2011 adwg)
7/4/08 Goulburn Valley Water Violet Town Xylenes 1.7ug/L (0.28% adwg)
10/02/2011 Gippsland Water Moe MCPA 0.11ug/L (0.275% adwg)
8/7/16 Central Highlands Water Creswick Creek Carbaryl 0.08ug/L (0.2667% adwg)
10/12/09: Methomyl 0.051ug/L, Platypus wetlands (Hull Rd wetlands) Hull Rd, Lilydale (0.255% 2011 adwg)
8/9/11 Barwon Water Forrest Dicamba 0.26ug/L (0.25% 2011 adwg)
Mar 06 Goulburn Murray Water Kerang Channel 14/2 Atrazine 0.050ug/L (0.25% 2011 adwg)
20/9/11 Barwon Water Wurdee Boluc Inlet Channel @ Salt Creek Lane MCPA 0.1ug/L (0.25% adwgh)
Wannon Water 19/2/2015 Atrazine 0.05ug/L Balmoral (0.25% 2011 adwg)
Lal Lal reservoir Central Highlands Water 12/11/13 Simazine 0.05ug/L (0.25% 2011 adwg)
Lexton reservoir Central Highlands Water 4/11/13 Simazine 0.05ug/l (0.25% 2011 adwg)
White Swan Reservoir (Ballarat) Central Highlands Water 4/11/14 Simazine 0.05ug/l (0.25% 2011 adwg)
Tullaroop Reservoir Central Highlands Water 14/11/13 simazine 0.05ug/l (0.25% 2011 adwg)
Tullaroop Reservoir Central Highlands Water 19/11/12 simazine 0.05ug/l (0.25% 2011 adwg)
Talbot Reservoir Central Highlands Water14/11/13 atrazine 0.05ug/l (0.25% 2011 adwg)
Barwon Water Matthews Creek 14/7/15 MCPA 0.1ug/L (0.25% adwg)
28/03/2012 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.05ug/L Korumburra (0.25% adwg)
12/10/2016 North East Water Lake Hume at Bethanga Bridge, Bellbridge Simazine 0.05ug/L (0.25% adwg)
28/07/2016 North East Water Lake Mulwala, Yarrawonga WTP Atrazine 0.05ug/L (0.25% adwg)
12/11/2012 North East Water Nariel Creek tap at pump station Corryong Diazinon 0.01ug/L (0.25% adwg)
8/11/2012 North East Water Wodonga Creek P.S. at tap Diazinon 0.01ug/L (0.25% adwg)
15/02/2012 Gippsland WaterMoe Triclopyr 0.05ug/L (0.25% adwg)
5/11/15 Central Highlands Water Bullarto Reservoir Triclopyr 0.05ug/L (0.25% adwg)
11/11/15 Central Highlands Water Evansford Reservoir Atrazine 0.05ug/L (0.25% adwg)
23/11/16 Central Highlands Water Evansford Reservoir Simazine 0.05ug/L (0.25% adwg)
23/11/16 Central Highlands Water Evansford Reservoir Atrazine 0.05ug/L (0.25% adwg)
6/12/16 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Reservoir Offtake MCPA 0.1ug/l (0.25% 2011 adwg)
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Hexazinone 0.96ug/L (0.24% 2011 adwg)
March 2006 Goulburn Murray Water Goulburn Weir/Nagambie Atrazine 0.048ug/L (0.24% 2011 adwg))
Dec 05 Goulburn Murray Water Katamatite Channel 7/3 Atrazine 0.045ug/L (0.225% 2011 adwg)
February 2006 Goulburn Murray Water Goulburn Weir/Nagambie Atrazine 0.044ug/L (0.22% 2011 adwg))
7/4/08 Goulburn Valley Water Euroa Xylenes 1.3ug/L (0.22% adwg)
7/3/05 Barwon Water Korweinguboora Outlet Hexazinone 0.86ug/L (0.215% 2011 adwg)
22/10/09: Pirimicarb 0.015ug/L, Little Yarra River Corduroy Rd (0.21428% 2011 adwg)
April 06 Goulburn Murray Water Tatura Channel 3/5 Atrazine 0.042ug/L (0.21% 2011 adwg)
December 2005: Goulburn Murray Water Goulburn Weir/Nagambie atrazine 0.042ug/L (0.21% 2011 adwg))
Feb 06 Goulburn Murray Water Tatura Channel 3/5 Atrazine 0.041ug/L (0.205% 2011 adwg)
7/2/00 Melbourne Water Johns Hill Plant Kallista Lindane 0.02ug/L (0.2% 2011 adwg)
Jan 06 Goulburn Murray Water Tatura Channel 3/5 Atrazine 0.040ug/L (0.2% 2011 adwg)
Mar 06 Goulburn Murray Water Tatura Channel 3/5 Atrazine 0.040ug/L (0.2% 2011 adwg)
3/11/10 Lower Murray Water Robinvale 0.04ug/L Atrazine (0.2% 2011 adwg)
4/11/10 Lower Murray Water Murray River Kerang 0.04ug/L Atrazine (0.2% 2011 adwg)
4/11/10 Lower Murray Water Murray River Koondrook 0.04ug/L Atrazine (0.2% 2011 adwg)
4/11/10 Lower Murray Water Murray River Mildura 0.04ug/L Simazine (0.2% 2011 adwg)
4/11/10 Lower Murray Water Murray River Red Cliffs Simazine 0.04ug/L (0.2% 2011 adwg)
December 2011 EPA Gippsland Narracan Creek Moe etc Diazinon 0.008ug/L (0.2% 2011 adwg)
7/9/09: Simazine 0.04ug/L, Platypus wetlands (Hull Rd wetlands) Hull Rd, Lilydale (0.2% 2011 adwg)
Wannon Water 7/4/14 Triclopyr 0.04ug/L camperdown (0.2% 2011 adwg)
Lal Lal reservoir outlet Central Highlands Water 4/11/10 Triclopyr 0.04ug/L (0.2% 2011 adwg)
Talbot Reservoir (Central Highlands Water) 13/11/14 atrazine 0.04ug/L (0.2% 2011 adwg)
Pennyroyal Creek Barwon Water 14/7/15 MCPA 0.08ug/L (0.2% 2011 adwg)
Centenary Reservoir Maryborough (Central Highlands Water) 21/11/13 simazine 0.04ug/l (0.2% 2011 adwg)
29/04/2013 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.04ug/L Dumbalk (0.20% adwg)
18/03/2014 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.04ug/L Dumbalk (0.20% adwg)
17/11/2015 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.04ug/L Dumbalk (0.20% adwg)
27/03/2012 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.04ug/L Foster (0.20% adwg)
21/04/2015 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.04ug/L Foster (0.20% adwg)
19/04/2016 South Gippsland Water 2,4-D 0.06ug/L Meeniyan (0.20% adwg)
18/03/2014 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.04ug/L Toora (0.20% adwg)
28/04/2015 North East Water King River at Oxley Offtake Triclopyr 0.04ug/L ( 0.2% adwg)
30/07/2015 North East Water Lake Mulwala, Yarrawonga WTP Atrazine 0.04ug/L ( 0.2% adwg)
13/06/2013 North East Water Lake Mulwala, Yarrawonga WTP Simazine 0.04ug/L ( 0.2% adwg)
28/07/2016 North East Water Lake Mulwala, Yarrawonga WTP Simazine 0.04ug/L ( 0.2% adwg)
27/10/2016 North East Water Murray River at tap at inlet to treatment plant Wahgunyah Simazine 0.04ug/L ( 0.2% adwg)
23/10/2013 North East Water Wodonga Creek P.S. at tap Simazine 0.04ug/L ( 0.2% adwg)
26/10/2016 North East Water Wodonga Creek P.S. at tap Simazine 0.04ug/L ( 0.2% adwg)
12/11/2012 Gippsland Water Moe 2,4-D 0.06ug/L ( 0.2% adwg)
8/11/2011 Gippsland WaterThorpdale Triclopyr 0.04ug/L ( 0.2% adwg)
8/2/17 Lower Murray Water Kerang Murray River Simazine 0.04ug/L (0.2% adwg)
7/2/17 Lower Murray Water Murrabit Murray River Simazine 0.04ug/L (0.2% adwg)
31/10/16 Central Highlands Water Sugarloaf Reservoir Simazine 0.04ug/L (0.2% adwg)
6/2/07 Western Water Pykes Creek Reservoir 2,4-D 0.06ug/L (0.2% adwg)
4/10/16 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Reservoir Offtake Simazine 0.04ug/l (0.2% 2011 adwg)
Mar 06 Goulburn Murray Water Corop Rochester Channel 1 Atrazine 0.039ug/L (0.195% 2011 adwg)
Jan 06 Goulburn Murray Water Katamatite Channel 7/3 Atrazine 0.038ug/L (0.19% 2011 adwg)
11/8/11 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Offtake Simazine 0.038ug/L (0.19% 2011 adwg)
December 2011 EPA Gippsland Narracan Creek Moe etc MCPA 0.076ug/L (0.19%adwg 2011 adwg)
April 06 Goulburn Murray Water Corop Rochester Channel 1 Atrazine 0.036ug/L (0.18% 2011 adwg)
April 2006 Goulburn Murray Water Goulburn Weir/Nagambie Atrazine 0.036ug/L (0.18% 2011 adwg)
December 2011 EPA Gippsland Narracan Creek Moe etc MCPA 0.072ug/L (0.18%adwg 2011 adwg)
Jan 06 Goulburn Murray Water Kerang Town Channel 14/2 Atrazine 0.035ug/L (0.175% 2011 adwg)
18/9/07 Barwon Water Matthews Creek MCPA 0.07ug/L (0.175% 2011 adwg)
15/12/09 Barwon Water Matthews Creek (Geelong) MCPA 0.07ug/L (0.175% 2011 adwg)
11/8/11 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Offtake MCPA 0.07ug/L (0.175% 2011 adwg)
12/06/2013 North East Water King River at Oxley Offtake MCPA 0.07ug/L (0.175% 2011 adwg)
7/4/08 Goulburn Valley Water Euroa Xylenes 1ug/L (0.17% adwg)
3/12/13 Goulburn Valley Water Nathalia Xylenes 1ug/L (0.17% adwg)
17/11/2015 South Gippsland Water 2,4-D 0.05ug/L Dumbalk (0.17% adwg)
15/11/2012 Gippsland Water Seaspray Picloram 0.51ug/L (0.17% adwg)
7/3/05 Barwon Water Korweinguboora Outlet Hexazinone 0.67ug/L (0.1675% 2011 adwg)
8/11/2011 Gippsland Water Thorpdale 2,4-D 0.05ug/L (0.167% adwg)
15/12/09 Barwon Water Matthews Creek 2,4-D 0.05ug/L (0.1667% 2011 adwg)
8/2/07 Western Water Garden Hut Reservoir 2,4-D 0.05ug/L (0.1667% adwg)
April 04 Goulburn Murray Water West Boort Channel 5 Atrazine 0.033ug/L (0.165% 2011 adwg)
January 2006 Goulburn Murray Water Goulburn Weir/Nagambie Atrazine 0.033ug/L (0.165% 2011 adwg)
April 04 Goulburn Murray Water West Boort Channel 5 Atrazine 0.032ug/L (0.16% 2011 adwg)
Oct 05 Goulburn Murray Water Katamatite Channel 7/3 Atrazine 0.031ug/L (0.155% 2011 adwg)
Feb 06 Goulburn Murray Water Kerang Channel 14/2 Atrazine 0.031ug/L (0.155% 2011 adwg)
May 06 Lower Murray Water Red Cliffs supply Atrazine 0.030ug/L (0.15% 2011 adwg)
May 06 Lower Murray Water Mildura supply Atrazine 0.030ug/L (0.15% 2011 adwg)
May 06 Lower Murray Water Piangil supply Atrazine 0.030ug/L (0.15% 2011 adwg)
Nov 05 Goulburn Murray Water Katamatite Channel 7/3 Atrazine 0.030ug/L (0.15% 2011 adwg)
Mar 05 Goulburn Murray Water Katamatite Channel 7/3 Atrazine 0.030ug/L (0.15% 2011 adwg)
2/12/09 Barwon Water Forrest WTP MCPA 0.06ug/L (0.15% 2011 adwg)
3/11/10 Lower Murray Water Murray River Red Cliffs 0.03ug/L Atrazine (0.15% 2011 adwg)
3/11/10 Lower Murray Water Murray River Swan Hill 0.03ug/L Atrazine (0.15% 2011 adwg)
3/11/10 Lower Murray Water Murrabit 0.03ug/L Simazine (0.15% 2011 adwg)
4/11/10 Lower Murray Water Murrabit 0.03ug/L Atrazine (0.15% 2011 adwg)
10/11/11 Wannon Water Hamilton Atrazine 0.03ug/L (0.15% 2011 adwg)
10/11/11 Wannon Water Hamilton Atrazineug/L 0.03ug/L (0.15% adwg)
27/01/2016 North East Water King River at Oxley Offtake Triclopyr 0.03ug/L (0.15% adwg)
13/06/2013 North East Water Lake Mulwala, Yarrawonga WTP Atrazine 0.03ug/L (0.15% adwg)
30/07/2015 North East Water Lake Mulwala, Yarrawonga WTP Simazine 0.03ug/L (0.15% adwg)
25/07/2013 North East Water Murray River at tap at inlet to treatment plant Wahgunyah Atrazine 0.03ug/L (0.15% adwg)
3/06/2013 North East Water Murray River Dip at pump, Walwa Triclopyr 0.03ug/L (0.15% adwg)
26/01/2016 North East Water Nine Mile Creek, Yackandandah Hexazinone 0.03ug/L (0.15% adwg)
29/07/2015 North East Water Walker's Saddle Basin at outlet - Yackandandah Hexazinone 0.03ug/L (0.15% adwg)
15/02/2012 Gippsland Water Boolarra Triclopyr 0.03ug/L (0.15% adwg)
10/02/2011 Gippsland Water Moe Triclopyr 0.03 0.15 /L (0.15% 2011 adwg)
8/11/11 Wannon Water Balmoral Atrazine 0.03ug/L (0.15% 2011 adwg)
21/1/10: Simazine 0.03ug/L, Platypus wetlands (Hull Rd wetlands) Hull Rd, Lilydale (0.15% 2011 adwg)
22/10/09: Simazine 0.03ug/L, Yarra River Spadonis (0.15% 2011 adwg)
Wannon Water 8/11/2011 Triclopyr 0.03ug/L east zone headworks and storages (0.15% 2011adwg)
Wannon Water 4/3/15 Atrazine 0.03ug/L Hamilton (0.15% 2011adwg)
Lal lal reservoir Central Highlands Water 30/9/10 triclopyr 0.03ug/l (0.15% 2011adwg)
Lal lal reservoir Central Highlands Water 13/11/12 simazine 0.03ug/L (0.15% 2011adwg)
Hepburn Reservoir Central Highlands Water 5/11/14 simazine 0.03ug/l (0.15% 2011adwg)
Barwon Water Dewings Creek 16/12/14 Triclopyr 0.03ug/L (0.15% 2011 adwg)
18/11/2014 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.03ug/L Dumbalk (0.15% adwg)
17/11/2015 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.03ug/L Foster (0.15% adwg)
19/12/15 Barwon Water Birregurra Channel prior Basin Inlet MCPA 0.06ug/L (0.15% adwg)
7/2/17 Lower Murray Water Mildura Murray River Simazine 0.03ug/L (0.15% adwg)
7/2/17 Lower Murray Water Swan Hill Murray River Simazine 0.03ug/L (0.15% adwg)
3/11/15 Central Highlands Water White Swan Reservoir Simazine 0.03ug/L (0.15% adwg)
11/11/15 Central Highlands Water Talbot Reservoir Atrazine 0.03ug/L (0.15% adwg)
23/11/16 Central Highlands Water Talbot Reservoir Atrazine 0.03ug/L (0.15% adwg)
7/3/05 Barwon Water Bostok Outlet Hexazinone 0.58ug/L (0.145% 2011 adwg)
7/9/09: Pirimicarb 0.01ug/L, Little Yarra River Corduroy Rd (0.14285% 2011 adwg)
7/3/05 Barwon Water Bostok Outlet Hexazinone 0.56ug/L (0.14% 2011 adwg)
April 04 Goulburn Murray Water Kerang Channel 14/2 Atrazine 0.028ug/L (0.14% 2011 adwg)
11/7/10 Barwon Water Lorne WTP 2,4-D 0.04ug/L (0.1333% 2011 adwg)
Lal Lal Creek at Harris Central Highlands Water 4/11/10 2,4-D 0.04ug/L (0.133% 2011 adwg)
December 2011 EPA Gippsland Narracan Creek Moe etc Triclopyr 0.0261ug/L (0.1305%adwg 2011 adwg)
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Carbaryl 0.039ug/L (0.13% 2011 adwg)
11/2/11 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Reservoir Offtake Simazine 0.026ug/L (0.13% 2011 adwg)
9/11/11 Wannon Water Warrnambool Headworks and Storages 2,4-D 0.04ug/L (0.13% 2011 adwg)
March 2012 EPA Gippsland Easterbrook Creek Thorpdale Triclopyr 0.026ug/L (0.13%adwg)
18/04/2016 South Gippsland Water 2,4-D 0.04ug/L Korumburra (0.13% adwg)
27/8/16 Barwon Water Wurdee Boluc Inlet at Salt Creek Lane 2,4-D 0.04ug/L (0.1333% adwg)
8/2/10 Western Water Pykes Creek Reservoir Myniong 2,4-D 0.04ug/L (0.1333% adwg)
5/2/07 Western Water Glenfern Park Service Basin Romsey 2,4-D 0.04ug/L (0.1333% adwg)
8/2/2010 Western Water Kerrie Reservoir Romsey 2,4-D 0.04ug/L (0.1333% adwg)
Dec 05 Goulburn Murray Water Tatura Channel 3/5 Atrazine 0.025ug/L (0.125% 2011 adwg)
Spring Creek Yendon Central Highlands Water 6/12/10 MCPA0.05ug/L (0.125% 2011 adwg)
Barwon Water Matthews Creek 16/12/14 MCPA 0.05ug/L (0.125% 2011 adwg)
Oct 05 Goulburn Murray Water Corop Rochester Channel 1 Atrazine 0.024ug/L (0.12% 2011 adwg)
7/4/08 Goulburn Valley Water Violet Town Xylenes 0.7ug/L (0.12% adwg)
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Site 2 Simazine 0.023ug/L [9b] (0.115% 2011 adwg)
20/8/10 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Reservoir Offtake Atrazine 0.023ug/l (0.115% 2011 adwg)
7/9/09: Pirimicarb 0.008ug/L, Yarra River Spadonis (0.11428% 2011 adwg)
7/3/05 Barwon Water Bostok Outlet Hexazinone 0.44ug/L (0.11% 2011 adwg)
Oct 05 Goulburn Murray Water West Boort Channel 5 Atrazine 0.022ug/L (0.11% 2011 adwg)
Nov 05 Goulburn Murray Water Kerang Channel 14/2 Atrazine 0.022ug/L (0.11% 2011 adwg)
March 2012 EPA Gippsland Narracan Creek Moe etc Triplocyr 0.022ug/L (0.11%adwg)
8/11/2011 Gippsland Water Thorpdale Dicamba 0.11ug/L (0.11% adwg)
23/11/16 Central Highlands Water Tullaroop Reservoir Benomyl 0.1ug/L (0.1111% adwg)
December 2011 EPA Gippsland Narracan Creek Moe etc Metribuzin 0.072ug/L (0.10285%adwg 2011 adwg)
2007/8 WQR Pykes Creek Reservoir (Raw) 2,4-D 0.03ug/L (0.1% 2011 adwg)
2/6/10 Barwon Water Meredith WTP 2,4-D 0.03ug/L (0.1% 2011 adwg)
15/12/09 Barwon Water Wurdee Boluc Inlet Channel 2,4-D 0.03ug/L (0.1% 2011 adwg)
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Site 12 Simazine 0.02ug/L [9b] (0.1% 2011 adwg)
Sheep Station Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Carbaryl 0.03ug/L [9b] (0.1% 2011 adwg)
April 05 Goulburn Murray Water Tatura Channel 3/5 Atrazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% 2011 adwg)
Feb 06 Goulburn Murray Water Corop Rochester Channel 1 Atrazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% 2011 adwg)
January 2005: Goulburn Murray Water Goulburn Weir/Nagambie Atrazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% 2011 adwg)
April 2005 Goulburn Murray Water Goulburn Weir/Nagambie Atrazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% 2011 adwg)
18/9/07 Barwon Water Wurdee Boluc Inlet Channel MCPA 0.04ug/L (0.1% 2011 adwg)
3/11/10 Lower Murray Water Murray River Mildura Atrazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% 2011 adwg)
3/5/10 Wannon Water East Zone Headworks and Storages MCPA 0.04ug/L (0.1% 2011 adwg)
6/8/12 Barwon Water Matthews Creek 2,4-D 0.03ug/L (0.1% adwgh)
6/8/12 Barwon Water Matthews Creek MCPA 0.04ug/L (0.1%adwgh)
17/12/13 Barwon Water Matthews Creek Triclopyr 0.02ug/L (0.1%adwgh)
18/12/13 Barwon Water Pennyroyal Creek Triclopyr 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwgh)
3/12/13 Barwon Water Apollo Bay Triclopyr 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwgh)
21/10/09: Simazine 0.02ug/L, Platypus wetlands (Hull Rd wetlands) Hull Rd, Lilydale (0.1% adwgh)
21/1/10: Simazine 0.02ug/L, Yarra River Spadonis (0.1% adwgh)
10/12/09: Atrazine 0.02ug/L, Platypus wetlands (Hull Rd wetlands) Hull Rd, Lilydale (0.1% adwgh)
4/11/13: Central Highlands Water Lexton Bromoxynil 0.01ug/L (0.1% adwg)
7/5/12 Wannon Water Triclopyr 0.02ug/L east zone headworks and storages (0.1%adwg)
9/4/2014 Wannon Water Atrazine 0.02ug/L Warrnambool headworks and storages (0.1% adwg)
Lal lal reservoir Central Highlands Water 13/11/2012 atrazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
Lal lal reservoir Central Highlands Water 12/11/13 atrazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
Lal lal reservoir Central Highlands Water 11/11/14 atrazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
Lal lal reservoir outlet Central Highlands Water 4/11/10 2,4-d 0.03ug/L (0.1% adwg)
Lal lal creek Egerton Central Highlands Water 6/12/10 triclopyr 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
Spring creek Yendon Central Highlands Water 6/12/10 triclopyr 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
Lexton reservoir Central Highlands Water 6/12/10 triclopyr 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
Tullaroop reservoir Central Highlands Water 19/11/12 2,4-d 0.03ug/l (0.1% adwg)
Sugarloaf reservoir Central Highlands Water 11/11/14 atrazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
3/12/13 Goulburn Valley Water Nathalia Xylenes 0.6ug/L (0.1% adwg)
28/03/2012 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.02ug/L Dumbalk (0.10% adwg)
29/04/2013 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.02ug/L Fish Creek (0.10% adwg)
18/03/2014 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.02ug/L Fish Creek (0.10% adwg)
28/06/2011 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.02ug/L Foster (0.10% adwg)
17/03/2014 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.02ug/L Korumburra (0.10% adwg)
18/04/2016 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.02ug/L Korumburra (0.10% adwg)
28/03/2012 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.02ug/L Lance Creek (0.10% adwg)
27/03/2012 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.02ug/L Leongatha (0.10% adwg)
16/11/2015 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.02ug/L Meeniyan (0.10% adwg)
30/04/2013 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.02ug/L Poowong (0.10% adwg)
17/03/2014 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.02ug/L Poowong (0.10% adwg)
20/04/2015 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.02ug/L Poowong (0.10% adwg)
29/04/2013 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.02ug/L Toora (0.10% adwg)
13/06/2013 North East Water Lake Mulwala, Yarrawonga WTP MCPA 0.04ug/L (0.1% adwg)
3/06/2013 North East Water Murray River Dip at pump, Walwa Atrazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
11/06/2013 North East Water Nariel Creek tap at pump station Corryong Triclopyr 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
29/07/2014 North East Water Nine Mile Creek, Yackandandah Triclopyr 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
12/06/2013 North East Water Ovens River at Wangaratta Offtake Triclopyr 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
29/07/2014 North East Water Walker's Saddle Basin at outlet - Yackandandah Triclopyr 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
5/06/2013 North East Water Wodonga Creek P.S. at tap 2,4-D 0.03ug/L (0.1% adwg)
8/11/2012 North East Water Wodonga Creek P.S. at tap Atrazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
5/06/2013 North East Water Wodonga Creek P.S. at tap Triclopyr 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
22/02/2011 Gippsland Water Maffra Triclopyr 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
10/02/2011 Gippsland Water Moe Triclopyr 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
10/05/2016 Gippsland Water Seaspray Triclopyr 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
15/11/2012 Gippsland Water Thorpdale Triclopyr 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
11/02/2016 Gippsland Water Thorpdale Triclopyr 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
3/8/2016 Wannon Water Balmoral Atrazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
27/8/16 Barwon Water Matthews Creek MCPA 0.04ug/L (0.1% adwg)
19/12/15 Barwon Water Birregurra Basin 2 MCPA 0.04ug/L (0.1% adwg)
7/3/12 East Gippsland Water 65 Main Street Conorville (Buchan) Triclopyr 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
7/3/12 East Gippsland Water Buchan Entry Water Triclopyr 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
8/2/17 Lower Murray Water Kerang Murray River Atrazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
7/2/17 Lower Murray Water Mildura Murray River Atrazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
6/3/17 Lower Murray Water Murrabit Murray River Atrazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
8/2/17 Lower Murray Water Murrabit Murray River Atrazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
7/2/17 Lower Murray Water Swan Hill Murray River Atrazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
7/2/17 Lower Murray Water Piangil Murray River Simazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
8/2/17 Lower Murray Water Koondrook Murray River Simazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
9/11/15 Central Highlands Water Sugarloaf Reservoir Simazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
11/2/08 Western Water Pykes Creek Reservoir Myniong 0.03ug/L (0.1% adwg)
8/10/14 Melbourne Water Yarra River Offtake Sugarloaf Simazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
12/10/14 Melbourne Water Yarra River Offtake Sugarloaf Simazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
6/3/15 Melbourne Water Yarra River Offtake Sugarloaf Simazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
14/10/15 Melbourne Water Yarra River Offtake Sugarloaf Simazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
6/8/16 Melbourne Water Yarra River Offtake Sugarloaf Simazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
12/4/17 Melbourne Water Yarra River Offtake Sugarloaf Simazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
March 2005: Goulburn Murray Water Goulburn Weir/Nagambie Atrazine 0.019ug/L (0.095% 2011 adwg)
December 2011 EPA Gippsland Narracan Creek Moe etc Metribuzin 0.069ug/L (0.09857%adwg 2011 adwg)
21/1/10: Methomyl 0.019ug/L, Platypus wetlands (Hull Rd wetlands) Hull Rd, Lilydale (0.095% adwg 2011 adwg)
10/12/09: Methomyl 0.019ug/L, Yarra River Spadonis (0.095% adwg 2011 adwg)
December 2011 EPA Gippsland Narracan Creek Moe etc 2,4-D 0.028ug/L (0.09333%adwg 2011 adwg)
Goulburn Murray Water Goulburn Weir/Nagambie November 2005 Endosulfan 0.0186ug/L (0.093% 2011 adwg)
31/1/05 Barwon Water Korweinguboora Inlet Hexazinone 0.37ug/L (0.0925% 2011 adwg)
11/2/11 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Offtake Metolachlor 0.273ug/L (0.091% 2011 adwg)
Mar 05 Goulburn Murray Water West Boort Channel 5 Atrazine 0.018ug/L (0.9% 2011 adwg)
10/9/10 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Reservoir Offtake Atrazine 0.018ug/l (0.9% 2011 adwg)
21/04/2015 South Gippsland Water Picloram 0.27ug/L Toora (0.09% adwg)
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Triclorfon 0.006ug/L (0.08571% 2011 adwg)
Stringybark Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Pirimicarb 0.006 ug/L [9b] (0.08571% 2011 adwg)
Sep 05 Goulburn Murray Water Katatmatite Channel 7/3 Atrazine 0.017ug/L (0.085% 2011 adwg)
Sep 05 Goulburn Murray Water West Boort Channel 5 Atrazine 0.016ug/L (0.08% 2011 adwg)
10/9/10 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Reservoir Offtake Simazine 0.016ug/l (0.08% 2011 adwg)
1/12/04 Barwon Water Stony Creek Reservoir #3 Hexazinone 0.32ug/L (0.08% 2011 adwg)
7/4/08 Goulburn Valley Water Euroa Xylenes 0.5ug/L (0.08% adwg)
16/11/2015 South Gippsland Water MCPA 0.03ug/L Korumburra (0.08% adwg)
December 2011 EPA Gippsland Narracan Creek Moe etc 2,4-D 0.023ug/L (0.07666%adwg 2011 adwg)
10/9/10 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Reservoir Offtake MCPA 0.03ug/l (0.075% 2011 adwg)
3/5/10 Wannon Water East Zone Headworks and Storages MCPA 0.03ug/L (0.075% 2011 adwg)
13/4/11Wannon Water Warrnambool Headworks and Storages MCPA 0.03ug/L (0.075% 2011 adwg)
9/11/11 Wannon Water Warrnambool Headworks and Storages MCPA 0.03ug/L (0.075% 2011 adwg)
20/9/11 Barwon Water Matthews Creek MCPA 0.03ug/L (0.075%adwgh)
20/9/11 Barwon Water Wurdee Boluc Inlet Channel MCPA 0.03ug/L (0.075%adwgh)
Lal lal creek at Harris 4/11/2010 Central Highlands Water MCPA 0.03ug/L (0.075% 2011 adwg)
25/10/2016 North East Water Whitfield Raw Water Tank Outlet MCPA 0.03ug/L (0.075% adwg)
Woori Yallock Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Pirimicarb 0.005 ug/L [9b] (0.07142% 2011 adwg)
6/3/13 Barwon Water Forrest Dicamba 0.07ug/L (0.07%adwgh)
16/11/2015 South Gippsland Water 2,4-D 0.02ug/L Meeniyan (0.07% adwg)
5/2/07 Western Water Kerrie Reservoir 2,4-D 0.02ug/L (0.067% 2011 adwg)
3/6/10 Barwon Water Apollo Bay WTP 2,4-D 0.02ug/L (0.067% 2011 adwg)
2/6/10 Barwon Water Moorobool WTP 2,4-D 0.02ug/L (0.067% 2011 adwg)
15/12/09 Barwon Water Pennyroyal Creek 2,4-D 0.02ug/L (0.067% 2011 adwg)
4/2/11 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Reservoir Offtake 2,4-D 0.02ug/L (0.067% 2011 adwg)
4/3/11 Barwon Water Meredith WTP 2,4-D 0.02ug/L (0.067% 2011 adwg)
8/9/11 Barwon Water Forrest 2,4-D 0.02ug/L (0.067% 2011 adwg)
17/9/13 Barwon Water Pennyroyal Creek 2,4-D 0.02ug/L (0.067% adwgh)
6/8/13 Wannon Water2,4-D 0.02ug/L Warrnambool headworks and storages (0.067% adwgh)
13/11/2013 Wannon Water 2,4-D 0.02ug/L Warrnambool headworks and storages (0.067% adwgh)
Lal lal reservoir Central Highlands Water 30/9/2010 2,4-d 0.02ug/L (0.067% adwgh)
Lal lal Creek Egerton Central HighlandsWater 6/12/10 2,4-d 0.02ug/L (0.067% adwgh)
Lexton reservoir Central Highlands Water 4/11/13 2,4-d 0.02ug/l (0.067% adwgh)
Tullaroop reservoir Central Highlands Water 14/11/13 2,4-d 0.02ug/L (0.067% adwgh)
15/8/14 South East Water Jaguar Drive Clayton 2,4-D 0.02ug/L (0.067% adwg)
5/11/15 Central Highlands Water Landsborough Bore 2,4-D 0.02ug/L (0.067% adwg)
6/2/07 Western Water Djerriwarrah Reservoir Melton 2,4-D 0.02ug/L (0.067% adwg)
9/2/10 Western Water Djerriwarrah Reservoir Melton 2,4-D 0.02ug/L (0.067% adwg)
8/2/10 Western Water Glenfern Park Service Basin Romsey 0.02ug/L (0.067% adwg)
5/2/07 Western Water Kerrie Reservoir Romsey 0.02ug/L (0.067% adwg)
20/8/10 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Reservoir Offtake Simazine 0.013ug/l (0.065% 2011 adwg)
7/3/05 Barwon Water Stony Creek Reservoir #3 Hexazinone 0.24ug/L (0.06% 2011 adwg)
Olinda Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Simazine 0.012ug/L [9b] (0.06% 2011 adwg)
(2007-08 Annual Report) Lower Murray Water Swan Hill Atrazine 0.012ug/L (0.06% 2011 adwg)
5/8/09 Wannon Water Warrnambool Headworks and Storages 2,4-D 0.02ug/L (0.06% 2011 adwg)
6/4/11 Wannon Water Cavendish 2,4-D 0.02ug/L (0.06% 2011 adwg)
13/4/11 Wannon Water Warrnambool Headworks and Storages 2,4-D 0.02ug/L (0.06% 2011 adwg)
5/5/11 Wannon Water Cavendish 2,4-D 0.02ug/L (0.06% 2011 adwg)
18/5/11 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Offtake Simazine 0.012ug/L (0.06% 2011 adwg)
March 2012 EPA Gippsland Narracan Creek Moe etc 2,4-D 0.018ug/L (0.06%adwg)
December 2011 EPA Gippsland Narracan Creek Moe etc Simazine 0.012ug/L (0.06% 2011 adwg)
22/10/09: Pirimicarb 0.004ug/L, Yarra River Spadonis (0.05714% 2011 adwg)
23/11/16 Central Highlands Water Tullaroop Reservoir Fluometuron 0.04ug/L (0.05714% adwg)
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Site 1 Pirimicarb 0.004ug/L [9b] (0.0571% 2011 adwg)
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Site 2 Pirimicarb 0.004ug/L [9b] (0.0571% 2011 adwg)
Woori Yallock Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Pirimicarb 0.004ug/L [9b] (0.0571% 2011 adwg)
31/1/05 Barwon Water Stony Creek Reservoir #3 Hexazinone 0.22ug/L (0.055% 2011 adwg)
7/3/05 Barwon Water Stony Creek Reservoir #3 Hexazinone 0.22ug/L (0.055% 2011 adwg)
Mar 05 Goulburn Murray Water Corop Rochester Channel 1 Atrazine 0.011ug/L (0.055% 2011 adwg)
31/1/05 Barwon Water Stony Creek Reservoir #3 Hexazinone 0.21ug/L (0.0525% 2011 adwg)
23/7/10 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Reservoir Offtake Triclopyr 0.01ug/l (0.05% 2011 adwg)
7/3/05 Barwon Water Korweinguboora Outlet Hexazinone 0.20ug/L (0.05% 2011 adwg)
7/3/05 Barwon Water Korweinguboora Outlet Hexazinone 0.20ug/L (0.05% 2011 adwg)
9/11/06 Barwon Water Moorabool Treatment Hexazinone 0.20ug/L (0.05% 2011 adwg)
4/1/06 Barwon Water Stony Creek Reservoir #3 Hexazinone 0.20ug/L (0.05% 2011 adwg)
7/2/06 Barwon Water Stony Creek Reservoir#3 Hexazinone 0.20ug/L (0.05% 2011 adwg)
21/3/11 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Reservoir Offtake Glyphosate 0.5ug/L (0.05% 2011 adwg)
Jan 05 Goulburn Murray Water Tatura Channel 3/5 Atrazine 0.01ug/L (0.05% 2011 adwg)
Oct 04 Goulburn Murray Water West Boort Channel 5 Atrazine 0.01ug/L (0.05% 2011 adwg)
Nov 04 Goulburn Murray Water West Boort Channel 5 Atrazine 0.01ug/L (0.05% 2011 adwg)
Dec 04 Goulburn Murray Water West Boort Channel 5 Atrazine 0.01ug/L (0.05% 2011 adwg)
Feb 05 Goulburn Murray Water West Boort Channel 5 Atrazine 0.01ug/L (0.05% 2011 adwg)
Apr 05 Goulburn Murray Water West Boort Channel 5 Atrazine 0.01ug/L (0.05% 2011 adwg)
Dec 04 Goulburn Murray Water Kerang Channel 14/2 Atrazine 0.01ug/L (0.05% 2011 adwg)
February 2005: Goulburn Murray Water Goulburn Weir/Nagambie Atrazine 0.01ug/L (0.05% 2011 adwg)
4/9/09 Barwon Water Birregurra WTP MCPA 0.02ug/L (0.05% 2011 adwg)
21/9/10 Barwon Water Matthews Creek MCPA 0.02ug/L (0.05% 2011 adwg)
23/7/10 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Reservoir Offtake MCPA 0.02ug/l (0.05% 2011 adwg)
3/5/10 Wannon Water East Zone Headworks and Storages MCPA 0.02ug/L (0.05% 2011 adwg)
15/11/11 Wannon Water Penshurst Atrazine 0.01ug/L (0.05% 2011 adwg)
December 2011 EPA Gippsland Narracan Creek Moe etc Diazinon 0.002ug/L (0.05%adwg 2011 adwg)
December 2011 EPA Gippsland Narracan Creek Moe etc Diazinon 0.002ug/L (0.05%adwg 2011 adwg)
18/12/12 Barwon Water Matthews Creek MCPA 0.02ug/L (0.05% adwgh)
17/9/13 Pennyroyal Creek MCPA 0.02ug/L (0.05% adwgh)
10/12/09: Simazine 0.01ug/L, Starvation Creek Reservoir (0.05% adwgh)
6/8/13 Wannon Water mcpa 0.02ug/L Warrnambool headworks and storages (0.05% adwg)
26/2/2013 Wannon Water atrazine 0.01ug/L balmoral (0.05% adwg)
18/2/2015 Wannon Water atrazine 0.01ug/L Glenthompson (0.05% adwg)
Lal lal reservoir Central Highlands Water 30/9/10 mcpa 0.02ug/l (0.05% adwg)
Lal lal reservoir outlet Central Highlands Water 4/11/10 mcpa 0.02ug/L (0.05% adwg)
Lal lal creek egerton Central Highlands Water 6/12/2010 mcpa 0.02ug/l (0.05% adwg)
Evansford reservoir Central Highlands Water 14/11/13 mcpa 0.02ug/l (0.05% adwg)
28/06/2011 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.01ug/L Fish Creek (0.05% adwg)
17/11/2014 South Gippsland Water Triclopyr 0.01ug/L Meeniyan (0.05% adwg)
12/10/2016 North East Water Lake Hume at Bethanga Bridge, Bellbridge Atrazine 0.01ug/L (0.05% adwg)
15/11/2012 North East Water Lake Mulwala, Yarrawonga WTP Atrazine 0.01ug/L (0.05% adwg)
25/07/2013 North East Water Lake Mulwala, Yarrawonga WTP Atrazine 0.01ug/L (0.05% adwg)
8/11/2012 North East Water Murray River at tap at inlet to treatment plant Wahgunyah Atrazine 0.01ug/L (0.05% adwg)
30/10/2014 North East Water Murray River at tap at inlet to treatment plant Wahgunyah Atrazine 0.01ug/L (0.05% adwg)
3/06/2013 North East Water Murray River Dip at pump, Walwa MCPA 0.02ug/L (0.05% adwg)
24/07/2013 North East Water Tap in Pump Shed or Dip at Pump Inlet Tallangatta MCPA 0.02ug/L (0.05% adwg)
9/02/2011 Gippsland Water Boolarra MCPA 0.02ug/L (0.05% adwg)
10/05/2016 Gippsland Water Maffra Triclopyr 0.01ug/L (0.05% adwg)
12/05/2010 Gippsland Water Moe Triclopyr 0.01ug/L (0.05% adwg)
10/02/2016 Gippsland Water Moe Triclopyr 0.01ug/L (0.05% adwg)
12/05/2010 Gippsland Water Thorpdale Triclopyr 0.01ug/L (0.05% adwg)
15/03/2011 Gippsland Water Thorpdale Triclopyr 0.01ug/L (0.05% adwg)
8/05/2012 Gippsland Water Thorpdale Triclopyr 0.01ug/L (0.05% adwg)
3/7/2016 Wannon Water Camperdown Triclopyr 0.01ug/L (0.05% adwg)
4/2/14 South East Water Webb Street Bunyip Thiobencarb 0.02ug/L (0.05% adwg)
27/8/16 Barwon Water Matthews Creek Triclopyr 0.01ug/L (0.05% adwg)
4/2/15 Lower Murray Water Kerang Murray River Atrazine 0.01ug/L (0.05% adwg)
8/2/17 Lower Murray Water Koondrook Murray River Atrazine 0.01ug/L (0.05% adwg)
5/3/13 Lower Murray Water Mildura Murray River Atrazine 0.01ug/L (0.05% adwg)
5/3/13 Lower Murray Water Mildura WestMurray River Atrazine 0.01ug/L (0.05% adwg)
3/2/15 Lower Murray Water Mildura West Murray River Atrazine 0.01ug/L (0.05% adwg)
7/2/17 Lower Murray Water Piangil Murray River Atrazine 0.01ug/L (0.05% adwg)
5/3/13 Lower Murray Water Red Cliffs Murray River Atrazine 0.01ug/L (0.05% adwg)
5/3/13 Lower Murray Water Robinvale Murray River Atrazine 0.01ug/L (0.05% adwg)
10/11/2015 Central Highlands Water Sugarloaf Reservoir Atrazine 0.01ug/L (0.05% adwg)
8/11/16 Central Highlands Water White Swan Reservoir MCPA 0.02ug/L (0.05% adwg)
23/7/14 Melbourne Water Yarra River Offtake Sugarloaf Simazine 0.01ug/L (0.05% adwg)
9/2/17 Melbourne Water Yarra River Offtake Sugarloaf Metsulfuron Methyl 0.02ug/L (0.05% adwg)
4/3/05 Barwon Water Bannockburn Basin Hexazinone 0.19ug/L (0.0475% 2011 adwg)
21/02/2012 Gippsland Water Thorpdale Picloram 0.14ug/L (0.0467% 2011 adwg)
31/1/05 Barwon Water Upper Stony Creek Res #2 Hexazinone 0.18ug/L (0.045% 2011 adwg)
5/4/06 Barwon Water Stony Creek Reservoir #3 Hexazinone 0.18ug/L (0.045% 2011 adwg)
October 2005 Goulburn Murray Water Goulburn Weir/Nagambie Endosulfan 0.0087ug/L (0.0435% 2011 adwg)
7/9/09: Dimethoate 0.003ug/L, Platypus wetlands (Hull Rd wetlands) Hull Rd, Lilydale (0.04285% 2011 adwg)
10/12/09: Pirimicarb 0.003ug/L, Yarra River Spadonis (0.04285% 2011 adwg)
3/5/06 Barwon Water Moorabool Treatment Hexazinone 0.17ug/L (0.0425% 2011 adwg)
7/3/05 Barwon Water Stony Creek Reservoir #3 Hexazinone 0.16ug/L (0.04% 2011 adwg)
7/3/05 Barwon Water Upper Stony Creek Res #2 Hexazinone 0.15ug/L (0.0375% 2011 adwg)
7/3/05 Barwon Water Upper Stony Creek Res #2 Hexazinone 0.15ug/L (0.0375% 2011 adwg)
15/12/06 Barwon Water Moorabool Treatment Hexazinone 0.15ug/L (0.0375% 2011 adwg)
(2007-08 Annual Report) Lower Murray Water Koondrook Atrazine 0.007ug/L (0.035% 2011 adwg)
(2007-08 Annual Report) Lower Murray Water Mildura Atrazine 0.007ug/L (0.035% 2011 adwg)
9/12/09 Barwon Water Colac WTP 2,4-D 0.01ug/L (0.0333% 2011 adwg)
3/3/10 Barwon Water Moorabool WTP 2,4-D 0.01ug/L (0.0333% 2011 adwg)
7/1/11 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Offtake Metolachlor 0.1ug/L (0.0333% 2011 adwg)
Evansford Reservoir Central Highlands Water 14/11/13 2,4-D 0.01ug/l (0.033% 2011 adwg)
7/6/71 2,4-D Residues in Stream Water- Waters from Nathalia. SRWSC 2,4-D 0.01ug/L (0.033% adwgh)
3/06/2013 North East Water Murray River Dip at pump, Walwa 2,4-D 0.01ug/L (0.033% adwg)
25/09/2012 North East Water Reserve Basin at Inlet to Beechworth WTP Benomyl 0.03ug/L (0.033% adwg)
11/06/2013 North East Water Tap in Pump Shed or Dip at Pump Inlet Tallangatta 2,4-D 0.01ug/L (0.033% adwg)
26/10/2016 North East Water Wodonga Creek P.S. at tap 2,4-D 0.01ug/L (0.033% adwg)
10/02/2011 Gippsland Water Moe 2,4-D 0.01ug/L (0.033% adwg)
3/11/16 Central Highlands Water Centenary Reservoir Benomyl 0.03ug/L (0.0333% adwg)
6/2/07 Western Water Merrium Reservoir Bacchus Marsh 2,4-D 0.01ug/L (0.0333% adwg)
10/2/10 Western Water Pierce Reservoir Gisborne 2,4-D 0.01ug/L (0.0333% adwg)
20/2/08 Western Water Wright Reservoir Riddells Creek 2,4-D 0.01ug/L (0.0333% adwg)
7/2/07 Barwon Water Moorabool Treatment Hexazinone 0.13ug/L (0.0325% 2011 adwg)
5/4/06 Barwon Water Moorabool Treatment Hexazinone 0.12ug/L (0.03% 2011 adwg)
3/2/11 Wannon Water Glenthompson Dicamba 0.03ug/L (0.03% 2011 adwg)
11/5/11 Wannon Water Terang 2,4-D 0.01ug/L (0.03% 2011 adwg)
9/11/11 Wannon Water Casterton 2,4-D 0.01ug/L (0.03% 2011 adwg)
7/11/11 Wannon Water Simpson 2,4-D 0.01ug/L (0.03% 2011 adwg)
18/5/11 Wannon Water Cavendish 2,4-D 0.01ug/L (0.03% 2011 adwg)
23/5/11 Wannon Water Terang 2,4-D 0.01ug/L (0.03% 2011 adwg)
11/8/11 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Offtake Dicamba 0.03ug/L (0.03% 2011 adwg)
Centenary Reservoir Central Highlands Water 21/11/13 dicamba 0.03ug/l (0.03% adwg)
Sugarloaf Reservoir Central Highlands Water11/11/13 dicamba 0.03ug/L (0.03% adwg)
Redbank Reservoir Central Highlands Water 4/11/13 dicamba 0.03ug/L (0.03% adwg)
8/11/2012 North East Water Wodonga Creek P.S. at tap Malathion 0.02ug/L (0.0286% adwg)
10/12/09: Dimethoate 0.002ug/L, Starvation Creek Reservoir (0.02857% 2011 adwg)
21/1/10: Pirimicarb 0.002ug/L, Platypus wetlands (Hull Rd wetlands) Hull Rd, Lilydale (0.02857% 2011 adwg)
21/1/10: Pirimicarb 0.002ug/L, Yarra River Spadonis (0.02857% 2011 adwg)
10/12/09: Pirimicarb 0.002ug/L, Little Yarra River Corduroy Rd (0.02857% 2011 adwg)
10/12/09: Pirimicarb 0.002ug/L, Starvation Creek Reservoir (0.02857% 2011 adwg)
7/6/06 Barwon Water Moorabool Treatment Hexazinone 0.11ug/L (0.0275% 2011 adwg)
8/8/06 Barwon Water Moorabool Treatment Hexazinone 0.11ug/L (0.0275% 2011 adwg)
7/3/07 Barwon Water Moorabool Treatment Hexazinone 0.11ug/L (0.0275% 2011 adwg)
3/5/07 Barwon Water Moorabool Treatment Hexazinone 0.11ug/L (0.0275% 2011 adwg)
4/3/05 Barwon Water Montpellier Basin #4 Hexazinone 0.10ug/L (0.025% 2011 adwg)
18/9/07 Barwon Water Pennyroyal Creek MCPA 0.01ug/L (0.025% 2011 adwg)
15/12/09 Barwon Water Pennyroyal Creek (Geelong) MCPA 0.01ug/L (0.025% 2011 adwg)
13/9/10 Barwon Water Gellibrand MCPA 0.01ug/L (0.025% 2011 adwg)
4/11/09 Wannon Water Balmoral MCPA 0.01ug/L (0.025% 2011 adwg)
4/11/09 Wannon Water Warrambool Headworks and Storages MCPA 0.01ug/L (0.025% 2011 adwg)
10/12/09: Atrazine 0.005ug/L, Starvation Creek Reservoir (0.025% 2011 adwg)
2013/14: Central Highlands Water Ballarat MCPA 0.01ug/L (0.025% adwg)
Lal lal reservoir Central Highlands Water 13/11/2012 MCPA0.01ug/L (0.025% adwg)
Lal lal reservoir Central Highlands Water 12/11/13 MCPA0.01ug/L (0.025% adwg)
Barwon Water Matthews Creek 15/7/14 MCPA 0.01ug/L (0.025% 2011 adwg)
Barwon Water Matthews Creek 11/10/14 MCPA 0.01ug/L (0.025% 2011 adwg)
8/11/2012 North East Water Lake Hume at Bethanga Bridge, Bellbridge MCPA 0.01ug/L (0.025% adwg)
14/10/2015 North East Water Lake Hume at Bethanga Bridge, Bellbridge MCPA 0.01ug/L (0.025% adwg)
24/10/2013 North East Water Murray River at tap at inlet to treatment plant Wahgunyah MCPA 0.01ug/L (0.025% adwg)
27/10/2016 North East Water Murray River at tap at inlet to treatment plant Wahgunyah MCPA 0.01ug/L (0.025% adwg)
24/09/2012 North East Water Nariel Creek tap at pump station Corryong MCPA 0.01ug/L (0.025% adwg)
11/06/2013 North East Water Tap in Pump Shed or Dip at Pump Inlet Tallangatta MCPA 0.01ug/L (0.025% adwg)
8/11/2012 North East Water Wodonga Creek P.S. at tap MCPA 0.01ug/L (0.025% adwg)
26/10/2016 North East Water Wodonga Creek P.S. at tap MCPA 0.01ug/L (0.025% adwg)
19/2/15 Barwon Water Birregurra Basin 2 MCPA 0.01ug/L (0.025% adwg)
10/12/09: Carbaryl 0.007ug/L, Yarra River Spadonis (0.02333% 2011 adwg)
23/11/16 Central Highlands Water Talbot Reservoir Benomyl 0.02ug/L (0.0222% adwg)
23/11/16 Central Highlands Water Evansford Reservoir Benomyl 0.02ug/L (0.0222% adwg)
7/3/06 Barwon Water East Moorabool River Hexazinone 0.086ug/L (0.0215% 2011 adwg)
7/6/06 Barwon Water Stony Creek Reservoir #3 Hexazinone 0.084ug/L (0.021% 2011 adwg)
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Propiconazole 0.021ug/L (0.021% 2011 adwg)
31/1/05 Barwon Water Bungal Creek Hexazinone 0.082ug/L (0.0205% 2011 adwg)
5/10/06 Barwon Water Moorabool Treatment Hexazinone 0.082ug/L (0.0205% 2011 adwg)
13/11/13 Wannon Water Dicamba 0.02ug/L Warrnambool headworks and storages (0.02% adwg)
Lexton reservoir Central Highlands Water 7/11/12 Propazine 0.01ug/L (0.02% adwg)
12/05/2015 South Gippsland Water Picloram 0.07ug/L Toora (0.02% adwg)
3/10/07 Barwon Water Moorabool WTP Hexazinone 0.074ug/L (0.0185% 2011 adwg)
4/1/06 Barwon Water Moorabool Treatment Hexazinone 0.071ug/L (0.01775% 2011 adwg)
6/8/07 Barwon Water Moorabool WTP Hexazinone 0.067ug/L (0.01675% 2011 adwg)
Wandin Yallock Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Carbaryl 0.005 ug/L [9b] (0.01666% 2011 adwg)
December 2011 EPA Gippsland Narracan Creek Moe etc 2,4-D 0.005ug/L (0.01666%adwg 2011 adwg)
4/7/07 Barwon Water Moorabool Treatment Hexazinone 0.06ug/L (0.015% 2011 adwg)
December 2011 EPA Gippsland Narracan Creek Moe etc Atrazine 0.003ug/L (0.015%adwg 2011 adwg)
December 2011 EPA Gippsland Narracan Creek Moe etc Atrazine 0.003ug/L (0.015%adwg 2011 adwg)
7/3/06 Barwon Water Moorabool Treatment Hexazinone 0.058ug/L (0.0145% 2011 adwg)
Dec 04 Goulburn Murray Water Corop Rochester Channel 1 Endosulfan 0.0027ug/L (0.0135% 2011 adwg)
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Triadimefon 0.012ug/L (0.0133% 2011 adwg)
7/3/05 Barwon Water Korweinguboora Outlet Hexazinone 0.051ug/L (0.01275% 2011 adwg)
Woady Yallock Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Hexazinone 0.048 ug/L [9b] (0.012% 2011 adwg)
Sep 05 Goulburn Murray Water Corop Rochester Channel 1 Endosulfan 0.0024ug/L (0.012% 2011 adwg)
7/3/05 Barwon Water Bungal Creek Hexazinone 0.047ug/L (0.01175% 2011 adwg)
Nov 05 Goulburn Murray Water Corop Rochester Channel 1 Endosulfan 0.0023ug/L (0.0115% 2011 adwg)
White Swan Reservoir Ballarat (Central Highlands Water) 8/11/12 cyprodinil 0.01ug/l (0.011% adwg)
24/10/2016 North East Water Corryong WTP raw water tap Benomyl 0.01ug/L (0.011% adwg)
9/11/2015 Central Highlands Water Sugarloaf Reservoir Benomyl 0.01ug/L (0.011% adwg)
12/11/2015 Central Highlands Water Tullaroop Reservoir Benomyl 0.01ug/L (0.011% adwg)
December 2005 Goulburn Murray Water Goulburn Weir/Nagambie Endosulfan 0.0021ug/L (0.0105% 2011 adwg)
Nov 05 Goulburn Murray Water Tatura Channel 3/5 Endosulfan 0.0020ug/L (0.01% 2011 adwg)
Jan 05 Goulburn Murray Water Corop Rochester Channel 1 Endosulfan 0.0020ug/L (0.1% 2011 adwg)
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Pendimethalin 0.04ug/L (0.01% 2011 adwg)
Woori Yallock Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Pendimethalin 0.04 ug/L [9b] (0.01% 2011 adwg)
Cockatoo Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Pendimethalin 0.04ug/L [9b] (0.01% 2011 adwg)
10/12/09: Carbaryl 0.003ug/L, Starvation Creek Reservoir (0.01% 2011 adwg)
10/12/09: Azinphos-Methyl 0.003ug/L, Starvation Creek Reservoir (0.01% 2011 adwg)
21/01/2014 North East Water Nine Mile Creek, Yackandandah Hexazinone 0.04ug/L (0.01% adwg)
28/01/2015 North East Water Nine Mile Creek, Yackandandah Hexazinone 0.04ug/L (0.01% adwg)
21/01/2014 North East Water Walker's Saddle Basin at outlet - Yackandandah Hexazinone 0.04ug/L (0.01% adwg)
28/01/2015 North East Water Walker's Saddle Basin at outlet - Yackandandah Hexazinone 0.04ug/L (0.01% adwg)
26/01/2016 North East Water Walker's Saddle Basin at outlet - Yackandandah Hexazinone 0.04ug/L (0.01% adwg)
18/4/16 South East Water Mervyn Grove Wantirna Dicamba 0.01ug/L (0.01% adwg)
23/11/16 Central Highlands Water Evansford Reservoir Metolachlor 0.03ug/L (0.01% adwg)
17/10/07 Barwon Water Bostok Outlet Hexazinone 0.036 ug/L (0.009% 2011 adwg)
Oct 04 Goulburn Murray Water Corop Rochester Channel 1 Endosulfan 0.0017ug/L (0.0085% 2011 adwg)
Dec 05 Goulburn Murray Water Corop Rochester Channel 1 Endosulfan 0.0017ug/L (0.0085% 2011 adwg)
Jan 05 Goulburn Murray Water West Boort Channel 5 Endosulfan 0.0017ug/L (0.0085% 2011 adwg)
15/12/06 Barwon Water Moorabool Treatment Hexazinone 0.032ug/L (0.008% 2011 adwg)
Nov 04 Goulburn Murray Water Corop Rochester Channel 1 Endosulfan 0.0015ug/L (0.0075% 2011 adwg)
Feb 05 Goulburn Murray Water Corop Rochester Channel 1 Endosulfan 0.0015ug/L (0.0075% 2011 adwg)
Mar 05 Goulburn Murray Water Corop Rochester Channel 1 Endosulfan 0.0015ug/L (0.0075% 2011 adwg)
Apr 05 Goulburn Murray Water Corop Rochester Channel 1 Endosulfan 0.0015ug/L (0.0075% 2011 adwg)
Jan 06 Goulburn Murray Water Corop Rochester Channel 1 Endosulfan 0.0015ug/L (0.0075% 2011 adwg)
Feb 06 Goulburn Murray Water Corop Rochester Channel 1 Endosulfan 0.0015ug/L (0.0075% 2011 adwg)
Oct 04 Goulburn Murray Water West Boort Channel 5 Endosulfan 0.0015ug/L (0.0075% 2011 adwg)
Nov 04 Goulburn Murray Water West Boort Channel 5 Endosulfan 0.0015ug/L (0.0075% 2011 adwg)
Dec 04 Goulburn Murray Water West Boort Channel 5 Endosulfan 0.0015ug/L (0.0075% 2011 adwg)
Feb 05 Goulburn Murray Water West Boort Channel 5 Endosulfan 0.0015ug/L (0.0075% 2011 adwg)
Mar 05 Goulburn Murray Water West Boort Channel 5 Endosulfan 0.0015ug/L (0.0075% 2011 adwg)
Apr 05 Goulburn Murray Water West Boort Channel 5 Endosulfan 0.0015ug/L (0.0075% 2011 adwg)
Sep 05 Goulburn Murray Water West Boort Channel 5 Endosulfan 0.0015ug/L (0.0075% 2011 adwg)
Dec 05 Goulburn Murray Water West Boort Channel 5 Endosulfan 0.0015ug/L (0.0075% 2011 adwg)
Jan 06 Goulburn Murray Water West Boort Channel 5 Endosulfan 0.0015ug/L (0.0075% 2011 adwg)
Feb 06 Goulburn Murray Water West Boort Channel 5 Endosulfan 0.0015ug/L (0.0075% 2011 adwg)
Feb 06 Goulburn Murray Water West Boort Channel 5 Endosulfan 0.0015ug/L (0.0075% 2011 adwg)
Sep 05 Goulburn Murray Water West Boort Channel 5 Endosulfan 0.0015ug/L (0.0075% 2011 adwg)
7/11/2012 North East Water Nine Mile Creek, Yackandandah Hexazinone 0.03ug/L (0.0075% adwg)
4/06/2013 North East Water Nine Mile Creek, Yackandandah Hexazinone 0.03ug/L (0.0075% adwg)
4/06/2013 North East Water Walker's Saddle Basin at outlet - Yackandandah Hexazinone 0.03ug/L (0.0075% adwg)
15/8/07 Barwon Water Bostok Outlet Hexazinone 0.029ug/L (0.00725% 2011 adwg)
23/11/16 Central Highlands Water Talbot Reservoir Metolachlor 0.02ug/L (0.00666% adwg)
23/11/16 Central Highlands Water Tullaroop Reservoir Metolachlor 0.02ug/L (0.00666% adwg)
3/11/16 Central Highlands Water Centenary Reservoir Metolachlor 0.02ug/L 0.00666% adwg)
7/11/07 Barwon Water Moorabool WTP Hexazinone 0.026ug/L (0.0065% 2011 adwg)
*19/12/07 Barwon Water Barham River 200m u/s river Temephos 0.026ug/L (0.0065% 2011 adwg)
10/9/10 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Reservoir Offtake Metolachlor 0.017ug/l (0.00566% 2011 adwg)
5/9/07 Barwon Water Moorabool WTP Hexazinone 0.02ug/L (0.005% 2011 adwg)
4/6/08 Barwon Water Moorabool WTP Hexazinone 0.02ug/L (0.005% 2011 adwg)
*18/12/07 Barwon Water Wurdee Boluc Inlet Salt Creek Lane Temephos 0.02ug/L (0.005% 2011 adwg)
Shepherd Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Pendimethalin 0.02 ug/L [9b] (0.005% 2011 adwg)
30/07/2013 North East Water Nine Mile Creek, Yackandandah Hexazinone 0.02ug/L (0.005% adwg)
29/07/2014 North East Water Nine Mile Creek, Yackandandah Hexazinone 0.02ug/L (0.005% adwg)
29/07/2015 North East Water Nine Mile Creek, Yackandandah Hexazinone 0.02ug/L (0.005% adwg)
7/11/2012 North East Water Walker's Saddle Basin at outlet - Yackandandah Hexazinone 0.02ug/L (0.005% adwg)
30/07/2013 North East Water Walker's Saddle Basin at outlet - Yackandandah Hexazinone 0.02ug/L (0.005% adwg)
29/07/2014 North East Water Walker's Saddle Basin at outlet - Yackandandah Hexazinone 0.02ug/L (0.005% adwg)
8/11/2012 North East Water Wodonga Creek P.S. at tap Hexazinone 0.02ug/L (0.005% adwg)
5/12/07 Barwon Water Moorabool WTP Hexazinone 0.019ug/L (0.00475% 2011 adwg)
6/2/08 Barwon Water Moorabool WTP Hexazinone 0.018ug/L (0.0045% 2011 adwg)
14/7/11 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Offtake Metolachlor 0.013ug/L (0.00433% 2011 adwg)
17/10/07 Barwon Water Korweinguboora Outlet Hexazinone 0.016ug/L (0.004% 2011 adwg)
March 2012 EPA Gippsland Narracan Creek Moe etc Metolachlor 0.011ug/L (0.00366%adwg 2011 adwg)
*18/12/07 Barwon Water Pennyroyal Creek Temephos 0.014ug/L (0.0035% 2011 adwg)
*19/12/07 Barwon Water Barham River @ Pumping Station Temephos 0.014ug/L (0.0035% 2011 adwg)
9/10/08 Barwon Water Moorabool WTP Combined Raw Water Hexazinone 0.014ug/L (0.0035% 2011 adwg)
Oct 05 Goulburn Murray Water Katamatite Channel 7/3 Endosulfan 0.0007ug/L (0.0035% 2011 adwg)
23/7/10 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Reservoir Offtake Metolachlor 0.01ug/l (0.00333% 2011 adwg)
2013/14: Central Highlands Water Maryborough Metolachlor 0.01ug/L (0.00333% 2011 adwg)
*18/12/07 Barwon Water Callahans Creek Temephos 0.013ug/L (0.00325% 2011 adwg)
*19/12/07 Barwon Water Barham River Marengo Basin Temephos 0.012ug/L (0.003% 2011 adwg)
4/9/07 Barwon Water Lorne Hexazinone 0.012ug/L (0.003% 2011 adwg)
Tullaroop reservoir Central Highlands Water 14/11/13 Metolachlor 0.01ugl (0.003% adwg)
*18/12/07 Barwon Water Matthews Creek Temephos 0.011ug/L 0.0037%adwg (0.00275% 2011 adwg)
25/07/2013 North East Water Murray River at tap at inlet to treatment plant Wahgunyah Terbutryn 0.01ug/L (0.0025% adwg)
December 2011 EPA Gippsland Narracan Creek Moe etc Metolachlor 0.005ug/L (0.00166%adwg 2011 adwg)
21/1/10: Pendimethalin 0.002ug/L Starvation Creek Reservoir (0.0005% adwg 2011 adwg)
14 March 2017 South East Water Dicamba 0.01ug/L (0.0001% adwg 2011 adwg)
November 2004: Goulburn Murray Water Goulburn Weir/Nagambie Trace level Endosulfan
August 2005 Goulburn Murray Water Goulburn Weir/Nagambie atrazine trace
October 2005: Goulburn Murray Water Goulburn Weir/Nagambie atrazine trace
November 2005: Goulburn Murray Water Goulburn Weir/Nagambie atrazine trace
12/10/14 Melbourne Water Yarra River Offtake Sugarloaf DEET 0.01ug/L
11/2/15 Melbourne Water Yarra River Offtake Sugarloaf Diphenylamine 0.15ug/L
8/5/15 Melbourne Water Yarra River Offtake Sugarloaf DEET 0.01ug/L
12/10/15 Melbourne Water Yarra River Offtake Sugarloaf DEET 0.73ug/L
14/10/15 Melbourne Water Yarra River Offtake Sugarloaf Imidacloprid 0.01ug/L
2/3/16 Melbourne Water Yarra River Offtake Sugarloaf DEET 0.02ug/L
4/6/16 Melbourne Water Yarra River Offtake Sugarloaf DEET 0.01ug/L
4/6/16 Melbourne Water Yarra River Offtake Sugarloaf Nonylphenol 0.05ug/L
6/12/16 Melbourne Water Yarra River Offtake Sugarloaf DEET 0.02ug/L
9/2/17 Melbourne Water Yarra River Offtake Sugarloaf DEET 0.02ug/L
12/4/17 Melbourne Water Yarra River Offtake Sugarloaf DEET 0.02ug/L
6/2/12 Melbourne Water Winneke Preston Main Research Fluoranthene 0.01ug/L
6/2/12 Melbourne Water Winneke Preston Main Research Fluorene 0.02ug/L
6/2/12 Melbourne Water Winneke Preston Main Research Napthalene 0.04ug/L
6/2/12 Melbourne Water Winneke Preston Main Research Phenanthrene 0.008ug/L
6/2/12 Silvan Olinda Main Det Napthalene 0.02ug/L
7/2/12 Melbourne Water Greenvale Outlet Napthalene 0.03ug/L
8/2/16 Melbourne Water Greenvale Outlet Napthalene 0.043ug/L
8/2/16 Melbourne Water Greenvale Outlet Phenanthrene 0.027ug/L
8/2/16 Melbourne Water Winneke Preston Phenanthrene 0.053ug/L
3/03/2009 Nagambie RAW 2-Methylnapthalene 0.3 µg/L
3/03/2009 Nagambie RAW 1-Methylnapthalene 0.2 µg/L
3/03/2009 Seymour RAW 1-Methylnapthalene 1.4 µg/L
3/03/2009 Seymour RAW 2-Methylnapthalene 2.1 µg/L
3/03/2009 Seymour RAW Acenaphthene 0.1 µg/L
3/03/2009 Seymour RAW Napthalene 0.4 µg/L
3/03/2009 Seymour RAW Phenanthrene 0.5 µg/L
3/03/2009 Thornton RAW 1-Methylnapthalene 0.1 µg/L
3/03/2009 Thornton RAW 2-Methylnapthalene 0.2 µg/L
14/3/17 South East Water, 28 Grandview Grove Prahan Naphthalene 0.64ug/L
2/8/17 Wannon Water Portland Total PAH 0.13ug/L
8/2/17 Wannon Water Balmoral Dibromomethane 2ug/L
7/2/17 Wannon Water Glenthompson Dibromomethane 1ug/L
21/11/16 Central Highlands Water Ampitheatre Reservoir Bendiocarb 0.1ug/L
23/04/2014 North East Water King River at Oxley Offtake 2,6-D 0.01ug/L
23/04/2014 North East Water Reserve Basin at Inlet to Beechworth WTP 2,6-D 0.01ug/L
11/11/2009 Gippsland Water Moe Dinoseb 1 0 11/11/2010 Moe Dinoseb 1ug/L
10/02/2016 Gippsland Water Moe Mecoprop 0.02 0 12/11/2009 Seaspray Dinoseb 1ug/L
9/11/2010 Gippsland Water Seaspray Dinoseb 1ug/L
8/11/2011 Gippsland Water Thorpdale 4CPA 0.03ug/L
8/11/2011 Gippsland Water Thorpdale Mecoprop 0.04ug/L
2013/14: Central Highlands Water Maryborough 2,4,6-T 0.01ug/L
21/04/2015 South Gippsland Water 2,4,6-T 0.1ug/L Toora
2013/14: Central Highlands Water Maryborough Metalochlor 0.01ug/L
7/11/11 Wannon Water Mecoprop 0.01ug/L Simpson
7/11/11 Wannon Water Mecoprop 0.01ug/L Cobden
8/11/2011 Wannon Water Mecoprop 0.01ug/L Macarthur
8/11/2011 Wannon Water Mecoprop 0.02ug/L East Zone Headworks & Storages
8/11/2011 Wannon Water Mecoprop 0.03ug/L East Zone Headworks and Storages
Talbot reservoir Central Highlands Water 14/11/13 fluroxypur 0.01ug/l
Talbot reservoir Central Highlands Water 14/11/13 2,4,6-T 0.01ug/L
Ghill deep bore Central Highlands Water 22/1/13 silvex 0.01ug/l
Redbank reservoir Central Highlands Water 4/11/13 2,4,6-T 0.05ug/L
Redbank reservoir Central Highlands Water 4/11/13 2,6-D 0.01ug/L
Redbank reservoir Central Highlands Water 4/11/13 mecoprop 0.01ug/L
Sugarloaf reservoir Central Highlands Water 11/11/13 2,4,6-T 0.04ug/L
March 2012 EPA Gippsland Easterbrook Creek Thorpdale Azoxystrobin 0.021ug/L
March 2012 EPA Gippsland Narracan Creek Moe etc Azoxystrobin 0.002ug/L
December 2011 EPA Gippsland Narracan Creek Moe etc Azoxystrobin 0.002ug/L
December 2011 EPA Gippsland Narracan Creek Moe etc Azoxystrobin 0.002ug/L
March 2012 EPA Gippsland Easterbrook Creek Thorpdale Metalaxyl 0.021ug/L
December 2011 EPA Gippsland Narracan Creek Moe etc Metalaxyl 0.002ug/L
Oct 05 Goulburn Murray Water Kerang Channel 14/2 Bifenthrin 100ug/L
Oct 05 Goulburn Murray Water Kerang Channel 14/2 Taufluvalinate 75ug/L.
Oct 98 Goulburn Valley Water Mooroopna Offtake ? Unidentifed Peaks
13/9/00 Goulburn Valley Water Violet Town Hexachlorobenzene 0.004ug/L
12/7/00 Goulburn Valley Water Picola Hexachlorobenzene 0.003ug/L
2/8/00 Goulburn Valley Water Katunga Hexachlorobenzene 0.003ug/L
9/2/05 Goulburn Valley Water Shepparton Hexachlorobenzene 0.002ug/L
18/9/07 Barwon Water Wurdee Boluc Channel @ 8 Mile 245TCP
9/12/09 Barwon Water Colac WTP 4, chlorophenoxy acetic acid 0.05ug/L
9/12/09 Barwon Water Gellibrand WTP 4, chlorphenoxy acetic acid 0.05ug/L
18/9/07 Barwon Water Wurdee Boluc @ Salt Creek Lane 4, chlorophenoxy acetic acid 0.04ug/L
18/9/07 Barwon Water Wurdee Boluc @ Brickmakers Rd 4, chlorophenoxy acetic acid 0.01ug/L
15/12/09 Barwon Water Wurdee Boluc @ Salt Creek Lane 4, chlorophenoxy acetic acid 0.01ug/L
Nov 02 Macalister River DEET 0.0207ug/L
23/7/10 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Reservoir Offtake Carbamazepine 0.02ug/l
10/9/10 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Reservoir Offtake DEET 0.01ug/l
7/1/11 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Reservoir Offtake DEET 0.04ug/L
11/2/11 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Reservoir Offtake DEET 0.022ug/L
21/3/11 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Reservoir Offtake DEET 0.05ug/L
7/4/11 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Reservoir Offtake DEET 0.05ug/L
4/5/11 Melbourne Water Yarra River Sugarloaf Offtake DEET 0.016ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) 4,4-DDD 0.022ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) 4,4-DDE 0.024ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Azoxystrobin 0.02ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Boscalid 0.02ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Cyproconazole 0.39ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) DIA 1.3ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Diflenoconazole 0.15ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Dimethomorph 0.01ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Fenoxycarb 0.034ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Imidacloprid 0.59ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Indoxacarb 0.33ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Linuron 0.6ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Metalaxyl 0.012ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Myclobutanil 2.9ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Oxadixyl 0.39ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Penconazole 0.05ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Prochloraz 0.06ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Procymidone 0.91ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Prometryn 21ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Pyraclostrobin 0.1ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Pyrimethanil 70ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Spinosad 0.03ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Tebuconazole 0.04ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Tebufenozide 0.045ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Tetraconazole 0.059ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Triadimenol 0.002ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir (Environment, Science & Technology 10/1/11) Trifloxystrobin 0.73ug/L
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Site 1 Metalaxyl 0.003ug/L [9b]
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Site 1 Myclobutanil 0.009ug/L [9b]
Olinda Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Imidacloprid 0.045ug/L [9b]
Stringybark Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Myclobutanil 0.05 ug/L [9b]
Watts River Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Indoxacarb 0.05 ug/L [9b]
Watts River Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Difenconazole 0.02 ug/L [9b]
Wandin Yallock Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Imidacloprid 0.01 ug/L [9b]
Wandin Yallock Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Mycobutanil 0.03 ug/L [9b]
Wandin Yallock Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Tebuconazole 0.002 ug/L [9b]
Woori Yallock Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Metalaxyl 0.003 ug/L [9b]
Woori Yallock Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Imidacloprid 0.01 ug/L [9b]
Woori Yallock Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Myclobutanil 0.02 ug/L [9b]
Woori Yallock Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Pyrimethanil 0.09 ug/L [9b]
Woori Yallock Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Indoxacarb 0.33 ug/L [9b]
Woori Yallock Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Metalaxyl 0.005 ug/L [9b]
Woori Yallock Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Difenconazole 0.1 ug/L [9b]
Woori Yallock Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Trifloxystrobin 0.16 ug/L [9b]
Woori Yallock Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Pyraclostrobin 0.1 ug/L [9b]
Woori Yallock Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Fenoxycarb 0.03 ug/L [9b]
Woori Yallock Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Prochloraz 0.03 ug/L [9b]
Woori Yallock Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Pyrimethanil 0.004 ug/L [9b]
Woori Yallock Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Tebuconazole 0.03 ug/L [9b]
Woori Yallock Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Penconazole 0.01 ug/L [9b]
Woori Yallock Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Tetraconzole 0.01 ug/L [9b]
McCrae Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Trifloxystrobin 0.006 ug/L [9b]
Shepherd Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Indoxacarb 0.04 ug/L [9b]
Shepherd Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Metalaxyl 0.002 ug/L [9b]
Shepherd Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Difenconazole 0.01 ug/L [9b]
Shepherd Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Trifloxystrobin 0.03 ug/L [9b]
Shepherd Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Pyraclostrobin 0.01 ug/L [9b]
Hoddles Creek Yarra River Catchment Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Tebuconazole 0.004 ug/L [9b]
Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Site 12 Fenoxycarb 0.002ug/L [9b]
Little Yarra River Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Metalaxyl 0.007ug/L [9b]
Sheep Station Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Metalaxyl 0.005ug/L [9b]
Sheep Station Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Trifloxystrobin 0.73ug/L [9b]
Sheep Station Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Myclobutanil 2.1ug/L [9b]
Sheep Station Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Pyrimethanil 70ug/L [9b]
Sheep Station Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Cyproconazole 0.39ug/L [9b]
Woori Yallock Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Metalaxyl 0.004ug/L [9b]
Woori Yallock Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Pyrimethanil 0.12ug/L [9b]
Cockatoo Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Indoxacarb 0.27ug/L [9b]
Cockatoo Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Difenconazole 0.08ug/L [9b]
Cockatoo Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Trifloxystrobin 0.15ug/L [9b]
Cockatoo Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Pyraclostrobin 0.08ug/L [9b]
Cockatoo Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Fenoxycarb 0.016ug/L [9b]
Cockatoo Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Prochloraz 0.02 ug/L [9b]
Cockatoo Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Tebuconazole 0.006 ug/L [9b]
Cockatoo Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Azoxystrobin 0.003 ug/L [9b]
Cockatoo Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Penconazole 0.01 ug/L [9b]
Cockatoo Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Cyprodinil 0.01 ug/L [9b]
Cockatoo Creek Upstream Sugarloaf Reservoir? 2008? Tebuconazole 0.01 ug/L [9b]
7/3/06 South Gippsland Water Dumbalk Tarwin River Methoxychlor 2ug/L
Melbourne Water and DPI agrochemicals in Port Phillip Catchment project report 2009-10 (below)
7/9/09: Imidacloprid 0.012ug/L, Platypus wetlands (Hull Rd wetlands) Hull Rd, Lilydale 10/12/09: Imidacloprid 0.014ug/L, Platypus wetlands (Hull Rd wetlands) Hull Rd, Lilydale 10/12/09: Imidacloprid 0.015ug/L, Yarra River Spadonis 21/1/10: Imidacloprid 0.026ug/L, Yarra River Spadonis 7/9/09: Indoxacarb 0.005ug/L, Platypus wetlands (Hull Rd wetlands) Hull Rd, Lilydale 21/10/09: Tebufenazole 0.006ug/L Platypus wetlands (Hull Rd wetlands) Hull Rd, Lilydale 10/12/09: Tebufenozide 0.001ug/L, Starvation Creek Reservoir 10/12/09: Prometryn 1.64ug/L, Platypus wetlands (Hull Rd wetlands) Hull Rd, Lilydale 10/12/09: Prometryn 0.35ug/L, Yarra River Spadonis 10/12/09: Prometryn 0.21ug/L, Little Yarra River Corduroy Rd 10/12/09: Prometryn 0.3ug/L, Starvation Creek Reservoir 10/12/09: Oxadixyl 0.002ug/L, Platypus wetlands (Hull Rd wetlands) Hull Rd, Lilydale 10/12/09: Oxadixyl 0.005ug/L, Starvation Creek Reservoir 10/12/09: Metalaxyl 0.003ug/L, Platypus wetlands (Hull Rd wetlands) Hull Rd, Lilydale 21/1/10: Metalaxyl 0.003ug/LPlatypus wetlands (Hull Rd wetlands) Hull Rd, Lilydale 22/10/09: Metalaxyl 0.004ug/L, Yarra River Spadonis 10/12/09: Metalaxyl 0.004ug/L, Yarra River Spadonis 21/1/10: Metalaxyl 0.005ug/L, Yarra River Spadonis 22/10/09: Metalaxyl 0.004ug/L, Donnellys Creek Weir 21/1/10: Metalaxyl 0.002ug/L, Donnellys Creek Weir 10/12/09: Metalaxyl 0.002ug/L, Little Yarra River Corduroy Rd 21/1/10: Metalaxyl 0.008ug/L, Little Yarra River Corduroy Rd 10/12/09: Metalaxyl 0.003ug/L, Starvation Creek Reservoir 21/1/10: Metalaxyl 0.002ug/L, Starvation Creek Reservoir 10/12/09: Myclobutanil 0.004ug/L, Platypus wetlands (Hull Rd wetlands) Hull Rd, Lilydale 7/9/09: Myclobutanil 0.008ug/L, Yarra River Spadonis 10/12/09: Myclobutanil 0.038ug/L, Yarra River Spadonis 21/1/10: Myclobutanil 0.004ug/L, Yarra River Spadonis 21/1/10: Myclobutanil 0.004ug/L Little Yarra River Corduroy Rd 10/12/09: Fenoxycarb 0.002ug/L, Platypus wetlands (Hull Rd wetlands) Hull Rd, Lilydale 21/1/10: Fenoxycarb 0.001ug/L, Yarra River Spadonis 10/12/09: Fenoxycarb 0.004ug/L, Starvation Creek Reservoir 22/10/09: Pyraclostrobin 0.004ug/L Yarra River Spadonis 10/12/09: Pyraclostrobin 0.001ug/L, Yarra River Spadonis 22/10/09: Pyraclostrobin 0.003ug/L, Little Yarra River Corduroy Rd 10/12/09: Pyraclostrobin 0.003ug/L, Starvation Creek Reservoir 10/12/09: Pyrimethanil 0.063ug/L, Yarra River Spadonis 21/1/10Pyrimethanil 0.011ug/L, Yarra River Spadonis 21/1/10: Pyrimethanil 0.057ug/L, Little Yarra River Corduroy Rd 21/1/10: Azoxystrobin 0.001ug/L, Yarra River Spadonis 10/12/09: Azoxystrobin 0.002ug/L, Starvation Creek Reservoir 10/12/09: Trifloxystrobin 0.002ug/L, Little Yarra River Corduroy Rd 10/12/09: Desethylatrazine 0.007ug/L, Starvation Creek Reservoir 10/12/09: Triadimenol 0.004ug/L, Starvation Creek Reservoir
Yarra River Offtake: Sugarloaf Reservoir - Pharmaceuticals etc
2/7/10 Melbourne Water Erythromycin 0.01ug/L
2/7/10 Melbourne Water Hydrochlorthiazide 0.03ug/l
2/710 Melbourne Water Salicyclic Acid 0.3ug/l
2/7/10 Melbourne Water Tramadol 0.02ug/l
2/7/10 Melbourne Water Venlafaxine 0.03ug/l
2/7/10 Melbourne Water 3-amino 246 triiodobenzoic acid 1ng/l
2/7/10 Melbourne Water 5-amino 246 triiodoisophthalic acid 1ng/l
23/7/10 Melbourne Water Hydrochlorthiazide 0.03ug/l
23/7/10 Melbourne Water Salicyclic Acid 0.1ug/l
23/7/10 Melbourne Water Tramadol 0.01ug/l
23/7/10 Melbourne Water Triclosan 0.11ug/l
23/7/10 Melbourne Water Venlafaxine 0.01ug/l
23/7/10 Melbourne Water Cholesterol 1200 ng/L
23/7/10 Melbourne Water Venlafaxine 0.01ug/l
23/7/10 Melbourne Water Trichlosan 0.11ug/l
23/7/10 Melbourne Water Tramadol 0.01ug/l
23/7/10 Melbourne Water Salicylic Acid 0.1ug/l
23/7/10 Melbourne Water Hydrochlorthiazide 0.03ug/l
20/8/10 Melbourne Water Caffeine 0.03ug/l
20/8/10 Melbourne Water Venlafaxine 0.01ug/l
20/8/10 Melbourne Water Cholesterol 290ng/l
20/8/10 Melbourne Water Hydrochlorthiazide 0.01ug/l
20/8/10 Melbourne Water Venlafaxine 0.01 ug/L
10/9/10 Melbourne Water Cholesterol 360ng/l
10/9/10 Melbourne Water Caffeine 0.02ug/L
10/9/10 Melbourne Water Triclosan 0.01ug/L
21/3/11 Melbourne Water Venlafaxine 0.01ug/L
21/3/11 Melbourne Water Carbamazepine 0.01ug/L
7/4/11 Melbourne Water Venlafaxine 0.01ug/L
7/4/11 Melbourne Water Carbamazepine 0.01ug/L
2007: Thorpdale water supply Gippsland. Potato crops near reservoir. The Fungicides Azoxystrobin and Metalaxyl and the herbicide Triclopyr were detected here in March 2012.
Dec 07: All land use within Moorabool (Sheoaks) and Stony Creek Proclaimed Water Supply Catchments. Light Tan=cropping areas, Dark tan=grazing areas. Orange=canola planted in 07.
October 2008: Canola now being grown adjacent to Wurdee Boluc Inlet Channel (5km west of Deans Marsh) possibly meaning higher potential for pollution from agrochemicals into Geelong drinking water. This is the first instance recorded of canola being grown in such close proximity to the channel and could represent a new hazard to water quality if grown in large enough areas, particularly areas upslope of the supply channel. The channel can be seen running through the yellow canalo field.
Cropping 1km upstream of Bostok Reservoir- Geelong Water supply.
Sep 08: Stony Creek Reservoir #3 Bone dry.
2011: Stony Creek Reservoirs - note pine plantations Image Source Nearmap
Pesticides Review Committee Minutes 15th Meeting 1/3/68: Correspondance (d) Secretary Vermin and Noxious Weeds Board - recommending an application to use pesticides and weedicides in the Barwon Dam Catchment area (to control blackberries and rabbits).
More Up to date information on Barwon Water and Pesticides Here
Pesticides Currently Tested for by Barwon Water
Organochlorines: 4,4-DDD, 4,4-DDE, 4,4-DDT, Aldrin, BHC-a, BHC-b, BHC-d, Cis-Chlordane, Dieldrin, Endosulphan 1, Endosulphan 2, Endosulphan Sulphate, Endrin, Endrin Aldehyde, Heptachlor, Heptachlor Epoxide, Hexachlorobenzene, Lindane, Methoxychlor, Trans-Chlordane. Organophosphorus: Chlopyrifos, Coumphanos, Demeton-S, Diazinon, Dichlorvos, EPN, Fensulfonthion, Fenthion, Malathion, Methyl Parathion, Monocrotophos, Parathion, Phorate, Prohos, Ronnel, Tetrachlorvinphos, Tetraethyldithiopyrophos, Trichlorinate, Tukuthion. Herbicides: 2,4,5-T, 2,4,5-TP, 2,4,6-T, 2,4-D, 2,4-DB, 2,4-DP, 2,6-D, 4-Chlorophenoxy acetic acid, Dicamba, MCBP, Mecoprop, Trichlopyr. Herbicides 2: Clopyralid, Hexazinone, Molinate, Picloran, Temephos Herbicides 3: Paraquat, Diquat NMI Org 1: Atrazine, Chlofenvinphos, Diuron, Endosulphan, Propiconazole, Glyphosate. NMI Org 4: Mancozeb, Metiram, Amitrole. NMI Org 5: Qunitozene, Phorate, Pirimicarb, Chlorothalonil, Propachlor.
Testing varies at different locations, basically done on a quarterly basis.
Largest regional urban water authority. Barwon River (Otways)/ Wurdee Boluc supplies 70% of water for Geelong, Bellarine Peninsula & Surf Coast. Moorabool System supplies Anakie, Staughton Vale, Bannockburn, Gheringhap, Teesdale, Shelford, Inverleigh & Geelong. Otways supplies Colac & Cressy. Gellibrand, Aireys Inlet/Fairhaven, Apollo Bay/Skenes Creek & Lorne have their own water supplies.
Pesticides used in Cropping in Victoria here
Pesticides used in Grazing Industry in Victoria
Pesticides used in the Tree Plantation Industry in Victoria
Nov 23 2009: Anglesea Aquifer Kicks Off
Table of places supplied with drinking water from Barwon Water. Red indicates risk, Orange indicates lower risk, Green indicates very low risk.
Town | Source of Water | Comments |
Aireys Inlet | Painkalac Creek | 2,4-D traces 2007 |
Anakie/Staughton Vale | Moorabool System | Hancock Pine, cropping |
Anglesea | Barwon River (Otways)/ Wurdee Boluc | Open aquaduct/farming |
Apollo Bay | West Barham River | |
Ballan | Bostok Reservoir? (Central Highlands Water?) | Cropping |
Bannockburn/Gheringhap | Moorabool River | cropping |
Barwon Heads | Barwon River (Otways)/ Wurdee Boluc | Open aquaduct/farming |
Beeac | Olangolah Reservoir | DDT recorded Olangolah 1994 Should be high quality |
Birregurra | Barwon River (Otways) | |
Breamlea | Barwon River (Otways)/ Wurdee Boluc | Open aquaduct/farming |
Colac | Olangolah Reservoir | DDT recorded Olangolah 1994 Should be high quality |
Coragulac | Olangolah Reservoir | DDT recorded Olangolah 1994 Should be high quality |
Cressy | Olangolah Reservoir | DDT recorded Olangolah 1994 Should be high quality |
Drysdale | Barwon River (Otways)/ Wurdee Boluc | Open aquaduct/farming |
Forrest | Barwon River (Otways) | |
Geelong |
Barwon River (Otways)/ Wurdee Boluc Moorabool System |
Open aquaduct/farming |
Gellibrand | Lardners Creek | Midway Plantations/farming, 2,4-D traces 2007 |
Gerangamete | Barwon River (Otways) | ? |
Indented Head | Barwon River (Otways)/ Wurdee Boluc | Open aquaduct/farming |
Inverleigh | Moorabool System | Hancock Pine, cropping |
Lara | Moorabool System | Hancock Pine, cropping |
Leopold | Barwon River (Otways)/ Wurdee Boluc | Open aquaduct/farming |
Lethbridge | Moorabool River | Hancock Pine, cropping |
Lorne | St George River/Allen Reservoir | |
Meredith | Moorabool River | Hancock Pine, cropping |
Moorabool | Moorabool System | Hancock Pine, cropping |
Moriac | Barwon River (Otways)/ Wurdee Boluc | Open aquaduct/farming |
Mount Moriac | Barwon River (Otways)/ Wurdee Boluc | Open aquaduct/farming |
Ocean Grove | Barwon River (Otways)/ Wurdee Boluc | Open aquaduct/farming |
Pirron Yallock | Olangolah Reservoir | DDT recorded Olangolah 1994 Should be high quality |
Point Lonsdale | Barwon River (Otways)/ Wurdee Boluc | Open aquaduct/farming |
Portarlington | Barwon River (Otways)/ Wurdee Boluc | Open aquaduct/farming |
Queenscliff | Barwon River (Otways)/ Wurdee Boluc | Open aquaduct/farming |
Shelford/Teesdale | Moorabool System | Hancock Pine, cropping |
Skenes Creek | West Barham River | |
Steiglitz | Moorabool System | Hancock Pine, cropping |
St.Leonards | Barwon River (Otways)/ Wurdee Boluc | Open aquaduct/farming |
Torquay | Barwon River (Otways)/ Wurdee Boluc | Open aquaduct/farming |
Winchelsea | Barwon River (Otways)/ Wurdee Boluc | Open aquaduct/farming |
"Improvements in the level of detection capability by the lab analysis have resulted in low level detection of some pesticides" Central Highlands Water Annual Water Quality Report 2013/14
Major risks appear to be with Atrazine and Simazine use, in water supplies that supply Maryborough and surrounds
Pesticide detections by Central Highlands Water 2010-16 (based on dangers to drinking water quality).
1. Lexton Reservoir (Central Highlands Water) 7/11/12 Atrazine 1ug/L (5% 2011 adwg)
2. Talbot Reservoir (Central Highlands Water) 18/11/12 Simazine 0.98ug/l (4.9% 2011 adwg)
3. Talbot Reservoir (Central Highlands Water) 13/11/14 simazine 0.62ug/l (20adwg 3.1%)
4. Evansford Reservoir (Central Highlands Water) 19/11/2012 simazine 0.52ug/l (2.6% 2011 adwg)
5. Talbot Reservoir Central Highlands Water 14/11/13 simazine 0.5ug/l ( 2.5% 2011 adwg)
6. Centenary Reservoir (Maryborough) Central Highlands Water 22/11/12 simazine 0.35ug/l (1.75% 2011 adwg)
7. 11/11/15 Central Highlands Water Talbot Reservoir Simazine 0.3ug/L (1.5% adwg)
8. Evansford Reservoir (Central Highlands Water) 19/11/2012 atrazine 0.28ug/l (1.4% 2011 adwg)
9. Evansford Reservoir (Central Highlands Water)14/11/13 simazine 0.22ug/l (1.1% 2011 adwg)
10. Centenary Reservoir (Maryborough) Central Highlands Water 22/11/2012 Atrazine 0.2ug/l (1% 2011 adwg)
11. Tullaroop Reservoir (Central Highlands Water) 19/11/12 Atrazine 0.17ug/l (0.85% 2011 adwg)
12. Evansford Reservoir (Central Highlands Water) 13/11/14 Simazine 0.16ug/l (20adwg 0.8%)
13. Lexton Reservoir (Central Highlands Water) 4/11/13 Atrazine 0.15ug/l (0.75% 2011 adwg)
14. 2013/14: Central Highlands Water Maryborough Atrazine 0.12ug/L (0.6% adwg)
15. Evansford Reservoir (Central Highlands Water) 14/11/13 Atrazine 0.12ug/L ( 0.6% 2011 adwg)
16. 7/11/12 Lexton Reservoir (Central Highlands Water) simazine 0.11ug/l ( 0.55% 2011 adwg)
17. 14/11/13 Tullaroop Reservoir (Central Highlands Water)Atrazine 0.11ug/l ( 0.55% 2011 adwg)
18. 13/11/14 Tullaroop Reservoir (Central Highlands Water) Atrazine 0.11ug/l ( 0.55% 2011 adwg)
19. 20/11/14 Centenary Reservoir Maryborough (Central Highlands Water) Atrazine 0.11ug/l ( 0.55% 2011 adwg)
20. 11/11/15 Central Highlands Water Evansford Reserfvoir Simazine 0.11ug/L (0.55% adwg)
Centenary Reservoir Maryborough Central Highlands Water 20/11/14 Simazine 0.09ug/l (0.45% 2011 adwg)
Centenary Reservoir (Central Highlands Water) 21/11/13 atrazine 0.08ug/l ( 0.4% 2011 adwg)
Tullaroop Reservoir (Central Highlands Water)13/11/14 simazine 0.08ug/l (0.4% 2011 adwg)
11/11/15 Central Highlands Water Tullaroop Reservoir Atrazine 0.08ug/L (0.4% adwg)
23/11/16 Central Highlands Water Tullaroop Reservoir Diuron 0.08ug/L (0.4% adwg)
Talbot Reservoir (Central Highlands Water)19/11/12 atrazine 0.08ug/l ( 0.4% 2011 adwg)
Evansford Reservoir (Central Highlands Water) 13/11/14 Atrazine 0.07ug/l (0.35% 2011 adwg)
19/11/15 Central Highlands Water Centenary Reservoir Atrazine 0.07ug/L (0.35% adwg)
19/11/15 Central Highlands Water Centenary Reservoir Simazine 0.07ug/L (0.35% adwg)
23/11/16 Central Highlands Water Evansford Resevoir Atrazine 0.07ug/L (0.35% adwg)
4/11/16 Central Highlands Water Centenary Reservoir Atrazine 0.07ug/L (0.35% adwg)
11/11/14 Lal Lal reservoir (Central Highlands Water) Simazine 0.06ug/L (0.3% 2011 adwg)
11/11/2015 Central Highlands Water Simazine 0.06ug/L (0.3% adwg)
23/11/16 Central Highlands Water Simazine 0.06ug/L (0.3% adwg)
3/11/16 Central Highlands Water Centenary Reservoir Simazine 0.06ug/L (0.3% adwg)
8/7/16 Central Highlands Water Creswick Creek Carbaryl 0.08ug/L (0.2667% adwg)
Lal Lal reservoir Central Highlands Water 12/11/13 Simazine 0.05ug/L (0.25% 2011 adwg)
Lexton reservoir Central Highlands Water 4/11/13 Simazine 0.05ug/l (0.25% 2011 adwg)
White Swan Reservoir (Ballarat) Central Highlands Water 4/11/14 Simazine 0.05ug/l (0.25% 2011 adwg)
Tullaroop Reservoir Central Highlands Water 14/11/13 simazine 0.05ug/l (0.25% 2011 adwg)
Tullaroop Reservoir Central Highlands Water 19/11/12 simazine 0.05ug/l (0.25% 2011 adwg)
Talbot Reservoir Central Highlands Water14/11/13 atrazine 0.05ug/l (0.25% 2011 adwg)
5/11/15 Central Highlands Water Bullarto Reservoir Triclopyr 0.05ug/L (0.25% adwg)
11/11/15 Central Highlands Water Evansford Reservoir Atrazine 0.05ug/L (0.25% adwg)
23/11/16 Central Highlands Water Evansford Reservoir Simazine 0.05ug/L (0.25% adwg)
23/11/16 Central Highlands Water Evansford Reservoir Atrazine 0.05ug/L (0.25% adwg)
Lal Lal reservoir outlet Central Highlands Water 4/11/10 Triclopyr 0.04ug/L (0.2% 2011 adwg)
Talbot Reservoir (Central Highlands Water) 13/11/14 atrazine 0.04ug/L (0.2% 2011 adwg)
Centenary Reservoir Maryborough (Central Highlands Water) 21/11/13 simazine 0.04ug/l (0.2% 2011 adwg)
31/10/16 Central Highlands Water Sugarloaf Reservoir Simazine 0.04ug/L (0.2% adwg)
Lal lal reservoir Central Highlands Water 30/9/10 triclopyr 0.03ug/l (0.15% 2011adwg)
Lal lal reservoir Central Highlands Water 13/11/12 simazine 0.03ug/L (0.15% 2011adwg)
Hepburn Reservoir Central Highlands Water 5/11/14 simazine 0.03ug/l (0.15% 2011adwg)
3/11/15 Central Highlands Water White Swan Reservoir Simazine 0.03ug/L (0.15% adwg)
11/11/15 Central Highlands Water Talbot Reservoir Atrazine 0.03ug/L (0.15% adwg)
23/11/16 Central Highlands Water Talbot Reservoir Atrazine 0.03ug/L (0.15% adwg)
Lal Lal Creek at Harris Central Highlands Water 4/11/10 2,4-D 0.04ug/L (0.133% 2011 adwg)
Spring Creek Yendon Central Highlands Water 6/12/10 MCPA0.05ug/L (0.125% 2011 adwg)
23/11/16 Central Highlands Water Tullaroop Reservoir Benomyl 0.1ug/L (0.1111% adwg)
4/11/13: Central Highlands Water Lexton Bromoxynil 0.01ug/L (0.1% adwg)
Lal lal reservoir Central Highlands Water 13/11/2012 atrazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
Lal lal reservoir Central Highlands Water 12/11/13 atrazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
Lal lal reservoir Central Highlands Water 11/11/14 atrazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
Lal lal reservoir outlet Central Highlands Water 4/11/10 2,4-d 0.03ug/L (0.1% adwg)
Lal lal creek Egerton Central Highlands Water 6/12/10 triclopyr 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
Spring creek Yendon Central Highlands Water 6/12/10 triclopyr 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
Lexton reservoir Central Highlands Water 6/12/10 triclopyr 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
Tullaroop reservoir Central Highlands Water 19/11/12 2,4-d 0.03ug/l (0.1% adwg)
Sugarloaf reservoir Central Highlands Water 11/11/14 atrazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
9/11/15 Central Highlands Water Sugarloaf Reservoir Simazine 0.02ug/L (0.1% adwg)
Lal lal creek at Harris 4/11/2010 Central Highlands Water MCPA 0.03ug/L (0.075% 2011 adwg)
Lal lal reservoir Central Highlands Water 30/9/2010 2,4-d 0.02ug/L (0.067% adwgh)
Lal lal Creek Egerton Central HighlandsWater 6/12/10 2,4-d 0.02ug/L (0.067% adwgh)
Lexton reservoir Central Highlands Water 4/11/13 2,4-d 0.02ug/l (0.067% adwgh)
Tullaroop reservoir Central Highlands Water 14/11/13 2,4-d 0.02ug/L (0.067% adwgh)
5/11/15 Central Highlands Water Landsborough Bore 2,4-D 0.02ug/L (0.067% adwg)
23/11/16 Central Highlands Water Tullaroop Reservoir Fluometuron 0.04ug/L (0.05714% adwg)
Lal lal reservoir Central Highlands Water 30/9/10 mcpa 0.02ug/l (0.05% adwg)
Lal lal reservoir outlet Central Highlands Water 4/11/10 mcpa 0.02ug/L (0.05% adwg)
Lal lal creek egerton Central Highlands Water 6/12/2010 mcpa 0.02ug/l (0.05% adwg)
Evansford reservoir Central Highlands Water 14/11/13 mcpa 0.02ug/l (0.05% adwg)
10/11/2015 Central Highlands Water Sugarloaf Reservoir Atrazine 0.01ug/L (0.05% adwg)
8/11/16 Central Highlands Water White Swan Reservoir MCPA 0.02ug/L (0.05% adwg)
Evansford Reservoir Central Highlands Water 14/11/13 2,4-D 0.01ug/l (0.033% 2011 adwg)
3/11/16 Central Highlands Water Centenary Reservoir Benomyl 0.03ug/L (0.0333% adwg)
Centenary Reservoir Central Highlands Water 21/11/13 dicamba 0.03ug/l (0.03% adwg)
Sugarloaf Reservoir Central Highlands Water11/11/13 dicamba 0.03ug/L (0.03% adwg)
Redbank Reservoir Central Highlands Water 4/11/13 dicamba 0.03ug/L (0.03% adwg)
2013/14: Central Highlands Water Ballarat MCPA 0.01ug/L (0.025% adwg)
Lal lal reservoir Central Highlands Water 13/11/2012 MCPA0.01ug/L (0.025% adwg)
Lal lal reservoir Central Highlands Water 12/11/13 MCPA0.01ug/L (0.025% adwg)
23/11/16 Central Highlands Water Talbot Reservoir Benomyl 0.02ug/L (0.0222% adwg)
23/11/16 Central Highlands Water Evansford Reservoir Benomyl 0.02ug/L (0.0222% adwg)
Lexton reservoir Central Highlands Water 7/11/12 Propazine 0.01ug/L (0.02% adwg)
White Swan Reservoir Ballarat (Central Highlands Water) 8/11/12 cyprodinil 0.01ug/l (0.011% adwg)
9/11/2015 Central Highlands Water Sugarloaf Reservoir Benomyl 0.01ug/L (0.011% adwg)
12/11/2015 Central Highlands Water Tullaroop Reservoir Benomyl 0.01ug/L (0.011% adwg)
23/11/16 Central Highlands Water Evansford Reservoir Metolachlor 0.03ug/L (0.01% adwg)
23/11/16 Central Highlands Water Talbot Reservoir Metolachlor 0.02ug/L (0.00666% adwg)
23/11/16 Central Highlands Water Tullaroop Reservoir Metolachlor 0.02ug/L (0.00666% adwg)
3/11/16 Central Highlands Water Centenary Reservoir Metolachlor 0.02ug/L 0.00666% adwg)
Tullaroop reservoir Central Highlands Water 14/11/13 Metolachlor 0.01ugl (0.003% adwg)
No Australian Drinking Water Guideline
2013/14: Central Highlands Water Maryborough 2,4,6-T 0.01ug/L
2013/14: Central Highlands Water Maryborough Metalochlor 0.01ug/L
Talbot reservoir Central Highlands Water 14/11/13 fluroxypur 0.01ug/l
Talbot reservoir Central Highlands Water 14/11/13 2,4,6-T 0.01ug/L
Ghill deep bore Central Highlands Water 22/1/13 silvex 0.01ug/l
Redbank reservoir Central Highlands Water 4/11/13 2,4,6-T 0.05ug/L
Redbank reservoir Central Highlands Water 4/11/13 2,6-D 0.01ug/L
Redbank reservoir Central Highlands Water 4/11/13 mecoprop 0.01ug/L
Sugarloaf reservoir Central Highlands Water 11/11/13 2,4,6-T 0.04ug/L
21/11/16 Central Highlands Water Ampitheatre Reservoir Bendiocarb 0.1ug/L
Potato growing inside Ballarat's water supply
Map with Ballarat's water supply highlighted. Light green=native forest, dark brown=radiata pine plantations managed by Central Highlands Water, dark blue=reservoirs, orange=cropping, dark orange=potatoes 06/07, Tan=grazing. The cropping, grazing and potatoe boundaries outlines change from year to year and as such are only approximate. The catchment is dominated by cropping, yet Central Highlands Water only test for two currently used pesticides.
Same colour coding for Lal Lal catchment which also supplies drinking water to Ballarat. Lal Lal is dominated by pasture, with cropping mainly in the northern half.
Land Use Map of Goulburn System above Lake Nagambie. Ballarat and Bendigo are now connected to the Goulburn River via the Goldfields Superpipe (Goulburn Weir/Waranga Basin and Waranga Western Channel). Tan=Improved Pasture, Orange=Cropping, Purple=Vineyards, Brown=Pine plantations, Green=Puckapunyal Military Base.
Land Use map of Goulburn Weir to Colbinnabin. This is how water is transferred from Goulburn Weir to Bendigo/Ballarat.
Committee of Enquiry Into Effects of Pesticides 4th Meeting: "4(e) Learmonth Waterworks Trust - responsible pollution of town water supply..."
Agricultural Chemicals Committee (15th meeting 1980?): The Soil Conservation Authority submitted 11 sediment samples from Lal Lal Reservoir which supplies water to the City of Ballarat... Reservoir residues ranged from 0.003 to 0.015mg/kg total DDT and input streams from 0.003 to 0.022mg/kg total DDT..."
Time covered in FoI request: 3/10/06 - 7/12/07
Pesticides tested once a year (November) for; DDT, Aldrin and Dieldrin, Chlordane, Hexachlorobenzene, Heptachlor, Heptachlor Epoxide, Lindane, Methoxychlor, 2,4-D, Atrazine.
No positive pesticide results.
Location of test sites: Amphitheatre, Avoca Clear Water Storage “CWS”, Beaufort CWS, Blackwood CWS, Clunes CWS, Daylesford Low Level Basin, Dean CWS, Forest Hill CWS, Glut-Raglan Pipeline (Raglan), Lal Lal CWS, Landsborough Reservoir, Learmonth CWS, Maryborough CWS, Waubra CWS, White Swan CWS.
Pesticides used in Cropping in Victoria here
Pesticides used in Grazing Industry in Victoria
Pesticides used in the Tree Plantation Industry in Victoria
Pesticides Commonly Used in the Vegetable Industry in Victoria
More information on Central Highlands Water here
Much of the Ballarat Water supply (excluding Lal Lal Reservoir catchment) is covered with potato crops and pine plantations. The following pesticides are likely to be used within the catchment. Note that Central Highlands Water only test for two currently used pesticides; 2,4-D and Atrazine.
Information on pesticides sourced from Pesticide Action Network
Chlorophenoxy Acid or Ester
Not Listed
Not Listed
Not Acutely Toxic
Not Likely
Substituted Benzene
Cyclohexenone Derivative
Not Listed
Pyridinecarboxylic Acid
Not Likely
Not Listed
Not Likely
Not Listed
Not Listed
Not Likely
Not Listed
Not Likely
Chlorophenoxy acid or ester
Not Listed
Not Likely
Not Likely
Metsulfuron Methyl
Not Listed
Not Likely
Not Likely
Not Listed
Herbicides used in CHW pine plantations in water supply; Under Canopy Weed Control: Weedmaster Duo (Glyphosate 360g/L), Roundup Biactive (Glyphosate 360g/L), Brush-Off (Metsulfuron Methyl 600g/Kg).
Pine Plantation Establishment: Velpar DF (Hexazinone 750g/kg). Strip or spot application (spot application using Velmac G) depending on site requirements at 5kg/ha. The amount applied is to 33% of total area (due to plantation rows).
2nd year pine establishment: Velmac G (hexazinone 200g/ka). Spot applied on each tree in the plantation row at 2g/tree. 2.6kg/ha (1300 trees ha)
Gastion Tablets (Aluninium phosphide)
Table of places supplied with drinking water from Central HighlandsWater. Red indicates risk, Orange indicates lower risk, Green indicates very low risk.
Source of Water
Adelaide Lead | Tullaroop Reservoir/Evansford Reservoir, Talbot Reservoir | cropping, pines in upper catchment |
Alfredton | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Alma | Tullaroop Reservoir/Evansford Reservoir, Talbot Reservoir | cropping, pines in upper catchment |
Amphitheatre | (Amphitheatre Res - non potable) | |
Avoca | (Sugarloaf Reservoir/Lead Reservoir/Bung Bung Bore) | ? Poor quality repuation |
Ballan | Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir | Potatoes, cropping, plantation |
Ballarat | Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir | Potatoes, cropping, plantation |
Ballarat East | Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir | Potatoes, cropping, plantation |
Ballarat North | Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir | Potatoes, cropping, plantation |
Ballarat South | Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir | Potatoes, cropping, plantation |
Beaufort | (Cave Hill Creek, Troys Reservoir) | |
Betley | Tullaroop Reservoir/Evansford Reservoir, Talbot Reservoir | cropping, pines in upper catchment |
Black Hill | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Blackwood | Barry’s Reef (Kyneton Creek, Long Gully Creek, Blackwood Bore) | |
Brown Hill | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Bungaree | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Buninyong | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Cambrian Hill | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Canadian | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Cardigan Village | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Carisbrook | Tullaroop Reservoir/Evansford Reservoir, Talbot Reservoir | cropping, pines in upper catchment |
Carngham | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Clunes | (Bores) | |
Corindhap | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Creswick | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Daisy Hill | Tullaroop Reservoir/Evansford Reservoir, Talbot Reservoir | cropping, pines in upper catchment |
Daylesford | Stewarts Creek/Wombat Reservoir & Hepburn Reservoir/Bullarto Reservior | |
Dean | Dean Reservoir/Dean Bore | |
Delacombe | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Dereel | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Enfield | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Eureka | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Flagstaff Hill | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Fiskville | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Forest Hills | Bore | ? |
Glemore | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Golden Point | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Gordon | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Haddon | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Havelock | Tullaroop Reservoir/Evansford Reservoir, Talbot Reservoir | cropping, pines in upper catchment |
Hepburn | Stewarts Creek/Wombat Reservoir & Hepburn Reservoir/Bullarto Reservior | |
Hepburn Springs | Stewarts Creek/Wombat Reservoir & Hepburn Reservoir/Bullarto Reservior | |
Invermay | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Kingston | Bore | |
Lal Lal | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Landsborough | (Landsborough Reservoir, Landsborough Bore (drought relief))non potable | |
Learmonth | (Bores) | |
Lexton | (Lexton Reservoir) | |
Linton | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Little Bendigo | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Magpie | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Majorca | Tullaroop Reservoir/Evansford Reservoir, Talbot Reservoir | cropping, pines in upper catchment |
Maryborough | Tullaroop Reservoir/Evansford Reservoir, Talbot Reservoir, bore water from May 2008 | cropping, pines in upper catchment |
Miners Rest | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Mitchell Park | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Mt Clear | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Mt Egerton | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Mt Helen | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Mt Pleasant | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Mt Rowan | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Napoleons | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Navarre | (GW) Franks Gully Reservoir?/Landsborough | |
Nerrina | Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir | Potatoes, cropping, plantation |
Newlyn | Bore | |
Nintingbool | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Pittong | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Raglan | (Cave Hill to Musical Gully Reservoir Pipeline) non potable | |
Redbank | (Redbank Reservoir, Redbank Bore (drought relief)) non potable | |
Redan | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Rokewood | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Ross Creek | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Rowsley | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Scarsdale | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Sebastapool | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Skipton | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Simson/Bet Bet | Tullaroop Reservoir/Evansford Reservoir, Talbot Reservoir | cropping, pines in upper catchment |
Smeaton | Bore | |
Smythes Creek | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Smythesdale | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Snake Valley | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Soldiers Hill | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Springmount | Bore | |
Talbot | Tullaroop Reservoir/Evansford Reservoir, Talbot Reservoir | cropping, pines in upper catchment |
Timor | Tullaroop Reservoir/Evansford Reservoir, Talbot Reservoir | cropping, pines in upper catchment |
Wallace | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Warrenheip | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Waubra | (bore) | |
Wendouree | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Wendouree West | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Windermere | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Woodman's Hill | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Yendon. | Wilson Reservoir, Beales Reservoir, Moorabool Reservoir, Lal Lal Reservoir Ballarat System (Kirks Reservoir, Gong Reservoir, Pincotts Reservoir) | some croppping, spuds, CHW plantation |
Map of Bendigo Water Supply: Tan = Improved Pasture, Orange=cropping, Yellow=Bluegum plantations. The southern portion of the catchment is now used exclusively by Kyneton and Castlemaine.
Land Use Map of Goulburn System above Lake Nagambie. Ballarat and Bendigo are now connected to the Goulburn River via the Goldfields Superpipe (Goulburn Weir/Waranga Basin and Waranga Western Channel). Tan=Improved Pasture, Orange=Cropping, Purple=Vineyards, Brown=Pine plantations, Green=Puckapunyal Military Base.
Land Use map of Goulburn Weir to Colbinnabin. This is how water is transferred from Goulburn Weir to Bendigo/Ballarat.
Lauriston Reservoir
State Rivers & Water Supply Commission Letter to Pesticides Review Committee 29/3/72: "...Lake Eppalock (elodea & blunt pond weed) + Lake Boga (ribbon weed). Plots 0.5 acres in swimming area. Treatment 2.5 gallons herbicide/plot on exposed soil - degradation of herbicide probably several months.
Pesticides Review Committee Minutes 23/6/72: Item No: 90 Aquatic Weed Control in Lakes, Streams & Ponds. (a) State Rivers & Water Supply Commission - Fenatrol in Lake Eppalock for treatment of elodea and blunt pond weed and ribbon weed in Lake Boga...
Time covered in FoI request: 1/7/04 – 28/11/07
Note: no testing for Atrazine, which Goulburn Murray Water detected at Rochester/Corop (mar 05, sep-oct 05 & feb-apr 06). Endosulfan detected GMW Oct 04-apr 05, sep 05, nov 05-feb 06).
No testing for Atrazine,which Goulburn Murray Water detected at West Boort (oct 04-dec 04, feb 05-apr 05, sep 05-oct 05, mar 06 – apr 06). Endosulfan detected GMW Oct 04-jan 05, mar 05-apr 05 sep 05, dec 05-mar 06).
Current Pesticide Testing
Raw Water: Test for 2,4-D @5µg/L, Aldrin, B-a-Pyrene, Chlor, DDT, Dieldrin, Heptachlor, Lindane at most locations once a year. Less than half locations get tested once per six months.
Customer Tap Water Tests 1/7/04 to present day: Test for 2,4-D @5µg/L, Aldrin, Chlordane, DDT, Dieldrin, Epoxide, Gamma HCH, Heptachlor, Benzo(a)pyrene mostly every three months.
Pesticides used in Cropping in Victoria here
Pesticides used in Vineyards in Australian here
Pesticides used in Grazing Industry in Victoria
Pesticides used in the Tree Plantation Industry in Victoria
Apple and Pear Orchard Pesticides
Pesticides Commonly Used in the Vegetable Industry in Victoria
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Upper Coliban Reservoir: Over one hundred hecatres of bluegum was clearfelled at this location in 2011 (left site image) Image Source Nearmap. By August 2012 a new plantation had been established Area now likely to be leased by EPFL (East Victorian Plantation Forest Company of Australia Pty Ltd) who are a consortium of Japanese paper manufacturers and a trading house. EPFL has a Heads of Agreement for the sale of bluegum with Enviroinvest.
Table of places supplied with drinking water from Coliban Water. Red indicates risk, Orange indicates lower risk, Green indicates very low risk.
Source of Water
Axedale | Campaspe River | |
Bealiba | Loddon River | |
Bendigo (incl Belvoir Park, Big hill, Edwards Rd Tank, Huntly, Marong, Sandhurst, Specimen Hill) | Supplied primarily from the Coliban System of Storages (Upper Coliban, Lauriston & Malmsbury) via Coliban Main Channel into Sandhurst Reservoir. Supplementary supply from Lake Eppalock via the Eppalock-Bendigo Pipeline into Sandhurst Reservoir. Waranga Channel. | Activated Carbon |
Boort | Goulburn System - Waranga Western Channel | |
Borung(u) | Wimmera System | Untreated |
Bridgewater | Loddon River | |
Campbells Creek | Coliban River | |
Castlemaine | Malmsbury Reservoir (via Coliban Main Channel) into McCay Reservoir, via the Poverty Gully Channel. McCay Reservoir is primarily used as a service reservoir. | Activated Carbon, Ozone |
Chewton | Coliban River | |
Cohuna | Gunbower Creek | |
Dingee(u) | GMW Pyramid No.1 Channel | Untreated |
Dunolly | Loddon River | |
Eaglehawk | Supplied primarily from the Coliban System of Storages (Upper Coliban, Lauriston & Malmsbury) | |
Echuca |
Murray River | |
Elmore | Ground water | Deep Lead GW |
Elphingstone | Supplied primarily from the Coliban System of Storages (Upper Coliban, Lauriston & Malmsbury) | |
Epsom | Coliban River | |
Fryerstown | Malmsbury Reservoir (via Coliban Main Channel) into McCay Reservoir, via the Poverty Gully Channel. McCay Reservoir is primarily used as a service reservoir. | |
Goornong | Campaspe River | |
Gunbower | Taylors Creek | |
Guildford | Supplied from the Coliban System of Storages | |
Harcourt | Supplied primarily from the Coliban System of Storages (Upper Coliban, Lauriston & Malmsbury) | |
Heathcote | Lake Eppalock, with water transferred into Caledonia Reservior which is primarily used as a service reservoir. | |
Huntly | Supplied primarily from the Coliban System of Storages (Upper Coliban, Lauriston & Malmsbury) | |
Inglewood | Loddon River | |
Jarklin(u) | Loddon River | Untreated |
Kangaroo Flat | Coliban River | |
Korong Vale | GWMW Channel | ? |
Kyenton | Coliban River. Lauriston Reservoir. | Activated Carbon |
Laanecoorie | Loddon River | |
Leitchville | GMW channel, Gunbower Creek | |
Lockington | GMW Channel | |
Maiden Gully | Coliban River | |
Maldon | Supplied primarily from the Coliban System of Storages (Upper Coliban, Lauriston & Malmsbury) | |
Malmsbury | Coliban River | |
Macorna(u) | GMW Channel | Untreated |
Marong | Supplied from the Coliban System of Storages | |
Mitiamo(u) | GMW channel | Untreated |
Mysia(u) | GMW Western Waranga Channel Channel | Untreated |
Newstead | Supplied from the Coliban System of Storages | |
Pyramid Hill | GMW channel | Activated Carbon |
Park Valley | Coliban River | |
Raywood | CW Channel | |
Rochester | GMW Waranga Western Channel/Campaspe No2 Channel | |
Sebastian(u) | Supplied from the Coliban System of Storages | Untreated |
Serpentine | Loddon River | |
Strathfieldsaye | Supplied primarily from the Coliban System of Storages (Upper Coliban, Lauriston & Malmsbury) | |
Taradale | Supplied primarily from the Coliban System of Storages (Upper Coliban, Lauriston & Malmsbury) | |
Tarnagulla | Loddon River | |
Tooborac | Coliban River | |
Trentham | Groundwater | Activated Carbon |
Tylden |
Coliban River. Lauriston Reservoir |
Wedderburn | Wimmera System | ? |
Wychitella(u) | Wimmera System | Untreated |
Campaspe No. 2 Main Channel - Water supply for Rochester
Orbost water supply has ~200ha of Harris Daishowa plantations
2 May 1969 Letter to Bairnsdale Waterworks Trust from Agricultural Department: "... regarding aerial spraying on river flats adjacent to the Mitchell River and possible danger of pesticides contaminating the Bairnsdale water supply. As area of vegetables at Lindenow was sprayed last summer from the air at a point approximately 15 miles upstream from the Bairnsdale pumping station... These crops were sprayed four times from December to February with DDT at the rate of 1 pound of active ingredient per acre, one of the DDT sprays did include Maneb at the rate of 2 pounds per acre ... Ground crops were also sprayed by ground machines including - Insecticides: Disulfoton, Demeton-s-Methyl, DDT and Trichlorphon - Fungicides: Copper Oxychloride, Quintozene and Dichloran - Weedicides: Linuron, Prometryne, Chlorthal and Trifluralin... Many of the crops sprayed by ground machine run right through to the riverbank, but it is unlikely that the spraying operations, whether from the ground or air could be responsible for any contamination. However pesticides could be introduced into the stream by operators washing spraying equipment in the river, allowing washings to be returned to the river or by disposing of empty containers in the river..."
Time covered in FoI request: 1995 - 28/12/07
Simazine detected 0.2µg/L August 2002 Rocky River catchment - Orbost Water Supply.
Current Testing Regime for Pesticides
None since 2003. "EGW is still considering the worth of ongoing monitoring for pesticides..." Established a process with Parks Victoria to ensure that (they) are informed of any chemical usage in catchments about offtakes (eg ragwort, blackberry spraying).
Monitoring for pesticides has been undertaken by EGW. Electronic data goes back to 2000. Hardcopy lab reports go back to 1995, with samples taken on a quarterly basis, from 1995 to 2001. Since that time samples have been taken in July and August 2002, February, March and July 2003. "The pesticides analysed for were consistent with World Health Organisation Guidelines for Water 1996 and the previous MoU with predecessors of DSE. These were; 2,4-D, 4-4-DDT, Aldrin, trans & cis chlordane, dieldrin, heptachlor epoxide, lindane and methoxychlor, as well as a general pesticide scan. If the pesticide scan identified the presence of a substance it was pursued further for identification, however no traces of concern were found". "Following the development of the Safe Drinking Water Act and the Risk Assessment process that EGW completed for its water supply catchments in 2003/4, it was determined that, as evidenced by the absence in historic data, the risk of pesticide presence in the water supplies was very low."
Buchan River upstream of Buchan. Triclopyr detected in this River in February/March 2012
10/2/12 Triclopyr 0.2ug/L Buchan River, 13/2/12 Triclopyr 0.09ug/L Buchan Entry Water, 7/3/12 Triclopyr 0.02ug/L 65 Main Street Conorville (Buchan), 7/3/12 Triclopyr 0.02ug/L Buchan Entry Water.
6/3/17 Triclopyr Cann River at Pump Station 0.09ug/L
Pesticides used in Grazing Industry in Victoria
Pesticides used in the Tree Plantation Industry in Victoria
Table of places supplied with drinking water from East Gippsland Water. Red indicates risk, Orange indicates lower risk, Green indicates very low risk.
Source of Supply
Bairnsdale | Mitchell River (Woodglen Reservoir) | Entirely sourced downstream of National Park |
Bemm River | Bemm River | Mainly native forest |
Bruthen | Mitchell River (Woodglen Reservoir) | Entirely sourced downstream of National Park |
Buchan | Buchan River | Some farms upstream of uptake |
Cann River | Cann River | Some farms upstream of uptake |
Dinner Plain Village Resort | Two bores west of Resort | |
Eagle Point | Mitchell River (Woodglen Reservoir) | Entirely sourced downstream of National Park |
Johnsonville | Mitchell River (Woodglen Reservoir) | Entirely sourced downstream of National Park |
Kalimna | Mitchell River (Woodglen Reservoir) | Entirely sourced downstream of National Park |
Lakes Entrance | Mitchell River (Woodglen Reservoir) | Entirely sourced downstream of National Park |
Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust | Mitchell River (Woodglen Reservoir) | Entirely sourced downstream of National Park |
Lake Tyers Beach | Mitchell River (Woodglen Reservoir) | Entirely sourced downstream of National Park |
Lindenow | Mitchell River (Woodglen Reservoir) | Entirely sourced downstream of National Park |
Mallacoota | Betka River | Mainly native forest |
Marlo | Rocky River/Brobribb River | ~200ha SEFE bluegum plantations in catchment |
Metung | Mitchell River (Woodglen Reservoir) | Entirely sourced downstream of National Park |
Mossiface | Mitchell River (Woodglen Reservoir) | Entirely sourced downstream of National Park |
Newlands Arm | Mitchell River (Woodglen Reservoir) | Entirely sourced downstream of National Park |
Newmerella | Rocky River/Brobribb River | ~200ha SEFE bluegum plantations in catchment |
Nicholson | Mitchell River (Woodglen Reservoir) | Entirely sourced downstream of National Park |
Nowa Nowa | Mitchell River (Woodglen Reservoir) | Entirely sourced downstream of National Park |
Omeo | Butchers Creek | Mainly native forest |
Orbost | Rocky River/Brobribb River | ~200ha SEFE plantations in catchment |
Paynesville | Mitchell River (Woodglen Reservoir) | Entirely sourced downstream of National Park |
Raymond Island | Mitchell River (Woodglen Reservoir) | Entirely sourced downstream of National Park |
Sarsfield | Mitchell River (Woodglen Reservoir) | Entirely sourced downstream of National Park |
Swan Reach | Mitchell River (Woodglen Reservoir) | Entirely sourced downstream of National Park |
Swifts Creek | Tambo River | Some farms upstream of uptake |
Wiseleigh | Mitchell River (Woodglen Reservoir) | Entirely sourced downstream of National Park |
In the study, “Horticultural Pesticides in residues in water. Research report No.146 Department Agriculture November 1993”, which focused on horticultural activities in the Mitchell River, one site was located upstream of the extensive cropping area of the Mitchell River floodplain near Lindenow. One would have thought that pesticide residues would have been detected downstream of the crops, however Site 1, was located in very close proximity to the Mitchell River pumping station. In 1992 Atrazine was detected at this location at 0.02µg/L. In 1993 Endosulfan was detected at this location at 0.01µg/L and 0.014µg/L. One can assume that the pesticides were washed upstream with the potential of being taken up via offtake.
In the follow up study, “Horticultural pesticide residues in water. A survey of pesticide residues conducted in Gippsland Victoria, 1994 Agriculture Victoria, Research Report Series No. 146 Feb 1995” Dieldrin was detected at the upstream site at 0.02µg/L, DDT at 0.017µg/L.
2007: Easterbrook Creek Gippsland. Thorpdale Water Supply dominated by potato farms and cattle grazing. According to the EPA the following pesticides were detected in Easterbrook Creek in March 2012: Triclopyr 0.022ug/L, Azoxystrobin 0.002ug/L and Metolachlor 0.011ug/L. What's been coming down the catchment for years before this recent survey and why has there been no regular testing?
Water supplies for Narracan Creek (Moe, Newborough, Trafalgar, Yallourn North and Yarragon) and Easterbrook Creek (Thorpdale). According to the EPA 2013 the following pesticides were detected in Narracan Creek in December 2011 (Diazinon 0.008ug/L, Simazine 0.012ug/L, Metolachlor 0.005ug/L, 2,4-D 0.005ug/L, Azoxystrobin 0.002ug/L, Diazinon 0.002ug/L, Metribuzin 0.072ug/L, 2,4-D 0.023ug/L, MCPA 0.076ug/L, Triclopyr 0.217ug/L, Azoxystrobin 0.002ug/L, Diazinon 0.002ug/L, Atrazine 0.003ug/L, Metribuzin 0.069ug/L, 2,4-D 0.028ug/L, MCPA 0.072ug/L, Triclopyr 0.0261ug/L, Atrazine 0.003ug/L, Metalaxyl 0.002ug/L) and March 2012 (2,4-D 0.018ug/L, Triclopyr 0.022ug/L, Azoxystrobin 0.002ug/L, Metolachlor 0.011ug/L)
2009 - 2016
41 pesticide detections, in 5 water supplies
Triclopyr 24, Dinoseb 4, MCPA 4, 2,4-D 3, Mecoprop 2, Picloram 2, 4CPA 1, Dicamba 1
Moe (14), Thorpdale (13), Seaspray (7), Maffra (4), Boolara (3).
Most serious incident was detection of Triclopyr at Seaspray 15/11/12 1.5ug/L (7.5% adwg). Also no drinking water guideline for Dinoseb. Gippsland Water not testing for DEET.
Orange is approximate locations for potato crops. Green = native forest, Tan = pine plantations, Purple = plantations managed by Hancock Victorian Plantations, Yellow is hardwood plantations managed by Hancock Victorian Plantations. Blue represents grazing/potatoes.
Pesticides Review Committee Minutes 14th Meeting 1/12/67: Correspondence (a) Moe Waterworks - noting that spraying by airplane near sources of the local water supply could be harmful. The letter contained an enquiry whether samples of water could be tested by an Authority.
Pesticides Review Committee Minutes 15th Meeting 1/3/68: Correspondence (h) Director of Agriculture - referring to a letter received by the Moe Waterworks Trust, regarding the testing of water samples.
Time covered in FoI requests: 1998 - 22/07/06
Update: Cattle Insect Repellent DEET (N, N-diethyltoluamide) detected November 2002 0.0207µg/L Newry Creek - upstream drinking water offtake Maffra/Stratford). Results published July 2008 here. No ADWG limits for DEET.
Simazine detected at 0.03 parts per billion (28/29 November2007) in grab sample at the Latrobe River near Rosedale in 'Pilot Study of Agrochemicals in West Gippsland Waterways - 2007'. Simazine also detected at 0.16ug/l (over 21 day period) and Ethion (over 21 day period) June 2007 at Moe Drain. Hexazinone detected at 0.01ug/l (over 21 day period) and simazine 0.195ug/L (over 21 day period) December 2007 at Latrobe River Rosedale.
EPA Report April 2013: Impacts of intensive agriculture and plantation forestry on water quality in the Latrobe Catchment, Victoria - Publication No 1528. http://www.epa.vic.gov.au/~/media/publications/1528.pdf
September 15 2006: Seaspray Water Untested
NO regular testing for herbicides, pesticides and other chemicals used in plantation timber and farming are carried out on Seaspray's water supply. Gippsland Water has confirmed while it tests for herbicides and pesticides quarterly in Moondarra, which provides drinking water for Morwell and Traralgon, no such testing is currently carried out on Seaspray's supply unless the organisation is aware of a "specific event". Seaspray draws its water from Merriman's Creek, which is surrounded by plantation pine and farmland for much of its length. Steep hillsides planted in pine run along the upper reaches of the creek and its tributaries. Hexazinone, a pesticide used on plantation pine, was detected in the Korweinguboora Storage, which is part of Geelong's water supply, in 2005. The area is surrounded by pine plantation owned by Hancocks. A reading of 9.4 parts per billion was detected - more than four times the Australian Drinking Water Guideline for hexazinone of two parts per billion. Barwon Water confirmed it had taken "strong action against a forestry operator in April 2005, following low-level detection of hexazinone in raw water samples from the Korweinguboora Reservoir catchment". "The effect of Barwon Water's responsible action was to prevent the forestry operator from using any pesticide or herbicide in any Barwon Water catchment while the notice was in force," Barwon Water's media release said. "Barwon Water has since developed a protocol with the forestry operator whereby no control chemical, such as hexazinone, can be used in Barwon Water catchments without prior agreement from Barwon Water." A statement from Gippsland Water said local companies had "so far been excellent" in providing details of chemicals they were using. "In the instance of a specific event occurring around a catchment, Gippsland Water will assess on a case-by-case basis and initiate water quality testing and monitoring for specific chemicals if required," a statement from Gippsland Water said. "Gippsland Water conducts regular water quality tests and monitoring on its source and raw water supplies (including some rivers), and from the `off-take' section of a water source before it enters a water treatment plant. "Regular tests assess turbidity (a rapid measure of suspended solids), pH levels, ammonia, iron, manganese, alkalinity and E. coli bacteria. "This ensures Gippsland Water's drinking water quality is meeting industry standards," the statement said.
September 15 2006: No Chemical Testing
NO testing is done for herbicides, pesticides or veterinary chemicals on rivers entering the Gippsland Lakes. EPA Victoria, the West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority and Gippsland Water have all confirmed they carry out no such testing. The Gippsland Coastal Board has confirmed the same. Former Wellington Rivers Authority general manager Ross Scott has been critical of a lack of testing for chemicals used in plantation timber and on farms. Current testing is geared towards nutrients and much of the testing which is carried out is "schoolboy stuff", according to Mr Scott. WGCMA chief executive Geoff Hocking said very little monitoring for chemicals was done. "Hopefully as part of the (Draft Sustainable Water Strategy) ... we can test for pesticides and herbicides and those sorts of things," he said. "There's very little monitoring of it. A fair bit is used (in the catchment) ... some of that will be getting into rivers and streams." However WGCMA will do a pesticide study on the Traralgon and Narracan creeks. Gippsland Coastal Board Gippsland Lakes planning officer Chris Barry said there was "no monitoring for these matters". "We have to look at where the greatest risks are," he said. Gippsland Water does quarterly tests for chemicals at Moondarra Reservoir, from which Traralgon and Morwell draw drinking water. A 1996 submission by Gippsland Water regarding the Review of Agriculture and Veterinary Chemicals highlighted its concerns regarding access to listings of agriculture chemicals in use, methods of chemical application and potential for environmental contamination, and that investigation into misuse or overspray of chemicals around waterways was also an issue. In a statement to the Gippsland Times, Gippsland Water said it had lodged a formal submission during the 2006 review of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical (control of use) Regulation 1996. "The revised regulation is yet to be released," the statement said. Meanwhile the EPA confirmed it does not carry out tests in local rivers for chemicals used on plantation timber or in farming. "EPA Victoria undertakes regular biological monitoring at more than 1000 sites in Victoria," it said via a written statement. "Biological monitoring provides an indicator of overall river health."
May 29 2007: Chemical Cocktail
"WATER from the Latrobe River has registered what is believed to be one of the highest levels of antibiotics and anti-inflammatories detected in any river system in the world. Private testing conducted at 15 sites in rivers and drains around the Macalister Irrigation District has discovered a cocktail of antibiotics and anti-inflammatories used in dairyfarming. The tests found large amounts of oxytetracycline, a propellant used in the application of anti-inflammatories. The anti-parasitic agent DEET, which is also used to wash down dairy sheds, was found at all 15 sites tested. No testing was conducted in the Macalister River, which is also part of the MID and from which Maffra draws its urban water supply. Gippsland Water has confirmed previously it does not test Maffra's water for chemicals or pharmaceuticals....Maffra's water supply, on the other side of the MID, remains untested for chemicals, antibiotics and anti-inflammatories..."
June 1 2007: Testing Regime Disgrace
A VICTORIAN Agricultural Chemicals Advisory Committee representative has slammed Gippsland Water for its lack of testing for chemicals and pharmaceuticals in the Maffra Weir. But the representative says the water authority should not shoulder all the blame. The comments follow test results which found the nearby Latrobe River had some of the highest levels of antibiotics and anti-inflammatories found in any river system on the planet. VACAC representative Anthony Amis said the lack of testing of Maffra's water was a "disgrace". "A big concern would be the impact of agricultural chemicals which might be washing off (into the Macalister upstream of Maffra's drinking water offtake)," Mr Amis said. "Although you can't blame Gippsland Water wholly because the use of agricultural chemicals is highly problematic - Gippsland Water don't know what chemicals are being used as the people using them are under no obligation to tell the water authorities." Gippsland Water made a submission last year to a review of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical (control of use) regulation 1996. The water authority highlighted its concerns regarding access to listings of agricultural chemicals in use, methods of chemical application and potential environmental contamination. It also said investigation into misuse or overspray of chemicals was an issue....Mr Amis also sought assurances chemical treatments used to kill water weeds by Southern Rural Water in major channels in the Macalister Irrigation District were not resulting in chemicals such as acrolein and glyphosphate entering the Macalister River upstream of Maffra's drinking water offtake.
June 1 2007: SRW Tests Show Chemicals
TESTS have confirmed the chemical acrolein has been detected in the Thomson River after being used as a weed killer by Southern Rural Water. The chemical is used to kill submerged weeds in SRW's main southern and main northern channels. Freedom of Information documents obtained by the Gippsland Times show levels of almost three parts per million were recorded at a site referred to by the test papers as "Heyfield Intermittent Town Supply". A reading of more than four parts per million was detected at the point referred to as "Swimming Pool Check". Both sites were tested as part of the main southern channel. In the main northern channel, readings of five parts per million were recorded at sites referred to as "Football Lane" and "Coloe's Road". The testing was carried out by SRW following use of the chemical. The SRW response to the FOI request also states SRW "does not routinely monitor chemicals within its water supply networks" as it is not required to by law. Victorian Agricultural Chemicals Advisory Committee representative Anthony Amis questioned what arrangement SRW had with regard to alerting water authorities of the chemical treatments and sought assurances the chemicals could not enter the water supply for Maffra via the Macalister River. While he admitted acrolein had a relatively short half life of around two days, he said the chemical had been the subject of a fish kill investigation in the Goulburn River - an irrigation district. "Fingers were pointed at use of acrolein which is highly toxic to fish," he said. "There was a report done by the EPA." SRW also uses roundup as a form of weed control. Tests for glyphosphate came in below the detection limit, according to the FOI document. An SRW spokesperson had not responded to request for an interview at the time of going to print.
March 10 2010: Growing Pains (E. nitens plantations potentially toxic)
Susie points to a broad bank of plantation nitens: ''They're in my catchment,'' she says. The trees grow next to a creek, which funnels into Middle Creek - the brook that runs past Susie's house. ''The issue is very dear to my heart because I suffer from multiple chemical sensitivities, which is why I live where I live, away from most people and most pollutants, so it's something of great interest to myself and any other person who uses the water,'' she says. Susie pumps water out of the river for domestic uses such as bathing. She's capturing rainwater for her drinking supplies, but there's plenty of others around Gippsland who are drinking from rivers that also sustain nitens plantations. On the south side of the Strzeleckis, Margaret and David Pellew hire out a small number of forest cabins on the banks of the Tarra River. The Tarra supplies drinking water to the Pellews and nearby towns such as Devon and Yarram, as well as sustaining nitens plantations. The Pellews were already aware of the Tasmanian controversy when The Age visited this week. ''We're concerned and we would certainly like to know more about it. We'd like to know scientifically how it affects the water,'' says Margaret. Plantation company Hancock says its nitens crop covers about 5600 hectares of Gippsland. Most of those nitens are grown in pockets across the Strzeleckis, but there are also some planted in the Great Dividing Range north of Noojee. The company withdrew its original offer to allow The Age access to its plantations, but in an email Hancock spokesman Steve Wentworth said the company was aware of the Tasmanian controversy.
As people such as the Pellews start to ask questions, local water authorities, at the instruction of Victoria's Health Department, do not seem interested in chasing answers. South Gippsland Water, the authority which harvests the Tarra River for Yarram's supply, says it will not be initiating any investigations. ''We are in contact with [the Health Department] regarding this issue and as yet have received no advice to carry out further water testing,'' spokeswoman Ros Griggs says. ''South Gippsland Water will be waiting for advice from our health regulator regarding any additional requirements.'' Neighbouring authority Gippsland Water confirms that the town of Seaspray is drinking from a river catchment that sustains nitens, but spokeswoman Leah Mether says there will be no change to testing regimes in the short term. ''Gippsland Water treats all its water supplies to ensure compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act, and has not received any advice from the Victorian Department of Health to alter these existing treatment methods,'' she says. The Victorian Health Department regulates drinking-water safety in this state, and spokesman Bram Alexander says there does not appear to be any danger to Victorian water supplies. ''We are looking at this issue closely. Based on available evidence, it is too early to draw any conclusions. However, from our regular monitoring of water quality in those two water authorities, there is nothing to suggest drinking water supplies are unsafe,'' he says. Alexander declined to clarify whether ''looking at the issue closely'' meant the department was running its own tests on Victorian water, or merely reading the Tasmanian newspapers.
Pesticide Testing Regime:
Tested once (March 2005) for; Dichlorvos, Diazinon, Chlorpyrifos, Malathion, Fenitrothion, Bromofos Ethyl, Methidathion, Ethion @ Boolara, Briagalong, Coongulla/Glenmaggie, Heyfield, Maffra, Mirboo North, Moe, Sale, Seaspray, Thorpdale, Traralgon, Warragul, Willow Grove.
No positive pesticide results.
Large potato land holdings are within water supplies such in Easterbrook Creek and Narracan Creek. The following pesticides are used in potato growing in Gippsland. Information on pesticides sourced from Pesticide Action Network
Chlorophenoxy Acid or Ester
Not Listed
Not Listed
Not Acutely Toxic
Not Likely
Substituted Benzene
Cyclohexenone Derivative
Not Listed
Pyridinecarboxylic Acid
Not Likely
Not Listed
Not Likely
Not Listed
Not Listed
Not Likely
Not Listed
Not Likely
Chlorophenoxy acid or ester
Not Listed
Not Likely
Not Likely
Not Likely
Not Listed
Water supply for Maffra and Stratford (Macalister River). Green represents native forests. Orange represents Irrigated Pasture. The rest of the water supply is dominated by dryland grazing (light blue).
Offtake for Maffra water supply, pumped from Macalister River and downstream of ~ 5000ha of irrigated pasture.
Tyers River Water Supply which feeds into Moondarra Reseroir.Eleven regional towns are reliant on Moondarra Reservoir for drinking water. Orange represents pine plantations managed by Gippsland Water, Tan represents grazing pasture. Purple represents pine plantations managed by Hancock Victorian Plantations. Blue represents native forest.
Pesticides used in Grazing Industry in Victoria
Pesticides used in Cropping in Victoria here
Pesticides used in the Tree Plantation Industry in Victoria
Pesticides Commonly Used in the Vegetable Industry in Victoria
1/6/07: SRW Tests Show Chemicals
Concerns expressed in May 2006 Gippsland Water Submission regarding Review of the Agriculture and Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) Regulation 1996; "Records are kept for the application of restricted chemical products, but not for the other commonly used products that have environmental or health implications. Gippsland Water has had difficulty in obtaining information on the chemicals in use within a catchment area upstream of a Water Treatment plant and town water supply...Currently there is no common record of chemical products that are likely to be applied in agricultural areas within potable water catchments."
Table of places supplied with drinking water from Gippsland Water. Red indicates risk, Orange indicates lower risk, Green indicates very low risk.
Town | Source of Water | Comments |
Boisdale | Macalister River | Irrigated Pasture/Dairy |
Boolara | Walkley Creek/O'Grady Creek | Dairy/plantations? |
Briagalong | Bore (Boisdale Aquifer) | |
Buln Buln | Pederson Weir (Tarago River)+ Tarago Reservoir | |
Churchill | Moondarra Reservoir (Tyers River) | Gippsland Water plantations |
Coongulla | Lake Glenmaggie + tankered water from Heyfield Dec 06-Feb 07 | |
Cowwarr | Moondarra Reservoir (Tyers River) | Gippsland Water plantations |
Darnum | Pederson Weir (Tarago River)+ Tarago Reservoir | |
Drouin | Pederson Weir (Tarago River)+ Tarago Reservoir | |
Erica | Trigger Creek | |
Glengarry | Moondarra Reservoir (Tyers River) + tankered water from Heyfield Dec 06-Feb 07 | Gippsland Water plantations |
Glenmaggie | Lake Glenmaggie | |
Heyfield | Thomson River | |
Jumbuk | Moondarra Reservoir (Tyers River) | Gippsland Water plantations |
Maffra | Macalister River | Irrigated Pasture/Dairy |
Mirboo North | Little Morwell River (North Arm) | |
Moe | Tanjil River & Narracan Creek | Potatoes |
Morwell | Moondarra Reservoir (Tyers River) | Gippsland Water plantations |
Neerim South | Tarago River | |
Newborough | Tanjil River & Narracan Creek | Potatoes |
Nilma | Pederson Weir (Tarago River)+ Tarago Reservoir | |
Noojee | Deep Creek/Loch River + Tanjil River | Hancock plantations |
Rawson | Trigger Creek | |
Rokeby | Pederson Weir (Tarago River)+ Tarago Reservoir | |
Rosedale | Moondarra Reservoir (Tyers River) | Gippsland Water plantations |
Sale | Bore Boisdale Aquifer | Depends on depth of bores |
Seaspray | Merrimans Creek + trucked water from Sale Dec 06 -Feb 07 | Hancock plantations/dairy |
Stratford | Macalister River | Irrigated Pasture/Dairy |
Thorpdale | Easterbrook Creek + bore Dec 06 - Feb 07 | Potatoes |
Toongabbie | Moondarra Reservoir (Tyers River) | Gippsland Water plantations |
Trafalgar | Tanjil River & Narracan Creek | Potatoes |
Traralgon | Moondarra Reservoir (Tyers River) | Gippsland Water plantations |
Traralgon South/Hazelwood North | Moondarra Reservoir (Tyers River) | Gippsland Water plantations |
Tyers | Moondarra Reservoir (Tyers River) | Gippsland Water plantations |
Warragul | Pederson Weir (Tarago River)+ Tarago Reservoir | |
Warragul South | Pederson Weir (Tarago River)+ Tarago Reservoir | |
Warrak | Bore Boisdale Aquifer | |
Willow Grove | Tanjil River | ? |
Yallourn North | Tanjil River & Narracan Creek | Potatoes/farmland |
Yarragon | Tanjil River & Narracan Creek | Potatoes/farmland |
Yinnar | Moondarra Reservoir (Tyers River) | Gippsland Water plantations |
Time covered in FoI request: 1996 - 3/1/08
Goulburn Murray Water does not supply drinking water, it supplies untreated raw water to its water suppliers, Goulburn Valley Water, North East Water, Coliban Water and Lower Murray Water. The water authorities then sell water to domestic users as well as supply and treat the water.
Lake Nagambie, Murray River, Broken Creek all sprayed with Glyphosate to control aquatic weeds. Spraying also occurs in irrigation channels, drains etc. These channels may also be used for drinking water.
Goulburn Murray Water has carried out investigations into the use of pesticides in some of their region. Some of the results of these reports were used in determining potential pollution of drinking water sources. Most notably;
CSIRO/Goulburn Murray Water "First-Tier Assessment of the Risks Associated with Pesticides used in the Goulburn Murray Irrigation Areas" September 2003. Report looks at the risks associated with pesticide use in the GMW Irrigation Areas to water quality and through water quality changes to humans, stock, aquaculture, food industries, pastures, and aquatic flora and fauna and aquatic ecosystems". Determined top ten pesticides posing highest overall risk; azinphos-methyl, copper hydroxide, parathion methyl, chlorpyrifos, omethoate, esfenvalerarate, methomyl, thiram, bifenthrin, mancozeb. In terms of drinking water;
p2 "The relative risk of off-site migration of pesticides via run-off from irrigated area was also assessed. Please note that it was not included in the combined risk, as the run-off does not normally reach the irrigation channels, especially because the irrigation channels are almost universally at a higher elevation than surrounding land. However, at certain locations, not provided with a G-MW drainage service, irrigation customers are sometimes permitted to pump flood waters that accumulate following heavy rain into adjacent irrigation channels."
"Pesticide Monitoring in Goulburn-Murray Waters Irrigation Supply Channels Covering the Six Irrigation Areas [2004-2006 Irrigation Season Study Report] June 2006" Published Primary Industries Research Victoria Environmental Health and Chemistry DPI Werribee. Looked at pesticide and heavy metals monitoring at 15 potential risk sites within six Goulburn Murray Water irrigation areas in northern Vic during 04-05 and 05-06. Five sites were located upstream of water supplies; Katamatite (Channel 7/3), Tatura (Channel 3/5), Corop/Rochester (Rochester Channel Waranga Western Channel), West Boort (Channel 5 Waranga Western Channel).
Positive detections of Atrazine, Endosulfan and Chlorpyrifos. p1 "The CSIRO study recommended monitoring of 10 high risk pesticides in G-MW irrigation channels to establish high risk sites within G-MW irrigation areas. However, both CSIRO and DPI (State Chemistry Laboratory) suggested inclusion of some medium risk pesticides such as endosulfan, atrazine, molinate during pesticide monitoring in channels".
Goulburn Murray Water "Broken Creek Herbicide Residue Testing, 2003-06 Date 1/10/06 Document No: 2034856" Broken Creek supplies drinking water to Numurkah, Nathalia and Wunghu. It is also used for irrigation and drainage services and because it is slow moving and shallow it can be infested with aquatic weeds, especially Arrowhead and Cumbungi. GWM have permits from the APVMA to control weeds in this creek with Glyphosate and 2,4-D (2,4-D has not been used for some years). Positive readings for Glyphosate were detected on 8/5/06 at Thomson Rd, which supposedly is upstream of Nathalia's drinking water supply.
1981-85: Xylaquat Drain Channel Herbicide Contaminated With Dioxins Contoversy
Use of Phenoxy Herbicides By State Rivers and Water Supply Commission (1978)
More information on Goulburn Murray Water here
Pesticides used in Cropping in Victoria here
Pesticides used in Vineyards in Australian here
Pesticides used in Grazing Industry in Victoria
Pesticides used in the Tree Plantation Industry in Victoria
Apple and Pear Orchard Pesticides
Pesticides Commonly Used in the Vegetable Industry in Victoria
Waranga Western Channel spraying Weedmaster at different locations on the channel system possibly once a month. Weedmaster used to kill bathurst burr, briar rose, paterson's cure, jointed rush, cumbungi, sedge, cane grass, water couch, jointed rush.
Waranga Western Channel
Waranga Western Channel
Pyramid No1 Channel
East Goulburn Main Channel
CG 7/12/9 Channel
Bore/Broken Creek
RWC Channel
Katandra West
Shep 3/25 Channel
CG 23/9 Channel
Campaspe No 24 Channel
CG23/9 Channel via pipeline from Kyabram
Waranga Western Channel
Broken Creek
Broken Creek
R.W.C. Channel
Pyramid Hill
Waranga Western Channel/Campaspe No.2 Channel
St. James
Broken Creek
CG1/12/9 Channel
R.W.C. Channel
CG 3/5A Channel
CG 19/28/9 Channel
Broken Creek
Tatura Water Treatment Plant sourcing from Channel 3/5. Atrazine and Endosulphan at low levels have been recorded in this channel
Goulburn Valley Water 90 positive detections 2007-2016 Bonnie Doon 15, Gigarrre 31, Katamatitte 2, Nathalia 6, Numurkah 23, Sawmill Settlement 1, Wunghnu 10 2,4-D (46), Atrazine 39, Simazine 5 2010 (46), 2011 (29), 2012 (12), 2014 (1), 2016 (2)
Irrigation Services Division. SRWSC 2,4-D Residues in Stream Samples
Waters From Nathalia
Pesticides Review Committee Minutes 1/3/67 6th Meeting: (d) Mr... informed members of the Committee of a recent incident at Snob's Creek Fish Hatchery, where a pesticide was introduced into the creek 500 yards upstream from the hatchery, which nearly killed approximately 2,500,000 fish. The alternative water supply was introduced in sufficient time to save the fish, which were most stressed...
Agricultural Chemicals Committee (15th meeting 1980?): (I) Waters of Broken Creek. Pollution Control Section of the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission requested analysis of 6 waters from various locations in the Broken Creek near 2 country towns. Trace residues of Dieldrin were detected in all samples 0.01micrograms per litre. A total of 0.16micrograms per litre was present in one sample.
2 December 1981 SRWSC: Sampling of 2,4-D residues Arrowhead Weed Spray Program. "Inspection of Broken and Nine Mile Creeks with EPA representatives 26/11/81. "They did not express their orginal concern about the possibility that the figure of 0.004mg/L for continuous exposure of 2,4-D to aquatic organisms may be exceeded. Their main concern at this inspection was that some verification of our mathematical arguments was now necessary because the use of 2,4-D in a domestic water supply was an extremely contentious issue..."
5 January 1982: Fish kill reported in Drain No. 4 Shepparton. Drain 4 is part of the irrigation system in that it discharges into the East Goulburn Channel 12 which is also a source of domestic supply...A large number of redfin and carp were dead in the Number 4 drain and along East Goulburn Channel 12...numbered well over 200 individuals over 2 to 3 kilometres of the watercourse... A tomato crop on CA34 ... was sprayed some 4 days prior to this investigation by Field Air (Benalla) Pty Ltd ... with Thiodan (Endosulfan) and Copper Cocide...the indications point to an overspray with Thiodan (Endosulfan) and Copper Cocide..."
23 September 1985: Letter to Minister for Health from Yea Water Board about concerns about herbicides and dioxins leaching into the Yea River and wanting advice on water testing.
FoI dates: 1996 to 31/1/07 (Information prior to 1996 not available on any electronic database, and is therefore not readily available.
Sampling done quarterly for potable water systems and twice yearly for non-potable systems.
9 positive samples; 2,4-D, Hexachlorobenzene (4), Pentachlorphenol (2), Heptachlor and one unidentified peaks.
Note: no testing for Atrazine, which Goulburn Murray Water detected at Katamatite (sep 05-mar 06 & oct 06) and Tatura (Jan 05, Apr 05, Dec 06-Apr 06) . Chlorpyrifos also detected by Goulburn Murray Water at Katamatite Jan 06. Endosulfan detected GMW Tatura Nov 05 and Katamatite Sep 05. Note: Positive results for Glyphosate Broken Creek 1/10/06 from Goulburn Murray Water not detected by Goulburn Valley Water tests
Current Pesticide Testing Regimes:
4,4-DDD, 4-4-DDE, 4-4-DDT, Aldrin, BHC (alpha isomer), BHC (beta isomer), BHC (delta isomer), cis-Chlordane, Dieldrin, Endosulfan I, Endosulfan II, Endosulfan Sulphate, Endrin, Endrin aldehyde, Heptachlor, Heptachlor Epoxide, Hexachlorobenzene, Lindane, Methoxychlor, trans-Chlordane, Chlorpyrifos, Coumphanos, Demeton-S, Diazinon, Dichlorvos, EPN, Fensulphothion, Fenthion, Malathion, Methyl Parathion, Monocrotophos, Parathion, Phorate, Prophos, Ronnel, Tetrachlovinphos, Tetrachlovinphos, Tetraethyldithiopyrphos, Trichlorinate, Tukuthion, 2,4-D, Glyphosate, Pentachlorophenol.
Pentachlorophenol is an outdated wood preservative, which may also be formed as a by product of disinfection. Hexachlorobenzene is an outdated fungicide which may also be generated from several sources other than pesticide use. Due to the levels being below guideline levels, no correspondence is known to exist regarding these results.
Pesticides used in Cropping in Victoria here
Pesticides used in Vineyards in Australian here
Pesticides used in Grazing Industry in Victoria
Pesticides used in the Tree Plantation Industry in Victoria
Apple and Pear Orchard Pesticides
Pesticides Commonly Used in the Vegetable Industry in Victoria
Katamatite water supply channel. Atrazine, Endosulfan, Chlorpyrifos (Jan 06) and Heptachlor ( Oct 2000) have been detected in this channel system.
Table of places supplied with drinking water from Goulburn Valley Water. Red indicates risk, Orange indicates lower risk, Green indicates very low risk.
Source of Water
Alexandra | Goulburn River | |
Avenel | Goulburn River piped from Seymour | |
Barmah | Murray River | |
Bonnie Doon | Lake Eildon | |
Broadford | Sunday Creek* & Hazels & Harpers Creeks | |
Buxton | Steavenson Creek | |
Cobram | Murray River | |
Colbinabbin | (western waranga channel), - Goulburn System | WWC treated with Weedmaster herbicide |
Congupna | Goulburn System | |
Corop | (u)(western waranga channel), - Goulburn System | |
Dookie | (east goulburn main channel), - Goulburn System | |
Eildon | Lake Eildon | |
Euroa | Seven Creeks & Mt. Hut Creeks | |
Girgarre | (GMW G7/12/9 channel), - Goulburn System | |
Goulburn Weir(u) | Goulburn System | See Nagambie |
Heathcote Junction | Sunday Creek* & Hazels & Harpers Creeks | |
Katamatite | (GMW 7/3 channel), River Murray System (Boosey Creek?) | Pasture, crops mainly upstream |
Katandra West | (GMW 2/24 channel), - Goulburn System | |
Katunga | Ground Water | Depending on depth of ground water |
Kilmore | Sunday Creek* & Hazels & Harpers Creeks | |
Kirwans Bridge(u) | Goulburn System | See Nagambie |
Kyabram | (GMW CG23/9 channel), - Goulburn System | |
Longwood | Nine Mile Creek | |
Mansfield | Delatite River (Ritchie Reservoir) | |
Marysville | Steavenson Creek | |
Merrigum | (CG23/9 channel via pipeline from kyabram), - Goulburn System | |
Merrijig | Upper Delatite River | |
Molesworth(u) | Goulburn System | |
Mooroopna | Goulburn River pumped from Shepparton | |
Murchison | Goulburn River | |
Nagambie | Lake Nagambie | Lake Nagambie has been sprayed with Roundup Biactive to control aquatic weeds (Mexican Water Lily) since 1996. Roundup Biactive also used to kill water lily clumps in late 1996-March 1997. Initial levels of Glyphosate in 1996, unknown. 210 litres Glyhosate used in mid 1996. 577 litres of Glyphosate used late 1996-Mar 1997. 361 litres Nufarm Weedmaster 360 used Nov 97-Mar 98. Highest readings 38ppb detected. 490 litres (Roundup Biactive & Roundup 360) used 1999-2000. 886 litres (Roundup Biactive & Weedmaster) used 2000-01. 417 litres (Roundup Biactive, Weedmaster, Weedmaster 360) used 2001/2. 400.5 litres (Weedmaster 360, Glyphosate 360 & Weedmaster Duo) used early 2003. |
Nathalia | Broken Creek | Broken Creek is sprayed with Roundup to control aquatic weeds |
Numurkah | Broken Creek | Broken Creek is sprayed with Roundup to control aquatic weeds |
Picola | (GMW 9/9/9 channel)- River Murray System | |
Pyalong | Molisons Creek | |
Rushworth | Outlet channel of Waranga Basin | |
Sawmill Settlement | Upper Delatite River | |
Seymour | Goulburn River | |
Shepparton | Goulburn River | |
Stanhope | (GMW CGI/12/9 channel),- Goulburn System | |
Strathbogie(u) | Seven Creeks | |
Strathmerton | Murray River | |
Tallarook | Goulburn River piped from Seymour | |
Tallygaroopna | Goulburn River pumped from Shepparton | |
Tatura | (GMW CG 3/5A channel), - Goulburn System | Pasture and Crops mainly upstream |
Thornton | Rubicon River | depending on location of offtake |
Tongala | (GMW CG 16/28/9 + 28/9 channels), - Goulburn System | |
Toolamba | Goulburn River pumped from Shepparton | |
Violet Town | Seven Creeks & Mt. Hut Creeks | |
Wandong | Sunday Creek & Hazels & Harpers Creeks | |
Waterford Park | Sunday Creek & Hazels & Harpers Creeks | |
Woods Point(u) | Brewery Creek | |
Wunghnu | Broken Creek | |
Yarrawonga | Murray River | |
Yarroweyah | Murray River | |
Yea | Yea River |
Chief Irrigation Officer 16/6/67- Weed control, Mallee Town Storages
Lake Whitton: experimental plots. Herbicides Used: Fenae (Fenetrol 45%), Dichlobenil (Casoron 133) (Casoron G), Prefix (2,6,dichlothiobenzamide), TCA (pellets)
Herbicides to be applied to 1/100 acre to control weeds in reservoirs.
Situation: (a) Hopetoun No.2 Storage - Dry 25/5/67. (b) Yarpeet Storage - Dry-Moist 25/5/67. (c) Warracknabeal (Lake Whitton) - Dry Moist 1/6/67.
Chief Irrigation Officer January 1982
Fish kill Hopetoun No 1 Reservoir during October/November 1981 - probably DDT/Endosulfan. "The enquiries indicated a high probability of the fish deaths being caused by insecticides endosulphan and DDT. These chemicals were sprayed from the air by contractos during October to control grubs (Heliothus) in crops such as peas, lupins, sunflowers and tomatoes, and also to control pea weevil. As crops are sometimes as close as five metres to water supply channels, contamination of the water is very likely...There was more aerial spraying than usual in 1981..."
Wimmera Mail Times October 27 1986: Dead Yabbies found in "two of the towns four water storgaes and also in dams near Nhill and Pimpinio"
10 November 1986: ADCRC Meeting - "Mr ... reported that the tissue tests on yabbies found dead and dying in three storages around Rainbow showed the insecticide Fenvalerate to be present at 10 parts per billion. However, the channel waters and sediments tested did not show positive results for either Fenvalerate or for the synthetic pyrethroids which were also sprayed, although Fenvalerate was detected in some puddle samples."
20 March 1987 DCFL Memorandum:In October 1986, aerial spraying of field peas for pea weevil and heliotis resulted in extensive yabby mortalities in water stored and farm dams in the Rainbow area. The RWC immediately closed the Rainbor urban storages and took samples of water, sediments and yabbies for chemical analysis. No chemicals were found in water or sediments, but fenvalerate ... was detected at a concentration of 10 parts per million in yabbies...
22 June 1987 Rural Water Corporation (RWC): In 1986 the Rainbow storage was contaminated with insecticide resulting in death of yabbies. The cause was identifed as the aerial spraying of pea crops. DCFL reported 9 other yabbie kills plus one of fish. Subsequent to the contamination of the Rainbow storage no further contamination of any waterway was reported...
21 July 1987: "The Water Commission continues to be concerned that off-target aerial spraying of insecticides or pea crops this year could contaminate water supplies..."
24 July 1987 RWC Memorandum: "... the issue of avoiing potential contamination of water supplies is vital... The urban storages should be highlighted on a plan and the contractors informed that the RWC opposes spraying near flowing channels, storages containing water and within 100m of urban storages..." [Aerial spraying of Wimmera Pea crops].
28 September 1987: RWC Memorandum: The Commission has had recent concerns with off-target spraying of insecticides in the Wimmera and Mallee where urban storages have been polluted. In the present act there is only provision for declaring horticultural areas as hazardous areas, but not waterways or storages...
29 September 1987 Rural Water Corporation
Re: Spray drift from spraying field pea crops adjacent to Rural Water Commission waterways.
"... The seriousness of water contamination was highlighted last year where there was a large yabbie kill in one of the Rainbow urban storages. Fortunately no-ill effects were passed onto the people of Rainbow. The contamination in this case was due to spray drift entering the storage from aerial spraying of a pea crop immediately adjacent to the storage..."
"Last year the urban storage of the RWC at Rainbow was polluted with insecticide from off-target aerial spraying of a field pea crop. There were also other fish and yabby kills in the Wimmera for the same reason..."
29 September 1987 RWC to ADCRC: "You asked to be kept informed of initiatives taken by the RWC to avoid repitition of insecticide contamination of urban storages in the Wimmera and Mallee by aerial spraying..."
October 2 1987: Spray forum Horsham - 200 people attended. In 1985/6 616,000ha of crops and 16,000ha of pasture were sprayed with herbicides. 45,000ha of crops and 8,000ha of pasture sprayed with insecticides.
Time covered in FoI request: 25/6/05 - 20/8/07:
Wimmera Mallee Pipeline being constructed. This will substantially reduce risk of runoff into channels.
Current Pesticide Testing Regimes:
NATA accredited laboratory working on behalf of GWMWater, scan checks for traces of; Lindane, Aldrin, Dieldrin, Heptachlor Epoxide, 4-4-DDD, 4-4-DDE, 4,4-DDT, Hexachlorobenzene (HCB). Testing appears to be based on annual checks however it appears that some supplies are not tested annually and some more than annually. Due to the information sourced from the FoI further explanations are impossible.
No positive results detected.
GWMW also use glyphosate to control weeds in its channel system. "There are no tests for pesticides carried out on water flowing in the channels, since the vast majority of this water is destined for farm dams and non-potable use"
http://www.gwmwater.org.au/sm/weed_spraying.html "Weed Spraying The length of channel treated with chemical weedicides is growing as this form of treatment can defer the more expensive channel ditching in some instances. It is used extensively in the irrigation areas around Horsham where access along channels is a problem, and introduced weeds such as Elodea are rapidly spreading. Generally, GWMWater is responsible for channel waterway areas and the neighboring landholder manages weed control on channel banks and adjacent land."
Most GWMW is sourced from the Grampians and then transported via open channel system. At this stage Friends of the Earth has not assessed any of this infrastructure, much of which is being replaced by pipeline. It is anticipated that the pipeline will lessen significantly issues concerning possible channel pollution, however until an assessment can be made it is likely that open channels will be of some risk in terms of water quality, particularly as a large portion of this region is cropped.
Pesticides used in Cropping in Victoria here
Pesticides used in Vineyards in Australian here
Pesticides used in Grazing Industry in Victoria
Pesticides used in the Tree Plantation Industry in Victoria
Table of places supplied with drinking water from Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water. Red indicates risk, Orange indicates lower risk, Green indicates very low risk.
(u) means untreated water not recommended for drinking by GWMW
Source of Supply
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
Wimmera Mallee Pipeline
Project Supply System 1 Works Completed. Water Quality?
Ground Water Millicent Coast
Langi Ghiran Reservoir, Picnic
Road Reservoir
DAFF Treatment. Lime
or caustic soda may be added. Alum & Polyelectroytes added. Sand/carbon/gravel
Berriwollock (u)
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
Wimmera Mallee Pipeline
Project Supply System 5 Works occurrng 2008 Water Quality?
Wimmera Mallee Channel System.
Headworks Grampians – open channels through farmland
Wimmera Mallee Pipeline
Project Supply System 2 Works Completed Water Quality?
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
DAFF Treatment. Lime
or caustic soda may be added. Alum & Polyelectroytes added. Sand/carbon/gravel
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
Wimmera Mallee Pipeline
Project Supply System 2 Works Completed
Buangor (u)
McLeod Creek Weir?
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
DAFF Treatment. Lime
or caustic soda may be added. Alum & Polyelectroytes added. Sand/carbon/gravel
fillers Wimmera Mallee Pipeline Project Supply System 3 & 4 Works
Starts 2008
Chillingollah (u)
Northern Mallee Pipeline or Normanville
Source: Murray River
Chinkapook (u)
Northern Mallee Pipeline or Normanville
Source: Murray River
Clear Lake (u)
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
Wimmera Mallee Pipeline
Project Supply System 6 Cosultation occurring 2008
Cowangie (u)
Ground Water Mallee Basin
Culgoa (u)
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
Wimmera Mallee Pipeline
Project Supply System 5 Works occurrng 2008
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
DAFF Treatment. Lime or caustic soda may be added. Alum & Polyelectroytes added. Sand/carbon/gravel fillers Wimmera Mallee Pipeline Project Supply System 1 Works Completed |
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
Wimmera Mallee Pipeline
Project Supply System 3 & 4 Works Starts 2008
Dooen (u)
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
Wimmera Mallee Pipeline
Project Supply System 1 Works Completed
Lake Wallace + Ground Water emergency
DAFF Treatment. Lime
or caustic soda may be added. Alum & Polyelectroytes added. Sand/carbon/gravel
Elmhurst (u)
Hickmans Creek?
Glenorchy (u)
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
Goroke (u)
Ground Water Millicent Coast
Great Western
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
DAFF Treatment. Lime
or caustic soda may be added. Alum & Polyelectroytes added. Sand/carbon/gravel
fillers. Also Microfiltration
Halls Gap
Lake Bellfield, Dairy Creek Reservoir?
DAFF Treatment. Lime
or caustic soda may be added. Alum & Polyelectroytes added. Sand/carbon/gravel
Harrow (u)
Ground Water Millicent Coast
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
DAFF Treatment. Lime
or caustic soda may be added. Alum & Polyelectroytes added. Sand/carbon/gravel
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
DAFF Treatment. Lime or caustic soda may be added. Alum & Polyelectroytes added. Sand/carbon/gravel fillers Wimmera Mallee Pipeline Project Supply System 6 Cosultation occurring 2008 |
Jerapit (u)
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
Wimmera Mallee Pipeline
Project Supply System 1 Works Completed
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
Wimmera Mallee Pipeline
Project Supply System 2 Works Completed
Kaniva (u)
Ground Water Millicent Coast
Kiata (u)
Groundwater Kiata Bore
Lake Bolac
Mason Creek
Lake Fyans
Lake Fyans
Plantations established
within catchment 2007
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
Lascelles (u)
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
Lillimur (u)
Ground Water Millicent Coast
Northern Mallee Pipeline or Normanville
Source: Murray River
Marnoo (u)
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
Wimmera Mallee Pipeline
Project Supply System 3 & 4 Works Starts 2008
Wimmera Mallee Channel System.
Headworks Grampians – open channels through farmland
Miram (u)
Ground Water Millicent Coast.
Moyston (u)
Stoney Creek (Hopkins River Basin),
Ground Water Mallee Basin
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
DAFF Treatment. Lime
or caustic soda may be added. Alum & Polyelectroytes added. Sand/carbon/gravel
Nandaly (u)
Northern Mallee Pipeline or Normanville
Source: Murray River
Natimuk (u)
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
Wimmera Mallee Pipeline
Project Supply System 6 Cosultation occurring 2008
Nhill (u)
Noradjuha (u)
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
Wimmera Mallee Channel System.
Headworks Grampians – open channels through farmland
Wimmera Mallee Pipeline
Project Supply System 5 Works occurring 2008
Northern Mallee Pipeline or Normanville
Source: Murray River DAFF Treatment. Lime or caustic soda may be added. Alum & Polyelectroytes added. Sand/carbon/gravel fillers. Also Microfiltration |
Patchewollock (u)
Northern Mallee Pipeline or Normanville
Source: Murray River
Pimpinio (u)
Wimmera Mallee Channel System.
Wimmera Mallee Pipeline
Project Supply System 1 Works Completed
(same as Halls Gap), Lake Bellfield
DAFF Treatment. Lime
or caustic soda may be added. Alum & Polyelectroytes added. Sand/carbon/gravel
Goulburn Murray Water (Normanville
Supply System)
Wimmera Mallee Channel System.
DAFF Treatment. Lime
or caustic soda may be added. Alum & Polyelectroytes added. Sand/carbon/gravel
fillers. Wimmera Mallee Pipeline Project Supply System 1
Wimmera Mallee Channel System.
Headworks Grampians – open channels through farmland
Wimmera Mallee Pipeline
Project Supply System 3 & 4 Works Starts 2008
Sea Lake
Northern Mallee Pipeline or Normanville
Source: Murray River
Serviceton (Leeor) (u)
Ground Water Millicent Coast
Speed (u)
Northern Mallee Pipeline or Normanville
Source: Murray River
St Arnaud
Wimmera Mallee Channel System.
DAFF Treatment. Lime
or caustic soda may be added. Alum & Polyelectroytes added. Sand/carbon/gravel
Fyans Creek, Lake Fyans
Plantations established within catchment 2007 DAFF Treatment. Lime or caustic soda may be added. Alum & Polyelectroytes added. Sand/carbon/gravel fillers |
Streatham (u)
Ground Water
Tarranyurk (u)
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
Wimmera Mallee Pipeline Project
Supply System 1 Works Completed
Tempy (u)
Northern Mallee Pipeline or Normanville
Source: Murray River
Northern Mallee Pipeline or Normanville
Source: Murray River
Underbool (u)
Northern Mallee Pipeline or Normanville
Source: Murray River
Waitchie (u)
Northern Mallee Pipeline or Normanville
Source: Murray River
Northern Mallee Pipeline or Normanville
Source: Murray River
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
DAFF Treatment. Lime
or caustic soda may be added. Alum & Polyelectroytes added. Sand/carbon/gravel
fillers Wimmera Mallee Pipeline Project Supply System 2 Works Completed
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
Westmere (u)
Ground Water
Wickliffe (u)
Mason Creek
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
Wimmera Mallee Pipeline
Project Supply System 3 & 4 Works Starts 2008
Yaapeet (u)
Wimmera Mallee Channel System
Wimmera Mallee Pipeline
Project Supply System 1 Works Completed
November 2010: Communities along the Murray River all record 'low levels' of simazine and atrazine over two days. Research in the United States shows Atrazine having impacts at levels as low as 0.1ug/L. Does this mean that the Murray River from Kerang to Mildura, a distance of ~300km was also contaminated with low levels of atrazine & simazine? [3/11/10: Mildura Atrazine 0.02ug/L, Red Cliffs Atrazine 0.03ug/L, Robinvale Atrazine 0.04ug/L, Swan Hill Atrazine 0.03ug/L. Swan Hill Simazine 0.06ug/L. Piangil Simazine 0.06ug/L, Mildura Simazine 0.04ug/L, Red Cliffs Simazine 0.04ug/L, Robinvale Simazine 0.09ug/L. 4/11/10 Kerang Atrazine 0.04ug/L, Koondrook Simazine 0.07ug/L, Murrabit Simazine 0.03ug/L, Koondrook Atrazine 0.04ug/L, Murrabit Atrazine 0.04ug/L]
This event was repeated in February 2017: 8/2/17 Kerang Atrazine 0.02ug/L & Simazine 0.04ug/L, Koondrook Murray River Atrazine 0.01ug/L & Simazine 0.02ug/L, 7/2/17 Mildura Murray River Atrazine 0.02ug/L & Simazine 0.03ug/L, 8/2/17 Murrabit Murray River Atrazine 0.02ug/L & Simazine 0.03ug/L, 7/2/17 Piangil Murray River Atrazine 0.01ug/L & Simazine 0.02ug/L, 7/2/17 Red Cliffs Murray River Atrazime 0.01ug/L & Simazine 0.04ug/L, 7/2/17 Swan Hill Murray River 0.02ug/L & Simazine 0.03ug/L.
Other detections: 5/3/13 Mildura Murray River Atrazine 0.01ug/L, 5/3/13 Mildura West Murray River Atrazine 0.01ug/L, 5/3/13 Red Cliffs Murray River Atrazne 0.01ug/L 6/3/13 Murrabit Murray River Atrazine 0.02ug/L, 5/3/13 Robinvale WTP Atrazine 0.01ug/L, 4/2/15 Kerang Atrazine 0.01ug/L,
August 26, 2008: Brumby and Ministers Come Under Fire at Water Protests
Note: No testing for Atrazine, which Goulburn Murray Water detected above Kerang supply (dec 04, sep 05, nov 05, jan06-apr06). Endosulfan detected GMW sep 05, bifenthrin, esfenvalerate & taufluvalinate oct 05)
Time covered in FoI request: 1995 - Nov 06:
Monitoring taken at 9 sites. Samples of raw water for a suite of organochlorine pesticides analyses have been taken on a quarterly basis since 1995. All results of this testing has been reported as less than the detection limits. Since 2005-6, additional testing has been carried out an annual basis to test for additional pestcides, ones that are commonly used in the LMW water supply catchment. These include Atrazine, Chlorpyrifos, Chlorothalonil, Methomyl, Molinate, Maldison & Diuron. These are sampled in place of one of the quarterly OCP samplings. The first sampling took place in May 2006, the second in November 2006 and the third is scheduled for February 2008. All results from the first two samplings were reported as less than the detection limit of 0.03µg/L, with the exception of atrazine in the May 2006 sampling. In May 2006, results for Red Cliffs, Mildura Piangil were reported as 0.03µg/L.
Pesticides used in Cropping in Victoria here
Pesticides used in Vineyards in Australian here
Pesticides used in Grazing Industry in Victoria
Apple and Pear Orchard Pesticides
Pesticides Commonly Used in the Vegetable Industry in Victoria
Table of places supplied with drinking water from Lower Murray Water. Red indicates risk, Orange indicates lower risk, Green indicates very low risk.
Source of Water
Swan Hill, Lake Boga, Nyah, Nyah
West, Woorinen South
Murray River
Murray River
Red Cliffs
Murray River
Murray River
Mildura, Mildura West, Irymple,
Merbein, Nichols Point, Cabarita, Kings Billabong, Mildura South
Murray River
Murray River, Loddon River, 14/2
Irrigation Channel
"During the higher demand
summer period's water is usually sourced as a blend of Murray River &
14/2 Channel water in about equal proportions."
Murray River
Murray River
Yarra River catchment, upstream of Sugarloaf Reservoir, with agricultural landuse highlighted. In June 2008 Melbourne Water expanded their testing to currently ~20 pesticides, when between 200-300 are likely to be used upstream of Sugarloaf.
Victoria's Pesticide Hotspot
"Independent" testing | Upper Yarra Above Offtake to Sugarloaf Reservoir | 195+ pesticide positive detections |
Melbourne Water Testing | 3 detections in 2000 | 60 detections after 2007 | 95% of these detections in the Upper Yarra near the offtake to Sugarloaf Reservoir. |
Intensive agriculture in Wandin Creek headwaters Image Source Nearmap
Agriculture in close proximity to Silvan aqueduct Image Source Nearmap
June 25 2009: Tarrago Reservoir Reconnected
August 26, 2008: Brumby and Ministers Come Under Fire at Water Protests
July 15 2008: Chemicals net cast wider (Melbourne Water to start testing for more pesticides).
Complacency in Action?
Pesticides Review Committee Minutes 23/6/72: Item No: 90 Aquatic Weed Control in Lakes, Streams & Ponds. (b) Yarra River Improvement Trust: Dalapon, Weedone LV57 & Plus Surfactant area of use Stringybark Creek downstream from Lilydale-Yarra Glen Road for the control of Cumbungi, Canegrass and Spikerush...
{Agricultural Chemicals Committee 15th Meeting 1980? Minutes: (J) Waters From Agricultural Areas For Human Consumption. Pollution Control Section - 10 samples taken by Healesville Water Works Trust... The only pesticide detected was Dieldrin in 6 of the samples of the range was 0.02 to 0.06 micrograms per litre).
Time covered in FoI request: 4/2/97 - 25/1/08:
Melbourne Water supply treated water to Yarra Valley Water, South East Water and City West Water (soon also to Westernport Water). Melbourne Water also do testing.
Most of the catchments that Melbourne Water sources its water from are 'closed/protected' catchments. However Sugarloaf Reservoir, commissioned in November 1980, sources its water from the Yarra River, meaning that it is exposed to more contaminants than other reservoirs in the Melbourne Water Network.
Generally speaking almost all water supplied to South East Water does not come from Sugarloaf Reservoir and a large percentage supplied to Yarra Valley Water also does not come Sugarloaf. Water quality from closed catchment sources is likely to be good. For these reasons detailed analysis of South East Water, Yarra Valley Water and City West Water was not carried out, as they rely on Melbourne Water for all testing. Probably less than 15% of Melbourne Water is supplied from Sugarloaf Reservoir.
Positive Pesticide Results:
Johns Hill Plant 7/2/00 (Kallista) for; Aldrin 0.00002 MG/L (100% over guideline value), Lindane 0.00002 (40% under guideline value), Heptachlor 0.000013 (under guideline value).
Johns Hill Plant was supplied via closed pipeline from Silvan Reservoir, which raises the question was the source of the organochlorines Silvan and if so why were the pesticides detected at Johns Hill and not at Silvan?
Heptachlor and Heptachlor Epoxide were also found in sediment, downstream of Reefton in 1996 in the UWRAA study (22).
In mid 2008 Melbourne Water expanded its testing in reservoirs and drinking supply. The additional compounds now tested for are; Hexazinone, MCPA, Triclopyr, Asulam, Glyphosate, Captan, Carbaryl, Chlorpyrifos, Esfenvalerate, Maldison, Mancozeb, Parathion Methyl, Propargite, Simazine, Picloram, Cyprodinil, Metham, Methyl Bromide, Pyrimethanil, 1,3 dichloropropene, Iprodione, Methomyl, Bromoxynil, Metiram, Chlorothanlonil, Chloropicrin. This is in addition to the pesticides already tested for Aldrin, Dieldrin, Chlordane, DDT, Heptachlor, Heptachlor epoxide, Lindane, 2,4-D and Atrazine.
Pesticide Monitoring post August 2010 - also now test for a range of pharmaceuticals and antibiotics:
Aldicarb, Aldrin, Allethrin, Ametryn, AMPA, Asulam, Atrazine, Azinphos Methyl, Benalaxyl, Bendiocarb, BHC, Bifenthrin, Bioresmethrin, Bitertinol, Bromacil, Bromophos, Bromoxynil, Cadusafos, Captan, Carbaryl, Carbofenthion, Carbofuran, Chlordane, Chlorpyrifos, Chloropicrin, Chlorothanlonil, Chlorfenvinphos, Chlorpyrifos, Coumaphos, Cypermethrin, Cyfluthrin, Cyprodinil, Dalapon, DDT, DEET, Deltamethrin, Diazinon, Dicamba, Dichloran, Dichlorfluanid, Dichlorvos, Diclofop-Methyl, Dicofol, Dieldrin, Dimethoate, Diquat, Diuron, Endosulfan, Endrin, Esfenvalerate, Ethion, Ethoprophos, Etrimifos, Famphur, Fenamiphos, Fenchlorphos, Fenitrothion, Fenthion, Fenvalerate, Fipronil, Fluometuron, Fluroxypyr, Fluvalinate, Furalaxyl, Glyphosate, Haloxyfop, Heptachlor, Heptachlor epoxide, Hexachlorobenzene, Hexazinone, Iprodione, Isophenphos, lambda-Cyhalothrin, Lindane, Malathion, MCPA, MCPB, Mecoprop, Metalaxyl, Metham, Methidathion, Methiocarb, Methomyl, Metolachlor, Methoxychlor, Methyl Bromide, Metiram, Metribuzin, Nonachlor, Oxadiazon, Oxamyl, Oxychlordane,Oxyfluorfen, Paraquat, Parathion, PCB, Pendimethalin, Permethrin, Phenol, Phenothrin, Phorate, Phosmet, Picloram, Piperonyl Butoxide, Pirimicarb, Pirimphos Methyl, Procymidone, Profenofos, Prometryn, Propanil, Propazine, Propiconazole, Prothiofos, Pyrazophos, Pyrimethanil, Simazine, Sulprofos, Tebuthiuron, Terbufos, Terbutryn, Terbuthylazine, Tetrachlorvinphos, Tetradifon, Tetramethrin, Transfluthrin, Triclopyr, Tri-allate, Trifluralin, Vinclozolin, 1,3 dichloropropene, 2,4-D, 2,4-DP, 2,4-DB, 3 4 Dichloroaniline. [~136]
Pesticide Monitoring post mid 2008:
In mid 2008 Melbourne Water expanded its testing in reservoirs and drinking supply. The additional compounds now tested for are; Hexazinone, MCPA, Triclopyr, Asulam, Glyphosate, Captan, Carbaryl, Chlorpyrifos, Esfenvalerate, Maldison, Mancozeb, Parathion Methyl, Propargite, Simazine, Picloram, Cyprodinil, Metham, Methyl Bromide, Pyrimethanil, 1,3 dichloropropene, Iprodione, Methomyl, Bromoxynil, Metiram, Chlorothanlonil, Chloropicrin. This is in addition to the pesticides already tested for Aldrin, Dieldrin, Chlordane, DDT, Heptachlor, Heptachlor epoxide, Lindane, 2,4-D and Atrazine.
A Freedom of Information Request dated 23 June 2009, showed that the improved testing regime detected no herbicides between June 2008-May 2009. Testing appears to be conducted roughly every two weeks at a number of locations (only at Yering Gorge on the Yarra).
In early 2008 Friends of the Earth identified several pesticides of high concern in the Yarra Catchment. Melbourne Water's new testing regimes will only test for four of these substances. The following pesticides of concern will not be tested for; Abamectin, Azinphos Methyl, Dimethoate, Diquat, Endosulfan, Paraquat, Pirimicarb and Thiram.
Pesticide Monitoring 1996-mid 2008:
Two pesticide testings per year for; (Aldrin, Chlordane, Lindane, DDT, Dieldrin, Heptachlor, Heptachlor Epoxide, 2,4-D) + Atrazine since 1/8/05. Most tests carried out at; Cardinia O/L Main, Cresswell Res - Tap on O/L, Dromana 900mm Detention Point, Frankston Detention Pt, Johns Hill Tank Outlet Main, Mornington Detention Point, Silvan Olinda Main Det. Pt, Yan Yean T.P. Detention Point, Yarra Glen Res - Tap on Tank, Winneke Preston Main Research. Pentachlorophenol also tested for?
What this means is that Melbourne Water were only testing for two currently used pesticides.
Melbourne Water have recently had a risk analysis done and a number of agricultural chemicals were identified that Melbourne Water will be doing further research on. They will be focussing on the ten most commonly used pesticides in the catchment. Their study will start in July 2008 (One should wonder why it has taken Melbourne Water 27 years to conduct such a study - Sugarloaf was completed in 1981 and almost no research has been conducted for two decades!)
Sugarloaf Reservoir provides drinking water to almost 700,000 people in the Melbourne suburbs of; Alphington, Arthurs Creek, Balwyn, Balwyn East, Balwyn North, Banyule, Box Hill North, Briar Hill, Brunswick, Brunswick East, Brunswick West, Bulleen, Bundoora, Burwood, Camberwell, Canterbury, Coburg, Croxton, Deepdene, Diamond Creek, Doncaster, Doreen, Eaglemont, Eltham, Epping, Fairfield, Glen Iris, Greensborough, Greythorn, Hawthorn, Hawthorn East, Heidelberg, Heidelberg Heights, Heidelberg West, Hurstbridge, Ivanhoe, Kangaroo Ground, Keon Park, Kew, Kingsbury, Lalor, Lower Plenty, Maclead, Malvern, Mernda, Mill Park, Mont Albert, Montmorency, Northcote, Northland Centre, Nutfield, Pascoe Vale, Plenty, Preston, Research, Reservoir, Rosanna, Smiths Gully, South Morang, Templestowe Lower, Thomastown, Thornbury, View Bank, Watsonia, Wattle Glen, Whittlesea, Yallambie, Yarrambat.
Sugarloaf Reservoir also supplies almost 500,000 customers of City West Water in the following regions; Werribee, Little River, Altona, Werribee South, Footscray, Deer Park, East Keilor, Strathmore, Moonee Ponds, Parkville.
Sugarloaf Reservoir sometimes supplies South East Water Customers, particularly in drier times. Suburbs include; Albert Park, Balaclava, Gardenvale, Garden City, Fishermens Bend, Elwood, Elsternwick, Melbourne, Middle Park, Prahan, Ripponlea, South Melbourne, South Yarra, Southbank, St/Kilda/West, St.Kilda/East, Windsor.
Pesticide Potential Maps of the catchment upstream of Sugarloaf Reservoir were produced by Friends of the Earth in March 2008. They reveal widespread agricultural land use in the land above the offtake to the reservoir. The Yarra River Catchment upstream of Sugarloaf Reservoir could be one of the most intensively farmed and sprayed regions of any water supply located in Victoria. The catchment (outside of closed catchments) provides more than 1.2 million people with drinking water.
Copies of the maps can be found here and here. Friends of the Earth also claim that the following pesticides should be tested for by Melbourne Water but aren't;
Image on right shows density of agricultural land use within some of the headwaters of the Wandin Yallock Creek catchment Image Source Nearmap | ![]() |
Highly intensive berri farms established on Woori Yallock Creek Image Source Nearmap
Land Use (excluding grazing, urban and forestry)above
Offtake to Sugarloaf
Number of Agrochemicals Registered in Victoria by
Crop Type
Orchards (Apples, Citrus etc)
Cut Flowers/Nurseries etc
Berries (Strawberries, Rasberries, etc)
Tree Plantations
*Friends of the Earth Melbourne study 2008.
Main Pesticides of concern to health of Melbournians would likely be: Parathion Methyl, Paraquat, Diquat, Simazine, Chlorpyrifos, Carbaryl, Methomyl.
Other pesticides of concern to the health of both people and the Yarra River and tributaries would probably be; Mancozeb, Maldison, Thiram, Metiram, Pirimicarb, Triclopyr, Ipriodione, Dimethoate, Captan, Endosulfan, Abamectin, Propargite, Azinphos Methyl & Esfenvalerate. Information in table below is sourced from the Pesticide Action Network
Vineyards in close proximity to Yarra River near Yarra Glen, ~3km upstream from the offtake to Sugarloaf Reservoir.Image Source Nearmap
Pesticide Name
Azinphos Methyl
Methyl Carbamate
Dithiocarbamate Inorganic Zinc
Methyl Carbamate
Dithiocarbamate Inorganic Zinc
Parathion Methyl
N-Methyl Carbamate
Not Listed
Some of the Pesticides Used in Strawberry Growing here
Pesticides used in Cropping in Victoria here
Pesticides used in Vineyards in Australian here
Pesticides used in Nurseries/Cut Flowers in Victoria
Pesticides used in Grazing Industry in Victoria
Apple and Pear Orchard Pesticides
Pesticides Commonly Used in the Vegetable Industry in Victoria
The Victorian State Government plans to pump water from the Goulburn River, near Yea to Sugarloaf Reservoir. The above map shows land use in the Goulburn River Catchment above the potential new offtake. Green = native forests, Dark Brown=Hancock pine plantations, Light Brown=Other Pine Plantations, Yellow=Hardwood plantations, Purple=Olives, Orange=Irrigated Pasture. Light Blue=dryland grazing, Other = vineyards, turfgrass, vegetables etc. The catchment is not as intensively farmed as the Yarra.
Sugarloaf Treatment
Source: http://www.melbournewater.com.au/content/publications/fact_sheets/water/winneke_treatment_plant.asp
"The treatment process
The function of the Winneke Treatment Plant is to produce drinking water that meets water quality guidelines set by the National Health and Medical Research Council.
Water treatment involves a number of processes: coagulation; clarification; filtration; disinfection; and fluoridation.
Coagulation: raw water is pumped from the reservoir to the Winneke Treatment Plant inlet control structure, where it is mixed with liquid aluminium sulphate (alum). The alum acts as a coagulant encouraging suspended solids and microorganisms in the raw water to bind together to form larger particles.
Clarification: the water then flows through an underground channel to a water distribution chamber that feeds the four clarifiers. Water is detained and circulated in the clarifiers for about three hours. The clarifiers enhance the cohesion and entrapment of the suspended solids and remove colour from the water. Solid particles are separated from the raw water producing what is termed 'settled water' and sludge.
Filtration: the 'settled water' is delivered through concrete channels to 12 gravity filters, which remove most of the remaining suspended solids. Each filter is a rectangular, concrete structure with a bed of sand supported by a layer of course media that is supported on a layer of pebbles.
Disinfection and pH correction: after the water passes through the filters, it is disinfected (by chlorination) to destroy residual microorganisms. Lime is added to adjust the alkalinity/acidity (pH) level. The fully treated water flows into a large enclosed storage reservoir adjacent to the treatment plant. This reservoir is a buffer storage and water is supplied from it as required.
Fluoridation: Melbourne Water is required by State Government legislation under the Health (Fluoridation) Act 1973 to fluoridate the water supply. Fluoride is added in precise quantities downstream of the Winneke Treatment Plant at Research."
According to the Victorian State Government report; Our Water (2004), "Appendix 6 Winneke Water Treatment Plant upgrade requirements"; p1 The Winneke Water Treatment Plant (WTP) is a conventional treatment plant utilising coagulation and flocculation, upflow clarification, rapid granular media filtration, and chlorination ... p3 Note" There is no Powder Activated Carbon (PAC) at the plant. MWC has considered future UV and Ozone/GAC (Granulated Active Carbon), but these are not part of the current WTP...p4 MWC has a program of protozoa and pesticide monitoring and modelling to determine whether enhanced risk management is required for Winneke WTP. Currently, Ozone/GAC filters are scheduled for 2017, subject to justification of need based on the above work. If Ozone/GAC filters are installed in the future, the proposed PAC dosing and UV plant will become redundant. However, this would still minimise NPC, as bringing forward the ozone/GAC would be double the cost of the PAC/UV installation".
Past studies of the Yarra Catchment (re: Pilot Survey of pesticide levels in water and sediments of streams in agricultural catchments (Publication No:142 March 1982 Water Quality Branch Environment Protection Authority) showed that pesticides were detected at a site just downstream of Yering Gorge. Yering Gorge is significant as a pumping station was built soon after the study was completed in order to supply the newly constructed Sugarloaf Reservoir. Organochlorine pesticides detected downstream of Yering Gorge in 1980 included DDE @ 0.01µg/L, DDT @ 0.01µg/L and 0.007µg/L, Dieldrin @ 0.02µg/L, Lindane @ 0.002µg/L, 2,4-D @1.1µg/L and the insecticide Malathion @2.6µg/L. Sediment at the site showed DDE @ 0.02µg/L and 0.01µg/L. Dieldrin was also detected in the sediment in 1981 @ 0.01µg/L. It is most likely that these pesticides were washed down the Yarra from agricultural practices further up in the catchment. Taking the following data from the latest ADWG, guideline value for DDT is 0.06µg/L, health value is 20µg/L. Guideline Value Dieldrin 0.01µg/L, health value 0.3µg/L. Guideline Value Lindane 0.05ug/L, health value 20ug/L. Guideline Value 2,4-D 0.1µg/L, health value 30µg/L. Health Value Malathion (Maldison) 50µg/L.
Dieldrin therefore was detected at twice the future guideline limit and 2,4-D 11 times the future guideline limit. The Malathion level was just over 5% of the future health limit as no guideline limit is granted for this insecticide, but well under the ADWG Health limit. It is not impossible that not only could pesticides be detected at the Sugarloaf pumping station, but that they could be pumped into Sugarloaf Reservoir and it appears bizarre that Melbourne Water basically discontinued future testing until well into the 1990's.
In 1982 a further study into Macroinvertebrates of the Yarra River; stated in regards to Wandin Yallock Creek that "pesticides appear to be the most likely toxic influence at this site. TDE, DDE, DDT and Dieldrin have been detected in the sediments at a site 2km downstream of a major market gardening and horticultural area, and DDT and Dieldrin have been found in the sediments of a site in the middle of the market gardening area...TDE, DDE, DDT and Dieldrin have been detected in sediment samples 8km downstream of areas of intensive market gardening and potato growing..." (30)
Another study (31) published in 1983 looked at pesticide transport in three sub catchments of the Upper Yarra Catchment. The pesticides Diedrin, DDT, DDE, Linuron and 2,4,5-T were detected. Pesticides at one location were most frequently detected in flows during vegetable washing operations. Pesticide concentrations were also generally higher in storm flow samples. Pesticide loads transported from catchments were generally between 1.3 and 9.3 mg/ha and between 134 and 228mg/ha in relation to vegetable washing plants. The authors wrote; "The concentrations of Dieldrin and DDT do not appear to present problems for drinking water supply in the Yarra River itself although, on occassions the concentrations detected in flows from cultivated land during storms and operation of vegetable washing plants exceeded health criteria".(31).
It could be argued that if vineyards are included, the current amount of intensively sprayed agriculture in the Upper Yarra Catchment is in 2008, 9000ha+, a 1000% increase on the 870ha intensive cropping figure quoted in the above study, potentially meaning higher pesticide volumes at a catchment level, also potentially meaning higher levels of pesticide loads transported from catchments, depending on the pesticide and site conditions.
Melbourne Water also conducted research in contamination of sediments at several locations in the Yarra River catchment in 1996. Study looked closely at heavy metals and PAH's (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons). The pesticides tested for included; BHC, dichloran, Lindane, Heptachlor, Heptachlor Epoxide, Chlorpyrifos, Chlordane, Endosulfan, Dieldrin, DDT, Methoxychlor & Dicofol. Upstream of Sugarloaf Reservoir pesticides were detected at one location, downstream of Armstrong Creek Reefton; BHC 5ppb/kg, Dichloran 10ppb/kg, Lindane 5ppb/kg, Heptachlor 7ppb/kg, Heptachlor Epoxide 20ppb/kg. Highest readings for pesticides in the Yarra were located at testing sites at Glen Iris, Clifton Hill, Blackburn, Park Orchards.
EPA have very little information concerning impacts of pesticides above sugarloaf offtake. For instance there are 4 current water discharge licences for Olinda Creek, 2 relate to sewage treatment and 2 relate to extractive industry and mining, including Unimin Lime who have not met its statutory obligations to the EPA auditor in 2006.
Website below states 19 tests in 1994 at : http://www.melbournewater.com.au/content/water/water_quality_and_treatment/analysis_of_melbournes_water_for_2006.asp
Organic chemicals The reporting levels are based on Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (2004). Results should not exceed the reporting levels. Sampling is conducted at headworks reservoirs. Aldrin 0.0003mg/l, Atrazine 0.04mg/l, Dieldrin 0.0003mg/l, Chlordane 0.001mg/l, DDT 0.02mg/l, Heptachlor 0.0003mg/l, Heptachlor Epoxide 0.0003mg/L, Lindane 0.02mg/l, 2,4-D 0.03mg/l
Pine plantation after logging Yackandandah's water supply
2012 - 2016: 72 detections
Hexazinone 17, MCPA 13, Atrazine 11, Triclopyr 8, Simazine 7, 2,4-D 6, Terbufos 4, Benomyl 2, Diazinon 2, Malathion 1, Terbutryn 1
Yackandandah 18, Wodonga 11, Yarrawonga 9, Wahgunyah 7, Corryong 5, Bellbridge 5, Oxley 4, Walwa 4, Beechworth 3, Tallangatta 3, Wangaratta 1, Tawonga 1, Whitfield 1
Most serious incidents: Terbufos detected at Tawonga and Beechworth in 2016 at 0.02ug/L (1.11% of adwg)
Committee of Enquiry Into The Effects Of Pesticides - Minutes of 25th Meeting 7/12/65
"(a) Mr ... reported on two incidents involving deaths of fish. The first referred to 1000 dead trout near Wandiligong; fish were found over a distance of six miles and it appears that Endrin and DDT were responsible. The second incident was in Morses Creek near Myrtleford where 1000 dead trout were found, & was also caused by Endrin..."
Age Letter 20/12/65: Sir, There have been reports recently concerning the finding of hundreds of dead fish in the Morses and Yarraboola creeks, both tributaries of the Ovens River in Victoria. Apparently the destruction of these fish was due to the run-off of pesticides sprayed on surrounding farms which was carried to the streams during recent rains in the Ovens and Buffalo valleys...
Commission of Enquiry Into Effects of Pesticides - February 1966
p61 "Evidence was received concerning the tobacco growing areas along the Ovens, King and Buffalo Rivers that weekly spraying with persistent insecticides and fungicides is a routine practice and that a proportion of the spraying is done by aircraft. Fish have been killed on occassions when pesticides have reached the river..."
Pesticides Review Committee Minutes 15th Meeting 1/3/68: Correspondance (k) Secretary Premiers Department - re a letter from A.V. Bradbury MLC with an enclosed letter from the King River Improvement Trust stating that the dumping of pesticides in streams is a problem that can only be overcome by education and publicity.
State Laboratories Memo for Director of Agriculture 5/12/68: "... information accumulated has shown residue status in ... specific pesticides in such water as the Ovens River..."
Pesticides Review Committee Minutes 48th Meeting 20/8/71: Item 31(b) Wangaratta Fly Fishing Club. Letter received on 23rd February concerning fish kills in the King River at Chestnut. It appeared that local tobacco growers were responsible due to the sprays used on their crops... Report on Fish Kills in North East Victoria..."Some 23 fish kills were investigated..."
"In 1971/2, this Department conducted a pesticide survey of the Ovens River catchment which was chosen because of reported heavy use of pesticides on the tobacco crops in that area..." (Commission of Public Health 6 February 1976).
ADWG 2011 Guideline Limit ug/L
% of 2011 ADWG
Harrietville Caravan Park
DDT 0.01ug/L
Ovens River East Branch
DDT 0.01ug/L
Ovens River Below Morses Creek
HCB 0.06ug/L
Ovens River above Buffalo River
DDT 0.005ug/L
Ovens River above Buffalo River
DDT 0.007ug/L
Ovens River above Buffalo River
DDT 0.01ug/L
Ovens River above Buffalo River
DDT 0.013ug/L
Ovens River above Buffalo River
DDT 0.022ug/L
Clancy Lane Well
DDT 0.02ug/L
Clancy Lane Well
Lindane 0.04ug/L
Victoria Bridge Happy Valley
DDT 0.02ug/L
Victoria Bridge Happy Valley
DDT 0.007ug/L
Victoria Bridge Happy Valley
DDT 0.008ug/L
Victoria Bridge Happy Valley
DDT 0.025ug/L
Victoria Bridge Happy Valley
Dieldrin 0.005ug/L
Victoria Bridge Happy Valley
Dieldrin 0.005ug/L
Victoria Bridge Happy Valley
DDE 0.005ug/L
Victoria Bridge Happy Valley
DDT 0.01ug/L
Barwidgee River Bridge
DDT 0.002ug/L
Buffalo River Above Ovens River
DDT 0.01ug/L
Buffalo River Above Ovens River
DDE 0.01ug/L
Buffalo River Above Ovens River
DDT 0.01ug/L
Buffalo River Above Ovens River
DDE 0.005ug/L
Buffalo River Above Ovens River
DDT 0.02ug/L
Buffalo River Above Ovens River
Dieldrin 0.01ug/L
Buffalo River Above Ovens River
DDT 0.008ug/L
Buffalo River Above Ovens River
Dieldrin 0.005ug/L
King River Above Ovens River
Lindane 0.02ug/L
King River Above Ovens River
DDE 0.04ug/L
Wangaratta Reservoir Pump
Lindane 0.02ug/L
Wangaratta Reservoir Pump
HCB 0.02ug/L
Wangaratta Filtered Water
HCB 0.006ug/L
Wangaratta Filtered Water
TDE 0.012ug/L
Wangaratta Filtered Water
Lindane 0.025ug/L
Wangaratta Filtered Water
DDT 0.01ug/L
Pesticides Review Committee Minutes (54th Meeting early 1972): "Mr ... advised that when he and Mr ... visited the tobacco growing areas they attended a Tobacco Growers Association meeting and it was suggested by one of the growers that a deposit of $10 per 5 gallon drum be placed at purchase so that the annual collection of 20,000 cans would be returned to the manufacturer rather than dumped in the river as the quickest way to dispose of it. The motion was carried unanimously..."
Pesticides Review Committee Minutes 23/6/72: 31(d) Myrtleford Shire. Letter dated 16th December concerning contamination of rivers by tobacco growers...
Fish kills Ovens and King Rivers 1961-1971
Agricultural & Domestic Chemicals Review Committee - Extraordinary Meeting 19 June 1989.
"In December 1988, water samples (Ovens & King Rivers) indicated no significant levels of DDT or Dieldrin. However samples collected in March 1989 during storm flows were found to contain detectable levels greater than the WHO Guidelines... Wangaratta City Council tests showed high readings of Heptachlor and Dieldrin in April."
EPA Press Release 15 June 1989. Water Quality Sampling Ovens and King Rivers
Dieldrin Raw
Dieldrin Treated
Heptachlor Raw
Heptachlor Treated
Aldrin Raw
Aldrin Treated
Pesticide detections (ug/L) Wangaratta Drinking Water Supply 1988-1989. 2011 Guideline limits for Dieldrin, Aldrin and Heptachlor is 0.3ug/L
Time covered in FoI request: 2003 - 3/1/08
Up to 2004 North East Water were testing for; 2,4-D, 4,4-DDT, Aldrin, Dieldrin, Heptachlor Epoxide, Heptachlor, Hexachlorobenzene, Methoxychlor, Pentachlorophenol, Trans Chlordane.
No testing was carried out from 2004 until January 2008, except isolated tests for hexazinone in late 2007. No positive results.
Testing resumed for a range of pesticides (most organochlorines in January 2008 The Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (2004) state that "Routine monitoring for pesticides is not required unless potential exists for contamination of water supplies". Perhaps by using this clause NE Water decided to stop testing in 2004.
Pesticides used in Cropping in Victoria here
Pesticides used in the Tree Plantation Industry in Victoria
Pesticides used in Vineyards in Australian here
Pesticides used in Grazing Industry in Victoria
Apple and Pear Orchard Pesticides
Pesticides Commonly Used in the Vegetable Industry in Victoria
This plantation lies about 100 metres upstream from North East Region Water Authority's Ovens River Pump Station and Chlorination Plant (Bright's drinking water). Note pine trees in background which stand next to Hancock plantation. The plantation extends for 3km along the banks of the Ovens River.
Table of places supplied with drinking water from North East Water. Red indicates risk, Orange indicates lower risk, Green indicates very low risk.
Town | Source of Water | Comments |
Barnawartha | GW Two bores | depends on bore depths |
Beechworth | Nine Mile Creek/Frenchmans Creek & Lake Kerford | pines and orchards? |
Bellbridge | Lake Hume | |
Benalla | Ryans Creek/Whiskey Creek | pines |
Bright/Wandiligong | Ovens River & Bakers Gully | pines, old tobacco, vines? |
Chiltern | 3 lines of Springs (30 in total)& a bore | ? |
Corryong | Nariel Creek | |
Cudgewa | Nariel Creek | |
Dartmouth | Mt Tabor Creek & Mitta Mitta River/Lake Dartmouth | Mostly closed catchment |
Devenish | Lake Mulwala (Murray River) | Lake Mulwala is surrounded by extensive agricultural land use |
Glenrowan | Fifteen Mile Creek | pines, farming |
Goorambat | Bore | Depending on depth of bore. |
Harrietville | Simmons Creek | |
Kiewa/Tangambalanga | Murray River from Wodonga | |
Moyhu | King River | |
Mt Beauty/Tawonga/Tawonga South | West Kiewa River | |
Myrtleford | Buffalo Creek | |
Oxley | King River | |
Porepunkah | Ovens River & Bakers Gully | pines |
Rutherglen/Wahgunyah | Murray River at Wahgunyah | |
Springhurst | Diddah Diddah Creek | |
St James | Lake Mulwala (Murray River) (GMW CGI/12/9 channel?) | |
Tallangatta | Lake Hume | |
Tungamah | Lake Mulwala (Murray River) | |
Walwa | Upper Murray River | |
Wangaratta | Ovens River (immediately downstream from Ovens & King River junction) | pines, vineyards, farming etc |
Whitfield | Musk Gully Creek | |
Wodonga | Wodonga Creek | |
Yackandandah | Nine Mile Creek | pines |
Yarrawonga | Lake Mulwala (Murray River) |
In “Organochlorine Pesticide Residues in Water & Sediments from the Ovens and King Rivers, North East Victoria, Australia F. McKenzie-Smith, D. Tiller, D. Allen EPA Victoria, State Chemistry Laboratory Published in Arch. Environ Contam. Toxicol. 26, 483-490 (1994)” , the highest reading for DDT (and its metabolites) at a site just upstream from Myrtleford on the Ovens River was 0.34µg/L recorded during a storm event, with Dieldrin recorded at much lower levels. Downstream of Myrtleford DDT measured at ~0.051µg/L and Dieldrin 0.0026µg/L
In “Biocide Contamination in the Aquatic Environment. A study of the Ovens and King Rivers Region. EPA Scientific Series SRS 90/004”, the highest reading for DDT in a storm event on the Ovens River was 3.8µg/L . Dieldrin was found on the King River during a storm event at 0.07µg/L", Aldrin at 0.01ug/L, Lindane at 0.01µg/L and Heptachlor at 0.08µg/L. Total DDT levels in sediment at a Myrtleford site were as high as 70ug/kg and at Edi on the King River at 85ug/kg. Total Dieldrin levels at Porkepunkah were found at 5ug/Kg and at 10ug/Kg at Edi. These levels are of concern.
Purchases water from wholesaler Melbourne Water and distributes that water throughout South Eastern Melbourne region. Started widespread testing for pesticides in 2014.
From the uppermost catchments, water flows into Thomson and Upper Yarra Reservoirs where water may be stored for many years before being used. Holding the water for a long period allows the sediments from the forests, washed in by the rain, to settle, providing natural purification. Water from the upper reservoirs is then transferred to Silvan and Cardinia Reservoirs. Upon leaving the reservoirs, it is disinfected by using chlorine to kill potentially harmful micro-organisms and maintain public health. The water is also fluoridated and corrected for pH.
Positive Detections: Thiobencarb 0.02ug/L (Webb Street, Bunyip), 2,4-D 0.02ug/L (Jaguar Drive Clayton 15/8/14), 2,6-D 0.02ug/L (Jaguar Drive Clayton 15/8/14), Dicamba 0.01ug/L (Merryn Grove Wantirna 18/4/16).
This is significant as it reveals that treatment used by Melbourne Water will not eliminate all traces of pesticides. Water sourced from Wantirna is from Silvan Dam
Also Naphthalene (a polyaromatic hydrocarbon) detected at 0.64ug/L at 28 Grandview Grove Prahan 14/3/17. Source possibly bituminous liners in water distribution system.
1112 Tetrachlorethane detected at 3ug/L at Longwarry Road Bunyip 8/4/10
Dibromomethane detected at 1ug/L at Dalpura Ct Frankston 3/10/11
Dibromomethane detected at 2ug/L at Point Road Crib Point 3/10/11
Ethylbenzene detected at 6ug/L at Dobson St Ferntree Gully 9/1/12
Ethylbenzene detected at 6ug/L at Somerset Drive Mount Martha 10/1/12
Time covered in FoI request: 2005 - 20/10/06
SRW operates four specific surface water supply systems:
- Werribee system (Merrimu and Pykes Creek Reservoirs)
-Rosslynne Reservoir
-Thomson/Macalister system (Lake Glenmaggie and Cowwarr Weir)
-Blue Rock Lake
SRW does not supply drinking water, it supplies untreated raw water to its water suppliers (Western Water and Gippsland Water). SRW does not use chemicals, substances or any process to disinfect or treat the water that we supply for drinking purposes. Blue green algae has been a problem in recent years.
SRW used Acrolein to kill aquatic weeds in January and November 2005. Monitoring was carried out. Highest readings; 8/11/05 Football Lane 6560µg/L, 18/1/05 @ 80 Foot Drop 5908µg/L. Domestic supplies may have been impacted as spraying occurred upstream of Maffra/Stratford's water supply. Unsure of exact locations of spraying.
Southern Rural Water also use herbicides to control weeds; "Where use is likely to occur adjacent to a waterway, SRW only utilises chemicals such as Round-up Biactive" According to SRW Chemical Control Procedure, Spray Chemicals used by SRW include Round Up - Biactive (herbicide), Trounce (herbicide), Amitrole (herbicide), Wetter TX (surfactant) and Pulse (surfactant). Weed control Blackberrys; Trounce + Wetter TX (10g/Kg Metsulfuron)(835g/Kg glyphosate). Weed control Cumbungi; Roundup Bi-active (Glyphosate as the isopromlamine salt [glyphosate-N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine], Wetter TX Weeds and grasses; Roundup Bi-active.
June 1 2007: SRW Tests Show Chemicals
TESTS have confirmed the chemical acrolein has been detected in the Thomson River after being used as a weed killer by Southern Rural Water. The chemical is used to kill submerged weeds in SRW's main southern and main northern channels. Freedom of Information documents obtained by the Gippsland Times show levels of almost three parts per million were recorded at a site referred to by the test papers as "Heyfield Intermittent Town Supply". A reading of more than four parts per million was detected at the point referred to as "Swimming Pool Check". Both sites were tested as part of the main southern channel. In the main northern channel, readings of five parts per million were recorded at sites referred to as "Football Lane" and "Coloe's Road". The testing was carried out by SRW following use of the chemical. The SRW response to the FOI request also states SRW "does not routinely monitor chemicals within its water supply networks" as it is not required to by law. Victorian Agricultural Chemicals Advisory Committee representative Anthony Amis questioned what arrangement SRW had with regard to alerting water authorities of the chemical treatments and sought assurances the chemicals could not enter the water supply for Maffra via the Macalister River. While he admitted acrolein had a relatively short half life of around two days, he said the chemical had been the subject of a fish kill investigation in the Goulburn River - an irrigation district. "Fingers were pointed at use of acrolein which is highly toxic to fish," he said. "There was a report done by the EPA." SRW also uses roundup as a form of weed control. Tests for glyphosphate came in below the detection limit, according to the FOI document. An SRW spokesperson had not responded to request for an interview at the time of going to print.
Pesticides used in Cropping in Victoria here
Pesticides used in Grazing Industry in Victoria
Pesticides Commonly Used in the Vegetable Industry in Victoria
Pesticides used in the Tree Plantation Industry in Victoria
Strzelecki Ranges - Hancock plantation logging Tarwin River headwaters
Korumburra Golf Course surrounds this Ness Creek storage. What pesticide applications are applied here? It has apparently been a concern for over 30 years with 2,4-D and Iprodione likely to be course "favourites".
49 pesticide detections between 2012-2016. 88% of detections for Triclopyr. Most frequent detections at Toora (10), Meeniyan (9), Dumbalk (8), Foster (6), Korumburra (5).
On 21/4/2015 Triclopyr was detected at 2.6ug/L at Toora, the fourth highest level of Triclopyr recorded in an Australian domestic water supply.
16/6/67 Letter from SRWSC to Korumburra Waterworks Trust: "The Korumburra Waterworks Trust recently drew to the attention of this Commission the establishment of a private airstrip on land adjoining the catchment area of the Korumburra Reservoir. The trust has reported that the airstrip is being used by operators for aerial spraying purposes and has expressed concern as the direction of take-off for aircraft, on account of the surrounding hills, is directly over No.3 Reservoir... The Department of Civil Aviation has advised that the airstrip in question is not a licensed aerodrome and it therefore has no control over the use to which it is put...
Minutes Pesticide Review Meeting #141Committee Victorian Government 6/10/78: "(d) Letter from Korumburra Waterworks Trust. The letter from the Trust and a copy of the Latrobe Water Sewerage Board about the proposed use of Weedicide Estan 80 (2,4-D) on the Korumburra Golf Course in close proximity to the towns No.1 reservoir was tabled. Dr Parsons felt that an amine formulation would be preferable to estan and that care should be taken as to weather conditions existing at the time of spraying eg windless and rainless. Dr Christophers said that as the town's water supply could be involved the matter should be referred to the Health Department with certain recommendations from this committee for examination and advice."
Minutes Pesticide Review Committee Victorian Government 19/7/1979: "...Request from Korumburra Golf Club to use the Turf Fungicide 'Rovral' (Iprodione). The Korumburra Golf Course is in the direct catchment of the towns water storage reservoir and runoff reaches the reservoir very quickly due to the drainage of the greens and fairways".
Letter from Korumburra Waterworks Trust to PRV August 18 1981: "Korumburra Golf Course catchment No.1 Reservoir is owned by the Trust and leased to the golf club. Water run-off from the golf course goes directly into the town's water supply reserve. Selective herbicide required to control English Daisy. Suggested that MCPA and Dicamba be used. "The reservoir has already given some trouble and has been the subject of a report by the Materials Science Division of the SRWSC on various algae and biological problems which have affected water, taste and colour..."
Ruby Creek catchment (Leongatha's water supply. Tan represents grazing (dairy), orange represents cropping and dark brown represents radiata pine plantations managed by South Gippsland Water
Time covered in FoI request: 1991 - 23/8/07
Methoxychlor detected 0.2µg/L 7/3/06 Dumbalk WTP
Prometryn detected at 10 parts per billion (December 2007) in grab sample at the Tarwin River at Tarwin in 'Pilot Study of Agrochemicals in West Gippsland Waterways - 2007'. Unlikely that herbicide was detected above offtakes to Dumbalk and Meeniyan water supplies.
March 10 2010: Growing Pains (E. nitens plantations potentially toxic)
Susie points to a broad bank of plantation nitens: ''They're in my catchment,'' she says. The trees grow next to a creek, which funnels into Middle Creek - the brook that runs past Susie's house. ''The issue is very dear to my heart because I suffer from multiple chemical sensitivities, which is why I live where I live, away from most people and most pollutants, so it's something of great interest to myself and any other person who uses the water,'' she says. Susie pumps water out of the river for domestic uses such as bathing. She's capturing rainwater for her drinking supplies, but there's plenty of others around Gippsland who are drinking from rivers that also sustain nitens plantations. On the south side of the Strzeleckis, Margaret and David Pellew hire out a small number of forest cabins on the banks of the Tarra River. The Tarra supplies drinking water to the Pellews and nearby towns such as Devon and Yarram, as well as sustaining nitens plantations. The Pellews were already aware of the Tasmanian controversy when The Age visited this week. ''We're concerned and we would certainly like to know more about it. We'd like to know scientifically how it affects the water,'' says Margaret. Plantation company Hancock says its nitens crop covers about 5600 hectares of Gippsland. Most of those nitens are grown in pockets across the Strzeleckis, but there are also some planted in the Great Dividing Range north of Noojee. The company withdrew its original offer to allow The Age access to its plantations, but in an email Hancock spokesman Steve Wentworth said the company was aware of the Tasmanian controversy.
As people such as the Pellews start to ask questions, local water authorities, at the instruction of Victoria's Health Department, do not seem interested in chasing answers. South Gippsland Water, the authority which harvests the Tarra River for Yarram's supply, says it will not be initiating any investigations. ''We are in contact with [the Health Department] regarding this issue and as yet have received no advice to carry out further water testing,'' spokeswoman Ros Griggs says. ''South Gippsland Water will be waiting for advice from our health regulator regarding any additional requirements.'' Neighbouring authority Gippsland Water confirms that the town of Seaspray is drinking from a river catchment that sustains nitens, but spokeswoman Leah Mether says there will be no change to testing regimes in the short term. ''Gippsland Water treats all its water supplies to ensure compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act, and has not received any advice from the Victorian Department of Health to alter these existing treatment methods,'' she says. The Victorian Health Department regulates drinking-water safety in this state, and spokesman Bram Alexander says there does not appear to be any danger to Victorian water supplies. ''We are looking at this issue closely. Based on available evidence, it is too early to draw any conclusions. However, from our regular monitoring of water quality in those two water authorities, there is nothing to suggest drinking water supplies are unsafe,'' he says. Alexander declined to clarify whether ''looking at the issue closely'' meant the department was running its own tests on Victorian water, or merely reading the Tasmanian newspapers.
Current Pesticide Testing Regimes:
Testing on an annual basis each March in the following zones; a) Alberton/Pt Albert/Yarram/Devon North, b) Dumbalk, c) Fish Creek, d) Foster outlet and after trim dosing (Mar 07), e) Korumburra, f) Leongatha/Koonwarra, g) Leongatha After trim dosing (Mar 06 & 07), h) Meeniyan, i) Meeniyan (after trim dosing) Mar 06 & 07, j) poowong/loch/nyora, k) toora/Welshpool, l) Wonthaggi/cape paterson/Inverloch, lance creek before trim dosing.
Testing regimes slight variations on; Dieldrin, Methoxychlor, Heptachlor Epoxide, Lindane, Pentachlorophenol, Chlordane Total, DDT, 2,4-D (@10µg/L and 0.01µg/L) Hexachlorobenzene, Heptachlor, Aldrin. Trans Chlordane, Heptachlor Epoxide, cis Chlordane.
Pesticides used in Cropping in Victoria here
Pesticides used in Vineyards in Australian here
Pesticides used in Grazing Industry in Victoria
Pesticides used in the Tree Plantation Industry in Victoria
Pesticides Commonly Used in the Vegetable Industry in Victoria
Table of places supplied with drinking water from South Gippsland Water. Red indicates risk, Orange indicates lower risk, Green indicates very low risk.
Source of Water
Tarra River
Hancock plantations
Cape Paterson
Lance Creek
Devon North
Tarra River
Hancock plantations
Tarwin River
Cropping/Grazing, Hancock plantations,
Great Southern Plantations
Fish Creek
Battery Creek
relatively closed catchment
Deep Creek
Hancock plantations, Great Southern
Lance Creek
Ruby Creek system
SGW plantations, Cropping/Grazing
Coalition Creek system (Coalition,
Ness, Bellview)
Ruby Creek system
SGW plantations, cropping/grazing
Little Bass System
Tarwin River
Cropping/grazing, Hancock plantations,
Great Southern Plantations
Little Bass System
Little Bass System
Port Albert
Tarra River
Hancock plantations
Port Franklin
Agnes River
Hancock plantations
Port Welshpool
Agnes River
Hancock plantations
Agnes River
Hancock plantations
Agnes River
Hancock plantations
Lance Creek
Hancock plantations
Tarra River
Hancock plantations
Wannon Water | 45 pesticide detections post 2010. | 19 detections in 2011. Most detections in Warrnambool Headworks (13) and East Zone Headworks (6). |
Positive detections: Balmoral 6, Hamilton 4, Cavendish 3, Glenthompson 3, Camperdown 2, Terang 2, Simpson 2, Macarthur 1, Cobden 1, Casterton 1, Penshurst 1
4/8/09 Wannon Water Hamilton Acrylamide 0.003mg/L (1.5xADWGHealth Acrylamide is an impurity in polyacrylamide (a polymer)
9/11/11 Wannon Water Sandford Ethylbenzene 0.001mg/L (ADWG Health Limit*Benzene is a by product of the petrol ADWG limit set for Benzene)
9/11/11 Wannon Water Casterton Ethylbenzene 0.001mg/L (ADWG Health Limit*Benzene is a by product of the petrol ADWG limit set for Benzene)
3/11/09 Wannon Water Dartmoor M&P Xylene 0.003mg/L (0.5% 2011 adwg)
8/2/17 Wannon Water Balmoral Dibromomethane 2ug/L
7/2/17 Wannon Water Glenthompson Dibromomethane 1ug/L
8/2/17 Wannon Water Portland PAH 0.13ug/L
Time covered in FoI request: 2004 - 1/6/07
In July 2006 all water quality monitoring conducted by the three previous authorities, Glenelg Water, Portland Coast Water and South West Water) consolidated into a single monitoring contract under Wannon Water. Increased testing to 41 and tested mostly quarterly.
November 2004: South West Water tested quarterly for; 2,4-D, Aldrin, Chlordane, DDT, Dieldrin, Heptachlor epoxide, Lindane and Atrazine.
No positive pesticide results detected.
Current Pesticide Testing Regimes:
4,4-DDD, 4,4-DDE, 4,4-DDT, Aldrin, BHC (alpha), BHC (beta), BHC (delta), Chlorpyrifos, cis-Chlordane, Clopyralid, Coumphanos, Demeton-S, Diazinon, Dichlorvos, Dieldrin, Endosulfan 1, Endosulphan 2, endosulphan Sulphate, Endrin, Endrin Aldehyde, EPN, Fensulfonthion, Fenthion, Heptachlor, Heptachlor Epoxide, Lindane, Malathion, Methoxychlor, Methyl Parathion, Monocrotophos, Parathion, Phorate, Prophos, Ronnel, Simazine*, Tetrachlorvinphos, Tetraethlydithiopyrophos, Trans-chlordane, Trichlorinate, Tukuthion.
SWWA Copper Sulphate Algicide (active constituent 250g/kg copper present as copper sulphate pentahydrate) used Simpson Basin (Nov 02), Briely Basin (Dec 02), Warrnambool Raw Water Storage (Dec 02) to remove blue green algae.
Pesticides used in Grazing Industry in Victoria
Pesticides used in the Tree Plantation Industry in Victoria
Table of places supplied with drinking water from Wannon Water. Red indicates risk, Orange indicates lower risk, Green indicates very low risk.
Source of Water
Allansford | Gellibrand River Otways (+Carlisle borefield)(Albert Park Bores) | Midways plantations, hancock plantations. |
Balmoral | Rocklands Reservoir | pesticide traces November 2011 |
Camperdown | Gellibrand River Otways (+Carlisle borefield) | Midways plantations, hancock plantations. |
Caramut | Caramut bore | depends on depth of bore |
Casterton | Tullich bores + Konongwootong Reservoir | pesticide traces November 2011 |
Cavendish | Grampians national park | |
Cobden | Gellibrand River Otways (+Carlisle borefield) | Midways plantations, hancock plantations. |
Darlington | Darlington bores | depends on depth of bores |
Dartmoor | Dilwyn aquifer | CCA spill in 96 supposed to be confined, Xylene detected low levels November 09 |
Derrinallum | Gellibrand River Otways (+Carlisle borefield) | Midways plantations, hancock plantations. |
Dunkheld | Grampians national park | |
Glenormiston | Gellibrand River Otways (+Carlisle borefield) | Midways plantations, hancock plantations. |
Glenthompson | Mason Creek, Glenthompson Reservoir (Yuppeckiar Crk) and the Railway Reservoir | Mason Creek sourced from Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water |
Hamilton & district | Grampians national park | pesticide traces November 2011 |
Heywood | Dilwyn aquifer | very deep aquifer |
Koroit | Gellibrand River Otways (+Carlisle borefield) (albert park bores) | Midways plantations, hancock plantations. |
Lismore | Gellibrand River Otways (+Carlisle borefield) | Midways plantations, hancock plantations. |
Macarthur | Tullich bores + konongwootong reservoir | |
Merino | Tullich bores + konongwootong res | |
Mortlake | Gellibrand River Otways (+Carlisle borefield) | Midways plantations, hancock plantations. |
Noorat | Gellibrand River Otways (+Carlisle borefield) | Midways plantations, hancock plantations. |
Penshurst | Tullich bores + konongwootong reservoir | pesticide traces November 2011 |
Peterborough | Gellibrand River Otways (+Carlisle borefield)/Dilwyn aquifer | Midways plantations, hancock plantations. |
Port Campbell | Gellibrand River Otways (+Carlisle borefield)/dilwyn aquifer | Midways plantations, hancock plantations. |
Port Fairy | Dilwyn aquifer | very deep aquifer |
Portland | Dilwyn aquifer | very deep aquifer |
Purnim | Gellibrand River Otways (+Carlisle borefield) | Midways plantations, hancock plantations. |
Sandford | Tullich bores + konongwootong reservoir | pesticide traces November 2011 |
Simpson | Gellibrand River Otways (+Carlisle borefield) | Midways plantations, hancock plantations. |
Tarrington | Grampians national park | |
Terang | Gellibrand River Otways (+Carlisle borefield) | Midways plantations, hancock plantations. |
Timboon | Gellibrand River Otways (+Carlisle borefield)/dilwyn aquifer | Midways plantations, hancock plantations. |
Warrnambool | Arkins creek, Gellibrand River Otways (+Carlisle borefield): (albert park bores) | Pesticide traces November 2011, April 2011, November 2009 |
Willaura | Mason crk Glenthompson Reservoir and the Railway Reservoir |
Following communities are not supplied drinking water from Wannon Water; Branxholme, Cobrico, Cudgee, Elingamite, Garvoc, Hawkesdale, Panmure, Woolsthorpe, Yambuk
Kerrie Reservoir (Water supply for Romsey) located in the Bolinda Creek Catchment ~6km south west of Romsey. This water supply had traces of the herbicide 2,4-D detected in it in February 2007 0.02ug/L and 2010 0.04ug/L. 2,4-D was also detected at the Glenfern Park Basin (just out of Romsey) in 2007 0.04ug/L and 2010 0.02ug/L. Most of the Bolinda Creek catchment has native forest and pasture on it, meaning that a farmer had most likely been using 2,4-D and some of this was washed into the reservoir. Low levels of 2,4-D also detected at Merrimu Reservoir (Bacchus Marsh) 6/2/07 0.01ug/L, Djerriwarrah Reservoir (Melton) 6/2/07 0.02ug/L and 9/2/10 0.02ug/L, Garden Hut Reservoir (Lancefield) 8/2/07 0.05ug/L, Pierce Reservoir (Gisborne) 10/2/10 0.01ug/L, Pykes Creek Reservoir (Myniong) 6/2/07 0.06ug/L, 11/2/08 0.03ug/L, 8/2/10 0.04ug/L, Wright Reservoir (Riddells Creek) 20/2/08 0.01ug/L.
The most serious pesticide drinking water quality issue occurred at Willimingongon Reservoir (Mt Macedon) 10/2/09 with a detection of Pentachlorophenol at 3.8ug/L. This incident ranks as the 8th most serious pesticide incident in Victoria since 2003. Were residents informed?
Trans Chlordane was detected at Wright reservoir Riddells Creek 7/2/12 at 0.01ug/L
August 12 2012: Gold Mines For Bacchus Marsh and Melton Water Supply
Approximate location of Bullarto Gold Mine (red) in the headwaters of Crowley Creek (Lerderderg River Catchment) and proximity to Bullarto and Merrimu Reservoir. Water is diverted from Lerderderg River via a tunnel into Goodmans Creek (Merrimu).
August 10 2012: Gold Mining Boom At Wombat State Forest
July 18 2012: Wombat Forest Meeting Draws Big Crowd
July 16 2012: Mining In The Wombat Forest: Community Action Planned While The Miner Pleads For Facts
Time covered in FoI request 2/11/01 to 14/2/07:
Positive detections of 2,4-D at Romsey (Kerrie Reservoir 0.02µg/L & Glenfern Park Basin 0.04µg/L) 5 Feb 2007. 10% and 20% of ADWG guideline limit. 2006 Testing for 2,4-D by Western Water used detection limit of 10µg/L, 2007 testing uses 0.01µg/L. What prompted the change?
Current Pesticide Testing Regimes:
Raw Water: Generally speaking, Quarterly testing for organochlorines + Atrazine (Rosslynne, Merrimu, Djerriwarrh, Kerrie until 2005 then annual testing. Some testing only once per year since 2002. 2,4-D generally not tested for.
Treatment Plants: Annually and includes 2,4-D as well as organochlorines and atrazine.
Pesticides used in Vineyards in Australian here
Pesticides used in Grazing Industry in Victoria
Pesticides used in the Tree Plantation Industry in Victoria
Apple and Pear Orchard Pesticides
Pesticides Commonly Used in the Vegetable Industry in Victoria
Williams Family Dig Themselves Into A Legal Hole Age September 3, 2007
Table of places supplied with drinking water from Western Water. Red indicates risk, Orange indicates lower risk, Green indicates very low risk.
Source of Water
Bacchus Marsh | Merrimu Reservoir (Lerderderg River, Goodman Creek, Pyrites Creek) & Djerriwarrh Reservoir (Djerriwarrh Creek). Yarra-Thomson Supply System (Yuroke to Sydenham pipeline Melbourne's water supply catchments) |
Forests, grazing
Bulla | ex Rosslynne Reservoir (Jacksons Creek)? Yarra-Thomson Supply System (Melbourne's water supply catchments) | Hancock pine in Rosslynne Reservoir Catchment Non Sugarloaf Yarra Supply |
Diggers Rest | ex Rosslynne Reservoir (Jacksons Creek)? Yarra-Thomson Supply System (Melbourne's water supply catchments) | Hancock pine in Rosslynne Reservoir Catchment 1000ha+ grazing. Non Sugarloaf Yarra Supply |
Gisborne | Rosslynne Reservoir (Jacksons Creek). Barringo Weir/Pierce Reservoir (Barringo Creek) Greenvale Reservoir | Hancock pine in Rosslynne Reservoir Catchment 1000ha+ grazing. Non Sugarloaf Yarra Supply |
Lancefield | Bores No.2&3 (Lancefield Groundwater Management Area). Lancefield Reservoir (Deep Creek). Monument Creek Weir (Monument Creek). | Mainly grazing in ~800 ha Monument Creek catchment and ~1900ha of Deep Catchment catchment. Some agriculture including 50ha nursery in Deep Creek Catchment |
Macedon | Rosslynne Reservoir (Jacksons Creek). Frank Mann Reservoir, Kitty English Reservoir, Bawdon Reservoir (Riddells Creek). Greenvale Reservoir | Hancock pine in Rosslynne Reservoir Catchment as well as 1000ha+ grazing. some grazing in Riddells Creek catchment incl vineyard near offtake. 20ha Vineyards Non Sugarloaf Yarra Supply |
Melton/Rockbank/Toolern Vale | Merrimu Reservoir (Lerderderg River, Goodman Creek, Pyrites Creek) & Djerriwarrh Reservoir (Djerriwarrh Creek). Yarra-Thomson Supply System (Yuroke to Sydenham pipeline Melbourne's water supply catchments) Greenvale Reservoir |
Grazing, Pasture
Mount Macedon | Rosslynne Reservoir (Jacksons Creek). Orde Hill Reservoir/Willimigongon Reservoir, Willimingongon Creek. Andersons Reservoir, McDonalds Reservoir, Gillespies Weir (Turitbale Creek) Greenvale Reservoir | Hancock pine in Rosslynne Reservoir Catchment Some smaller pine plantations (`50ha) in catchment. Non Sugarloaf Yarra Supply |
Myrniong | Pykes Creek Reservoir (Werribee River - Pykes Creek) |
Grazing Pasture 100ha
Hancock Pine
Riddells Creek | Rosslynne Reservoir (Jacksons Creek). Main Creek Weir/Wright Reservoir/Forster Reservoir (Main Creek) Greenvale Reservoir | Hancock pine in Rosslynne Reservoir Catchment as well as some grazing. Non Sugarloaf Yarra Supply |
Romsey | Bolinda Creek Weir, Kerrie Reservoir (Upper Bolinda Creek) Greenvale Reservoir (Melbourne Water) | 2,4-D detected early 2007. ~700ha of pasture/grazing in Bolinda Creek Catchment |
Sunbury | ex Rosslynne Reservoir (Jacksons Creek). Yarra-Thomson Supply System (Melbourne's water supply catchments) | Hancock pine in Rosslynne Reservoir Catchment. Some grazing ~300ha in Sunbury WSC, neat Mt Kerrie. Non Sugarloaf Yarra Supply |
Woodend | Campaspe Reservoir (Campaspe River). Reservoir B&C (Falls Creek, Smokers Creek). Greenvale Reservoir (Melbourne Water) | Agriculture, mainly grazing (~2500ha), cropping ~200ha, 20ha Vineyards present in catchments in Campaspe Catchment. Non Sugarloaf Yarra Supply |
Bolinda Creek tributary.
Candowie Reservoir - 100 ha tree plantation to be planted 2008. This particular plantation is controlled by interests closely associated with notorious Malaysian timber company, Rimbunan Hijau. herbicides are used in tree plantations for the first 2-3 years of plantation establishment. This can increase risk of pollution into waterways. Aerial spraying of plantations also a possibility if plantations come under insect attack. Monocrotophos has been stem injected into eucalypts to control insects elsewhere in Australia.
Monocrotophos, a banned insecticide detected in Candowie Reservoir 6/12/11 at 20 parts per billion. That's 20 times over the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guideline. The most serious pesticide incident in a Victorian water supply since the 1970's. Monocrotophos has been deregistered fir use in Australia since 1999, yet 12 years later was detected in Candowie Reservoir. "Cancelling the active constituent approval and its importation, with effect from 9 December 1999 cancelling all product registrations, with effect from 9 December 1999".
Candowie Reservoir catchment, highlighting approximate location of new hardwood plantation. The rest of the catchment is dominated by grazing marked in blue.
2/1/13 Class A Treated Water: 1,1,1 Trichloro-2-Propane 6ug/L, 1,1-Dichloro-2-Propane 5ug/L, Carbamazepine 1ug/L, Coumarin 1ug/L
Time covered in FoI request: 20/7/92 - 3/9/07
Supply water to Phillip Island and mainland from The Gurdies to Archies Creek.
Candowie Reservoir, San Remo Service Basin, Cowes (Reticulation), Rhyll (Reticulation). Tested for chlorinated pesticides quarterly 20/7/92 - 28/1/93, half yearly 24/1/94 - 20/1/95, quarterly 20/1/95 - 16/4/04. Also broad spectrum of pesticides tested for at Tennant Creek in May 2002. No Positive Results. It appears that Westernport Water no longer test for pesticides, probably due to the Safe Drinking Water Act - re ADWG quote. However due to pressure from Friends of the Earth, Westernport Water announced in April 2008 that testing would resume again.
Press StatementWesternport Water August 2008:
'Water flowing into the Tennent Creek and Bass River from neighbouring farmland will be checked for micro-organisms before it gets treated for human consumption. Water quality officer Dean Chambers said: “Two specific tests, for giardia and cryptosporidium, are linked to livestock effluent – particularly from young cattle. Calving season has almost finished and we have timed these new tests to monitor raw water quality off farms.
“We have already instituted regular testing for herbicides and pesticides. Now we will be also testing for naturally occurring radiation – some types of rocks emit local levels of radioactivity – and we will include those measurements in our monitoring. “All our initial tests have shown none of these factors exceed recognised safety standards, but we will continue our tests every month for 12 months.”
Dean said the water corporation will test raw water quality after major rainfall events, and will also check water pumped from the Bass River and nearby bore fields before it is introduced into Candowie Reservoir. Acting Managing Director Keith Gregory said: “We are now tracing water quality to source. “The water supplied to our customers has always been treated to recognised health standards, but now we are taking quality one step forwards … by going backwards up the supply chain.” The move to broaden the range of raw water testing follows an independent, state-wide audit of water quality risks and testing procedures, organised by the Department of Human Services. “The tests we undertook following the Westernport Water audit gave our water the all-clear,” Mr Gregory said. “We are seeking to maintain that good record.”
Westernport Water will continue working in co-operation with local landholders, Landcare and Melbourne Water to protect and enhance riverside systems in the corporation’s distribution area, he added.
Pesticides used in Grazing Industry in Victoria
Pesticides used in the Tree Plantation Industry in Victoria
Corinella groundwater a potential supply of water in the future. Westernport Water plan to be connected to the Melbourne Water system in the near future via a 44km pipeline. Water from the Bass River also started be pumped into Candowie from July 2007. Agricultural activities, in particular Dairy will be an issue in the Bass River Catchment. Bore water from Grantville also used in 2007. Candowie also connected up to Lance Creek Reservoir (South Gippsland Water).
Table of places supplied with drinking water from Westernport Water. Red indicates risk, Orange indicates lower risk, Green indicates very low risk.
Source of Water
Archies Creek
Candowie Reservoir
dairy, grazing, bluegum plantations
2008/Bass River farms.
Candowie Reservoir
dairy, grazing, bluegum plantations
2008/Bass River farms..
Candowie Reservoir
dairy, grazing, bluegum plantations
2008/Bass River farms..
Coronet Bay
Candowie Reservoir
dairy, grazing, bluegum plantations
2008/Bass River farms..
Candowie Reservoir
dairy, grazing, bluegum plantations
2008/Bass River farms..
Candowie Reservoir
dairy, grazing, bluegum plantations
2008/Bass River farms..
Glen Forbes
Candowie Reservoir
dairy, grazing, bluegum plantations
2008/Bass River farms..
Candowie Reservoir
dairy, grazing, bluegum plantations
2008/Bass River farms..
The Gurdies
Candowie Reservoir
dairy, grazing, bluegum plantations
2008/Bass River farms..
Candowie Reservoir
dairy, grazing, bluegum plantations
2008/Bass River farms..
Candowie Reservoir
dairy, grazing, bluegum plantations
2008/Bass River farms..
Candowie Reservoir
dairy, grazing, bluegum plantations
2008/Bass River farms..
Following information sourced from; Office of Pesticide Programs Science Policy - The Incorporation of Water Treatment Effects on Pesticide Removal and Transformations in Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) Drinking Water Assessments October 25, 2001. Office of Pesticide Programs United States Environment Protection Agency Washington, D.C. 20460.
p5 "EPA's preliminary review of the literature indicates that conventional treatment (such as coagulation/flocculation, sedimentation and filtration) has little or no effect on the removal of mobile (hydrophilic or lipophobic) pesticides. Disinfection and softening can faciltate alteration in the chemical structure of the pesticide, or transformation..."
p11 "Disinfection and water softening...can...lead to pesticide transformation and, in some cases, pesticide removal or degradation. This finding is important because disinfection and coventional coagulation/filtration are commonly used treatment processes Community Water Systems (CWSs) in the United States."... "Powdered activated carbon (PAC) filtration, granulated activated carbon (GAC) filtration, and reverse osmosis (RO) have been demonstrated to be highly effective processes at removing organic chemicals, including certain pesticides (primarily acetanilide herbicides), but specific data on removal of most pesticides are not availaible. Also, air stripping is only effective for volatile pesticides or those with a high Henry's Law Constant. Among these organic removal treatment processes, PAC is the more common method because it can be used in concert with conventional water treatment systems with no significant additional capital investment..."
p13 Granular activated carbon (GAC), under the SDWA (Safe Drinking Water Act) is the best available technology (BAT) for removing synthetic organic chemicals (SOC); virtually all pesticides are SOCs. Other recommended BATs are aeration technologies for removal of dibromochloropropane and chlorination or ozonation for removal of glyphosate.
p14 ...The European Union (EU) has issued the drinking water directive of 1998 that sets a maximum concentration of 0.0001mg/L for individual pesticides or degradation products and 0.0005mg/L for total pesticide residues in drinking water after treatment (Acero et al, 2000, http://europa.eu.int/water/water-drink/98_83en.pdf).
p19 "Organic compounds potentially removes through coagulation/flocculation are hydrophobic, low molecular weight acidic functional groups (eg., carbonyl and carboxyl functional groups), or high molecular weight compounds".
Removal of Pesticides by Coagulation.
Coagulant (dose, mg/L)*
Initial Concentration
Alum (20)
65.7 (SW)*
Alum (20)
61.8 (SW)
Alum (30)
45.8 (SW)
Alum (15)
43.6 (SW)
Alum (30)
34.3 (SW)
Alum (30)
51.8 (SW)
Alum (30)
93.2 (SW)
From Miltner et al., 1989 *SW=surface water
Removal of Pesticides Associated with Softening-Clarification at Full-Scale Treatment Plants
Initial Concentration (µg/L)
% Removal
0.53 - 1.34
0.13 - 0.79
From Miltner et al., 1989
Removal of Pesticides Associated with Chlorination at Full-Scale Treatment Plants.
Initial Concentration (µg/L)
% Removal
1.59 - 15.5(SW)
0.66 - 4.38 (SW)
0.10 - 4.88 (SW)
0.17 - 0.62 (SW)
0 -7
0.94 - 7.52 (SW)
0 - 9
0.98 - 14.1 (SW)
0 - 3
0.47 (SW)
0.13 (SW)
From Miltner et al., 1989. *Metribuzin removal may be the result of sample storage without oxidant quenching. Similar removals in water treatment plants may not be expected.
Removal of Atrazine and Alachlor Using PAC during Full-Scale Treatment
PAC* (dose, mg/L)
Water Source**
Atrazine Co(µg/L)
Alachlor Co(µg/L)
Atrazine % Removal
Alachlor % Removal
WPH (2.8)
Sandusky River (C)
WPH (3.6)
Sandusky River (C)
WPH (8.4)
Sandusky River (R)
WPH (11)
Sandusky River (R)
HDB (18)
Sandusky River (R)
HDB (33)
Sandusky River (R)
From Milner et al., 1987 and Miltner et al., 1989., *PAC type: WHP=WHP Calgon and HCB = Hydrodarco, ICI, America
** (C)=Clarified Water; (R)=Raw Water
Removal of Pesticides by Granulated Activitated Carbon (GAC) Adsorption
Co (ug/L)
% Removal
Atrazine (Triazine)
Calgon Filtasorb 300*
4.83 (SW)+
Cyanazine (Triazine)
Calgon Filtasorb 300*
Metribuzin (Triazine)
Calgon Filtasorb 300*
Simazine (Triazine)
Calgon Filtasorb 300*
Alachlor (Acetamilide)
Calgon Filtasorb 300*
Metolachlor (Acetamilide)
Calgon Filtasorb 300*
Pendimethalin (Acetamilide)
Calgon Filtasorb 300*
From Miltner et al., 1989 & Miltner et al., 1987
Removal Efficiencies of Reverse Osmosis Membranes for Different Pesticide Classes
Pesticide Class
Cellulose Acetate (CA)
Thin film Composite
Urea Derivative
Removal of Pesticides Using Ultrafiltration
Chlordane (Organochlorine)
Thin Film Composite
<100 (GW)
Heptachlor (Organochlorine)
Thin Film Composite
<100 (GW)
Methoxychlor (Organochlorine)
Thin Film Composite
<100 (GW)
Dibromochloropropane (VOC)
Thin Film Composite
<100 (GW)
Ethylene dibromide (VOC)
Thin Film Composite
<100 (GW)
Thin Film Composite
<100 (GW)
Removal of Pesticides Using Nanofiltration Membranes
% Removal
4 different membranes
not given
4 different membranes
not given
4 different membranes
not given
4 different membranes
not given
Removal of Pesticides Using Different Reverse Osmosis Membranes
Class/Pesticide | Membrane | Co(µg/L) | % Removal | Author |
Atrazine (Triazine) | Cellulose Acetate |
86.15 -161.3 (GW) 2.46-11.75 (SW) |
38.5 29 |
Fronk & Baker (1990) Fronk & Baker (1990) |
Atrazine (Triazine) | Polyamide |
86.5-161.3 (GW) 2.46-11.75 (SW) |
68 78 |
Fronk & Baker (1990) Fronk & Baker (1990) |
Atrazine (Triazine) | Thin Film Composite (FT-30) | 2.46-11.75 (SW) | 100 | Fronk & Baker (1990) |
Atrazine (Triazine) | Thin Film Composite (DSI) | 86.5-161.3 | 80-100 | Fronk & Baker (1990) |
Atrazine (Triazine) | CA | 1101.7 | 97.82 | Elsenberg & Middlebrooks (1986) |
Atrazine (Triazine) | NS-100 | 1101.7 | 84.02 | Elsenberg & Middlebrooks (1986) |
Cyanazine (Triazine) | Cellulose Acetate | 0.0 - 2.53 (SW) | 40-50 | Fronk & Baker (1990) |
Cyanazine (Triazine) | Polyamide | 0.0 - 2.53 (SW) | 69 | Fronk & Baker (1990) |
Cyanazine (Triazine) | Thin Film Composite (FT-30) | 0.0 - 2.53 (SW) | 100 | Fronk & Baker (1990) |
Metribuzin (Triazine) | Cellulose Acetate | 0.0 - 2.53 (SW) | 59 | Fronk & Baker (1990) |
Metribuzin (Triazine) | Polyamide | 0.0 - 2.53 (SW) | 76 | Fronk & Baker (1990) |
Metribuzin (Triazine) | Thin Film Composite (FT-30) | 0.0 - 2.53 (SW) | 100 | Fronk & Baker (1990) |
Simazine (Triazine) | Cellulose Acetate |
86.1-117.2 (GW) 0.11-0.82 (SW) |
31 23 |
Fronk & Baker (1990) |
Simazine (Triazine) | Polyamide |
86.1-117.2 (GW) 0.11-0.82 (SW) |
85 72 |
Fronk & Baker (1990) |
Simazine (Triazine) | Thin Film Composite (FT-30) | 0.11-0.82 (SW) | 100 | Fronk & Baker (1990) |
Simazine (Triazine) | Thin Film Composite (DSI) | 86.1-117.2(GW) | 99 | Fronk & Baker (1990) |
Alachlor (Acetanilide) | Cellulose Acetate | 0.78-6.44 (SW) | 70 | Fronk & Baker (1990) |
Alachlor (Acetanilide) | Polyamide | 0.78-6.44 (SW) | 77 | Fronk & Baker (1990) |
Alachlor (Acetanilide) | Thin Film Composite (FT-30) |
73.4-106 (GW) 0.78-6.44(SW) |
100 100 |
Fronk & Baker (1990) Fronk & Baker (1990) |
Alachlor (Acetanilide) | Cellulose Acetate | 1.65 (SW) | 71.4 | Miltner et. al. (1989) |
Alachlor (Acetanilide) | Nylon Amide | 1.65 (SW) | 84.6 | Miltner et. al. (1989) |
Alachlor (Acetanilide) | Thin Film Composite | 1.65 (SW) | 98.5 | Miltner et. al. (1989) |
Metolachlor (Acetanilide) | Cellulose Acetate | 2.73-14.61(SW) | 80 | Fronk & Baker (1990) |
Metolachlor (Acetanilide) | Polyamide | 2.73-14.61(SW) | 78 | Fronk & Baker (1990) |
Metolachlor (Acetanilide) | Thin Film Composite (FT-30) |
30.9-111(GW) 2.73-14.61(SW) |
100 100 |
Fronk & Baker (1990) Fronk & Baker (1990) |
Linuron (Urea Derivative) | Cellulose Acetate |
74.7-106.8(GW) 0.0-1.18(SW) |
0 0 |
Fronk & Baker (1990) Fronk & Baker (1990) |
Linuron (Urea Derivative) | Polyamide |
74.7-106.8(GW) 0.0-1.18(SW) |
57 100 |
Fronk & Baker (1990) Fronk & Baker (1990) |
Linuron (Urea Derivative) | Thin Film Composite (FT-30) | 0.0-1.18(SW) | 100 | Fronk & Baker (1990) |
Linuron (Urea Derivative) | Thin Film Composite (DSI) | 74.7-106.8(GW) | 99 | Fronk & Baker (1990) |
Aldrin (OC) | CA | 142.3 | 100 | Eisenberg & Middlebrooks (1986) |
Aldrin (OC) | NS-100 | 142.3 | 100 | Eisenberg & Middlebrooks (1986) |
Heptachlor (OC) | CA | 505.4 | 100 | Eisenberg & Middlebrooks (1986) |
Heptachlor (OC) | NS-100 | 505.4 | 100 | Eisenberg & Middlebrooks (1986) |
Dieldrin (OC) | CA | 321.3 | 99.88 | Eisenberg & Middlebrooks (1986) |
Dieldrin (OC) | NS-100 | 321.3 | 100 | Eisenberg & Middlebrooks (1986) |
Diazinon (Organophosphate) | CA | 437.7 | 98.25 | Eisenberg & Middlebrooks (1986) |
Diazinon (Organophosphate) | NS-100 | 437.7 | 98.05 | Eisenberg & Middlebrooks (1986) |
Malathion (Organophosphate) | CA | 1057.8 | 99.16 | Eisenberg & Middlebrooks (1986) |
Malathion (Organophosphate) | NS-100 | 1057.8 | 99.66 | Eisenberg & Middlebrooks (1986) |
Parathion (Organophosphate) | CA | 747.3 | 99.88 | Eisenberg & Middlebrooks (1986) |
Parathion (Organophosphate) | NS-100 | 747.3 | 99.83 | Eisenberg & Middlebrooks (1986) |
Captan | CA | 668.9 | 97.78 | Eisenberg & Middlebrooks (1986) |
Captan | NS-100 | 668.9 | 100 | Eisenberg & Middlebrooks (1986) |
Trifluralin | CA | 1578.9 | 99.74 | Eisenberg & Middlebrooks (1986) |
Trifluralin | NS-100 | 1578.9 | 99.99 | Eisenberg & Middlebrooks (1986) |
Carbofuran | Cellulose Acetate | 14(GW) | 85.7 | Lykins et al(1988); Fronk et al (1990) |
Carbofuran | Polyamide | 14(GW) | >92.9 | Lykins et al(1988); Fronk et al (1990) |
Carbofuran | Thin Film Composite * | 14(GW) | >92.9 | Lykins et al(1988); Fronk et al (1990) |
Carbofuran | Polyamide** | 4.3-9.8(GW) | 79.6-90.0 | Lykins et al(1988); Fronk et al (1990) |
1,2-Dichloropropane | Cellulose Acetate | 24(GW) | 4.2 | Lykins et al(1988); Fronk et al (1990) |
1,2-Dichloropropane | Polyamide | 24(GW) | 75 | Lykins et al(1988); Fronk et al (1990) |
1,2-Dichloropropane | Thin Film Composite * | 24(GW) | 37.5-87.5 | Lykins et al(1988); Fronk et al (1990) |
1,2-Dichloropropane | Polyamide** | 17.5-22.2(GW) | 52.6-71.2 | Lykins et al(1988); Fronk et al (1990) |
Aldicarb Sulfoxide | Cellulose Acetate | 39 (GW) | >97.4 | Lykins et al(1988); Fronk et al (1990) |
Aldicarb Sulfoxide | Polyamide | 39 (GW) | >97.4 | Lykins et al(1988); Fronk et al (1990) |
Aldicarb Sulfoxide | Thin Film Composite* | 39 (GW) | 94.9-97.4 | Lykins et al(1988); Fronk et al (1990) |
Aldicarb Sulfoxide | Polyamide** | 11.2-20.0(GW) | 91.1-95.0 | Lykins et al(1988); Fronk et al (1990) |
Aldicarb Sulfone | Cellulose Acetate | 47(GW) | 93.6 | Lykins et al(1988); Fronk et al (1990) |
Aldicarb Sulfone | Polyamide | 47(GW) | 95.7 | Lykins et al(1988); Fronk et al (1990) |
Aldicarb Sulfone | Thin Film Composite * | 47(GW) | 93.6-95.8 | Lykins et al(1988); Fronk et al (1990) |
Aldicarb Sulfone | Polyamide** | 14.0-31.4(GW) | 91.4-95.8 | Lykins et al(1988); Fronk et al (1990) |
*Bench scale studies using spiked groundwater from Suffolk County, NY
**Pilot plant studies in Suffolk County, NY
Dates that the requests were sent back to FoE by the various water authorites were (excluding South East Water*);
Freedom of Information Requests to Water Authorities
Dates that the requests were sent back to FoE by the various water authorites were (excluding South East Water*);
EPA Gippsland 12/2/02, North East Water 21/2/03 (Fax), Gippsland Water 24/2/03, South West Water May 06, Gippsland Water 22/7/06 (also copy of submission), Barwon Water 21/8/06, North East Water 7/9/06 (returned cheque), Central Highlands Water 3/10/06, Gippsland and Southern Rural Water 11/10/06 (+20/10/06), Goulburn Murray Water 17/11/06, Goulburn Valley Water 31/1/07 (+30/4/07), Melbourne Water 2/2/07, Wannon Water 1/6/07, South Gippsland Water 23/8/07, Westernport Water 3/9/07, Barwon Water 17/9/07, EPA Victoria (Yarra River) 4/10/07, Grampians & Wimmera Mallee Water 24/8/07+12/9/07 +8/10/07, City West Water 22/10/07, Yarra Valley Water 26/10/07, North East Water 11/11/07 (info sourced by phone), Coliban Water 23/11/07 (+28/11/07), Western Water 30/11/07, Central Highlands Water 7/12/07, Lower Murray Water 21/12/07, East Gippsland Water 28/12/07, Goulburn Murray Water 3/1/08 (+Waranga Channel), Melbourne Water 25/1/08 (UWRAA Sediment Chemistry Data), North East Water 9/1/08 Further Communication, Department of Primary Industries 13/2/08, Department of Human Services 6/3/08
1) Pilot Survey of pesticide levels in water and sediments of streams in agricultural catchments Publication No:142 March 1982 Water Quality Branch Environment Protection Authority, 240 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne 3002
2) Rural Water Commission of Victoria. Water, Materials and Environmental Science Branch. Physico-Chemical Quality of Drinking Water Supplies. Supplies monitored by State Water Lab 1985/6. Vol 1.
3) Biocide Contamination in the Aquatic Environment. A study of the Ovens and King Rivers Region. EPA Scientific Series SRS 90/004
4) Organochlorine Pesticide Residues in Water & Sediments from the Ovens and King Rivers, North East Victoria, Australia F. McKenzie-Smith, D. Tiller, D. Allen EPA Victoria, State Chemistry Laboratory Published in Arch. Environ Contam. Toxicol. 26, 483-490 (1994)
5) Drinking Water Quality Victoria 1984-1989 Report No. 77 Water Resource Management Series Department of Conservation and Environment 1991.
6) Physico-Chemical Quality of Drinking Water Supplies. Monitored by the State Water Laboratory 1989-1991. State Water Laboratory of Victoria.
7) Horticultural Pesticides in residues in water. Research report No.146 Department Agriculture November 1993. Location of sampling sites, Mitchell Valley.
8) Horticultural pesticide residues in water. A survey of pesticide residues conducted in Gippsland Victoria, 1994 Agriculture Victoria, Research Report Series No. 146 Feb 1995
9) Physico-Chemical Water Quality Victorian Domestic Water Supplies (except Melbourne Metropolitan Areas) July 1997-June 1999. May 2000 Report No 448. Prepared for Department of Natural Resources and Environment and Department of Human Services. Australian Water Technologies.
10) Physico-Chemical Quality Victorian Domestic Water Supplies (except Melbourne Metropolitan Areas) July 1995-June 1997. Australian Water Technologies.
11) Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Health and Community Services. Physico – Chemical Quality Victorian Domestic Water Supplies (except Melbourne Metropolitan Areas) July 1993-June 1995. 1996 Water Ecoscience Pty Ltd
12) Victorian Water Quality Network Annual Report 2000. Report prepared for Department of Natural Resources and Environment by Water EcoScience
13) Victorian Water Quality Monitoring Network Annual Report 1993. K.M. Hunter & B.P. Zampatti 1994. State Water Laboratory of Victoria.
14) Victorian Water Quality Monitoring Network Annual Report 1998. Prepared for Department of Natural Resources and Environment by AWT Victoria.
15) Environmental Water Quality Assessment. The 1996 Review of Victorian Environmental Water Quality Monitoring September 1997. Environmental Water Quality Monitoring Committee.
16) State Water Quality Monitoring Annual Report: Victoria 1996 - Volume 1. Report Prepared for the DNRE by Water Ecoscience Pty Ltd Report No: 171/97.
17) Quick Poison Slow Poison Pesticide Use in the Lucky Country. Kate Short 1994
18) Environmental Water Quality Assessment. Testing the Waters - The 1996 Review of the Victorian Water Quality Monitoring - Technical Discussion Paper.
19) Physico-Chemical Water Quality. Victorian Domestic Water Supplies (except Melbourne Metropolitan Areas) July 1999-June 2001. November 2001.
20) "Pesticide Monitoring in Goulburn-Murray Waters Irrigation Supply Channels Covering the Six Irrigation Areas [2004-2006 Irrigation Season Study Report] June 2006" Published Primary Industries Research Victoria Environmental Health and Chemistry DPI Werribee.
21) Pesticide Contamination of Shallow Aquifers at Ardmona, Girgarre and Kyvalley. Shepparton Irrigation District, Victoria. David Wenig October 1997.
22) UWRAA Sediment Chemistry Data for Yarra River 1996.
23) Department of Primary Industries published the "Review of agrochemical contamination of waterways within agricultural areas of Victoria" 1997. Adam Wightwick. Dr Graeme Allinson
24) Goulburn Murray Water "Broken Creek Herbicide Residue Testing, 2003-06 Date 1/10/06 Document No: 2034856"
25) CSIRO/Goulburn Murray Water "First-Tier Assessment of the Risks Associated with Pesticides used in the Goulburn Murray Irrigation Areas" September 2003.
26) Weed Spraying in the Goulburn Weir Pool Summary of Weed Management Activities in the Goulburn Weir Pool. Sinclair Knight Mertz 14 July 2004
27) Office of Pesticide Programs Science Policy - The Incorporation of Water Treatment Effects on Pesticide Removal and Transformations in Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) Drinking Water Assessments October 25, 2001. Office of Pesticide Programs United States Environment Protection Agency Washington, D.C. 20460.
28) Pesticide Use in Australia. A Review Undertaken by the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering. 2002.
29) Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 2004 National Health and Medical Research Council.
30) Environmental Studies Program Ministry for Conservation. The Benthic Macroinvertebrates of the Yarra River and its Tributaries. By Ian C Campbell, Luisa A. Macmillan, A Jenny Smith, Maryanne E McKaige 1982. Environmental Studies Series Publication No 362.
31) Pesticide Transport from Intensive Agricultural Catchments. C.R. Fitzpatrick and P.D. Sutherland. Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, 1983, Hobart, 8-10 November. Institution of Engineers Australia 1983.
32) Summary Statistics from the Intensive Water Quality Monitoring Program (1978 to 1983) - Yarra River at Yering, Olinda Creek at the Cheese Factory and McIntyre Lane, Stringybark Creek and Woori Yallock Creek. Ian Watson, M Chapman. Water Supply Planning Branch Systems Planning Division June 1986. Melbourne Metropolitan Board of Works.
33) National River Health Program. The Urban Sub-Program. Sediment Chemistry - Macroinvertebrates. Fauna Relationships in Urban Streams. N O'Connor, K. Lewin, S. Moore, E. Bradshaw. Australian Water Technologies. LWRRDC Occasional Paper 15/99. Urban Sub-Program, Report No. 8 1999.
34) Pesticides an Emerging Issue for Water and the Environment. NJ Schofield Land and Water Resources R&D Corporation. BW Simpson, Department of Primary Industries Queensland. 23rd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium Hobart Australia. 21-24 May 1996 p229-236.
Water Authority which Tests for Pesticide
Registered Uses
Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. G=Guideline
Value H=Health Value
Comments |
Barwon Water, Central Highlands Water, Coliban Water, Goulburn Valley Water, Melbourne Water, North East Water, South Gippsland Water, Western Water (8) | 0.1ug/L (G) 30ug/L(H) | Not tested for by East Gippsland Water, Gippsland Water, Grampians & Wimmera Mallee Water, Lower Murray Water, Wannon Water, Westernport Water | |
2,4-D Amine
Cropping, Grazing | |||
2,4-D Ester
Cropping, Grazing | |||
Grazing | |||
2,4-DB Acid
Barwon Water
Cropping | ||
2,4-DB Sodium
Grazing, Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit | |||
Barwon Water
Barwon Water
Barwon Water
Barwon Water
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water, North East Water (4)
OC | ||
OC | |||
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water, North East Water (4)
OC | ||
Stone Fruit | |||
Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Vegetables, Strawberries | |||
Nurseries | 10ug/L (H) | ||
Barwon Water, Central Highlands Water,
Coliban Water, Goulburn Valley Water, Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water,
Melbourne Water, North East Water, South Gippsland Water, Wannon Water,
Western Water (10)
OC | ||
Cropping, Grazing, Hardwood Plantations, Stonefruit/Pome Fruit, Vegetables, Vineyards | |||
Aluminium Phosphide
Cropping | |||
Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit | |||
Grazing, Hardwood Plantations, Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit, Vineyards |
1ug/L G 10ug/L H |
Ammonium Thiocyanate
Grazing, Vegetables | |||
Grazing | 50ug/L H | ||
Barwon Water, Central Highlands Water,
Lower Murray Water, Melbourne Water, North East Wate (5)r
Cropping, Pine plantations in SW Vic/SA |
0.1ug/L G 40ug/L H |
Cropping | |||
Azinphos Methyl
Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit, Vineyards |
2ug/L G 3ug/L H |
Vegetables incl Potatoes | |||
Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. aizawari
Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Vegetables, Vineyards | |||
Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki |
Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Vegetables, Vineyards | |||
Vegetables | 100ug/L H | ||
Beta - Cyfluthrin
Vegetables | |||
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
North East Water, Wannon Water (4)
OC | ||
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
North East Water, Wannon Water (4)
OC | ||
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
North East Water, Wannon Water (4)
OC | ||
Cropping, Stone Fruit, Vineyards | |||
Strawberries | |||
Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit, Strawberries | |||
Strawberries | |||
Vegetables |
10ug/L G 300ug/L H |
Cropping, Grazing, Vineyards | 30ug/L H | ||
Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit | |||
Vineyards | |||
Stone Fruits/Pome Fruits, Strawberries | |||
Grazing, Nurseries, Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit, Vegetables, Vineyards, Strawberries |
5ug/L G 30ug/L H |
Cropping. Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit | 100ug/L H | ||
Grazing | |||
Cropping, Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit, Vineyards | |||
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
North East Water, South Gippsland Water, Wannon Water (5)
OC | ||
Central Highlands Water, Goulburn Valley
Water, Melbourne Water, Wannon Water (4)
OC | ||
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
Wannon Water (3)
OC | ||
Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit, Vegetables | |||
Vegetables | |||
Barwon Water, Lower Murray Water
Cropping, Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Vegetables incl Potatoes, |
0.1ug/L G 30ug/L H |
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
Lower Murray Water, North East Water, Wannon Water (5)
Cropping, Grazing, Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit, Vegetables incl Potatoes, Vineyards, Strawberries | 10ug/L H | |
Chlorpyrifos Methyl
Cropping | |||
Cropping | 100ug/L H | ||
Chlorthal Dimethyl
Vegetables | |||
Cropping, Vegetables incl Potatoes | |||
Cropping | |||
Barwon Water, Wannon Water
Cropping, Grazing, Plantations, Potatoes |
1000ug/L G 1000ug/L H |
Copper Hydroxide
Vegetables, Vineyards | |||
Copper Octanoate
Vineyards | |||
Copper Oxychloride
Pine Plantations, Vegetables, Vineyards | |||
Copper Silicate
Vineyards | |||
Copper Sulphate Tribasic
Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit, Vineyards | |||
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
North East Water, Wannon Water (4)
Cuprous Oxide
Vegetables, Vineyards | |||
Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit, Potatoes | |||
Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit | |||
Cropping | |||
Vineyards | |||
Nurseries/Cut Flowers | |||
Central Highlands Water, Coliban Water,
Lower Murray Water, South Gippsland Water (4)
Vegetables | |||
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
North East Water, Wannon Water (4)
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
North East Water, Wannon Water (4)
Grazing, Vineyards |
1ug/L G 3ug/L H |
Barwon Water
Cropping, Grazing | 100ug/L H | |
Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Vineyards | 10ug/L H | ||
Strawberries | |||
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
North East Water
Cropping |
1ug/L G 1ug/L H |
Cropping, Grazing | |||
Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Stone Fruits/Pome Fruits, Vegetables, Vineyards, Strawberries | 30ug/L H | ||
Barwon Water, Central Highlands Water,Coliban
Water, Goulburn Valley Water, Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water, Melbourne
Water, North East Water, South Gippsland Water, Wannon Water, Western
Water (10)
OC | ||
Cropping, Grazing, Vineyards | |||
Cropping, Grazing, Hardwood Plantations, Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit, Vegetables, Vineyards, Strawberries | 50ug/L H | ||
Vegetables, Vineyards | |||
Barwon Water
Cropping, Grazing, Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit, Vegetables incl Potatoes, Vineyards, |
0.5 ug/L G 5ug/L H |
Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit/Vineyards | |||
Strawberries | |||
Barwon Water, Lower Murray Water
Cropping, Grazing, Vegetables, Vineyards | 30ug/L H | |
Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit | |||
Vegetables, Vineyards | |||
Barwon Water
Cropping, Stone Fruits/Pome Fruits, Strawberries OC |
0.05ug/L G 30ug/L H |
Endosulphan I
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
North East Water, Wannon Water (4)
OC | ||
Endosulphan II
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
North East Water, Wannon Water (4)
OC | ||
Endosulphan Sulphate
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
North East Water, Wannon Water (4)
OC | ||
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
North East Water, Wannon Water (4)
OC | ||
Endrin Aldehyde
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
North East Water, Wannon Water (4)
OC | ||
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
North East Water, Wannon Water (4)
Grazing, Vegetables, Vineyards | |||
Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit | |||
Nurseries/Cut Flowers |
0.1ug/L G 100ug/L H |
Vegetables, Vineyards | 0.3ug/L H | ||
Vegetables, Vineyards |
1ug/L G 30ug/L H |
Fenbutatin Oxide
Nurseries/Cut Flowers | |||
Vineyards | |||
Cropping, Grazing, Vineyards | 10ug/L H | ||
Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit | |||
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
North East Water, Wannon Water (4)
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
North East Water, Western Water (4)
Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Vineyards | ||
Strawberries | 50ug/L H | ||
Hardwood Plantations, Vegetables, Vineyards, Locust Control | |||
Fluazifop - P
Cropping, Grazing, Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Vineyards | |||
Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit, Vineyards | |||
Vineyards, Potatoes | |||
Cropping | |||
Cropping, Grazing | |||
Grazing | |||
Grazing, Potatoes | |||
Vineyards | |||
Cropping | |||
Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit | |||
Cropping | |||
Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit | |||
Nurseries/Cut Flowers | |||
Glufosinate Ammonium
Pine Plantations, Vineyards | |||
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
North East Water
Cropping, Grazing, Plantations, Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit, Vegetables, Vineyards |
10ug/L G 1000ug/L H |
Glyphosate as Isopropylamine
Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit | |||
Cropping, Plantations | |||
Haloxyfop R
Grazing, Vineyards | |||
Barwon Water, Central Highlands Water,
Goulburn Valley Water, Melbourne Water, North East Water, South Gippsland
Water, Wannon Water, Western Water (8)
OC | ||
Heptachlor Epoxide
OC | |||
Barwon Water, Central Highlands Water,
Goulburn Valley Water, Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water, North East Water,
South Gippsland Water, Western Water (7)
OC | ||
Stone Fruits/Pome Fruits, Vineyards | |||
Barwon Water, North East Water
Grazing, Pine Plantations |
2ug/L G 300ug/L H |
Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit | |||
Hydrogen Peroxide
Vineyards | |||
Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit | |||
Cropping | |||
Cropping | |||
Cropping | |||
Cropping, Grazing, Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit/ Vegetables | |||
Vegetables, Vineyards | |||
Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit, Vegetables, Vineyards, Strawberries | |||
Iron Delta
Vineyards | |||
Vineyards | |||
Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit | |||
Kresoxim Methyl
Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit | |||
Cropping, Grazing, Strawberries | |||
Barwon Water, Central Highlands Water,
Goulburn Valley Water, North East Water, Melbourne Water, South Gippsland
Water, Wannon Water (7)
Strawberries |
0.05ug/L G 20ug/L H |
Lindane (bhc gamma)
Western Water
Vegetables | |||
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
North East Water, Wannon Water (4)
Grazing, Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit, Vegetables, Vineyards, Strawberries | 50ug/L H | |
Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit, Vegetables, Vineyards | |||
Grazing, Potatoes | |||
MCPA ester
Cropping, Grazing | |||
MCPA Potassium Salt
Grazing | |||
MCPB Sodium
Grazing | |||
Grazing, Vineyards | |||
Vineyards | |||
Vegetables, Vineyards | |||
Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit, Vegetables, Vineyards | |||
Vineyards | |||
Grazing, Vegetables | |||
Vegetables | |||
Metham Sodium
Vegetables | |||
Cropping, Grazing, Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Vineyards, Strawberries | 30ug/L H | ||
Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Vegetables, Vineyards |
5 ug/L G 5ug/L H |
Lower Murray Water
Grazing, Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit, Vegetables, Vineyards, Strawberries |
5 ug/L G 30 ug/L H |
Cropping | |||
Barwon Water, Central Highlands Water,
Goulburn Valley Water, North East Water, South Gippsland Water, Wannon
Water, Western Water (7)
OC | ||
Methyl Bromide
Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Strawberries | |||
Methyl Parathion
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
Wannon Water
Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit, Vegetables, Vineyards | |||
Cropping, Plantations | |||
Cropping, Vegetables, Potatoes |
1 ug/L G 50 ug/L H |
Metsulfuron Methyl
Cropping, Grazing, Plantations |
30ug/L H |
Barwon Water, Lower Murray Water
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
North East Water, Wannon Water (4)
Vineyards, Strawberries | |||
Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit | |||
Vineyards, Strawberries | |||
Vineyards |
2ug/L G 50ug/L H |
Cropping, Grazing, Nurseries/Cut Flowers | |||
Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Vineyards | 300ug/L H | ||
Vineyards | |||
Nurseries/Cut Flowers | |||
Nurseries/Cut Flowers | |||
Plantations, Vineyards | |||
Nurseries/Cut Flowers/Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit | |||
Barwon Water
Cropping, Grazing, Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit, Vegetables incl potatoes, Vineyards |
1ug/L G 30ug/L H |
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
Wannon Water
Parathion Methyl
North East Water
Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit, Vegetables incl potatoes, Vineyards |
0.3ug/L G 100ug/L H |
Vineyards | |||
Cropping, Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit, Vegetables, Vineyards | 300ug/L H | ||
Goulburn Valley Water, South Gippsland
OC | ||
Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Vegetables |
1ug/L G 100 ug/L H |
Peroxy Acetic Acid
Vineyards | |||
Petroleum Oil
Vineyards | |||
Barwon Water
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
North East Water, Wannon Water (4)
Grazing | |||
Cropping | |||
Phosphurus Acid
Vineyards | |||
Barwon Water
Grazing | 300ug/L H | |
Piperonyl Butoxide
Vineyards | 100ug/L H | ||
Barwon Water
Grazing, Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit, Vegetables | 5ug/L H | |
Potassium Bicarbonate
Vineyards | |||
Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Vegetables | |||
Vegetables, Vineyards | |||
Grazing, Vegetables | |||
Barwon Water
Vegetables |
1ug/L G 50ug/L H |
Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit, Vegetables | 50ug/L H | ||
Propargyl Bromide
Cropping | |||
Vegetables, Vineyards | |||
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
North East Water, Wannon Water (4)
Barwon Water
Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit |
0.1ug/L G 100ug/L H |
Vegetables | |||
Vegetables |
2 ug/L G 300ug/L H |
Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit | |||
Vegetables | |||
Vineyards | |||
Vegetables | 30ug/L H | ||
Vineyards | |||
Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit | |||
Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Vineyards, Strawberries | |||
Vineyards | |||
Barwon Water
Nurseries/Cut Flowers | 30ug/L H | |
Cropping, Vineyards | |||
Quizalofop P-terfuryl
Vineyards | |||
Barwon Water, Wannon Water
Cropping, Grazing, Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Strawberries | |||
Wannon Water?
Cropping, Grazing, Hardwood Plantations, Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit, Vegetables, Vineyards |
0.5ug/L G 20ug/L H |
Cropping, Vegetables | |||
Grazing | |||
Vegetables, Vineyards | |||
Vineyards | |||
Sulfometuron Methyl
Plantations | |||
Vegetables, Vineyards | |||
Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Vegetables | |||
Cropping, Vineyards | |||
Vineyards | |||
Nurseries/Cut Flowers | |||
Barwon Water
Plantations |
10ug/L G 30ug/L H |
Cropping, Grazing |
1ug/L G 300ug/L H |
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
North East Water, Wannon Water (4)
Vineyards | |||
Tetradecadienyl Acetate
Vineyards | |||
Tetradecenyl Acetate
Vineyards | |||
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
North East Water, Wannon Water (4)
Barwon Water
Grazing, Plantations | ||
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
North East Water, Wannon Water (4)
Strawberries | |||
Thiophanate Methyl
Nurseries/Cut Flowers | 5ug/L H | ||
Cropping, Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit, Vineyards | 3 ug/L H | ||
Cropping | |||
Vineyards |
100ug/L G 2ug/L H |
Vineyards | |||
Cropping | |||
Cropping | |||
Tribasic Copper Sulphate
Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit | |||
Grazing, Vineyards | 5ug/L H | ||
Vineyards | |||
Vineyards, Strawberries | |||
Cropping, Vegetables, Vineyards |
0.1ug/L G 50ug/L H |
Nurseries/Cut Flowers | |||
Cropping |
Barwon Water, Goulburn Valley Water,
North East Water, Wannon Water (4)
Nurseries/Cut Flowers, Vineyards | |||
Nurseries, Stone Fruit/Pome Fruit, Vineyards |
The Most Important Insecticides in AustraliaUse 1997-9; Source (28)
Source: Pesticide Use in Australia AATSE;
Acephate Allethrin 20:80, Amitraz, Azinphos methyl, Beta-cyfluthrin, Bifenthrin, Bioallethrin, Bioresmethrin, Bt aizawai, Bt israelensis, Bt kurstaki, Cadusafos, Carbaryl, Chlorfenvinphos, Chlorpyrifos, Cypermethrin, Cypermethrin 40:60, Cypermethrin alpha, Cyromazine, Delamethrin, Diazinon, Dichlorvos, Dicofol, Dimethoate, Disulfoton, Endosulfan, Esfenvalerate, Ethion, Fenamiphos, Fenitrothion, Fenoxycarb, Fenthion, Fipronil, Lamda cyhalothrin, Maldison, Metham, sodium, Methamidophos, Methidathion, Methiocarb, Methomyl, Methoprene, Methyl bromide, Monocrotophos, Omethoate, Parathion, Parathion methyl, Permethrin, Permethrin 25:75, cis:tr Permethrin 40:60, Phorate, Phosmet, Pirimicarb, Pirimiphos, methyl Profenofos, Profenofos q grade, Propoxur, Prothiofos, Spinosad, Tau fluvalinate, Tebufenozide, Temephos, Terbufos, Tetramethrin (various), Thiodicarb, Trichlorfon, Triflumuron, vamidothion
The Most Significant Herbicides Used 1997-9;
2,2-DPA, 2,4-D and derivatives, Acifluorfen mfr. Conc., Acrolein, Ametryn, Amitrole, Asulam, Atrazine, Bensulide, Bentazone, Benzofenap, Bromoxynil, Butroxydim, Chlorpropham, Chlorsulfuron, Clethodim, Clodinafop-propargyl, Clopyralid, Cloquintocet-mexyl, Cyanazine, Dazomet, Dicamba, Diclofop-methyl, Diflufenican, Diquat mfr concentrate, Disoc.methyl arsonate, Diuron, Eptc, Fenoxaprop p-ethyl, Flamprop m-ethyl, Fluazifop p-butyl, Flumetsulam, Fluometuron, Flupropanate sodium mfr concentrate, Fluroxypyr I methylheptyl ester, Glufosinate ammonium, Glyphosate, Glyphosate isoprop. Salt, Glyphosate trimesium, Haloxyfop-methyl (R isomer), Hexazinone, Imazapic, Imazethapyr, Ioxynil octanoate, Linuron, Mcpa, Mcpa as K salt, Mcpa various esters, Mecoprop, Metolachlor, Metosulam, Metribuzin, Metsulfuron methyl, Molinate, Monosodium methyl arsenate (MSMA), MSMA concentrate, Napropamide, Norflurazon, Oryzalin, Oxadiazon, Paraquat, Paraquat dichloride mfr concentrate, Pendimethalin, Pebulate, Picloram (various forms), Prometryn, Propachlor, Propaquizafop, Propyzamide, Pyridate, Pyrithiobac sodium, Quizalofop-p-ethyl, Sethoxydim, Siduron, Simazine, s-metalochlor, tebuthiuron, terbutryn, terbuthylazine, thifensulfuron-methyl, thiobencarb, tralkoxydim, tri-allate, triasulfuron, tribenuron methyl, triclopyr (butoxyethylester), trifuralin
The Most important fungicides in use 1997-9;
Benalaxyl, Bitertanol, Bupirimate, Captan, Carbendazin, Carboxin, Chlorothalonil, Copper hydroxide, Copper oxychloride, Cuprous oxide, Cyproconazole, Cyprodinil, Dichlofluanid, Dimethirimol, Dimethomorph, Dithianon, Dodine, Etridiazole, Fenarimol, Fluazinam, Flutriafol 50:50, Fosetyl al, Furalaxyl, Guazatine mfr concentrate, Iprodione, Mancozeb, Mancozeb mfr concentrate, Metalaxyl Metiram, Penconazole, Pencycuron, Prochloraz mn chloride, Procymidone, Propamocarb, Propiconazole, Propineb, Pyrazophos, Pyrimethanil, Quintozine, Sulphur, Tebuconazole, Thiabendazole, Thiram, Tolclofos-methyl, Triadimefon, Triadimenol, Tridemorph, Triforine, Triticonozole, Zineb, ziram,
*Source: Pesticide Use in Australia AATSE